Events – Prestige Online – HongKong Wed, 17 Jan 2024 04:27:02 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Events – Prestige Online – HongKong 32 32 全然綻放 蕭敬騰 |With A Sincere Heart Wed, 10 Jan 2024 14:58:40 +0000

相隔兩年,蕭敬騰帶著全新專輯《野生》與歌迷朋友見面。 將自己歸零,回歸到作為歌手最純粹全然的狀態,為了專輯錄製,更大膽挑戰前往挪威戶外錄製新專輯,蕭敬騰深信, 不被理所當然的規範所限制,或許能看見全然不同的驚喜, 讓一切順其自然,最終會長出最好的樣子,也希望這張作品能療癒聽者們。



Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.; 漸層丹寧外套 from Louis Vuitton



專輯創作過程中,有一首歌特別令我們關注,〈無目的地找目的地〉 這首歌,蕭敬騰與團隊遠赴挪威錄音及拍MV。當然,我們也不免好奇為什麼會選擇到如此遙遠的國度進行創作?對此,蕭敬騰坦然表示,如果一直待在熟悉的城市、熟悉的錄音棚,一定會有很多干擾自已的聲音與誘惑,可能一通電話,你就必須暫停手上的工作,思緒也就斷了。因此,到陌生的挪威,剩下自己與團隊時,大家彼此心中就只有一個念頭「把這首歌做好。」加上大家對於挪威又是處在一個完全陌生的印象中, 沒有對城市有過多的既定印象,也更能激發大家的創作靈感。

Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽耳環、Tiffany Lock 18K 白金戒指、 Tiffany T True 18K 白金鋪鑲鑽石戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.;藍白條紋襯衫、高腰寬版牛仔褲 Both from Loewe;銀框眼鏡 From Gentle Monster

「若是不被理所當然的規範所限制、不斷地突破、打破框架, 或許能看見全然不同的驚喜。」



而這種直觀與純粹的狀態,在另一首歌 〈在無名指有你的名字〉 中也能深刻地感受到。歌名如此的直白,恰巧也真切地反映了蕭敬騰近期最真實的角色轉換。歌詞中寫道:「在無名指,有你的名字。今天開始,二合為一。愛是疼惜,緣是奇遇。說我願意,在我心定居。」這首歌由蕭敬騰親自作曲,搭配李焯雄老師的作詞,我們從聆聽就可以很直觀地感 受到蕭敬騰在當下幸褔與踏實的狀態。一位好的歌手,能從生活中汲取靈感,並將其轉化成創作,讓聽眾沈浸其中,蕭敬騰成功地做到了。從他的創作中,我們仿佛也跟著蕭敬騰走進了他的生活,一同享受最純粹的愛。

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套 from Givenchy;黑色高領 from Boss


身為一位歌手,蕭敬騰認為,歌曲能與聽眾有所共鳴才是最重要的。「我們在唱自己, 但也是在唱大家,能讓大家有所共鳴,正是身為歌手的最大成就感。」他也以過來人的經歷 分享給同在藝術產業工作的夥伴們。很多時候,也許我們的創作沒有得到太大的迴響,或是達到內心所預期的成績,但千萬不要氣餒, 很多時候必須要天時地利人和,才有機會讓更多人看見,但自己你努力做,總有一天會輪到你,在此之前,請盡全力做你喜歡的事,堅持下去。

爾後,蕭敬騰也提到近期自身的轉變與體悟。「努力其實不是要做給誰看,而是自己知道就好。」他也以自身經歷為例,有時候努力後,有了進步與改變之時,可能不是那些喜歡我的人希望的樣子。這時候,一定會面臨到許多耳語,有好有壞,但如果理性的去分析是一件好事,也是必須去聆聽與改進;然而,身為公眾人物多半會面對許多作品以外的評論,這時候就只全心專注努力在自已的作品上就好,因為只有你自己知道,「自己有朝著內心理想 的方向前進,有達到自己的期望。」外界的紛擾、議論就不必過多關注,專注於內心最真實 的聲音才是最重要的。

「請盡全力做你喜歡的事, 堅持下去。」

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套、 黑色造型長褲 Both from Givenchy;黑色高領、黑色皮鞋 Both from Boss;黑色墨鏡 From Gentle Monster


在前幾年,蕭敬騰也成功地跨足到影壇, 在2011年出演同名男主角的電影《殺手歐陽盆栽》,更憑藉此片榮獲2012年香港金像獎最佳新人獎,近年也參演了大熱影集《魂囚西門》, 嘗試了戲劇演出,談及兩著的差距,蕭敬騰認為,以表演來說,演戲與歌唱是不一樣的享受,兩著我都很喜歡,都是在傳遞一個故事,只是時間的長短有所不一樣。蕭敬騰特別感謝能有機會有不同於歌手身分的挑戰,他表示,剛開始演戲的時候,確實有過不安,很多時候導演們都請我們本色出演即可,慢慢地,開始嘗試了不同的劇本、角色,驚喜地發現這是不同於歌手表演的另一個模式,開拓了不同眼界,很驚喜也開始更加喜歡上演員這項身分。跳脫原有歌手的表演模式,適時的轉換身分,也有助於在歌曲上的創作與表現。訪談中,蕭敬騰也驚喜地與我們透露,之後也還會有一些在戲劇上的表現,請我們好好期待一下。



Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽耳環 Both from Tiffany&Co.;藍白條紋襯衫 from Loewe;銀框眼鏡 From Gentle Monster



訪談最後,蕭敬騰談及現在的生活與工作狀態,蕭敬騰認為,對於現狀沒有滿意或 不滿意,更不會給自己打分數。他始終認為生活是自己在過的,有什麼樣的方向與目標只有自己最清楚。對於自己所做的事情,他從來不奢望外界能給予他百分之百的支持與理解。誠如前面所述,他的學習與挑戰,從來不是給外界看的,因此更不會因為外界的言論而去停止學習、更改方向,蕭敬騰始終堅 信:自己開心才是人生中最重要的一件事,沒有必須為了討好誰而去改變。儘管有過挫折與挑戰,但他也從來不退縮,「我是一個非常知足的人。面對任何困境、挑戰,我都可以活得很好、很自我、很開心,因為我不怕失敗,從零開始都可以。」對蕭敬騰來說, 人最可貴的就是夢想,只要心之所向,那怕遠一點也要努力勇往直前。

對於未來的發展,短期內,蕭敬騰還是希望自己在這張專輯能為歌迷留下一兩首歌,這也是對自己的一個肯定。但最重要的是,還是不要給自己預設太多並且活在當下。很多人常說要活在當下,但都忘了之後的方向與目標,蕭敬騰認為,活在當下不僅是要及時行樂,更重要的是也要在當下為未來做好規劃,「我們必須時刻去接受無法預 期的危機,也要為自己的未來去打算付出,為明天而努力,這才是活在當下最重要的一件事。」

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套、 黑色造型長褲 Both from Givenchy;黑色高領、黑色皮鞋 Both from Boss;黑色墨鏡 From Gentle Monster


iffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊(中)、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊(小)、Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.;漸層丹寧外套、漸層單寧長褲 Both from Louis Vuitton;白色背心 from ALLSAINTS;黑色皮帶 from Givenchy
Tiffany HardWear 18K 金垂墜球形與鎖扣雙圈項鍊、 Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、 Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.; 線條造型襯衫、咖啡色修身長褲 Both from Ferragamo

The post 全然綻放 蕭敬騰 |With A Sincere Heart appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


相隔兩年,蕭敬騰帶著全新專輯《野生》與歌迷朋友見面。 將自己歸零,回歸到作為歌手最純粹全然的狀態,為了專輯錄製,更大膽挑戰前往挪威戶外錄製新專輯,蕭敬騰深信, 不被理所當然的規範所限制,或許能看見全然不同的驚喜, 讓一切順其自然,最終會長出最好的樣子,也希望這張作品能療癒聽者們。



Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.; 漸層丹寧外套 from Louis Vuitton



專輯創作過程中,有一首歌特別令我們關注,〈無目的地找目的地〉 這首歌,蕭敬騰與團隊遠赴挪威錄音及拍MV。當然,我們也不免好奇為什麼會選擇到如此遙遠的國度進行創作?對此,蕭敬騰坦然表示,如果一直待在熟悉的城市、熟悉的錄音棚,一定會有很多干擾自已的聲音與誘惑,可能一通電話,你就必須暫停手上的工作,思緒也就斷了。因此,到陌生的挪威,剩下自己與團隊時,大家彼此心中就只有一個念頭「把這首歌做好。」加上大家對於挪威又是處在一個完全陌生的印象中, 沒有對城市有過多的既定印象,也更能激發大家的創作靈感。

Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽耳環、Tiffany Lock 18K 白金戒指、 Tiffany T True 18K 白金鋪鑲鑽石戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.;藍白條紋襯衫、高腰寬版牛仔褲 Both from Loewe;銀框眼鏡 From Gentle Monster

「若是不被理所當然的規範所限制、不斷地突破、打破框架, 或許能看見全然不同的驚喜。」



而這種直觀與純粹的狀態,在另一首歌 〈在無名指有你的名字〉 中也能深刻地感受到。歌名如此的直白,恰巧也真切地反映了蕭敬騰近期最真實的角色轉換。歌詞中寫道:「在無名指,有你的名字。今天開始,二合為一。愛是疼惜,緣是奇遇。說我願意,在我心定居。」這首歌由蕭敬騰親自作曲,搭配李焯雄老師的作詞,我們從聆聽就可以很直觀地感 受到蕭敬騰在當下幸褔與踏實的狀態。一位好的歌手,能從生活中汲取靈感,並將其轉化成創作,讓聽眾沈浸其中,蕭敬騰成功地做到了。從他的創作中,我們仿佛也跟著蕭敬騰走進了他的生活,一同享受最純粹的愛。

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套 from Givenchy;黑色高領 from Boss


身為一位歌手,蕭敬騰認為,歌曲能與聽眾有所共鳴才是最重要的。「我們在唱自己, 但也是在唱大家,能讓大家有所共鳴,正是身為歌手的最大成就感。」他也以過來人的經歷 分享給同在藝術產業工作的夥伴們。很多時候,也許我們的創作沒有得到太大的迴響,或是達到內心所預期的成績,但千萬不要氣餒, 很多時候必須要天時地利人和,才有機會讓更多人看見,但自己你努力做,總有一天會輪到你,在此之前,請盡全力做你喜歡的事,堅持下去。

爾後,蕭敬騰也提到近期自身的轉變與體悟。「努力其實不是要做給誰看,而是自己知道就好。」他也以自身經歷為例,有時候努力後,有了進步與改變之時,可能不是那些喜歡我的人希望的樣子。這時候,一定會面臨到許多耳語,有好有壞,但如果理性的去分析是一件好事,也是必須去聆聽與改進;然而,身為公眾人物多半會面對許多作品以外的評論,這時候就只全心專注努力在自已的作品上就好,因為只有你自己知道,「自己有朝著內心理想 的方向前進,有達到自己的期望。」外界的紛擾、議論就不必過多關注,專注於內心最真實 的聲音才是最重要的。

「請盡全力做你喜歡的事, 堅持下去。」

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套、 黑色造型長褲 Both from Givenchy;黑色高領、黑色皮鞋 Both from Boss;黑色墨鏡 From Gentle Monster


在前幾年,蕭敬騰也成功地跨足到影壇, 在2011年出演同名男主角的電影《殺手歐陽盆栽》,更憑藉此片榮獲2012年香港金像獎最佳新人獎,近年也參演了大熱影集《魂囚西門》, 嘗試了戲劇演出,談及兩著的差距,蕭敬騰認為,以表演來說,演戲與歌唱是不一樣的享受,兩著我都很喜歡,都是在傳遞一個故事,只是時間的長短有所不一樣。蕭敬騰特別感謝能有機會有不同於歌手身分的挑戰,他表示,剛開始演戲的時候,確實有過不安,很多時候導演們都請我們本色出演即可,慢慢地,開始嘗試了不同的劇本、角色,驚喜地發現這是不同於歌手表演的另一個模式,開拓了不同眼界,很驚喜也開始更加喜歡上演員這項身分。跳脫原有歌手的表演模式,適時的轉換身分,也有助於在歌曲上的創作與表現。訪談中,蕭敬騰也驚喜地與我們透露,之後也還會有一些在戲劇上的表現,請我們好好期待一下。



Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽耳環 Both from Tiffany&Co.;藍白條紋襯衫 from Loewe;銀框眼鏡 From Gentle Monster



訪談最後,蕭敬騰談及現在的生活與工作狀態,蕭敬騰認為,對於現狀沒有滿意或 不滿意,更不會給自己打分數。他始終認為生活是自己在過的,有什麼樣的方向與目標只有自己最清楚。對於自己所做的事情,他從來不奢望外界能給予他百分之百的支持與理解。誠如前面所述,他的學習與挑戰,從來不是給外界看的,因此更不會因為外界的言論而去停止學習、更改方向,蕭敬騰始終堅 信:自己開心才是人生中最重要的一件事,沒有必須為了討好誰而去改變。儘管有過挫折與挑戰,但他也從來不退縮,「我是一個非常知足的人。面對任何困境、挑戰,我都可以活得很好、很自我、很開心,因為我不怕失敗,從零開始都可以。」對蕭敬騰來說, 人最可貴的就是夢想,只要心之所向,那怕遠一點也要努力勇往直前。

對於未來的發展,短期內,蕭敬騰還是希望自己在這張專輯能為歌迷留下一兩首歌,這也是對自己的一個肯定。但最重要的是,還是不要給自己預設太多並且活在當下。很多人常說要活在當下,但都忘了之後的方向與目標,蕭敬騰認為,活在當下不僅是要及時行樂,更重要的是也要在當下為未來做好規劃,「我們必須時刻去接受無法預 期的危機,也要為自己的未來去打算付出,為明天而努力,這才是活在當下最重要的一件事。」

Schlumberger by Tiffany & Co. 石上鳥高級珠寶系列,鉑金與 18K 金鑲嵌主石逾 17 克拉鑽石胸針;黑色西裝外套、 黑色造型長褲 Both from Givenchy;黑色高領、黑色皮鞋 Both from Boss;黑色墨鏡 From Gentle Monster


iffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊(中)、Tiffany Lock 18K 金鑲鑽項鍊(小)、Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.;漸層丹寧外套、漸層單寧長褲 Both from Louis Vuitton;白色背心 from ALLSAINTS;黑色皮帶 from Givenchy
Tiffany HardWear 18K 金垂墜球形與鎖扣雙圈項鍊、 Tiffany Lock 18K 金與白金鑲鑽手環、 Tiffany T True 8mm 18K 金寬版鏤空設計戒指 All from Tiffany&Co.; 線條造型襯衫、咖啡色修身長褲 Both from Ferragamo

The post 全然綻放 蕭敬騰 |With A Sincere Heart appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

萬中選一|ONE IN A MILLION Wed, 10 Jan 2024 14:33:33 +0000


Words: Stephanie Ip Translation: Pattie Chu

身體珍珠環飾 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Ferragamo

在螢幕上看到范冰冰本人之前,我曾經在紅毯和時裝秀前排見過她。她是坎城影展的常客,總是穿著無可挑剔的精緻高級訂製禮服。 她第一次在紅毯亮相是在 2010 年第 63 屆坎城影展。儘管當時范冰冰在中國已經是一位巨星,但她在國際上仍然默默無名。她身穿一件 Laurence Hsu 單肩訂製「皇后袍」禮服,金色的布料上繡有龍、波浪和傳統祥雲。她的美麗吸引了全世界:相機的閃光燈如閃電般快速閃爍,媒體爭相將她列入最佳紅毯造型的名單之中。芭比娃娃公司 Mattel 之後甚至將如此受人 喜愛的龍袍造型製作成芭比娃娃,使范冰冰成為第一個擁有自己芭比娃娃版本的中國名人。 Laurence Hsu 的這件禮服之後被倫敦 V&A 博物館再製後成為其永久收藏的館藏,而最原始的禮服現在歸屬於杜莎夫人蠟像館。這是歷史性的一刻,而全世界都將記住這個時刻。范冰冰一直到現在都還是很享受站在紅毯上的每一刻。她告訴我:「我很喜歡聽到相機快門快速點擊的聲音。」她知道要如何被喜愛,以及如何脫穎而出。

項鍊、耳環 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Kimhekim from Lane Crawford

范冰冰在 12 歲時就已經下定決心要成為一位女演員。她出生於 1981 年的表演世家,在黃海港口煙台長大。她的父親是一名海軍劇團歌手,母親是一名舞者。父母一開始希望范冰冰能夠到音樂學校上課,但她卻有別的想法。 她表示家人總是相當支持她的選擇,「我很早就愛上了表演,為此我相當努力去實現這個夢想,我只是非常享受演戲的感覺。」她就讀於上海謝晉恆通明星學校,畢業後 考上著名的上海戲劇學院。16 歲時她成功獲得了古裝劇《還珠格格》中的丫鬟角色,這對一個年輕又野心勃勃的青少女來說是一個超級成功的開始。這部劇一炮而紅,最終成為史上最成功的華語連續劇,范冰冰也因此而成為家喻戶曉的名字。

「不管我的身分是什麼, 我知道我能夠讓所有人都記住我。」

作為票房寵兒,范冰冰的作品頗受好評。 她可能看起來像童話故事中的公主,但她選擇的角色往往反映了當代女性複雜的情感和 掙扎。她勇於冒險,且最終都得償所願。她的代表角色,當然是 2003 年出演的電影《手機》。她相當擅長扮演工人階級的角色,像是 2007 年的《蘋果》、2016 年的《我不是潘金蓮》。但她扮演的其他角色同樣讓人信服,包括 2011 年的《觀音山》,或是 2014 年在電視劇《武媚娘傳奇》中飾演鐵腕統治的武則天。 范冰冰可以在不同的角色中輕鬆轉換。「我這幾年演過很多不一樣的角色,」她說,「不管是主角還是配角,她們都成就了現在的我。」

在 2015 年,《富比士》將范冰冰列為全球女演員最高收入排行榜中的第五名,領先茱莉亞羅勃茲 ( Julia Roberts ) 和莎莉賽隆  ( Charlize Theron )。她的成功和職業道德受到中國媒體的尊重,因此得到了「范爺」的 稱號。她就是靠自己走出一片天的女強人完美典範,她不需要男人才能富有,她有句名言:「我不需要嫁入豪門,我就是豪門。」當那些嫉妒她美麗的人說她只是個花瓶時,她反駁道:如果說我是個花瓶,也算是個名貴的花瓶吧,也不是任何地方都能放的。」她的名氣很快就引起了好萊塢製片人的注意,紛紛提出邀請范冰冰客串或出演配。 迪士尼邀請她在《鋼鐵人 3》中客串,但最終刪除了她演出的片段。之後她又在 FOX 的《 X 戰警:未來昔日》中飾演「閃爍」( Blink,只有一句台詞但她的打鬥場面超級酷 )。儘管最初都是很小的角色,但她很快就在國際間諜電影《 355:諜影特攻》獲得要角,其他卡司包括潔西卡雀絲坦 ( Jessica Chastain )、潘妮洛普克魯茲 ( Penélope Cruz )、黛安克魯格 ( Diane Kruger )、和露琵塔尼詠歐 ( Lupita Nyong ’o )。對范冰冰來說這是一個非常重要的時刻,因為在 1 年前,2017 年她才公開表示希望能在 10 年內出演好萊塢電影中的重要角色。這部電影於 2018 年的 6 月到 9 月在巴黎和倫敦進行拍攝,《355:諜影特攻》超出她所有的預期。

