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Stephanie Poelman

Stephanie Poelman

Trainer and owner, Pherform

In 2013, Stephanie Poelman set herself the goal of becoming the owner of a gym within 10 years. That ambition became reality when, in 2021, after running and managing the female-specific gym Pherform for three years, she bought it from its founder.

Originally from Wisconsin, USA, Poelman worked in a corporate environment until she discovered fitness, which quickly became an important part of her life. She moved to Kuwait in 2013 to open its first women’s CrossFit gym, and during the next four years opened a further nine facilities, four of which are female-only, including a barre, yoga and pilates studio and boot camps.

But it’s at Pherform and in Hong Kong that Poelman has found her tribe as well as a space in which to fulfil her calling. “My goal with Pherform is to change the mindset women have when approaching strength training and experiencing what the body is fully capable of,” she says. Poelman is happiest when she’s at the gym, witnessing the impact she’s made on women’s lives. She’s most inspired by the confidence her members gain as they progress in their training, when they challenge their bodies and realise they can, and when their body languages change because they appreciate their own self-worth.

“This is what inspires me every day. For women to feel good,” says Poelman. “We’re teaching all women, even if they don’t come from a physically active background, that they too can be consistent with their training. We’re breaking the stereotypes of what it means to be a gym person. We’re educating women on the benefits of strength training and prioritising their health. We’re supporting women through their goals and building their confidence, self-belief and mental grit.”

Poelman hopes to build at least one more Pherform gym, somewhere in the world, and organise more corporate wellness programmes for women in the city – and all achieved through her three life values: “Leave a legacy, lead with integrity and love with high vibrations,” says Poelman. “I also have these tattooed as a visual daily reminder to myself of what’s important.”