洋裝 by Isabel Marant

可惜原本前程似錦,但最後卻跌落神壇。范冰冰滑落神壇的故事被大肆地報導, 2018 年後除了這件事之外,幾乎沒有其他關於她的報導。在《手機 2》中扮演電視主持人情婦的她,電影即將上映不久前,關於范冰冰不同片酬金額的陰陽合約被流出,之後她又被指控逃稅。這些都讓她在業界的地位直落而下,所有正在進行的計畫都陷入停滯,品牌合作取消,而且她還被處以巨額的罰款。這次的醜聞不只影響到范冰冰,對於整個中國電影業來說都是相當大的衝擊,其他名人擔心會跟她一樣遭受同樣的命運,紛紛公開自己的收入,政府也制定了新的規定,將名人的片酬上線限制在只能佔整個電影總預算的 40%。過了幾個月後,范冰冰決定打破沉默,她在公開聲明中表達了自己的悔恨之情。當她的拘留期滿之後,她說「如果沒有國家完善的政策,她就什麼都不是。」經過好幾年的沉寂, 媒體開始曝光她回歸電影圈的消息;加上新冠肺炎導致的延期,電影《 355:諜影特攻》終於在 2022 年首映。另一部電影,由尚恩麥克納馬拉 ( Sean McNamara ) 執導的奇幻片《日月人魚》,范冰冰在電影中飾演一隻美人魚,也在同年首映。正當范冰冰回歸,關於她這幾年低潮期間的疑惑也隨之而來。

但如今,她更加注重自己的形象,說話時也更謹慎。媒體多次試圖要從她身上探出她最黑暗的秘密,但往往都毫無結果,她的回答 總是照本宣科。「沒有人的人生會永遠一帆風順」,這是她最喜歡的回答。如果她拒絕回憶自己的過去,我們也不應該繼續糾結於此。如果我們認為范冰冰在停拍電影的期間會過著平靜的生活,那我們就錯了。早在「影響者」( Influencer ) 這個詞被收入字典之前, 范冰冰就已經是這個詞彙的代表人物。無論她做什麼,人們都會跟隨她。

項鍊 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Bottega Veneta

她如白瓷般的肌膚、杏型的臉龐、鹿眼般的無辜大眼、及腰的烏黑頭髮,都代表著屬於范冰冰的美麗─每個人都想要像她一樣,也 想成為她,只要快速瀏覽中國的社群平台就可以確認這個事實。她的美麗是觸不可及的,而且也無法被質疑,即使在醜聞發生後仍然是如此。她以美麗的外表和高昂的保養費聞名。根據報導,她每天會用兩片面膜,一張是為了保溼、一張是為了美白,所以她一年可以用掉 600 片面膜。在她事業生涯的鼎盛時期,一個電子商務網站流量過大引發故障,只因為她公開了一款她喜歡的面膜。

范冰冰也是一位很聰明的女商人,這讓她擁有可以進一步擴大影響力的機會。「我對護膚有很多看法,而且我很喜歡跟觀眾分享我的心得,讓她們能夠更好地照顧自己,」她說。 在 2018 年她創立了 Fan Beauty,僅透過電子平台販售的美妝品牌。許多人質疑品牌利用范冰冰的知名度,而不提供良好品質的商品,但這些質疑很快就被平息。這個品牌不僅蓬勃發展,還建立了忠實的客戶。「我深入參與所有產品的研發過程,因為我堅持親自試用所有產品,」范冰冰透露,「我只推薦我親自試用沒問題的產品給我們的 顧客,這也讓他們感到安心。品牌的產品都賣得很好,最暢銷的單品仍然是海葡萄保濕面膜,因為它是目前市場上保濕效果最好的面膜之一。」 畢竟,范冰冰笑著說:「我可以這樣說是因為我試過每一種面膜。」在她出差之前,她的同事們常常會在她的包包中裝滿試用品。8 月時,范冰冰在小紅書上分享一段幕後花絮, 一張長桌上放滿了各種美容產品。「看看我的團隊為我打包多少東西,」她在影片裡震驚地說,「我才出差 10 天而已!」很顯然地,她又再次回到了正軌。

「我這幾年演過很多不同的角色。 不管是主角還是配角, 她們都成就了現在的我。」

今年年初,范冰冰為了宣傳她的新電影 《綠夜》,出席了柏林國際電影節。這部緊張刺激的驚悚片由韓帥執導,她扮演一名受剝削 的中國農工,在首爾黑暗的底層社會中捲入犯罪、暴力和死亡的事件。范冰冰與韓國女演員李珠英共同主演。在電影中,范冰冰有不少韓文的台詞,她跟我說:「這算是一個不錯的挑戰,每個人都給了我很多幫助。」與李珠英的合作,她表示:「和她一起工作感覺很舒服,顯然我們之間有語言的隔閡,但我們時常依靠肢體語言去理解彼此。和她一起合作讓人感到非常難忘。」她經常挑選能與她有更深層共鳴的作品,而這正是《綠夜》劇本吸引她的原因,她相當重視此次的演出。她跟我說當她在選擇劇本時,她通常會著眼於大局。

「《綠夜》其實是一個關於離開的故事,」 她告訴我,「在劇本中,我們的角色努力過著自己想要的生活,然後逐漸獲得足以面對未知的勇氣。我希望能夠為那些同樣陷入困境的人們帶來力量,這真的是一部與我產生共鳴的作品。」

項鍊、耳環 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Vivien Luk Atelier;內衣 by The Row

今年范冰冰也重返奧斯卡的香檳色地毯,身穿 Tony Ward 高級訂製禮服,收緊的腰身、深 V 的領口,搭配綠色的袖子和斗篷,還有水晶裝飾點綴其間。而今年的坎城影展,她走了 16 次紅毯。當談及她的風格時,你會得到顯而易見的答案。「你一直有很強的時尚感嗎?」 「毫無疑問,你同意嗎?」 「你最喜歡的紅毯造型是什麼?」 「我的下一個造型!」 「你認為你會成為一位好的時尚設計師嗎?」「我認為我可以成為任何我想成為的人。」 我試著問了一個不一樣的問題:「你最大的恐懼是什麼?」 「我沒有,我相信自己所以沒有什麼好害怕的。」 范冰冰以充滿自信和智慧的姿態回歸,她正積極地參與一些她目前還無法公開的新計 畫,但她告訴我們敬請期待。「我不想再限制自己,我希望能夠繼續嘗試和挑戰自我。我一 直都對參與、體驗新的事物感到很有興趣,同時還能夠跳脫我的舒適圈,」她說。如果這是范冰冰的新時代,我們準備好迎接它的到來。「我就是我,」她說,「我對我現在的狀態感到非常自在,無論作為演員、品牌經營者或其他任何身分。不管我的身分是什麼,我知道我能夠讓所有人都記住我。」

Photography: Issac Lam Styling: Kim Bui Kollar Art Direction: IP SIU Assistant Art Director: Kumi Tong Hair: Eda Lee Makeup: Bonnie Hu Manicurist: Mei mei Yeung Project Management: Alex Loong Photography Assistants: Jason Li, Kiano Styling Assistants: Anna Lam, Mason Wong Hair: Assistants Eki Ho Photography Producer: Hidi LeeArt Team: Naomi Chui , Karina To, Joan Leung, Gaffer Hsiao, TK, Fei Lung Production Assistant: MK Suen , Alvin Chu Artist Management: Jersey Chong

The post 萬中選一|ONE IN A MILLION appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.



Words: Stephanie Ip Translation: Pattie Chu

身體珍珠環飾 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Ferragamo

在螢幕上看到范冰冰本人之前,我曾經在紅毯和時裝秀前排見過她。她是坎城影展的常客,總是穿著無可挑剔的精緻高級訂製禮服。 她第一次在紅毯亮相是在 2010 年第 63 屆坎城影展。儘管當時范冰冰在中國已經是一位巨星,但她在國際上仍然默默無名。她身穿一件 Laurence Hsu 單肩訂製「皇后袍」禮服,金色的布料上繡有龍、波浪和傳統祥雲。她的美麗吸引了全世界:相機的閃光燈如閃電般快速閃爍,媒體爭相將她列入最佳紅毯造型的名單之中。芭比娃娃公司 Mattel 之後甚至將如此受人 喜愛的龍袍造型製作成芭比娃娃,使范冰冰成為第一個擁有自己芭比娃娃版本的中國名人。 Laurence Hsu 的這件禮服之後被倫敦 V&A 博物館再製後成為其永久收藏的館藏,而最原始的禮服現在歸屬於杜莎夫人蠟像館。這是歷史性的一刻,而全世界都將記住這個時刻。范冰冰一直到現在都還是很享受站在紅毯上的每一刻。她告訴我:「我很喜歡聽到相機快門快速點擊的聲音。」她知道要如何被喜愛,以及如何脫穎而出。

項鍊、耳環 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Kimhekim from Lane Crawford

范冰冰在 12 歲時就已經下定決心要成為一位女演員。她出生於 1981 年的表演世家,在黃海港口煙台長大。她的父親是一名海軍劇團歌手,母親是一名舞者。父母一開始希望范冰冰能夠到音樂學校上課,但她卻有別的想法。 她表示家人總是相當支持她的選擇,「我很早就愛上了表演,為此我相當努力去實現這個夢想,我只是非常享受演戲的感覺。」她就讀於上海謝晉恆通明星學校,畢業後 考上著名的上海戲劇學院。16 歲時她成功獲得了古裝劇《還珠格格》中的丫鬟角色,這對一個年輕又野心勃勃的青少女來說是一個超級成功的開始。這部劇一炮而紅,最終成為史上最成功的華語連續劇,范冰冰也因此而成為家喻戶曉的名字。

「不管我的身分是什麼, 我知道我能夠讓所有人都記住我。」

作為票房寵兒,范冰冰的作品頗受好評。 她可能看起來像童話故事中的公主,但她選擇的角色往往反映了當代女性複雜的情感和 掙扎。她勇於冒險,且最終都得償所願。她的代表角色,當然是 2003 年出演的電影《手機》。她相當擅長扮演工人階級的角色,像是 2007 年的《蘋果》、2016 年的《我不是潘金蓮》。但她扮演的其他角色同樣讓人信服,包括 2011 年的《觀音山》,或是 2014 年在電視劇《武媚娘傳奇》中飾演鐵腕統治的武則天。 范冰冰可以在不同的角色中輕鬆轉換。「我這幾年演過很多不一樣的角色,」她說,「不管是主角還是配角,她們都成就了現在的我。」

在 2015 年,《富比士》將范冰冰列為全球女演員最高收入排行榜中的第五名,領先茱莉亞羅勃茲 ( Julia Roberts ) 和莎莉賽隆  ( Charlize Theron )。她的成功和職業道德受到中國媒體的尊重,因此得到了「范爺」的 稱號。她就是靠自己走出一片天的女強人完美典範,她不需要男人才能富有,她有句名言:「我不需要嫁入豪門,我就是豪門。」當那些嫉妒她美麗的人說她只是個花瓶時,她反駁道:如果說我是個花瓶,也算是個名貴的花瓶吧,也不是任何地方都能放的。」她的名氣很快就引起了好萊塢製片人的注意,紛紛提出邀請范冰冰客串或出演配。 迪士尼邀請她在《鋼鐵人 3》中客串,但最終刪除了她演出的片段。之後她又在 FOX 的《 X 戰警:未來昔日》中飾演「閃爍」( Blink,只有一句台詞但她的打鬥場面超級酷 )。儘管最初都是很小的角色,但她很快就在國際間諜電影《 355:諜影特攻》獲得要角,其他卡司包括潔西卡雀絲坦 ( Jessica Chastain )、潘妮洛普克魯茲 ( Penélope Cruz )、黛安克魯格 ( Diane Kruger )、和露琵塔尼詠歐 ( Lupita Nyong ’o )。對范冰冰來說這是一個非常重要的時刻,因為在 1 年前,2017 年她才公開表示希望能在 10 年內出演好萊塢電影中的重要角色。這部電影於 2018 年的 6 月到 9 月在巴黎和倫敦進行拍攝,《355:諜影特攻》超出她所有的預期。

洋裝 by Isabel Marant

可惜原本前程似錦,但最後卻跌落神壇。范冰冰滑落神壇的故事被大肆地報導, 2018 年後除了這件事之外,幾乎沒有其他關於她的報導。在《手機 2》中扮演電視主持人情婦的她,電影即將上映不久前,關於范冰冰不同片酬金額的陰陽合約被流出,之後她又被指控逃稅。這些都讓她在業界的地位直落而下,所有正在進行的計畫都陷入停滯,品牌合作取消,而且她還被處以巨額的罰款。這次的醜聞不只影響到范冰冰,對於整個中國電影業來說都是相當大的衝擊,其他名人擔心會跟她一樣遭受同樣的命運,紛紛公開自己的收入,政府也制定了新的規定,將名人的片酬上線限制在只能佔整個電影總預算的 40%。過了幾個月後,范冰冰決定打破沉默,她在公開聲明中表達了自己的悔恨之情。當她的拘留期滿之後,她說「如果沒有國家完善的政策,她就什麼都不是。」經過好幾年的沉寂, 媒體開始曝光她回歸電影圈的消息;加上新冠肺炎導致的延期,電影《 355:諜影特攻》終於在 2022 年首映。另一部電影,由尚恩麥克納馬拉 ( Sean McNamara ) 執導的奇幻片《日月人魚》,范冰冰在電影中飾演一隻美人魚,也在同年首映。正當范冰冰回歸,關於她這幾年低潮期間的疑惑也隨之而來。

但如今,她更加注重自己的形象,說話時也更謹慎。媒體多次試圖要從她身上探出她最黑暗的秘密,但往往都毫無結果,她的回答 總是照本宣科。「沒有人的人生會永遠一帆風順」,這是她最喜歡的回答。如果她拒絕回憶自己的過去,我們也不應該繼續糾結於此。如果我們認為范冰冰在停拍電影的期間會過著平靜的生活,那我們就錯了。早在「影響者」( Influencer ) 這個詞被收入字典之前, 范冰冰就已經是這個詞彙的代表人物。無論她做什麼,人們都會跟隨她。

項鍊 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Bottega Veneta

她如白瓷般的肌膚、杏型的臉龐、鹿眼般的無辜大眼、及腰的烏黑頭髮,都代表著屬於范冰冰的美麗─每個人都想要像她一樣,也 想成為她,只要快速瀏覽中國的社群平台就可以確認這個事實。她的美麗是觸不可及的,而且也無法被質疑,即使在醜聞發生後仍然是如此。她以美麗的外表和高昂的保養費聞名。根據報導,她每天會用兩片面膜,一張是為了保溼、一張是為了美白,所以她一年可以用掉 600 片面膜。在她事業生涯的鼎盛時期,一個電子商務網站流量過大引發故障,只因為她公開了一款她喜歡的面膜。

范冰冰也是一位很聰明的女商人,這讓她擁有可以進一步擴大影響力的機會。「我對護膚有很多看法,而且我很喜歡跟觀眾分享我的心得,讓她們能夠更好地照顧自己,」她說。 在 2018 年她創立了 Fan Beauty,僅透過電子平台販售的美妝品牌。許多人質疑品牌利用范冰冰的知名度,而不提供良好品質的商品,但這些質疑很快就被平息。這個品牌不僅蓬勃發展,還建立了忠實的客戶。「我深入參與所有產品的研發過程,因為我堅持親自試用所有產品,」范冰冰透露,「我只推薦我親自試用沒問題的產品給我們的 顧客,這也讓他們感到安心。品牌的產品都賣得很好,最暢銷的單品仍然是海葡萄保濕面膜,因為它是目前市場上保濕效果最好的面膜之一。」 畢竟,范冰冰笑著說:「我可以這樣說是因為我試過每一種面膜。」在她出差之前,她的同事們常常會在她的包包中裝滿試用品。8 月時,范冰冰在小紅書上分享一段幕後花絮, 一張長桌上放滿了各種美容產品。「看看我的團隊為我打包多少東西,」她在影片裡震驚地說,「我才出差 10 天而已!」很顯然地,她又再次回到了正軌。

「我這幾年演過很多不同的角色。 不管是主角還是配角, 她們都成就了現在的我。」

今年年初,范冰冰為了宣傳她的新電影 《綠夜》,出席了柏林國際電影節。這部緊張刺激的驚悚片由韓帥執導,她扮演一名受剝削 的中國農工,在首爾黑暗的底層社會中捲入犯罪、暴力和死亡的事件。范冰冰與韓國女演員李珠英共同主演。在電影中,范冰冰有不少韓文的台詞,她跟我說:「這算是一個不錯的挑戰,每個人都給了我很多幫助。」與李珠英的合作,她表示:「和她一起工作感覺很舒服,顯然我們之間有語言的隔閡,但我們時常依靠肢體語言去理解彼此。和她一起合作讓人感到非常難忘。」她經常挑選能與她有更深層共鳴的作品,而這正是《綠夜》劇本吸引她的原因,她相當重視此次的演出。她跟我說當她在選擇劇本時,她通常會著眼於大局。

「《綠夜》其實是一個關於離開的故事,」 她告訴我,「在劇本中,我們的角色努力過著自己想要的生活,然後逐漸獲得足以面對未知的勇氣。我希望能夠為那些同樣陷入困境的人們帶來力量,這真的是一部與我產生共鳴的作品。」

項鍊、耳環 by Mikimoto Praise to the sea高級珠寶系列;洋裝 by Vivien Luk Atelier;內衣 by The Row

今年范冰冰也重返奧斯卡的香檳色地毯,身穿 Tony Ward 高級訂製禮服,收緊的腰身、深 V 的領口,搭配綠色的袖子和斗篷,還有水晶裝飾點綴其間。而今年的坎城影展,她走了 16 次紅毯。當談及她的風格時,你會得到顯而易見的答案。「你一直有很強的時尚感嗎?」 「毫無疑問,你同意嗎?」 「你最喜歡的紅毯造型是什麼?」 「我的下一個造型!」 「你認為你會成為一位好的時尚設計師嗎?」「我認為我可以成為任何我想成為的人。」 我試著問了一個不一樣的問題:「你最大的恐懼是什麼?」 「我沒有,我相信自己所以沒有什麼好害怕的。」 范冰冰以充滿自信和智慧的姿態回歸,她正積極地參與一些她目前還無法公開的新計 畫,但她告訴我們敬請期待。「我不想再限制自己,我希望能夠繼續嘗試和挑戰自我。我一 直都對參與、體驗新的事物感到很有興趣,同時還能夠跳脫我的舒適圈,」她說。如果這是范冰冰的新時代,我們準備好迎接它的到來。「我就是我,」她說,「我對我現在的狀態感到非常自在,無論作為演員、品牌經營者或其他任何身分。不管我的身分是什麼,我知道我能夠讓所有人都記住我。」

Photography: Issac Lam Styling: Kim Bui Kollar Art Direction: IP SIU Assistant Art Director: Kumi Tong Hair: Eda Lee Makeup: Bonnie Hu Manicurist: Mei mei Yeung Project Management: Alex Loong Photography Assistants: Jason Li, Kiano Styling Assistants: Anna Lam, Mason Wong Hair: Assistants Eki Ho Photography Producer: Hidi LeeArt Team: Naomi Chui , Karina To, Joan Leung, Gaffer Hsiao, TK, Fei Lung Production Assistant: MK Suen , Alvin Chu Artist Management: Jersey Chong

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Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Speakers Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:15:16 +0000

Celebrating the new cohort of ladies joining our Women of Power community, Prestige publisher Oceana OU and advisor Peter Cheung welcomed guests to our glamorous event held at The Trilogy.

Afterwards, Woman of Power 2022 Christina Gaw, and 2023 honourees Claudia Shaw and Camille Cheung took to the stage to share their insights and inspirations with fellow attendees. 

Special thanks to The Trilogy, Singular Concepts, BMW, Veuve Clicquot, Nomad Carviar and Cookie DPT

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Speakers appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Celebrating the new cohort of ladies joining our Women of Power community, Prestige publisher Oceana OU and advisor Peter Cheung welcomed guests to our glamorous event held at The Trilogy.

Afterwards, Woman of Power 2022 Christina Gaw, and 2023 honourees Claudia Shaw and Camille Cheung took to the stage to share their insights and inspirations with fellow attendees. 

Special thanks to The Trilogy, Singular Concepts, BMW, Veuve Clicquot, Nomad Carviar and Cookie DPT

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Speakers appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023: The Event Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:59:54 +0000

Prestige invited guests to celebrate the new cohort of ladies joining our prestigious Women of Power community. Honorees, VIPs, friends and the who’s who of Hong Kong’s social scene gathered at Trilogy in H Code for a glamorous evening of bubbles, bites and banter.

Joining us high above the city at Singular Concepts’ new rooftop venue, where there’s no glass ceiling, new and past honourees shared their passions, reunited with old friends and met new ones.

VIPs were transported to the venue in style thanks to BMW where they snacked on dishes from Barkada and caviar from Nomad, sipped on Veuve Clicquot champagne and nibbled on sweet treats from Cookie DPT. 

Every snapshot from this memorable night is a reminder what this special community was all about from the start: women meeting other women, reaching new heights together.

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023: The Event appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Prestige invited guests to celebrate the new cohort of ladies joining our prestigious Women of Power community. Honorees, VIPs, friends and the who’s who of Hong Kong’s social scene gathered at Trilogy in H Code for a glamorous evening of bubbles, bites and banter.

Joining us high above the city at Singular Concepts’ new rooftop venue, where there’s no glass ceiling, new and past honourees shared their passions, reunited with old friends and met new ones.

VIPs were transported to the venue in style thanks to BMW where they snacked on dishes from Barkada and caviar from Nomad, sipped on Veuve Clicquot champagne and nibbled on sweet treats from Cookie DPT. 

Every snapshot from this memorable night is a reminder what this special community was all about from the start: women meeting other women, reaching new heights together.

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023: The Event appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Photobooth Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:12:24 +0000

Manned by Prestige art director Sepfry Ng and production officer Ken Lai, the pop-up photobooth at our Women of Power event served as a rowdy pitstop – foam signage and props included – for the glamorous evening at The Trilogy.

Special thanks to The Trilogy, Singular Concepts, BMW, Veuve Clicquot and Cookie DPT

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Photobooth appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Manned by Prestige art director Sepfry Ng and production officer Ken Lai, the pop-up photobooth at our Women of Power event served as a rowdy pitstop – foam signage and props included – for the glamorous evening at The Trilogy.

Special thanks to The Trilogy, Singular Concepts, BMW, Veuve Clicquot and Cookie DPT

The post Gallery: Prestige Women of Power 2023 Photobooth appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023: Advisor’s Letter Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:30:00 +0000 Women of Power 2023

It’s been my honour to be invited back by Prestige this year as the Advisor for the Women of Power 2023 initiative.

Looking back to last year, I was completely inspired, impacted and in awe of the genuine power, energy and dynamism of that evening’s celebration, and witnessed how incredible it was to have hundreds of Hong Kong’s leading female trailblazers, all in one room, to gather, network and be united together as an empowered community – and all for the greater good of Hong Kong. That beautiful room and moment are etched in my memory, especially as last year we were still coming out of Covid – in fact, Women of Power 2022 really lifted us all out of any left-over doom and gloom from the previous challenging years, and into bright light, confidence, strength and optimism.

Going from strength to strength, Prestige held the inaugural Women of Power Summit last June, with a programme of exceptional keynote speakers and panel discussions that gripped the attention of a packed ballroom audience. I was delighted to be asked to introduce one of the speakers, and again I was completely blown away by the genuine sharing, authentic discussions, which sometimes concerned difficult topics. Most importantly, I was struck by the way in which Prestige created a “safe space” for all members of our community, women and men, to come together to tackle and address tough topics in such a meaningful way, and how everyone was moved, inspired and, for sure, impacted in some way, shape or form.

Working with Prestige managing director and publisher, Oceana Ou, and her incredible young and energetic team again has been a sheer joy. The nomination process for Women of Power was truly a collective collaboration and I was humbled to be invited to join in that process, openly share my views, propose nominees as an ally of women, and engage with the team on many meaningful discussions. Our meetings were always so uplifting to me, as I heard so passionately from the editorial team members about why they proposed each nominee, from an array of different professions, industries, backgrounds and ethnicities, all of whom were exploring new frontiers, helping the Hong Kong community through so many ground-breaking platforms, or inventing and creating new opportunities, with a universal love of the city that’s our home and its people. I might be the “advisor” on this project, but I think I learned more from Oceana and her team than vice versa.

As to this year’s list of nominees, all have and continue that wonderful spirit, momentum, and vision from the previous years’ Women of Power alumni. What I look forward to is again being lucky enough to be invited to the celebration and to be with these amazing women of Hong Kong, who are leading the way for a very bright future, forging positive pathways and partnerships, and creating opportunities for the empowerment of women, and for the overall betterment of everyone in our home.

On a personal note, I’m especially delighted that one of this year’s nominees is my first mentor and boss in Hong Kong, who gave me my first job back in 1996. She’s led so many people in their careers – and continues to do so – and really instilled in me the faith to embark on my career path all those decades ago. (I’ll let you guess who that person is!) 

Many congratulations to all Women of Power 2023 nominees and, again, many congratulations to Prestige for this very meaningful endeavour for Hong Kong. 

Keep going!

The post Women of Power 2023: Advisor’s Letter appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023

It’s been my honour to be invited back by Prestige this year as the Advisor for the Women of Power 2023 initiative.

Looking back to last year, I was completely inspired, impacted and in awe of the genuine power, energy and dynamism of that evening’s celebration, and witnessed how incredible it was to have hundreds of Hong Kong’s leading female trailblazers, all in one room, to gather, network and be united together as an empowered community – and all for the greater good of Hong Kong. That beautiful room and moment are etched in my memory, especially as last year we were still coming out of Covid – in fact, Women of Power 2022 really lifted us all out of any left-over doom and gloom from the previous challenging years, and into bright light, confidence, strength and optimism.

Going from strength to strength, Prestige held the inaugural Women of Power Summit last June, with a programme of exceptional keynote speakers and panel discussions that gripped the attention of a packed ballroom audience. I was delighted to be asked to introduce one of the speakers, and again I was completely blown away by the genuine sharing, authentic discussions, which sometimes concerned difficult topics. Most importantly, I was struck by the way in which Prestige created a “safe space” for all members of our community, women and men, to come together to tackle and address tough topics in such a meaningful way, and how everyone was moved, inspired and, for sure, impacted in some way, shape or form.

Working with Prestige managing director and publisher, Oceana Ou, and her incredible young and energetic team again has been a sheer joy. The nomination process for Women of Power was truly a collective collaboration and I was humbled to be invited to join in that process, openly share my views, propose nominees as an ally of women, and engage with the team on many meaningful discussions. Our meetings were always so uplifting to me, as I heard so passionately from the editorial team members about why they proposed each nominee, from an array of different professions, industries, backgrounds and ethnicities, all of whom were exploring new frontiers, helping the Hong Kong community through so many ground-breaking platforms, or inventing and creating new opportunities, with a universal love of the city that’s our home and its people. I might be the “advisor” on this project, but I think I learned more from Oceana and her team than vice versa.

As to this year’s list of nominees, all have and continue that wonderful spirit, momentum, and vision from the previous years’ Women of Power alumni. What I look forward to is again being lucky enough to be invited to the celebration and to be with these amazing women of Hong Kong, who are leading the way for a very bright future, forging positive pathways and partnerships, and creating opportunities for the empowerment of women, and for the overall betterment of everyone in our home.

On a personal note, I’m especially delighted that one of this year’s nominees is my first mentor and boss in Hong Kong, who gave me my first job back in 1996. She’s led so many people in their careers – and continues to do so – and really instilled in me the faith to embark on my career path all those decades ago. (I’ll let you guess who that person is!) 

Many congratulations to all Women of Power 2023 nominees and, again, many congratulations to Prestige for this very meaningful endeavour for Hong Kong. 

Keep going!

The post Women of Power 2023: Advisor’s Letter appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023: Publisher’s Letter Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:00:00 +0000 Women of Power 2023

I’m immensely proud as I write this letter, which welcomes the 38 successful women leaders who are joining the Prestige Women of Power family this year and also celebrates the third anniversary of building this incredible community.

In June this year, just three months after Hong Kong’s return to normality, we held the inaugural Women of Power Summit. Although long delayed by the pandemic it was a dream come true for us, as we’d envisioned hosting such an event when we first launched the initiative in 2021. The Summit not only succeeded in bringing together Hong Kong’s women leaders, but it did so on a scale far exceeding what we’d ever imagined possible. Thanks partly to the help of our incredible Women of Power honourees, we were able to develop our super-packed half-day programme, with 17 speakers interspersed by two interactive workshops (and no time for breaks in between). I was moved and delighted by the honesty, candour and genuine spirit of sharing among all our participants, while the incredible support we received from the more than 300 delegates who attended was beyond all my expectations.

That event and its irresistible energy were reminders as to what this community was always intended to be: a group of women committed to learn from each other, to teach others, and to give back to themselves and the wider community. As we said at the very beginning, Women of Power isn’t just a list on a magazine page or website; it’s a dynamic collective
of successful females, who not only understand the influence they wield, but are also determined to pass on their secrets and pay them forward – and all with the aim of helping other women pave their own pathways to success.

It’s probably for that very reason that the Prestige team always takes on this project with pride and enthusiasm, in spite of the fact that the selection and invitation processes are, to put it mildly, lengthy. The annual task of growing the Women of Power collective has become a true labour of love for us, and we’re honoured to play our small role in bridging the gender gap and providing a safe platform for women leaders in Hong Kong to connect with, learn from and support each other. I know I can speak for all of us when I say we’re humbled by the extraordinary experience that building this community has given us and we appreciate all the learnings, the love and support we’ve received.

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and look forward to the New Year, let’s continue in this spirit. Let’s raise a glass to what we’ve achieved individually and collectively, and give each other a pat on the shoulder. Here’s to strong daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, partners and friends, every one of us devoted to building a strong future together.

The post Women of Power 2023: Publisher’s Letter appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023

I’m immensely proud as I write this letter, which welcomes the 38 successful women leaders who are joining the Prestige Women of Power family this year and also celebrates the third anniversary of building this incredible community.

In June this year, just three months after Hong Kong’s return to normality, we held the inaugural Women of Power Summit. Although long delayed by the pandemic it was a dream come true for us, as we’d envisioned hosting such an event when we first launched the initiative in 2021. The Summit not only succeeded in bringing together Hong Kong’s women leaders, but it did so on a scale far exceeding what we’d ever imagined possible. Thanks partly to the help of our incredible Women of Power honourees, we were able to develop our super-packed half-day programme, with 17 speakers interspersed by two interactive workshops (and no time for breaks in between). I was moved and delighted by the honesty, candour and genuine spirit of sharing among all our participants, while the incredible support we received from the more than 300 delegates who attended was beyond all my expectations.

That event and its irresistible energy were reminders as to what this community was always intended to be: a group of women committed to learn from each other, to teach others, and to give back to themselves and the wider community. As we said at the very beginning, Women of Power isn’t just a list on a magazine page or website; it’s a dynamic collective
of successful females, who not only understand the influence they wield, but are also determined to pass on their secrets and pay them forward – and all with the aim of helping other women pave their own pathways to success.

It’s probably for that very reason that the Prestige team always takes on this project with pride and enthusiasm, in spite of the fact that the selection and invitation processes are, to put it mildly, lengthy. The annual task of growing the Women of Power collective has become a true labour of love for us, and we’re honoured to play our small role in bridging the gender gap and providing a safe platform for women leaders in Hong Kong to connect with, learn from and support each other. I know I can speak for all of us when I say we’re humbled by the extraordinary experience that building this community has given us and we appreciate all the learnings, the love and support we’ve received.

As we wave goodbye to 2023 and look forward to the New Year, let’s continue in this spirit. Let’s raise a glass to what we’ve achieved individually and collectively, and give each other a pat on the shoulder. Here’s to strong daughters, sisters, mothers, wives, partners and friends, every one of us devoted to building a strong future together.

The post Women of Power 2023: Publisher’s Letter appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023 Tue, 05 Dec 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Women of Power 2023

In our mission to celebrate the remarkable females of Hong Kong, we welcome an exciting cohort of new members to our ever-expanding Women of Power community.

Creative Direction and Photography RICKY LO
Make-up and Hair WENDY LEE and STEPHANIE LEE from Wendy’s Workshop
Photography Assistants KELVIN SIM, JASON LI and CHUNG SUN

The post Women of Power 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Women of Power 2023

In our mission to celebrate the remarkable females of Hong Kong, we welcome an exciting cohort of new members to our ever-expanding Women of Power community.

Creative Direction and Photography RICKY LO
Make-up and Hair WENDY LEE and STEPHANIE LEE from Wendy’s Workshop
Photography Assistants KELVIN SIM, JASON LI and CHUNG SUN

The post Women of Power 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

A Look At FIFA World Cup Winner Angel Di Maria’s Stats, Awards And Career Highlights Ahead Of His Retirement Mon, 04 Dec 2023 08:00:00 +0000

Football is a funny sport — while some players cannot be pulled away from the limelight long after they bid farewell to the game, others never get enough credit for their achievements. In every chapter of the sport’s rich history, there have always been a few such unsung heroes, who quietly pave the way for their team’s glory. One such footballer is Angel Di Maria, whose impressive stats stand testament to a glorious career, which culminates in 2024.

The Argentine forward has been involved in the professional football landscape for nearly two decades. However, he got his big break in 2007 when Di Maria signed for Portuguese club Benfica. His move to Europe also opened the gates for his entry into international football and in 2008, Di Maria was called up to Argentina’s senior football team. Since then, he has earned over 130 caps for the national team and has featured in nine major tournaments to date.

On Thursday, 23 November 2023, Di Maria took to social media to announce his retirement from international football after the Copa America 2024. In a heartfelt post, the Argentine wrote, “With all the pain in my soul and feeling a lump in my throat, I say goodbye to the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my career.” 


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Ángel Di María (@angeldimariajm)

As the entire footballing fraternity comes together to congratulate the Football World Cup-winning player for a successful career, we deep dive into Angel Di Maria’s wonderful stats, awards and the teams he played for.

Angel Di Maria’s career highlights: Stats, goals, teams, awards and more

His early days as a footballer


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Ángel Di María (@angeldimariajm)

Born on 14 February 1988 in Rosario, Santa Fe, Angel Di Maria was an unusually active infant, and it was on the recommendation of a doctor that he was signed up for football at the tender age of three. At age four, he joined Rosario Central and trained in their academy to become a professional footballer.

In December 2005, Di Maria made his debut for Rosario Central in a match against Independiente (which ended in a 2-2 draw). The Argentine forward took nearly a year to score his first goal for the club, which came against Quilmes on 24 November 2006. In 35 appearances for Rosario Central, he scored six goals.

Di Maria’s performance in the 2007 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Canada drew interest from several clubs around the globe. Boca Juniors made a formal bid of USD 6.5 million to secure his services. He was also heavily linked to a deal with London-based club (and one of the behemoths of European club football) Arsenal FC. However, the Argentine’s move to England fell through because of the United Kingdom’s strict rules on issuing work permits to players from outside the European Union.

Di Maria’s move to Europe

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

In 2007, Benfica signed Di Maria as a replacement for their departing captain and winger Simao Sabrosa (who joined La Liga side Atletico Madrid). Under Portuguese coach Jorge Jesus, the Argentine enjoyed his breakthrough season in 2009-10. In a UEFA Europa League group stage fixture against Premier League side Everton, Di Maria provided a hat-trick of assists as Benfica handed the Merseyside club a 5-0 thrashing. Interestingly, it also marked the heaviest defeat margin of an English side in any European club competition.

Soon after, the Argentine signed a new deal with the Portuguese club, which saw the player remain with the club till 30 June 2015. The contract also came with a release clause of USD 43.6 million. Di Maria continued to excel on the football field, netting goals and providing assists from time to time. He scored his first hat-trick in February 2010 against Leixoes. The footballer finished the season with the highest assists in the Primeira Liga (11 assists), and on the back of his performance throughout the season, Benfica lifted the league title and the Taca de Liga.

The summer transfer window of 2010-11 saw Di Maria move to Spain to join Real Madrid, one of the biggest names in club football. He had an instant impact on the club as he joined forces with Portuguese maestro Cristiano Ronaldo and Frenchman Karim Benzema to form a lethal attacking trio. In his debut season with Real Madrid, the Argentine scored nine goals in 53 matches and won the 2011 Copa Del Rey trophy against FC Barcelona (Di Maria was sent off in the 31st minute of extra time in the final).

While the Galacticos (as is the Real Madrid team often called by fans and experts) won their 32nd La Liga title in 2011-12, Di Maria had a sluggish year, scoring only seven goals in 34 appearances. In the next couple of seasons, the Argentine developed his game to become a playmaker rather than a goal-scoring machine. However, that did not stop him from scoring goals every now and then. In his 194 appearances for the club, Di Maria has found the back of the net 37 times.

The most significant moment of the Argentine’s Real Madrid career came in the 2014 UEFA Champions League final against city rivals Atletico Madrid. It was his shot in the 110th minute of the match that forced a save from goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois and set up the perfect opportunity for Welsh forward Gareth Bale to head the rebound and seal the 10th Champions League title for Real Madrid. Di María was named the player of the match in that game and received the honour from former Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson.

The melancholy of Manchester and the felicity in France

On 26 August 2014,  Angel Di Maria signed a five-year deal with Premier League giants Manchester United for a then-record transfer fee of USD 74. million (it was the highest transfer fee paid by a British club back then). In addition, he was also handed the legendary number seven shirt which has previously been worn by greats like George Best, Eric Cantona, David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo, among others.

The Argentine showed promises of living up to his expensive price tag as he picked up the club’s Player of the Month award for September 2014. He also won the Goal of the Month award for the same month for netting the ball against Leicester City with a chip shot. However, he picked up an injury in November 2014, and while he recovered within two months, Di Maria was never the same player for the Red Devils again. By the end of the season, several experts deemed him to be the ‘worst signing’ of 2014-15.

With the tide of luck not in his favour in England, Di Maria left Manchester United in the 2015-16 summer transfer window and moved to France to join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) on a four-year contract. What followed thereafter was a miraculous turn of events — the Argentine set a new Ligue 1 record for the most assists for goals in a single season in 2015-16 (he had 18 assists to his name). Moreover, he won the Ligue 1, the Coupe de France and the Coupe de la Ligue titles in his debut season.

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

For the next few seasons, PSG continued enjoying significant success in the domestic sphere, with Di Maria a part of their core team. However, at the same time, they faltered in the knockout stages of the UEFA Champions League. The closest they came to lifting the coveted silverware was in 2020 when Bayern Munich beat them in the final. But that did not hinder Di Maria’s growth curve en route to becoming one of the best players in the world. When he left PSG at the end of the 2021-22 season, the Argentine had 92 goals and 112 assists (the most assists by a PSG player to date) in 295 matches.

After spending a solitary season with Juventus (2022-23 season), Di Mariia decided to leave the Turin-based club to make a dramatic return to Benfica in the 2023-24 summer transfer window. In the 14 games that he has played for the Portuguese club this season (so far), the Argentine has scored seven goals.

Di Maria’s time with the Argentina national team

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

Angel Di Mariia was a part of the Argentina football team, which won the 2007 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Canada, and he scored three goals in the tournament. He was also a part of the Argentine team that competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In the final of the multi-sporting event, Di Maria scored the all-important goal against Nigeria to help his side clinch the gold medal.

On 6 September 2008, Di Maria made his debut for the Argentina senior football team in a match against Paraguay. He was subsequently selected for the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa where he featured in all the matches that Argentina played in the competition. The Argentine returned to the grandest stage of world football four years down the road, this time in Brazil. However, he suffered an injury in the quarter-final match against Belgium, owing to which he missed the remainder of the tournament. As fate would have it, Argentina lost by a solitary goal to Germany in the final.

Di Mariia’s ill luck with injuries spelt doom for Argentina in the next couple of years. While he was in good form in both tournaments, the Argentine picked up injuries in the middle of the Copa America 2015 and the Copa America Centenario 2016 and was pushed to the sidelines on both occasions. In both tournaments, Argentina reached the finals but lost the title to Chile.

In the Copa America 2021 final against the hosts and defending champions Brazil, Di Mariia scored the only goal of the contest to gift Argentina its first international silverware since 1993. The win also tied Argentina with Uruguay in the first place for the most Copa America titles (both teams have 15 titles each). A year later, he scored one of the three goals in Argentina’s 3-0 thrashing of reigning European champions Italy in the Finalissima 2022 (Finalissima is a quadrennial football match played between the defending champions of the Copa America and the UEFA Euro).

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

The Argentina team, led by Lionel Messi, headed to the final of the FIFA World Cup 2022 intending to overturn the result of a similar final from eight years back. In a riveting contest against the then-defending world champions France, Di Mariia scored Argentina’s second goal as the match ended in a 3-3 draw after extra time. Argentina eventually defeated France by a margin of 4-2 in the penalties, thereby winning its first World Cup crown in 32 years.

Summing up Ángel Di Maria’s incredible career stats

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

Not many players get to live a career like the one Ángel Di Maria enjoyed over the years. The Argentine has won several coveted titles in both club and international football, including the FIFA World Cup (2022), Copa America (2021), Finalissima (2022), an Olympic gold medal (2008), UEFA Champions League (2014), UEFA Super Cup (2014), La Liga (2011-12) and Ligue 1 (2015-16, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2021-22), among several others.

In club football, Di Maria has scored 169 goals in 739 appearances throughout his career. On the other hand, he has made 136 appearances in international football to date, during which time he has scored 29 goals. Traditionally, the athlete has always worn the number 11 jersey in all the teams he has participated in.

(Main and Featured Images Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram)

The story first appeared on Augustman Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is Angel Di Maria’s jersey number? 
AAngel Di Maria has mostly worn the number 11 jersey in all the teams he has participated in.

– When will Angel Di Maria retire? 
Angel Di Maria announced in 2023 that he has decided to retire from international football after the Copa America 2024.

The post A Look At FIFA World Cup Winner Angel Di Maria’s Stats, Awards And Career Highlights Ahead Of His Retirement appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Football is a funny sport — while some players cannot be pulled away from the limelight long after they bid farewell to the game, others never get enough credit for their achievements. In every chapter of the sport’s rich history, there have always been a few such unsung heroes, who quietly pave the way for their team’s glory. One such footballer is Angel Di Maria, whose impressive stats stand testament to a glorious career, which culminates in 2024.

The Argentine forward has been involved in the professional football landscape for nearly two decades. However, he got his big break in 2007 when Di Maria signed for Portuguese club Benfica. His move to Europe also opened the gates for his entry into international football and in 2008, Di Maria was called up to Argentina’s senior football team. Since then, he has earned over 130 caps for the national team and has featured in nine major tournaments to date.

On Thursday, 23 November 2023, Di Maria took to social media to announce his retirement from international football after the Copa America 2024. In a heartfelt post, the Argentine wrote, “With all the pain in my soul and feeling a lump in my throat, I say goodbye to the most beautiful thing that happened to me in my career.” 


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Ángel Di María (@angeldimariajm)

As the entire footballing fraternity comes together to congratulate the Football World Cup-winning player for a successful career, we deep dive into Angel Di Maria’s wonderful stats, awards and the teams he played for.

Angel Di Maria’s career highlights: Stats, goals, teams, awards and more

His early days as a footballer


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Ángel Di María (@angeldimariajm)

Born on 14 February 1988 in Rosario, Santa Fe, Angel Di Maria was an unusually active infant, and it was on the recommendation of a doctor that he was signed up for football at the tender age of three. At age four, he joined Rosario Central and trained in their academy to become a professional footballer.

In December 2005, Di Maria made his debut for Rosario Central in a match against Independiente (which ended in a 2-2 draw). The Argentine forward took nearly a year to score his first goal for the club, which came against Quilmes on 24 November 2006. In 35 appearances for Rosario Central, he scored six goals.

Di Maria’s performance in the 2007 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Canada drew interest from several clubs around the globe. Boca Juniors made a formal bid of USD 6.5 million to secure his services. He was also heavily linked to a deal with London-based club (and one of the behemoths of European club football) Arsenal FC. However, the Argentine’s move to England fell through because of the United Kingdom’s strict rules on issuing work permits to players from outside the European Union.

Di Maria’s move to Europe

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

In 2007, Benfica signed Di Maria as a replacement for their departing captain and winger Simao Sabrosa (who joined La Liga side Atletico Madrid). Under Portuguese coach Jorge Jesus, the Argentine enjoyed his breakthrough season in 2009-10. In a UEFA Europa League group stage fixture against Premier League side Everton, Di Maria provided a hat-trick of assists as Benfica handed the Merseyside club a 5-0 thrashing. Interestingly, it also marked the heaviest defeat margin of an English side in any European club competition.

Soon after, the Argentine signed a new deal with the Portuguese club, which saw the player remain with the club till 30 June 2015. The contract also came with a release clause of USD 43.6 million. Di Maria continued to excel on the football field, netting goals and providing assists from time to time. He scored his first hat-trick in February 2010 against Leixoes. The footballer finished the season with the highest assists in the Primeira Liga (11 assists), and on the back of his performance throughout the season, Benfica lifted the league title and the Taca de Liga.

The summer transfer window of 2010-11 saw Di Maria move to Spain to join Real Madrid, one of the biggest names in club football. He had an instant impact on the club as he joined forces with Portuguese maestro Cristiano Ronaldo and Frenchman Karim Benzema to form a lethal attacking trio. In his debut season with Real Madrid, the Argentine scored nine goals in 53 matches and won the 2011 Copa Del Rey trophy against FC Barcelona (Di Maria was sent off in the 31st minute of extra time in the final).

While the Galacticos (as is the Real Madrid team often called by fans and experts) won their 32nd La Liga title in 2011-12, Di Maria had a sluggish year, scoring only seven goals in 34 appearances. In the next couple of seasons, the Argentine developed his game to become a playmaker rather than a goal-scoring machine. However, that did not stop him from scoring goals every now and then. In his 194 appearances for the club, Di Maria has found the back of the net 37 times.

The most significant moment of the Argentine’s Real Madrid career came in the 2014 UEFA Champions League final against city rivals Atletico Madrid. It was his shot in the 110th minute of the match that forced a save from goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois and set up the perfect opportunity for Welsh forward Gareth Bale to head the rebound and seal the 10th Champions League title for Real Madrid. Di María was named the player of the match in that game and received the honour from former Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson.

The melancholy of Manchester and the felicity in France

On 26 August 2014,  Angel Di Maria signed a five-year deal with Premier League giants Manchester United for a then-record transfer fee of USD 74. million (it was the highest transfer fee paid by a British club back then). In addition, he was also handed the legendary number seven shirt which has previously been worn by greats like George Best, Eric Cantona, David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo, among others.

The Argentine showed promises of living up to his expensive price tag as he picked up the club’s Player of the Month award for September 2014. He also won the Goal of the Month award for the same month for netting the ball against Leicester City with a chip shot. However, he picked up an injury in November 2014, and while he recovered within two months, Di Maria was never the same player for the Red Devils again. By the end of the season, several experts deemed him to be the ‘worst signing’ of 2014-15.

With the tide of luck not in his favour in England, Di Maria left Manchester United in the 2015-16 summer transfer window and moved to France to join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) on a four-year contract. What followed thereafter was a miraculous turn of events — the Argentine set a new Ligue 1 record for the most assists for goals in a single season in 2015-16 (he had 18 assists to his name). Moreover, he won the Ligue 1, the Coupe de France and the Coupe de la Ligue titles in his debut season.

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

For the next few seasons, PSG continued enjoying significant success in the domestic sphere, with Di Maria a part of their core team. However, at the same time, they faltered in the knockout stages of the UEFA Champions League. The closest they came to lifting the coveted silverware was in 2020 when Bayern Munich beat them in the final. But that did not hinder Di Maria’s growth curve en route to becoming one of the best players in the world. When he left PSG at the end of the 2021-22 season, the Argentine had 92 goals and 112 assists (the most assists by a PSG player to date) in 295 matches.

After spending a solitary season with Juventus (2022-23 season), Di Mariia decided to leave the Turin-based club to make a dramatic return to Benfica in the 2023-24 summer transfer window. In the 14 games that he has played for the Portuguese club this season (so far), the Argentine has scored seven goals.

Di Maria’s time with the Argentina national team

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

Angel Di Mariia was a part of the Argentina football team, which won the 2007 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Canada, and he scored three goals in the tournament. He was also a part of the Argentine team that competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In the final of the multi-sporting event, Di Maria scored the all-important goal against Nigeria to help his side clinch the gold medal.

On 6 September 2008, Di Maria made his debut for the Argentina senior football team in a match against Paraguay. He was subsequently selected for the FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa where he featured in all the matches that Argentina played in the competition. The Argentine returned to the grandest stage of world football four years down the road, this time in Brazil. However, he suffered an injury in the quarter-final match against Belgium, owing to which he missed the remainder of the tournament. As fate would have it, Argentina lost by a solitary goal to Germany in the final.

Di Mariia’s ill luck with injuries spelt doom for Argentina in the next couple of years. While he was in good form in both tournaments, the Argentine picked up injuries in the middle of the Copa America 2015 and the Copa America Centenario 2016 and was pushed to the sidelines on both occasions. In both tournaments, Argentina reached the finals but lost the title to Chile.

In the Copa America 2021 final against the hosts and defending champions Brazil, Di Mariia scored the only goal of the contest to gift Argentina its first international silverware since 1993. The win also tied Argentina with Uruguay in the first place for the most Copa America titles (both teams have 15 titles each). A year later, he scored one of the three goals in Argentina’s 3-0 thrashing of reigning European champions Italy in the Finalissima 2022 (Finalissima is a quadrennial football match played between the defending champions of the Copa America and the UEFA Euro).

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

The Argentina team, led by Lionel Messi, headed to the final of the FIFA World Cup 2022 intending to overturn the result of a similar final from eight years back. In a riveting contest against the then-defending world champions France, Di Mariia scored Argentina’s second goal as the match ended in a 3-3 draw after extra time. Argentina eventually defeated France by a margin of 4-2 in the penalties, thereby winning its first World Cup crown in 32 years.

Summing up Ángel Di Maria’s incredible career stats

Angel Di Maria stats
Picture Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram

Not many players get to live a career like the one Ángel Di Maria enjoyed over the years. The Argentine has won several coveted titles in both club and international football, including the FIFA World Cup (2022), Copa America (2021), Finalissima (2022), an Olympic gold medal (2008), UEFA Champions League (2014), UEFA Super Cup (2014), La Liga (2011-12) and Ligue 1 (2015-16, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2021-22), among several others.

In club football, Di Maria has scored 169 goals in 739 appearances throughout his career. On the other hand, he has made 136 appearances in international football to date, during which time he has scored 29 goals. Traditionally, the athlete has always worn the number 11 jersey in all the teams he has participated in.

(Main and Featured Images Credits: Courtesy Ángel Di María/Instagram)

The story first appeared on Augustman Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is Angel Di Maria’s jersey number? 
AAngel Di Maria has mostly worn the number 11 jersey in all the teams he has participated in.

– When will Angel Di Maria retire? 
Angel Di Maria announced in 2023 that he has decided to retire from international football after the Copa America 2024.

The post A Look At FIFA World Cup Winner Angel Di Maria’s Stats, Awards And Career Highlights Ahead Of His Retirement appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Romancing the Stones at A Night of Jewellery event in LANDMARK Sat, 25 Nov 2023 10:25:00 +0000

Landmark partnered with Prestige on a glamorous Night of Jewellery on November 22, 2023, a bespoke experience with the world’s most prestigious high-jewellery maisons.

In flagship stores and boutiques at Landmark Atrium and Landmark Prince’s, VIP guests, jewellery connoisseurs and shoppers were invited to browse new collections, sip champagne and enjoy exclusive offers and activities. From workshops at Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co. and Cartier, and previews at Buccellati, Christie’s and Damiani, to cocktail pairings at Boghossian and Bvlgari, no shimmering stone was left unturned.

At the Cartier boutique, stylist Jacky Chan held an enthralling workshop where he advised guests how to style their jewellery. It was followed by an exclusive preview of the maison’s high jewellery.

L’École School of Jewelry Arts presented an exclusive conversation between Asia president Nicholas Luchsinger and art historian Mathilde Rondouin on the subject of “Queens of High Society and Legendary Diamond Pieces”, at the Van Cleef & Arpels boutique.

At the Boghossian boutique, guests enjoyed a deep dive into its world of rare gemstones and exquisite artistry with Hong Kong director Rachel Ngan.

Guests gathered at the Buccellati boutique for an immersion into the jewellery brand’s world of gold craftsmanship, an inspection of its Icona collection and a photo session with acclaimed photographer Karl Lam.

Three jewellery specialists at Christie’s gave guests a guided tour of the rare and stunning pieces on sale at its Magnificent Jewels and the Pink Supreme auction in late November.

In a workshop at the Tiffany & Co flagship store, guests enjoyed champagne and canapés as they explored the beauty and craftsmanship of the brand’s jewellery with knowledgeable members of its team.

The Italian jewellery house Damiani offered guests a true Hollywood experience in a “Lights, Camera and Action” preview of its Masterpieces collections, which included Oscar red-carpet pieces.

Ahead of its official launch, Qeelin brought its latest fine-jewellery collection to its Landmark boutique, where guests learned the stories behind each creation.

At its Landmark boutique, Bvlgari celebrated Italy’s aperitivo hour with personalised drinks as guests admired the maison’s latest high- jewellery creations.

The post Romancing the Stones at A Night of Jewellery event in LANDMARK appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Landmark partnered with Prestige on a glamorous Night of Jewellery on November 22, 2023, a bespoke experience with the world’s most prestigious high-jewellery maisons.

In flagship stores and boutiques at Landmark Atrium and Landmark Prince’s, VIP guests, jewellery connoisseurs and shoppers were invited to browse new collections, sip champagne and enjoy exclusive offers and activities. From workshops at Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co. and Cartier, and previews at Buccellati, Christie’s and Damiani, to cocktail pairings at Boghossian and Bvlgari, no shimmering stone was left unturned.

At the Cartier boutique, stylist Jacky Chan held an enthralling workshop where he advised guests how to style their jewellery. It was followed by an exclusive preview of the maison’s high jewellery.

L’École School of Jewelry Arts presented an exclusive conversation between Asia president Nicholas Luchsinger and art historian Mathilde Rondouin on the subject of “Queens of High Society and Legendary Diamond Pieces”, at the Van Cleef & Arpels boutique.

At the Boghossian boutique, guests enjoyed a deep dive into its world of rare gemstones and exquisite artistry with Hong Kong director Rachel Ngan.

Guests gathered at the Buccellati boutique for an immersion into the jewellery brand’s world of gold craftsmanship, an inspection of its Icona collection and a photo session with acclaimed photographer Karl Lam.

Three jewellery specialists at Christie’s gave guests a guided tour of the rare and stunning pieces on sale at its Magnificent Jewels and the Pink Supreme auction in late November.

In a workshop at the Tiffany & Co flagship store, guests enjoyed champagne and canapés as they explored the beauty and craftsmanship of the brand’s jewellery with knowledgeable members of its team.

The Italian jewellery house Damiani offered guests a true Hollywood experience in a “Lights, Camera and Action” preview of its Masterpieces collections, which included Oscar red-carpet pieces.

Ahead of its official launch, Qeelin brought its latest fine-jewellery collection to its Landmark boutique, where guests learned the stories behind each creation.

At its Landmark boutique, Bvlgari celebrated Italy’s aperitivo hour with personalised drinks as guests admired the maison’s latest high- jewellery creations.

The post Romancing the Stones at A Night of Jewellery event in LANDMARK appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Off-Track Activities to Check Out Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:00:23 +0000 abu dhabi grand prix off-track highlights

This week sees the return of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi GP, and not only is it the F1 season finale — it also marks 15 years of the track. To celebrate the occasion, there’s a range of high-octane off-track activations and highlights geared up for this biggest ever Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend from November 24 to November 26.

At its forefront are award-winning hospitality experiences and a line-up of global music superstars that’ll take to the Etihad Park stage for the Yasalam After Race-Concerts.

The race is expected to have the largest turn out, and excitingly, Yas Marina Circuit will feature brand-new hospitality experiences to support the unprecedented demand seen for the F1 season finale in 2023. There are all-new spaces too, including the Deck at Two, a VIP-viewing platform overlooking Turn 2 of the Yas Marina Circuit track. The latter will present tantalising menus from Estiatorio Milos from Atlantis The Royal, as well as Nobu Dubai and Hakkasan Dubai of Atlantis Dubai — all loved for their seafood, sushi and grilled Japanese offerings.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track activities and food
Tasty treats at Nobu. (Image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

Then there’s the West Grandstand, that’ll feature a curated menu from The Maine in a luxurious setting. This year will see the run of fan favourites from Deck At Nine with Opa, Luna Lounge featuring Ce La Vi, Turn 1 with Il Borro, Alici and Maya Bay and Shams Suites with Gohan and Ninive all back by popular demand.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Off-track entertainment and other highlights

abu dhabi grand prix off-track highlights
The upcoming Formula 1 GP promises plenty of off-track highlights including dining experiences and post-race concerts. (Image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

The milestone edition of the Formula 1 GP will deliver plenty of off-track activity too, whereby fans can head to the Etihad Park for the Yasalam After-Race Concerts for this year’s entertainment line-up. Here, there will be DJ Tiësto and Ava Max on Thursday 23rd November, followed by R&B star Chris Brown and singer Shania Twain on Friday and Saturday evening. To top it off, the Foo Fighters will close out the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend on Sunday 26th November.

Race ticket holders can upgrade their Yasalam After-Race Concert experience with a Golden Circle Upgrade. The upgrade guarantees access to the concerts, the closest access to the stage and AAA stars, fast-track entry and dedicated beverage points, with upgrades, to really rev up the experience.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track highlights
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track highlights

A trip to remember

Add culture to the itinerary with the ‘Yas All In’ ticket for access to the Yas Island’s theme parks, Qasr Al Watan, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi, which is valid between 22 to 27 November.

For luxurious stays in the region, look to Anantara Eastern Mangroves, which is just a 20-minute drive from the track offering post-race deals. Over at Nurai Island, relax in one of their luxury villas, and explore the culture, adventure, and culinary scene of the region.

abu dhabi travel guide - anantara

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– When is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi?

The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix takes place from November 24 to 26.

– What time is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi?

The qualifying race on November 25 starts at 6pm local time (10pm HKT), while the actual race on November 26 kicks off at 5pm local time (9pm HKT).

– Where is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi in 2023?

It’s held at the Yas Marina Circuit.

– Who is performing at Abu Dhabi F1 2023?

DJ Tiësto, Ava Max, Chris Brown, Shania Twain and Foo Fighters are slated to perform.

(Main and featured image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

The post Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Off-Track Activities to Check Out appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

abu dhabi grand prix off-track highlights

This week sees the return of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi GP, and not only is it the F1 season finale — it also marks 15 years of the track. To celebrate the occasion, there’s a range of high-octane off-track activations and highlights geared up for this biggest ever Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend from November 24 to November 26.

At its forefront are award-winning hospitality experiences and a line-up of global music superstars that’ll take to the Etihad Park stage for the Yasalam After Race-Concerts.

The race is expected to have the largest turn out, and excitingly, Yas Marina Circuit will feature brand-new hospitality experiences to support the unprecedented demand seen for the F1 season finale in 2023. There are all-new spaces too, including the Deck at Two, a VIP-viewing platform overlooking Turn 2 of the Yas Marina Circuit track. The latter will present tantalising menus from Estiatorio Milos from Atlantis The Royal, as well as Nobu Dubai and Hakkasan Dubai of Atlantis Dubai — all loved for their seafood, sushi and grilled Japanese offerings.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track activities and food
Tasty treats at Nobu. (Image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

Then there’s the West Grandstand, that’ll feature a curated menu from The Maine in a luxurious setting. This year will see the run of fan favourites from Deck At Nine with Opa, Luna Lounge featuring Ce La Vi, Turn 1 with Il Borro, Alici and Maya Bay and Shams Suites with Gohan and Ninive all back by popular demand.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Off-track entertainment and other highlights

abu dhabi grand prix off-track highlights
The upcoming Formula 1 GP promises plenty of off-track highlights including dining experiences and post-race concerts. (Image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

The milestone edition of the Formula 1 GP will deliver plenty of off-track activity too, whereby fans can head to the Etihad Park for the Yasalam After-Race Concerts for this year’s entertainment line-up. Here, there will be DJ Tiësto and Ava Max on Thursday 23rd November, followed by R&B star Chris Brown and singer Shania Twain on Friday and Saturday evening. To top it off, the Foo Fighters will close out the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend on Sunday 26th November.

Race ticket holders can upgrade their Yasalam After-Race Concert experience with a Golden Circle Upgrade. The upgrade guarantees access to the concerts, the closest access to the stage and AAA stars, fast-track entry and dedicated beverage points, with upgrades, to really rev up the experience.

Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track highlights Abu Dhabi Grand Prix off-track highlights

A trip to remember

Add culture to the itinerary with the ‘Yas All In’ ticket for access to the Yas Island’s theme parks, Qasr Al Watan, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi, which is valid between 22 to 27 November.

For luxurious stays in the region, look to Anantara Eastern Mangroves, which is just a 20-minute drive from the track offering post-race deals. Over at Nurai Island, relax in one of their luxury villas, and explore the culture, adventure, and culinary scene of the region.

abu dhabi travel guide - anantara

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– When is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi?

The Abu Dhabi Grand Prix takes place from November 24 to 26.

– What time is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi?

The qualifying race on November 25 starts at 6pm local time (10pm HKT), while the actual race on November 26 kicks off at 5pm local time (9pm HKT).

– Where is the F1 race in Abu Dhabi in 2023?

It’s held at the Yas Marina Circuit.

– Who is performing at Abu Dhabi F1 2023?

DJ Tiësto, Ava Max, Chris Brown, Shania Twain and Foo Fighters are slated to perform.

(Main and featured image: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix)

The post Abu Dhabi Grand Prix: Off-Track Activities to Check Out appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Hong Kong WinterFest Returns With First Harbourfront Fireworks Show This December Sat, 18 Nov 2023 03:00:39 +0000

The winter celebrations in Hong Kong are about to get merrier with the return of the Hong Kong WinterFest. The signature giant Christmas Tree is making a spectacular comeback to the waterfront for additional festive vibes from November 24, 2023 to January 1, 2024.

Among the highlights of WinterFest this year is the new Winter Harbourfront Pyrotechnics. It will light up the Hong Kong skyline with festive icons and symbols for three consecutive weekends starting December 9.

Hong Kong WinterFest will wow visitors with a new harbourfront fireworks show

Thanks to the success of the Harbour Chill Carnival in Wan Chai, the Hong Kong Tourism Board is following up the festive ambience with a 10-minute fireworks show. It will occur at 8 pm on December 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, and 25-26. Visitors can expect the sky to illuminate with Christmas icons such as Christmas trees and gift boxes.

The “HK” monogram will also make an appearance again after being well-received by the public last time. So, come and enjoy the beautiful fireworks show right by the seaside.

hong kong winterfest 2023
Image credit: Hong Kong Tourism Board

The iconic Christmas Tree is back

In addition to the harbourfront fireworks show, the popular Christmas Town will also return starting November 24 at the Harbourside Lawn, Art Park at West Kowloon Cultural District. The 20-metre, six-storey-tall Christmas Tree will be adorned with glistening lights, complete with a star tree topper. It will add extra dazzle to the skyline around Victoria Harbour.

Visitors can check out numerous other installation spots around the area including the “LOVE” sculpture and reindeer. Christmas isn’t complete without Santa Claus, so he will make an appearance at the giftbox-shaped Christmas hut for a meet-and-greet session for kids and families.

This year, the Christmas Town will also host its first open-air Christmas Market at the Great Lawn. There will be 25 speciality stalls, creative dining options, and live performances for everyone to enjoy.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

(All images: Hong Kong Tourism Board)

The post Hong Kong WinterFest Returns With First Harbourfront Fireworks Show This December appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


The winter celebrations in Hong Kong are about to get merrier with the return of the Hong Kong WinterFest. The signature giant Christmas Tree is making a spectacular comeback to the waterfront for additional festive vibes from November 24, 2023 to January 1, 2024.

Among the highlights of WinterFest this year is the new Winter Harbourfront Pyrotechnics. It will light up the Hong Kong skyline with festive icons and symbols for three consecutive weekends starting December 9.

Hong Kong WinterFest will wow visitors with a new harbourfront fireworks show

Thanks to the success of the Harbour Chill Carnival in Wan Chai, the Hong Kong Tourism Board is following up the festive ambience with a 10-minute fireworks show. It will occur at 8 pm on December 9-10, 16-17, 23-24, and 25-26. Visitors can expect the sky to illuminate with Christmas icons such as Christmas trees and gift boxes.

The “HK” monogram will also make an appearance again after being well-received by the public last time. So, come and enjoy the beautiful fireworks show right by the seaside.

hong kong winterfest 2023
Image credit: Hong Kong Tourism Board

The iconic Christmas Tree is back

In addition to the harbourfront fireworks show, the popular Christmas Town will also return starting November 24 at the Harbourside Lawn, Art Park at West Kowloon Cultural District. The 20-metre, six-storey-tall Christmas Tree will be adorned with glistening lights, complete with a star tree topper. It will add extra dazzle to the skyline around Victoria Harbour.

Visitors can check out numerous other installation spots around the area including the “LOVE” sculpture and reindeer. Christmas isn’t complete without Santa Claus, so he will make an appearance at the giftbox-shaped Christmas hut for a meet-and-greet session for kids and families.

This year, the Christmas Town will also host its first open-air Christmas Market at the Great Lawn. There will be 25 speciality stalls, creative dining options, and live performances for everyone to enjoy.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

(All images: Hong Kong Tourism Board)

The post Hong Kong WinterFest Returns With First Harbourfront Fireworks Show This December appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

You Can Now Experience Squid Game in VR in Hong Kong Fri, 17 Nov 2023 12:00:33 +0000 squid game vr hong kong sandbox vr

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be attacked by a creepy giant doll, head over to Hong Kong where Squid Game Virtuals, a VR experience, is currently available for you to enjoy, courtesy of Netflix and Sandbox VR.

Fan of Squid Game? There’s some good news for you. Sandbox VR, a VR company in Hong Kong, has partnered with Netflix for Squid Game Virtuals. It’s a new virtual reality gaming experience that allows users to try their hand at the thrilling games from the popular TV show using VR.

Sadly, there’s no prize money of $4.56 million. But hey, it’s the experience that counts, right? Keep reading to find out more details.

You can now play Squid Game using VR in Hong Kong

Squid Game Virtuals has mini-eight games in total with each session lasting around 30 minutes. Users can play six of the games at random including the famous Red Light Green Light and Cross the Bridge. In addition to the classic games featured on the show, there are so new ones to try like the Catch and Match.

In the game, players must catch different shapes and try their best to avoid the spikes. To counter their opponents, they can also throw gold bombs. Of course, the player with the highest score after completing all the games will be the winner.

Upon finishing the games, players are able to replay highlights from each session.

squid game VR hong kong sandbox vr
squid game VR hong kong sandbox vr

Enjoy the thrills of Squid Game Virtuals

To complete the experience, players also get the chance to put on the iconic green tracksuit and transform into a Squid Game contestant. The game also takes players to several locations inspired by the Netflix series.

Sandbox VR offers both a public and private session. The public session allows players to meet other players while a private session is suited for those going with friends, colleagues, or family.

The experience ranges from HKD 345 to HKD 370 per person with each session available for up to six players. There are currently two Sandbox VR locations in Hong Kong to choose from.

See you in the virtual Squid Game, which you can book here today.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

(Main and featured images: Sandbox VR/ Netflix)

The post You Can Now Experience <i>Squid Game</i> in VR in Hong Kong appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

squid game vr hong kong sandbox vr

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be attacked by a creepy giant doll, head over to Hong Kong where Squid Game Virtuals, a VR experience, is currently available for you to enjoy, courtesy of Netflix and Sandbox VR.

Fan of Squid Game? There’s some good news for you. Sandbox VR, a VR company in Hong Kong, has partnered with Netflix for Squid Game Virtuals. It’s a new virtual reality gaming experience that allows users to try their hand at the thrilling games from the popular TV show using VR.

Sadly, there’s no prize money of $4.56 million. But hey, it’s the experience that counts, right? Keep reading to find out more details.

You can now play Squid Game using VR in Hong Kong

Squid Game Virtuals has mini-eight games in total with each session lasting around 30 minutes. Users can play six of the games at random including the famous Red Light Green Light and Cross the Bridge. In addition to the classic games featured on the show, there are so new ones to try like the Catch and Match.

In the game, players must catch different shapes and try their best to avoid the spikes. To counter their opponents, they can also throw gold bombs. Of course, the player with the highest score after completing all the games will be the winner.

Upon finishing the games, players are able to replay highlights from each session.

squid game VR hong kong sandbox vr squid game VR hong kong sandbox vr

Enjoy the thrills of Squid Game Virtuals

To complete the experience, players also get the chance to put on the iconic green tracksuit and transform into a Squid Game contestant. The game also takes players to several locations inspired by the Netflix series.

Sandbox VR offers both a public and private session. The public session allows players to meet other players while a private session is suited for those going with friends, colleagues, or family.

The experience ranges from HKD 345 to HKD 370 per person with each session available for up to six players. There are currently two Sandbox VR locations in Hong Kong to choose from.

See you in the virtual Squid Game, which you can book here today.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

(Main and featured images: Sandbox VR/ Netflix)

The post You Can Now Experience <i>Squid Game</i> in VR in Hong Kong appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Joyland Festival Bali 2023: Dates, Venue, Lineup, and More Tue, 07 Nov 2023 06:00:45 +0000 joyland bali 2023

Get ready for three days of fun. Joyland Festival 2023 is all about celebrating the arts, and we’re all invited to join them in Bali.

[Hero and featured image credit: joylandfest/Instagram]

Joyland Festival 2023: Dates, venue, lineup, and more

From November 24-26, 2023, the GBK Baseball Stadium in Bali is transformed into a place full of wonder, filled to the brim with music, workshops, markets, comedy shows, and more. Talents from all over the world will be flying in to make sure the experience will be one to look forward to.

On day one, you’ll find highlight acts by Danish rock alternative band Mew, Netherland’s Benny Sings, d4vd from the United States, New Zealand’s Fazerdaze, Britain’s Kamaal Williams, and Australia’s Last Dinosaur.

Day two, the highlight acts include the United States’ own Fleet Foxes, Britain’s Bloc Party, and Canada’s Homeshake.

Day three, you’ll find highlight acts by the United States’ Interpol (the rock band, not the intergovernmental organisation), and Canada’s Alvvays. Note that Thailand’s Yonlapa band will also be on show this day.

Image credit: joylandfest/Instagram

Apart from that, on all days, there will be comedy acts, film screenings, workshops and activities from White Peacock, and everything you’ll need in the Joyland Village market.

Note that as part of their initiative to reduce single-use plastic, their venue will be completely free of plastic cups and bottles. Feel free to bring your own tumbler, or purchase one from their official shop. There will also be refillable water stations available throughout the venue for free.

Be sure to carry items as precaution. The payment methods accepted on site are credit card, bank transfer, and bank virtual accounts, so no cash.

You can find more information at Joyland Festival.

The story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok

The post Joyland Festival Bali 2023: Dates, Venue, Lineup, and More appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

joyland bali 2023

Get ready for three days of fun. Joyland Festival 2023 is all about celebrating the arts, and we’re all invited to join them in Bali.

[Hero and featured image credit: joylandfest/Instagram]

Joyland Festival 2023: Dates, venue, lineup, and more

From November 24-26, 2023, the GBK Baseball Stadium in Bali is transformed into a place full of wonder, filled to the brim with music, workshops, markets, comedy shows, and more. Talents from all over the world will be flying in to make sure the experience will be one to look forward to.

On day one, you’ll find highlight acts by Danish rock alternative band Mew, Netherland’s Benny Sings, d4vd from the United States, New Zealand’s Fazerdaze, Britain’s Kamaal Williams, and Australia’s Last Dinosaur.

Day two, the highlight acts include the United States’ own Fleet Foxes, Britain’s Bloc Party, and Canada’s Homeshake.

Day three, you’ll find highlight acts by the United States’ Interpol (the rock band, not the intergovernmental organisation), and Canada’s Alvvays. Note that Thailand’s Yonlapa band will also be on show this day.

Image credit: joylandfest/Instagram

Apart from that, on all days, there will be comedy acts, film screenings, workshops and activities from White Peacock, and everything you’ll need in the Joyland Village market.

Note that as part of their initiative to reduce single-use plastic, their venue will be completely free of plastic cups and bottles. Feel free to bring your own tumbler, or purchase one from their official shop. There will also be refillable water stations available throughout the venue for free.

Be sure to carry items as precaution. The payment methods accepted on site are credit card, bank transfer, and bank virtual accounts, so no cash.

You can find more information at Joyland Festival.

The story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Bangkok

The post Joyland Festival Bali 2023: Dates, Venue, Lineup, and More appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

The Nature Conservancy’s Biodiversity Golf Tournament Mon, 30 Oct 2023 06:34:51 +0000

The Nature Conservancy, the non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving wildlife, held its annual golf tournament to raise resources for sustaining biodiversity. According to regional managing director Will McGoldrick, more than a million species are facing imminent extinction.

Thus, from Mongolia to Borneo, The Nature Conservancy is actively working to secure safe havens for different species by initiating a range of programmes. A portion of the proceeds from the golf tournament will finance the restoration of wetland habitats along Hong Kong’s coastlines, where horseshoe crabs and waterbirds can nest safely. The funds will also support grasslands conservation in Mongolia, giant panda protection in China through forest restoration and orangutan conservation in Indonesia.

The post The Nature Conservancy’s Biodiversity Golf Tournament appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


The Nature Conservancy, the non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving wildlife, held its annual golf tournament to raise resources for sustaining biodiversity. According to regional managing director Will McGoldrick, more than a million species are facing imminent extinction.

Thus, from Mongolia to Borneo, The Nature Conservancy is actively working to secure safe havens for different species by initiating a range of programmes. A portion of the proceeds from the golf tournament will finance the restoration of wetland habitats along Hong Kong’s coastlines, where horseshoe crabs and waterbirds can nest safely. The funds will also support grasslands conservation in Mongolia, giant panda protection in China through forest restoration and orangutan conservation in Indonesia.

The post The Nature Conservancy’s Biodiversity Golf Tournament appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

FIF Celebrates Paper Art Heritage at its 2023 Charity Gala Fri, 22 Sep 2023 03:52:53 +0000 Michelle Ong

As philanthropy season goes into full swing, First Initiative Foundation founder Michelle Ong and the organisation’s fundraising committee discuss the charity’s annual gala event, a yearly spectacle that brings out the best of the city’s gastronomy, art and entertainment.

Photography FEICIEN FENG
Make-Up KAE LI
Photography Assistant LAI TSZ CHUNG

I’m meeting Michelle Ong at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, where she’s hosting a media preview of the First Initiative Foundation’s fundraising gala. She’s fine-tuning the night’s gastronomic feast and, alongside a few other media friends, we’re there to partake – and get a glimpse of how the evening on September 23 will pan out. Food is an important part of any culture and heritage: it brings people together and brings them joy – and, as always, it’s at the heart of the annual event. On arrival we’re given Taiwanese teahouse Chun Shui Tang’s bubble milk tea and lemon jasmine tea with fig jelly to sip on. A way to one’s stomach is a sure-fire way to winning someone’s heart. And for Ong – and more importantly for the FIF – that’s exactly what they want to do. 

Michelle Ong
Michelle Ong, wearing Carnet jewellery

For this year’s gala, the FIF is partnering with several of Hong Kong’s most talented chefs – Akira Ito from Hanare, Steve Lee and Seunghun Park from Hansik Goo, Barry Quek from Whey, DoBee Lam from Sêp and Ringo Chan, executive pastry chef of Four Seasons Hotel – to create a one-of-a-kind degustation. The menu brings together four distinct Asian flavours in a harmonious way, with each chef preparing two small bites and a main course. At the tasting, we sample mouth-watering morsels of Japanese black beef tartare topped with Hokkaido sea urchin, bite into crispy, umami-rich shrimp rolls, slurp down heart-warming and brothy samgye tang, and sigh over a pungent and spicy laksa topped with a plump abalone upon a bed of konjac grains. At the end of the meal, Chan brings out a delightful sugar-ring dessert, similar to that once made by his grandmother. Throughout the tasting, Ong consults with each chef, changing as she sees fit anything from the order of the food to the portion sizes, to the presentation. Each chef listens intently and takes in the feedback with grace. The night has to be perfect.

Later, over a phone call, I mention to Ong that it must be quite a challenge to get four of Hong Kong’s top chefs, working with different cuisines, to collaborate on a menu. “You missed our event last year when we did the Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation gala,” Ong replies. “We had eight chefs back then.” 

This year’s fundraiser is called Paper Poems: An Ode to Hong Kong Heritage. The night’s feast is an ode to Hong Kong and the flavours of each chef’s home. But apart from the eating, the gala event is also about the celebration of Hong Kong’s legacy in the art of paper craft. Table centrepieces are designed by paper artists Stickyline, there’ll be works by renowned digital artist Victor Wong on display and, not to be missed (or rather, you can’t miss it), is a large-scale paper archway created by master paper cutting artist Li Yun Xia. Rather than have the archway dismantled after the event, Ong is looking for a venue to display it to the public afterwards. After all, the FIF is all about promoting the arts and pursuing cultural and educational endeavours within the community. 

Beyond the gala dinner, the FIF is also conducting community-outreach programmes aimed at preserving the heritage of traditional Chinese paper art. Workshops led by local masters will provide opportunities to participants young and old to immerse themselves in the craft.  Artist Nick Tsao will be teaching a workshop on traditional paper-cutting at the Blue House, where adults can learn how to create a sea animal-inspired masterpiece. For families with children, Stickyline’s Soilworm Lai will explore the culture behind lantern-making and teach participants how to create one shaped like a rabbit or a rocket ship. For a fun and indulgent afternoon, master paper craftsman Au Yeung Ping Chi will host a workshop on creating fish lanterns using traditional techniques and materials. There’s also a vinyl music appreciation session. 

It’s been 13 years since Ong set up her charitable organisation, which has grown steadily since, perpetuating her vision to build a bridge that will connect local arts and heritage with an international stage, and vice versa. Ong’s daughter, Amanda Cheung, has followed in her mother’s footsteps and, since 2018, has taken on the role of managing director and it’s she who’s responsible for this year’s outreach-programme activities. She’s also overseeing the production of a documentary to showcase this year’s heritage theme and the various collaborations.

Aside from protecting Hong Kong’s heritage, FIF also has made great strides in promulgating Hong Kong’s artists and musicians and putting them on the world stage. “Our young people in Hong Kong are truly remarkable,” exclaims Ong, who’s supported extensive scholarship programmes through the FIF to enable our local talent. 

“We’re deeply committed to providing a unique platform for Hong Kong talents, both local and overseas,” she says. “Nurturing the younger generation through exceptional arts and educational experiences lies at the very core of our foundation’s mission. We believe in cultivating their talents, fostering their growth and equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in their respective fields.”

During the past decade, the FIF has supported more than 80 scholars through the Lang Lang International Music Foundation scholarship programme, at the Manhattan School of Music, the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The FIF and its members have also discovered many exciting artists and musicians along the way. 

Kenny Wong

Kenny Wong, a legal consultant who’s on the FIF’s fundraising committee, tells me piano prodigy Niu Niu was someone he discovered whose talent bowled him over. “Many of the FIF’s artists and musicians are already well-known in their respective fields when they work with the foundation,” he says. “At its inaugural function, the FIF presented the then-13-year-old Nu Niu, who has since remained a FIF Trailblazer and is now not only performing but composing music. It’s part of our mission to nurture and promote our local artists.”

For Wong, this also means young talents who aren’t necessarily in the conventional arts. “In 2020, Ophelia Liu won the BBC’s Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star competition,” he tells me. “Last year, Eric Yip, a first-year Cambridge student, won the UK 2021 National Poetry Competition. Seventeen-year-old Hong Kong student Kenny Lau’s won many drawing competitions and has already started a platform to arouse young people’s interest in architecture.” This city is rife with hidden potential, and there are countless opportunities for them to share and inspire our students and young adults, a job for the FIF that Wong’s excited about. 

Maggie Tang

Maggie Tang, another fundraising committee member who also runs her own Contemporary Charitable Foundation Limited, became involved with FIF after attending the foundation’s Dinosaurs Unleashed charity gala in 2022 and bonding with Ong. She hopes her own fundraising experience can benefit the FIF, whose work she believes is important for the city.

“Arts education is important for the community because it provides numerous benefits,” she says. “It helps individuals develop creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaborative skills. It also promotes cultural awareness and appreciation, and can serve as a means of personal expression and emotional wellbeing.

“The FIF’s efforts in supporting arts education have helped to increase access and opportunities for gifted children and youth, not only locally but internationally, providing them a chance to go abroad, to promote cultural exchange and appreciation, and foster creativity and innovation in the community.”

Tang is most excited about dipping her toes into the world of paper art craftsmanship. “I’m especially interested in the Love and Light workshop curated by Au Yeung Ping Chi,” she tells me. 

Wong shares her excitement. “Michelle and the FIF never repeat themselves,” he enthuses. “They set and achieve impossible projects, year after year. In 2018, they brought one T-rex fossil to Hong Kong – and last year they brought eight! They manifest the daring and high-achieving spirit of Hong Kong.”

An incredible evening of culture and feasting isn’t complete with some music. The evening’s performances are by local musicians (and Prestige cover stars) Hins Cheung and Karen Mok

No single project of the FIF has been more important than the others, according to Ong. “As chairwoman, I see our initiatives as a multi-level cultural engagement of minds and hearts. When you start with that goal, it’s not really about topping any project as it’s about adding to the impact and continuing benefit of our initiatives. The FIF creates important, memorable and enjoyable cultural and educational events for our community, from bringing Italian art to Hong Kong in conjunction with Uffizi, the first-ever T-Rex fossil in 2018, to last year’s Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation event, we did them so everyone in Hong Kong can experience the majesty of the world.” 

The post FIF Celebrates Paper Art Heritage at its 2023 Charity Gala appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Michelle Ong

As philanthropy season goes into full swing, First Initiative Foundation founder Michelle Ong and the organisation’s fundraising committee discuss the charity’s annual gala event, a yearly spectacle that brings out the best of the city’s gastronomy, art and entertainment.

Photography FEICIEN FENG
Make-Up KAE LI
Photography Assistant LAI TSZ CHUNG

I’m meeting Michelle Ong at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, where she’s hosting a media preview of the First Initiative Foundation’s fundraising gala. She’s fine-tuning the night’s gastronomic feast and, alongside a few other media friends, we’re there to partake – and get a glimpse of how the evening on September 23 will pan out. Food is an important part of any culture and heritage: it brings people together and brings them joy – and, as always, it’s at the heart of the annual event. On arrival we’re given Taiwanese teahouse Chun Shui Tang’s bubble milk tea and lemon jasmine tea with fig jelly to sip on. A way to one’s stomach is a sure-fire way to winning someone’s heart. And for Ong – and more importantly for the FIF – that’s exactly what they want to do. 

Michelle Ong
Michelle Ong, wearing Carnet jewellery

For this year’s gala, the FIF is partnering with several of Hong Kong’s most talented chefs – Akira Ito from Hanare, Steve Lee and Seunghun Park from Hansik Goo, Barry Quek from Whey, DoBee Lam from Sêp and Ringo Chan, executive pastry chef of Four Seasons Hotel – to create a one-of-a-kind degustation. The menu brings together four distinct Asian flavours in a harmonious way, with each chef preparing two small bites and a main course. At the tasting, we sample mouth-watering morsels of Japanese black beef tartare topped with Hokkaido sea urchin, bite into crispy, umami-rich shrimp rolls, slurp down heart-warming and brothy samgye tang, and sigh over a pungent and spicy laksa topped with a plump abalone upon a bed of konjac grains. At the end of the meal, Chan brings out a delightful sugar-ring dessert, similar to that once made by his grandmother. Throughout the tasting, Ong consults with each chef, changing as she sees fit anything from the order of the food to the portion sizes, to the presentation. Each chef listens intently and takes in the feedback with grace. The night has to be perfect.

Later, over a phone call, I mention to Ong that it must be quite a challenge to get four of Hong Kong’s top chefs, working with different cuisines, to collaborate on a menu. “You missed our event last year when we did the Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation gala,” Ong replies. “We had eight chefs back then.” 

This year’s fundraiser is called Paper Poems: An Ode to Hong Kong Heritage. The night’s feast is an ode to Hong Kong and the flavours of each chef’s home. But apart from the eating, the gala event is also about the celebration of Hong Kong’s legacy in the art of paper craft. Table centrepieces are designed by paper artists Stickyline, there’ll be works by renowned digital artist Victor Wong on display and, not to be missed (or rather, you can’t miss it), is a large-scale paper archway created by master paper cutting artist Li Yun Xia. Rather than have the archway dismantled after the event, Ong is looking for a venue to display it to the public afterwards. After all, the FIF is all about promoting the arts and pursuing cultural and educational endeavours within the community. 

Beyond the gala dinner, the FIF is also conducting community-outreach programmes aimed at preserving the heritage of traditional Chinese paper art. Workshops led by local masters will provide opportunities to participants young and old to immerse themselves in the craft.  Artist Nick Tsao will be teaching a workshop on traditional paper-cutting at the Blue House, where adults can learn how to create a sea animal-inspired masterpiece. For families with children, Stickyline’s Soilworm Lai will explore the culture behind lantern-making and teach participants how to create one shaped like a rabbit or a rocket ship. For a fun and indulgent afternoon, master paper craftsman Au Yeung Ping Chi will host a workshop on creating fish lanterns using traditional techniques and materials. There’s also a vinyl music appreciation session. 

It’s been 13 years since Ong set up her charitable organisation, which has grown steadily since, perpetuating her vision to build a bridge that will connect local arts and heritage with an international stage, and vice versa. Ong’s daughter, Amanda Cheung, has followed in her mother’s footsteps and, since 2018, has taken on the role of managing director and it’s she who’s responsible for this year’s outreach-programme activities. She’s also overseeing the production of a documentary to showcase this year’s heritage theme and the various collaborations.

Aside from protecting Hong Kong’s heritage, FIF also has made great strides in promulgating Hong Kong’s artists and musicians and putting them on the world stage. “Our young people in Hong Kong are truly remarkable,” exclaims Ong, who’s supported extensive scholarship programmes through the FIF to enable our local talent. 

“We’re deeply committed to providing a unique platform for Hong Kong talents, both local and overseas,” she says. “Nurturing the younger generation through exceptional arts and educational experiences lies at the very core of our foundation’s mission. We believe in cultivating their talents, fostering their growth and equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in their respective fields.”

During the past decade, the FIF has supported more than 80 scholars through the Lang Lang International Music Foundation scholarship programme, at the Manhattan School of Music, the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The FIF and its members have also discovered many exciting artists and musicians along the way. 

Kenny Wong

Kenny Wong, a legal consultant who’s on the FIF’s fundraising committee, tells me piano prodigy Niu Niu was someone he discovered whose talent bowled him over. “Many of the FIF’s artists and musicians are already well-known in their respective fields when they work with the foundation,” he says. “At its inaugural function, the FIF presented the then-13-year-old Nu Niu, who has since remained a FIF Trailblazer and is now not only performing but composing music. It’s part of our mission to nurture and promote our local artists.”

For Wong, this also means young talents who aren’t necessarily in the conventional arts. “In 2020, Ophelia Liu won the BBC’s Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star competition,” he tells me. “Last year, Eric Yip, a first-year Cambridge student, won the UK 2021 National Poetry Competition. Seventeen-year-old Hong Kong student Kenny Lau’s won many drawing competitions and has already started a platform to arouse young people’s interest in architecture.” This city is rife with hidden potential, and there are countless opportunities for them to share and inspire our students and young adults, a job for the FIF that Wong’s excited about. 

Maggie Tang

Maggie Tang, another fundraising committee member who also runs her own Contemporary Charitable Foundation Limited, became involved with FIF after attending the foundation’s Dinosaurs Unleashed charity gala in 2022 and bonding with Ong. She hopes her own fundraising experience can benefit the FIF, whose work she believes is important for the city.

“Arts education is important for the community because it provides numerous benefits,” she says. “It helps individuals develop creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaborative skills. It also promotes cultural awareness and appreciation, and can serve as a means of personal expression and emotional wellbeing.

“The FIF’s efforts in supporting arts education have helped to increase access and opportunities for gifted children and youth, not only locally but internationally, providing them a chance to go abroad, to promote cultural exchange and appreciation, and foster creativity and innovation in the community.”

Tang is most excited about dipping her toes into the world of paper art craftsmanship. “I’m especially interested in the Love and Light workshop curated by Au Yeung Ping Chi,” she tells me. 

Wong shares her excitement. “Michelle and the FIF never repeat themselves,” he enthuses. “They set and achieve impossible projects, year after year. In 2018, they brought one T-rex fossil to Hong Kong – and last year they brought eight! They manifest the daring and high-achieving spirit of Hong Kong.”

An incredible evening of culture and feasting isn’t complete with some music. The evening’s performances are by local musicians (and Prestige cover stars) Hins Cheung and Karen Mok

No single project of the FIF has been more important than the others, according to Ong. “As chairwoman, I see our initiatives as a multi-level cultural engagement of minds and hearts. When you start with that goal, it’s not really about topping any project as it’s about adding to the impact and continuing benefit of our initiatives. The FIF creates important, memorable and enjoyable cultural and educational events for our community, from bringing Italian art to Hong Kong in conjunction with Uffizi, the first-ever T-Rex fossil in 2018, to last year’s Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation event, we did them so everyone in Hong Kong can experience the majesty of the world.” 

The post FIF Celebrates Paper Art Heritage at its 2023 Charity Gala appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Prince William, Kate Middleton Want a CEO With ‘Low Ego’ to Manage Kensington Palace Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:39:40 +0000

Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Prince and Princess of Wales, are looking for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to run Kensington Palace — their royal residence and office. But there is a specific requirement: the applicant should have a “low ego.”

The newly created role was announced by Odgers Berndtson, the UK’s largest executive recruitment firm. The job listing described the position as “the most senior and accountable leader for the Household” who would be “responsible for the development and implementation of TRH’s long-term strategy and continuing to strengthen a professional and collaborative Household culture.”

The successful candidate will have to manage Kensington Palace’s workforce of around 60 members. The CEO would be reporting directly to Prince William and Kate and will also have to work closely with the team of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

More about the Kensington Palace CEO role

Attributes that Prince William and Kate are looking for

Prince William and Kate
Image credit: The Prince and Princess of Wales/@KensingtonRoyal/Twitter

The listing, which runs into four pages, specifies certain ‘skills and attributes’ that the future King and Queen of the UK expect the CEO to have.

One of them specifically says that the candidate should be “emotionally intelligent, with ‘low ego’, and strong self-awareness and understanding of their impact on others.”

Another noteworthy attribute that the CEO to the senior royals should have is the “foresight and ability to anticipate potential issues that maybe faced by TRHs and the Household.”

The listing also says that the holder of the office should be “able to deal with difficult situations sensitively and with integrity” and “flex and adjust their working style to accommodate different situations and people.”

It says that the applicant should be “able to operate as a ‘servant’ leader” and, in particular, coordinate with the two respective Private Secretaries to the Prince and the Princess of Wales.

Salary and work hours

The listing does not mention the salary for the role. It, however, specifies that the work hours will be 37.5 hours per week from Monday to Friday, “and such other hours that are necessary for the proper fulfilment of duties, or to meet unexpected or urgent demands.”

The CEO will be based at Kensington Palace and will have to travel to Windsor Castle regularly. The holder of the position may also be required to travel overnight within the UK and internationally.

Those eager to take up the role have till 2 October 2023 to apply.

‘Revolutionary move’

Fortune reported that the management of a senior royal family member’s office is traditionally done by someone with a military background in the capacity of the “master of the household.”

According to Daily Mail, the decision shows that Prince William and Kate Middleton are “already making clear that they plan to do things very differently from their predecessors.”

“This is a revolutionary move. They are overthrowing the traditional, hierarchical structure in which staff answer to private secretaries. It has really set the cat among the pigeons. Will the King and Queen have to follow their lead?” a source told Daily Mail.

(Hero image: Shisha-Tom/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons; Featured image: The Prince and Princess of Wales/@KensingtonRoyal/Twitter)

The post Prince William, Kate Middleton Want a CEO With ‘Low Ego’ to Manage Kensington Palace appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Prince and Princess of Wales, are looking for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to run Kensington Palace — their royal residence and office. But there is a specific requirement: the applicant should have a “low ego.”

The newly created role was announced by Odgers Berndtson, the UK’s largest executive recruitment firm. The job listing described the position as “the most senior and accountable leader for the Household” who would be “responsible for the development and implementation of TRH’s long-term strategy and continuing to strengthen a professional and collaborative Household culture.”

The successful candidate will have to manage Kensington Palace’s workforce of around 60 members. The CEO would be reporting directly to Prince William and Kate and will also have to work closely with the team of King Charles and Queen Camilla.

More about the Kensington Palace CEO role

Attributes that Prince William and Kate are looking for

Prince William and Kate
Image credit: The Prince and Princess of Wales/@KensingtonRoyal/Twitter

The listing, which runs into four pages, specifies certain ‘skills and attributes’ that the future King and Queen of the UK expect the CEO to have.

One of them specifically says that the candidate should be “emotionally intelligent, with ‘low ego’, and strong self-awareness and understanding of their impact on others.”

Another noteworthy attribute that the CEO to the senior royals should have is the “foresight and ability to anticipate potential issues that maybe faced by TRHs and the Household.”

The listing also says that the holder of the office should be “able to deal with difficult situations sensitively and with integrity” and “flex and adjust their working style to accommodate different situations and people.”

It says that the applicant should be “able to operate as a ‘servant’ leader” and, in particular, coordinate with the two respective Private Secretaries to the Prince and the Princess of Wales.

Salary and work hours

The listing does not mention the salary for the role. It, however, specifies that the work hours will be 37.5 hours per week from Monday to Friday, “and such other hours that are necessary for the proper fulfilment of duties, or to meet unexpected or urgent demands.”

The CEO will be based at Kensington Palace and will have to travel to Windsor Castle regularly. The holder of the position may also be required to travel overnight within the UK and internationally.

Those eager to take up the role have till 2 October 2023 to apply.

‘Revolutionary move’

Fortune reported that the management of a senior royal family member’s office is traditionally done by someone with a military background in the capacity of the “master of the household.”

According to Daily Mail, the decision shows that Prince William and Kate Middleton are “already making clear that they plan to do things very differently from their predecessors.”

“This is a revolutionary move. They are overthrowing the traditional, hierarchical structure in which staff answer to private secretaries. It has really set the cat among the pigeons. Will the King and Queen have to follow their lead?” a source told Daily Mail.

(Hero image: Shisha-Tom/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons; Featured image: The Prince and Princess of Wales/@KensingtonRoyal/Twitter)

The post Prince William, Kate Middleton Want a CEO With ‘Low Ego’ to Manage Kensington Palace appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Drama, Dresses, and Doja Cat: The Best Dressed Women at the MTV VMAs 2023 Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:11:03 +0000

Earlier today, entertainment’s elite swapped their front-row seats at the New York Fashion Week to strike a pose on the red carpet of the MTV Video Music Awards. In the 40 years that the VMAs have been around, unapologetic maximalism has taken centre stage — and the most recent edition was no exception. With our attention strictly sartorial, we take a look at the best dressed women who left a dent on the 2023 MTV VMAs red carpet with their impeccable style.

If drama was a prerequisite for entry to the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey for the ceremony on 12 September at 8 pm EST (13 September at 8am MYT), then our celebs certainly understood the assignment. Uniting for the first time in a decade, ’90s boy band *NSYNC caused a frenzy on social media when they showed up to present the Best Pop Award to Taylor Swift. Even Swift seemed starstruck. “I had your dolls,” she exclaimed. “What’s going to happen now? They’re doing something and I need to know what it is. You’re pop personified.”

Nostalgic throwback aside, Doja Cat too, made waves at the event by arriving in a barely-there dress that could easily credit Spiderman as its designer. If the cat was giving spider, then our regulars — Swift, Cardi B, Meghan Thee Stallion, and then some, were serving dark, daring, and dominatrix — and we are completely here for it. Let’s not forget, this is the same red carpet that gave us Madonna’s white lace boy toy look in 1984Lil Kim’s lilac jumpsuit and matching pasty in 1999, and Lady Gaga’s meat dress in 2010. Thirteen years on, it continues to be a breeding ground for some truly showstopping fashion moments. Below, we look at the best dressed female celebrities at the MTV VMAs 2023.

All the best dressed women at the MTV VMAs 2023

1. Doja Cat

Doja Cat wore a naked, white Monse dress that closely resembled spider webs strewn across her body. The look featured white web-like fabric that might’ve caused a stir for the flashing cameras but was cleverly disguised with a pair of nude underwear beneath. She paired her OOTD with see-through heels, diamond drop earrings, and silver bracelets. Her buzz cut, Y2K-inspired metallic eye-shadow and hard-to-miss lashes upped the ante and left us down with envy.

2. Taylor Swift

Taking a short break from her wildly successful Eras tour for the evening, Taylor Swift brought her A-game with a black Versace dress that cleverly complemented the silvery Spaceman award she was sure to win. After all, coming in with 11 strong nominations — the highest of the night — needed an equally impressive outfit that’d guarantee a spot on the MTV VMAs best dressed list. The high-slit dress featured a buttoned hemline, asymmetric sleeves, and a cut-out back. The metallics were introduced through her accessories — a multilayered necklace, rings, bracelets, and earrings.

3. Nicki Minaj

Hosting the ceremony for the second consecutive year, Nicki was ready to take her VMAs commitment to the next level in a bridal-esque ensemble. She arrived on the red carpet in a pastel pink corseted lace dress by Dolce & Gabbana, complete with a veil and a mermaid silhouette. With Nicki, there’s no denying her nails — matched to perfection and kept long, blingy, and unmissable — helped pull the whole look together. Her purple-pink eyeshadow and silver accessories might’ve been ancillary additions but were a quiet nod to Barbiecore.

4. Meghan Thee Stallion

Bringing more nakedness to the red carpet, Meghan Thee Stallion ensured all eyes were on her in a black corseted dress by Brandon Blackwood. The sheer dress with prominent boning was accentuated with bursts of silver generously contributed by her arresting choker, chunky bracelet, and a single ring. Not to forget the singer’s snatched makeup — a mix between glossy, brown lips, and strong arched eyebrows with a hint of black eyeshadow.

5. Selena Gomez

If flower power was at play at NYFW Spring-Summer 2024, Selena Gomez brought it to the VMAs with her Oscar De La Renta gown. Red, lustrous chord leaves enveloped the multiplatinum singer and created an unconventional, tendril-like train. The plunging neckline was held upright with a similar, leaf-like strap as Gomez packed in her silver earrings and wrist accessories. She wore matching strappy stilettos, left her red manicure intact, and added a smoky eyeshadow for effect. Easily one of the best dressed women at the MTV VMAs for sure.

6. Cardi B

Sticks and stones would not break Cardi B’s bones because her Dilara Findikoglu gown acted as a protective shield. Bringing metalcore to the red carpet, the 4-time VMAs winner let her outfit do all the talking. While her dress was packed with pearls, hardware bits, and tons of lustre, the rapper amplified the look with matching wristbands that looked half-way between arm cuffs and the oh-so-trendy sleeves. Always down for a maximalist manicure, she added her infamous silver nails to the mix and kept her hair parted and straight for the night — a contrast to the numerous hair clips on her body.

7. Olivia Rodrigo

Also among the best dressed women was Olivia Rodrigo, who turned heads at the 2023 MTV VMAs in a bedazzling Ludovic de Saint Sernin gown. While her darkened nails and matching ring kept her company, Olivia decided to channel her inner Cher with her jet black hair left untethered with a distinctive middle part. Although versions of the dress have previously graced many red carpets, we do appreciate a good metallic bodycon to remind us that style doesn’t always have to be experimentation.

8. Sofia Carson

For the Purple Hearts actress, blue was the state of mind for the VMAs 2023 red carpet. To pick up her award, Sofia opted for head-to-toe sparkle in a cobalt ensemble from Alexandre Vauthier’s Fall 2022 couture collection. The shimmery outfit took the form of a long sleeved dress with exaggerated shoulders, embellished with increasingly larger paillettes, and intentionally matching her pair of pointy sock boots. For the hair and makeup, the singer kept her short bob side swept and punched it in with dark, kohl-lined eyes for a riveting, on-camera gaze.

9. Sabrina Carpenter

If Doja Cat brought the webs to the red carpet, then Sabrina Carpenter put a spin on it. The 24-year-old singer impressed with a corseted Vera Wang dress that draped her waistline but also brought in a much-needed train moment. While we loved the minimal styling, the interplay of sheer and rhinestones, and the voluminous astray locks, we did wish her strappy heels matched her silvery undertones, rather than the muted gold that she finally went for.

10. Saweetie

Saweetie had a bone to pick (or two) at the VMAs this year with her Stone Age-cum-Flintsones-inspired gown. Mixing cavewoman with Barbiecore, the rapper arrived in a bejewelled dress with two prominent bony instillations, designed by AREA for their Fall-Winter 2023 collection. Saweetie even gave bystanders something to remember when she caressed the bone mid-red carpet. Her monolithic nails, perfectly-gelled ponytail and cherry blossom makeup ensured the world was watching… and taking notes!
For all the best dressed men at the MTV VMAs 2023, click here.
(Main image: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images; Featured image: Jason Kempin/Getty Images)
This article was first published in PrestigeOnline Malaysia. 

The post Drama, Dresses, and Doja Cat: The Best Dressed Women at the MTV VMAs 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Earlier today, entertainment’s elite swapped their front-row seats at the New York Fashion Week to strike a pose on the red carpet of the MTV Video Music Awards. In the 40 years that the VMAs have been around, unapologetic maximalism has taken centre stage — and the most recent edition was no exception. With our attention strictly sartorial, we take a look at the best dressed women who left a dent on the 2023 MTV VMAs red carpet with their impeccable style.

If drama was a prerequisite for entry to the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey for the ceremony on 12 September at 8 pm EST (13 September at 8am MYT), then our celebs certainly understood the assignment. Uniting for the first time in a decade, ’90s boy band *NSYNC caused a frenzy on social media when they showed up to present the Best Pop Award to Taylor Swift. Even Swift seemed starstruck. “I had your dolls,” she exclaimed. “What’s going to happen now? They’re doing something and I need to know what it is. You’re pop personified.”

Nostalgic throwback aside, Doja Cat too, made waves at the event by arriving in a barely-there dress that could easily credit Spiderman as its designer. If the cat was giving spider, then our regulars — Swift, Cardi B, Meghan Thee Stallion, and then some, were serving dark, daring, and dominatrix — and we are completely here for it. Let’s not forget, this is the same red carpet that gave us Madonna’s white lace boy toy look in 1984Lil Kim’s lilac jumpsuit and matching pasty in 1999, and Lady Gaga’s meat dress in 2010. Thirteen years on, it continues to be a breeding ground for some truly showstopping fashion moments. Below, we look at the best dressed female celebrities at the MTV VMAs 2023.

All the best dressed women at the MTV VMAs 2023

1. Doja Cat

Doja Cat wore a naked, white Monse dress that closely resembled spider webs strewn across her body. The look featured white web-like fabric that might’ve caused a stir for the flashing cameras but was cleverly disguised with a pair of nude underwear beneath. She paired her OOTD with see-through heels, diamond drop earrings, and silver bracelets. Her buzz cut, Y2K-inspired metallic eye-shadow and hard-to-miss lashes upped the ante and left us down with envy.

2. Taylor Swift

Taking a short break from her wildly successful Eras tour for the evening, Taylor Swift brought her A-game with a black Versace dress that cleverly complemented the silvery Spaceman award she was sure to win. After all, coming in with 11 strong nominations — the highest of the night — needed an equally impressive outfit that’d guarantee a spot on the MTV VMAs best dressed list. The high-slit dress featured a buttoned hemline, asymmetric sleeves, and a cut-out back. The metallics were introduced through her accessories — a multilayered necklace, rings, bracelets, and earrings.

3. Nicki Minaj

Hosting the ceremony for the second consecutive year, Nicki was ready to take her VMAs commitment to the next level in a bridal-esque ensemble. She arrived on the red carpet in a pastel pink corseted lace dress by Dolce & Gabbana, complete with a veil and a mermaid silhouette. With Nicki, there’s no denying her nails — matched to perfection and kept long, blingy, and unmissable — helped pull the whole look together. Her purple-pink eyeshadow and silver accessories might’ve been ancillary additions but were a quiet nod to Barbiecore.

4. Meghan Thee Stallion

Bringing more nakedness to the red carpet, Meghan Thee Stallion ensured all eyes were on her in a black corseted dress by Brandon Blackwood. The sheer dress with prominent boning was accentuated with bursts of silver generously contributed by her arresting choker, chunky bracelet, and a single ring. Not to forget the singer’s snatched makeup — a mix between glossy, brown lips, and strong arched eyebrows with a hint of black eyeshadow.

5. Selena Gomez

If flower power was at play at NYFW Spring-Summer 2024, Selena Gomez brought it to the VMAs with her Oscar De La Renta gown. Red, lustrous chord leaves enveloped the multiplatinum singer and created an unconventional, tendril-like train. The plunging neckline was held upright with a similar, leaf-like strap as Gomez packed in her silver earrings and wrist accessories. She wore matching strappy stilettos, left her red manicure intact, and added a smoky eyeshadow for effect. Easily one of the best dressed women at the MTV VMAs for sure.

6. Cardi B

Sticks and stones would not break Cardi B’s bones because her Dilara Findikoglu gown acted as a protective shield. Bringing metalcore to the red carpet, the 4-time VMAs winner let her outfit do all the talking. While her dress was packed with pearls, hardware bits, and tons of lustre, the rapper amplified the look with matching wristbands that looked half-way between arm cuffs and the oh-so-trendy sleeves. Always down for a maximalist manicure, she added her infamous silver nails to the mix and kept her hair parted and straight for the night — a contrast to the numerous hair clips on her body.

7. Olivia Rodrigo

Also among the best dressed women was Olivia Rodrigo, who turned heads at the 2023 MTV VMAs in a bedazzling Ludovic de Saint Sernin gown. While her darkened nails and matching ring kept her company, Olivia decided to channel her inner Cher with her jet black hair left untethered with a distinctive middle part. Although versions of the dress have previously graced many red carpets, we do appreciate a good metallic bodycon to remind us that style doesn’t always have to be experimentation.

8. Sofia Carson

For the Purple Hearts actress, blue was the state of mind for the VMAs 2023 red carpet. To pick up her award, Sofia opted for head-to-toe sparkle in a cobalt ensemble from Alexandre Vauthier’s Fall 2022 couture collection. The shimmery outfit took the form of a long sleeved dress with exaggerated shoulders, embellished with increasingly larger paillettes, and intentionally matching her pair of pointy sock boots. For the hair and makeup, the singer kept her short bob side swept and punched it in with dark, kohl-lined eyes for a riveting, on-camera gaze.

9. Sabrina Carpenter

If Doja Cat brought the webs to the red carpet, then Sabrina Carpenter put a spin on it. The 24-year-old singer impressed with a corseted Vera Wang dress that draped her waistline but also brought in a much-needed train moment. While we loved the minimal styling, the interplay of sheer and rhinestones, and the voluminous astray locks, we did wish her strappy heels matched her silvery undertones, rather than the muted gold that she finally went for.

10. Saweetie

Saweetie had a bone to pick (or two) at the VMAs this year with her Stone Age-cum-Flintsones-inspired gown. Mixing cavewoman with Barbiecore, the rapper arrived in a bejewelled dress with two prominent bony instillations, designed by AREA for their Fall-Winter 2023 collection. Saweetie even gave bystanders something to remember when she caressed the bone mid-red carpet. Her monolithic nails, perfectly-gelled ponytail and cherry blossom makeup ensured the world was watching… and taking notes!
For all the best dressed men at the MTV VMAs 2023, click here.
(Main image: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images; Featured image: Jason Kempin/Getty Images)
This article was first published in PrestigeOnline Malaysia. 

The post Drama, Dresses, and Doja Cat: The Best Dressed Women at the MTV VMAs 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

The Biggest Trends and Moments From New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2024 Wed, 13 Sep 2023 04:00:25 +0000

For fashion mavens, New York Fashion Week isn’t just a showcase of the latest designer collections, it’s a playground for seasonal trends, and the rightful place for picking up style references that’ll likely become the norm in a few years. For this year’s iteration, not only did we see front-row icons arriving in big numbers, but we were privy to labels like Helmut Lang, Coach, and Collina Strada who served up enough sartorial inspiration to keep us warm throughout fall and winter. From vintage-inspired silhouettes to new takes on corsetry, we take a look at the biggest moments and trends from New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024.

Biggest trends from New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024

Colourful sequins

While sequins have been a part and parcel of designer collections for decades, New York Fashion Week 2024 saw the presence of all Pantone shades possible. The glittering, party-approved trend saw manifestations in the most laid-back form at Colin LoCascio and Sergio Hudson’s collection where large paillettes in teardrop and floral shapes were sequinned into inescapable statement pieces. Meanwhile, at Kate Spade, tiny chartreuse sequins gave a sheath dress the look of neon chainmail — breathing life into an otherwise dated silhouette.

Low, drop waists

For the low-rise haters, there’s a new trend in town that’s gotten the fashion girls in a stronghold: drop waists. Featured in the collections of Collina Strada, quiet-luxury-approved Khaite, and Project Runway-stowaway Christian Siriano, the demoted waistline silhouette has made its presence felt at NYFW 2024, and is likely to be lapped up by millennials and Gen-Z players as one of the hottest trends in the months to come. Whether they were incorporated into an ethereal tiered gown or downgraded to a low-waisted skirt, the bottom line remains clear — drop waists are here to stay.

Flower power

Florals for Spring? Groundbreaking. But even for Miranda Priestly, this year’s renditions would be worth a magazine cover. While exaggerated blooms were the object of desire at several designer collections this year, NYFW 2024 saw several colourful iterations swing down the runway in forms we’re ready to slip into any time. Metallic, sequinned, and ruffled flowers appeared on statement tops and belts at Flying Solo, Colin LoCascio, and Ulla Johnson.

Sunflower yellows FTW

Summer and sunshine yellow might seem like an easy-to-guess combination, but the generous sprinkling of the shade at this year’s NYFW stood out as a trend that is likely to dominate wardrobes in the coming seasons. The colour wasn’t restricted to a single Pantone shade — taking the form of a zesty lemon floor-length dress for Prabal Gurung, rich a buttercup mini over at Helmut Lang, and an ultra-bright neon-esque sheer form for Coach, in addition to their string of sling bags.

Corsets and transparency

Corsets are witnessing a steady resurgence among fashion-enthusiasts of all forms — especially the concert-going Gen-Z crowds who are taking vintage-core to the next level. Naturally, designers dug into their archives for the right spring corset inspiration. Out came Dion Lee, Palomo Spain, and Collina Strada with their renditions which saw every corset form taking centrestage- from visible boning to the dipped waist structure. Sheer shone through like every other season at NYFW with designers like Christian Siriano and Coach swapping their basic mesh and simple open knits for playful patterns and intricate lace.

The biggest moments from New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2024

In today’s increasingly competitive attention economy, a few moments stood out for the fashion watchers. New York Fashion Week (NYFW) 2024, with all its ingredients for the perfect buzzy moments and trends, might’ve seen the usual slew of couture-dressed celebs, but it’s the following highlights that left social media ablaze.

The return of the supermodels


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A post shared by Ralph Lauren (@ralphlauren)

The ’90s supermodels showed us how it’s done with Naomi Campbell strutting down the mile-long runway at NYFW for the debut of her Naomi Campbell x PrettyLittleThing collection. While Campbell starred in her own capsule project, iconic supermodel Christy Turlington closed Ralph Lauren’s show dressed in a one-shoulder gold number.

2. The infamous Anna Delvey presented a collection while on house arrest

New York Fashion Week 2024
Anna Delvey during the showcase of SHAO on her rooftop. (Image: Dazed)

Ex-con Anna Delvey teamed up with PR titan Kelly Cutrone and the brand SHAO to throw a fashion show while on house arrest. Yes, you did read that right! The convicted con artist took runway locations to the highest level..quite literally, with a showcase on her rooftop in the East Village, with a total of 50 people in attendance. SHAO’s NYFW debut was hosted by Delvey as well, who spoke to paparazzi while she was dressed head-to-toe in the brand.\

Julia Fox stopped time in an outfit made of watches

New York Fashion Week 2024
Julia Fox wearing a two-piece set made of watches. (Image: GC Images)

Julia Fox is no stranger to an eyeball-grabbing outfit. This time around, she had standing still at the launch of Pandora’s Lab Grown Diamonds District in New York City. The actress wore a two-piece set made entirely of watches, which spawned memes, headlines, and social chatter throughout the fashion world.


Fox’s itty-bitty metal bikini

New York Fashion Week 2024
Julia in a metallic, barely-there bikini set. (Image: GC Images)

If her DIY watch coord set sparked conversation, it was a metallic, barely-there bikini that caught the internet’s ire. Arriving at the Naomi Campbell x PrettyLittleThing show, Julia donned a look made only out of body jewellery: a slinky, silver chain bra with a matching metal thong. Only an oversized black leather trench coat and ankle booties accessorised her nude look.

Protestors created a spectacle at Coach’s show

Animal rights advocates crashed Coach’s Spring 2024 show, protesting the use of leather in the brand’s collections.

Watch this space for more fashion week updates.

(Main and Feature Image: Sergio Hudson, Prabal Gurung via NYFW) 

This article was first published in PrestigeOnline Malaysia. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– When is New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024?

The annual fashion event takes place from September 8 to 13, 2023.

– Who is going to New York Fashion Week in 2023?

Participating brands at NYFW include Christian Siriano, Coach, Collina Strada, Helmut Lang, Jason Wu, Kate Spade, Khaite, Michael Kors, Prabal Gurung, Proenza Schouler andTory Burch.

The post The Biggest Trends and Moments From New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2024 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


For fashion mavens, New York Fashion Week isn’t just a showcase of the latest designer collections, it’s a playground for seasonal trends, and the rightful place for picking up style references that’ll likely become the norm in a few years. For this year’s iteration, not only did we see front-row icons arriving in big numbers, but we were privy to labels like Helmut Lang, Coach, and Collina Strada who served up enough sartorial inspiration to keep us warm throughout fall and winter. From vintage-inspired silhouettes to new takes on corsetry, we take a look at the biggest moments and trends from New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024.

Biggest trends from New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024

Colourful sequins

While sequins have been a part and parcel of designer collections for decades, New York Fashion Week 2024 saw the presence of all Pantone shades possible. The glittering, party-approved trend saw manifestations in the most laid-back form at Colin LoCascio and Sergio Hudson’s collection where large paillettes in teardrop and floral shapes were sequinned into inescapable statement pieces. Meanwhile, at Kate Spade, tiny chartreuse sequins gave a sheath dress the look of neon chainmail — breathing life into an otherwise dated silhouette.

Low, drop waists

For the low-rise haters, there’s a new trend in town that’s gotten the fashion girls in a stronghold: drop waists. Featured in the collections of Collina Strada, quiet-luxury-approved Khaite, and Project Runway-stowaway Christian Siriano, the demoted waistline silhouette has made its presence felt at NYFW 2024, and is likely to be lapped up by millennials and Gen-Z players as one of the hottest trends in the months to come. Whether they were incorporated into an ethereal tiered gown or downgraded to a low-waisted skirt, the bottom line remains clear — drop waists are here to stay.

Flower power

Florals for Spring? Groundbreaking. But even for Miranda Priestly, this year’s renditions would be worth a magazine cover. While exaggerated blooms were the object of desire at several designer collections this year, NYFW 2024 saw several colourful iterations swing down the runway in forms we’re ready to slip into any time. Metallic, sequinned, and ruffled flowers appeared on statement tops and belts at Flying Solo, Colin LoCascio, and Ulla Johnson.

Sunflower yellows FTW

Summer and sunshine yellow might seem like an easy-to-guess combination, but the generous sprinkling of the shade at this year’s NYFW stood out as a trend that is likely to dominate wardrobes in the coming seasons. The colour wasn’t restricted to a single Pantone shade — taking the form of a zesty lemon floor-length dress for Prabal Gurung, rich a buttercup mini over at Helmut Lang, and an ultra-bright neon-esque sheer form for Coach, in addition to their string of sling bags.

Corsets and transparency

Corsets are witnessing a steady resurgence among fashion-enthusiasts of all forms — especially the concert-going Gen-Z crowds who are taking vintage-core to the next level. Naturally, designers dug into their archives for the right spring corset inspiration. Out came Dion Lee, Palomo Spain, and Collina Strada with their renditions which saw every corset form taking centrestage- from visible boning to the dipped waist structure. Sheer shone through like every other season at NYFW with designers like Christian Siriano and Coach swapping their basic mesh and simple open knits for playful patterns and intricate lace.

The biggest moments from New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2024

In today’s increasingly competitive attention economy, a few moments stood out for the fashion watchers. New York Fashion Week (NYFW) 2024, with all its ingredients for the perfect buzzy moments and trends, might’ve seen the usual slew of couture-dressed celebs, but it’s the following highlights that left social media ablaze.

The return of the supermodels


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A post shared by Ralph Lauren (@ralphlauren)

The ’90s supermodels showed us how it’s done with Naomi Campbell strutting down the mile-long runway at NYFW for the debut of her Naomi Campbell x PrettyLittleThing collection. While Campbell starred in her own capsule project, iconic supermodel Christy Turlington closed Ralph Lauren’s show dressed in a one-shoulder gold number.

2. The infamous Anna Delvey presented a collection while on house arrest

New York Fashion Week 2024
Anna Delvey during the showcase of SHAO on her rooftop. (Image: Dazed)

Ex-con Anna Delvey teamed up with PR titan Kelly Cutrone and the brand SHAO to throw a fashion show while on house arrest. Yes, you did read that right! The convicted con artist took runway locations to the highest level..quite literally, with a showcase on her rooftop in the East Village, with a total of 50 people in attendance. SHAO’s NYFW debut was hosted by Delvey as well, who spoke to paparazzi while she was dressed head-to-toe in the brand.\

Julia Fox stopped time in an outfit made of watches

New York Fashion Week 2024
Julia Fox wearing a two-piece set made of watches. (Image: GC Images)

Julia Fox is no stranger to an eyeball-grabbing outfit. This time around, she had standing still at the launch of Pandora’s Lab Grown Diamonds District in New York City. The actress wore a two-piece set made entirely of watches, which spawned memes, headlines, and social chatter throughout the fashion world.


Fox’s itty-bitty metal bikini

New York Fashion Week 2024
Julia in a metallic, barely-there bikini set. (Image: GC Images)

If her DIY watch coord set sparked conversation, it was a metallic, barely-there bikini that caught the internet’s ire. Arriving at the Naomi Campbell x PrettyLittleThing show, Julia donned a look made only out of body jewellery: a slinky, silver chain bra with a matching metal thong. Only an oversized black leather trench coat and ankle booties accessorised her nude look.

Protestors created a spectacle at Coach’s show

Animal rights advocates crashed Coach’s Spring 2024 show, protesting the use of leather in the brand’s collections.

Watch this space for more fashion week updates.

(Main and Feature Image: Sergio Hudson, Prabal Gurung via NYFW) 

This article was first published in PrestigeOnline Malaysia. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– When is New York Fashion Week (NYFW) Spring-Summer 2024?

The annual fashion event takes place from September 8 to 13, 2023.

– Who is going to New York Fashion Week in 2023?

Participating brands at NYFW include Christian Siriano, Coach, Collina Strada, Helmut Lang, Jason Wu, Kate Spade, Khaite, Michael Kors, Prabal Gurung, Proenza Schouler andTory Burch.

The post The Biggest Trends and Moments From New York Fashion Week Spring-Summer 2024 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Meta Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin is Now Singapore’s Richest Person, According to Forbes Fri, 08 Sep 2023 04:22:36 +0000

Forbes unveiled its 2023 list of Singapore’s top 50 richest people on September 7, and Meta Platforms co-founder Eduardo Saverin leads the pack with a staggering net worth of USD 16 billion.

The Brazilian tycoon, who became a Singapore resident over a decade ago, is also the biggest gainer this year with an increase of $6.4 billion — thanks to a surge of almost 70 percent in Meta‘s shares. In 2022, he ranked fourth on the Singapore’s 50 Richest list.

forbes eduardo saverin
Eduardo Saverin is now the richest man in Singapore. (Image: Eduardo Saverin/ Facebook)

2023 Forbes Singapore’s 50 Richest list: Apart from Eduardo Saverin, which other billionaires made the cut?

Saverin’s ascent to the top has unseated last year’s No. 1, Li Xiting, chairman of Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics, who is now in third place. The latter’s decline in wealth — from $15.6 billion to $14 billion — has been attributed to China’s implementation of anti-corruption measures against the pharma sector, which adversely affected healthcare stocks.

Coming in second are brothers Robert and Philip Ng of Far East Organization with $14.8 billion — a slight drop from their net worth of $15.2 billion last year. Ranking fourth is Nippon Paint billionaire Goh Cheng Liang (whose assets decreased from $13 billion to $12.3 billion), while real estate magnate Kwek Leng Beng rounds off the top five with a net worth of $11 billion — up 18 percent from $9.3 billion in 2022. Kwek’s listed City Developments is reportedly on the lookout for global acquisitions and recently purchased St Katharine Docks in central London for $500 million in March.

forbes singapore eduardo saverin
From left to right: Li Xiting (No. 3), Goh Cheng Liang (No. 4) and Kwek Leng Beng (No. 5) are in the top five of the 2023 Forbes list of Singapore’s 50 richest people. (Images: Chen Wen/ China News Service via Getty Images; Prestige Online; Mike Pont/ WireImage)

Tycoons’ total wealth climbs to USD 177 billion

According to Forbes, the combined fortune of the billionaires on its Singapore’s 50 Richest list now comes up to $177 billion, an increase of 8 percent from last year’s $164 billion. The net worth of more than half of the people on the list has grown this year, with six of them seeing a boost of more than $1 billion each.

Among this group are the Lee family (No. 11) of OCBC and the Lien family (No. 15), a stakeholder in United Overseas Bank. Both families have been identified as the biggest gainers in terms of percentage — the Lees’ net worth more than doubled to $5.1 billion from their previous $2.2 billion, and the Liens’ assets shot up to $2.8 billion from $1.55 billion.

New entries and exclusions on the Singapore’s 50 Richest list by Forbes

There are three newcomers on Forbes list of Singapore’s 50 Richest people for 2023, two of whom are China-born entrepreneurs. Liang Xinjun, the co-founder of Chinese multinational conglomerate Fosun International and head honcho of his family office XIN Family, joins the coveted ranks at No. 22 with $2.15 billion; while David Xueling Li, co-founder and chairman of Nasdaq-listed and Singapore-headquartered live streaming platform JOYY, stands at 47th place with $880 million. Singaporean Lim Kaling, an early investor in gaming firm Razer, debuts at No. 48 with a wealth of $875 million.

Three names have been left out on this year’s list. These include David Chen, co-founder of gaming and e-commerce company Sea, whose shares took a hit with unsatisfactory second-quarter results.

Singapore’s 50 richest on Forbes 2023 list

1) Eduardo Saverin — USD 16 billion
2) Robert & Philip Ng — USD 14.8 billion
3) Li Xiting — USD 14 billion
4) Goh Cheng Liang — USD 12.3 billion
5) Kwek Leng Beng — USD 11 billion
6) Zhang Yong & Shu Ping — USD 9.7 billion
7) Khoo family — USD 8.5 billion
8) Wee Cho Yaw — USD 7.1 billion
9) Leo Koguan — USD 6.5 billion
10) Kwee brothers — USD 6.3 billion
11) Lee family — USD 5.1 billion
12) Kuok Khoon Hong — USD 4 billion
13) Raj Kumar & Kishin RK — USD 3 billion
14) Richard Chandler — USD 2.9 billion
15) Lien family — USD 2.8 billion
16) Robert Friedland — USD 2.7 billion
17) Choo Chong Ngen — USD 2.6 billion
18) Forrest Li — USD 2.4 billion
19) Sam Goi — USD 2.35 billion
20) Arvind Tiku — USD 2.3 billion
21) Ho family — USD 2.2 billion
22) Liang Xinjun — USD 2.15 billion
23) Peter Lim — USD 2 billion
24) Oei Hong Leong — USD 1.9 billion
25) Gang Ye — USD 1.8 billion
26) Ong Beng Seng & Christina Ong — USD 1.7 billion
27) Asok Kumar Hiranandani — USD 1.65 billion
28) Koh Wee Meng — USD 1.6 billion
29) Ron Sim — USD 1.55 billion
30) Tay family — USD 1.5 billion
31) Binny Bansal — USD 1.45 billion
32) Tang Wee Kit — USD 1.4 billion
33) Chew Gek Khim — USD 1.35 billion
34) Lim Hock Chee — USD 1.33 billion
35) Wong brothers — USD 1.3 billion
36) Min-Liang Tan — USD 1.25 billion
37) Chua Thian Poh — USD 1.2 billion
38) Peter Fu Chong Cheng — USD 1.18 billion
39) Yao Hsiao Tung — USD 1.15 billion
40) Zhong Sheng Jian — USD 1.13 billion
41) Muhammed Aziz Khan — USD 1.12 billion
42) John Lim — USD 1.1 billion
43) Michael Kum — USD 1.05 billion
44) Loo Choon Yong  — USD 1 billion
45) Lim Chap Huat — USD 995 million
46) Saurabh Mittal — USD 900 million
47) David Xueling Li — USD 880 million
48) Lim Kaling — USD 875 million
49) Gordon & Celine Tang — USD 790 million
50) Laurent Junique — USD 750 million

More details here

(Main image: Roslan Rahman/ AFP; Featured image: Eduardo Saverin/ Facebook)

The post Meta Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin is Now Singapore’s Richest Person, According to Forbes appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Forbes unveiled its 2023 list of Singapore’s top 50 richest people on September 7, and Meta Platforms co-founder Eduardo Saverin leads the pack with a staggering net worth of USD 16 billion.

The Brazilian tycoon, who became a Singapore resident over a decade ago, is also the biggest gainer this year with an increase of $6.4 billion — thanks to a surge of almost 70 percent in Meta‘s shares. In 2022, he ranked fourth on the Singapore’s 50 Richest list.

forbes eduardo saverin
Eduardo Saverin is now the richest man in Singapore. (Image: Eduardo Saverin/ Facebook)

2023 Forbes Singapore’s 50 Richest list: Apart from Eduardo Saverin, which other billionaires made the cut?

Saverin’s ascent to the top has unseated last year’s No. 1, Li Xiting, chairman of Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics, who is now in third place. The latter’s decline in wealth — from $15.6 billion to $14 billion — has been attributed to China’s implementation of anti-corruption measures against the pharma sector, which adversely affected healthcare stocks.

Coming in second are brothers Robert and Philip Ng of Far East Organization with $14.8 billion — a slight drop from their net worth of $15.2 billion last year. Ranking fourth is Nippon Paint billionaire Goh Cheng Liang (whose assets decreased from $13 billion to $12.3 billion), while real estate magnate Kwek Leng Beng rounds off the top five with a net worth of $11 billion — up 18 percent from $9.3 billion in 2022. Kwek’s listed City Developments is reportedly on the lookout for global acquisitions and recently purchased St Katharine Docks in central London for $500 million in March.

forbes singapore eduardo saverin
From left to right: Li Xiting (No. 3), Goh Cheng Liang (No. 4) and Kwek Leng Beng (No. 5) are in the top five of the 2023 Forbes list of Singapore’s 50 richest people. (Images: Chen Wen/ China News Service via Getty Images; Prestige Online; Mike Pont/ WireImage)

Tycoons’ total wealth climbs to USD 177 billion

According to Forbes, the combined fortune of the billionaires on its Singapore’s 50 Richest list now comes up to $177 billion, an increase of 8 percent from last year’s $164 billion. The net worth of more than half of the people on the list has grown this year, with six of them seeing a boost of more than $1 billion each.

Among this group are the Lee family (No. 11) of OCBC and the Lien family (No. 15), a stakeholder in United Overseas Bank. Both families have been identified as the biggest gainers in terms of percentage — the Lees’ net worth more than doubled to $5.1 billion from their previous $2.2 billion, and the Liens’ assets shot up to $2.8 billion from $1.55 billion.

New entries and exclusions on the Singapore’s 50 Richest list by Forbes

There are three newcomers on Forbes list of Singapore’s 50 Richest people for 2023, two of whom are China-born entrepreneurs. Liang Xinjun, the co-founder of Chinese multinational conglomerate Fosun International and head honcho of his family office XIN Family, joins the coveted ranks at No. 22 with $2.15 billion; while David Xueling Li, co-founder and chairman of Nasdaq-listed and Singapore-headquartered live streaming platform JOYY, stands at 47th place with $880 million. Singaporean Lim Kaling, an early investor in gaming firm Razer, debuts at No. 48 with a wealth of $875 million.

Three names have been left out on this year’s list. These include David Chen, co-founder of gaming and e-commerce company Sea, whose shares took a hit with unsatisfactory second-quarter results.

Singapore’s 50 richest on Forbes 2023 list

1) Eduardo Saverin — USD 16 billion
2) Robert & Philip Ng — USD 14.8 billion
3) Li Xiting — USD 14 billion
4) Goh Cheng Liang — USD 12.3 billion
5) Kwek Leng Beng — USD 11 billion
6) Zhang Yong & Shu Ping — USD 9.7 billion
7) Khoo family — USD 8.5 billion
8) Wee Cho Yaw — USD 7.1 billion
9) Leo Koguan — USD 6.5 billion
10) Kwee brothers — USD 6.3 billion
11) Lee family — USD 5.1 billion
12) Kuok Khoon Hong — USD 4 billion
13) Raj Kumar & Kishin RK — USD 3 billion
14) Richard Chandler — USD 2.9 billion
15) Lien family — USD 2.8 billion
16) Robert Friedland — USD 2.7 billion
17) Choo Chong Ngen — USD 2.6 billion
18) Forrest Li — USD 2.4 billion
19) Sam Goi — USD 2.35 billion
20) Arvind Tiku — USD 2.3 billion
21) Ho family — USD 2.2 billion
22) Liang Xinjun — USD 2.15 billion
23) Peter Lim — USD 2 billion
24) Oei Hong Leong — USD 1.9 billion
25) Gang Ye — USD 1.8 billion
26) Ong Beng Seng & Christina Ong — USD 1.7 billion
27) Asok Kumar Hiranandani — USD 1.65 billion
28) Koh Wee Meng — USD 1.6 billion
29) Ron Sim — USD 1.55 billion
30) Tay family — USD 1.5 billion
31) Binny Bansal — USD 1.45 billion
32) Tang Wee Kit — USD 1.4 billion
33) Chew Gek Khim — USD 1.35 billion
34) Lim Hock Chee — USD 1.33 billion
35) Wong brothers — USD 1.3 billion
36) Min-Liang Tan — USD 1.25 billion
37) Chua Thian Poh — USD 1.2 billion
38) Peter Fu Chong Cheng — USD 1.18 billion
39) Yao Hsiao Tung — USD 1.15 billion
40) Zhong Sheng Jian — USD 1.13 billion
41) Muhammed Aziz Khan — USD 1.12 billion
42) John Lim — USD 1.1 billion
43) Michael Kum — USD 1.05 billion
44) Loo Choon Yong  — USD 1 billion
45) Lim Chap Huat — USD 995 million
46) Saurabh Mittal — USD 900 million
47) David Xueling Li — USD 880 million
48) Lim Kaling — USD 875 million
49) Gordon & Celine Tang — USD 790 million
50) Laurent Junique — USD 750 million

More details here

(Main image: Roslan Rahman/ AFP; Featured image: Eduardo Saverin/ Facebook)

The post Meta Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin is Now Singapore’s Richest Person, According to Forbes appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

What You Missed at the Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 Party Mon, 04 Sep 2023 10:08:14 +0000

The soft haze of late summer still lingered in the air, promising a few days of respite before Super Typhoon Saola put our beloved city to the test once again. As this would be the last time of peace before the tempest, Prestige gave homage to the 40 young innovators, change-makers and leaders and, you guessed it, all under the age of 40.

The months leading up to the grand reveal had been long and arduous, but the moment of celebration had arrived. “I am but merry wanderer in the night,” our invitation proclaimed, and as the doors of SEVVA’s luxurious halls opened, it was evident that we were indeed about to embark on an adventure beyond imagination. Guests spread throughout the glimmering gala, with each corner offering a feast for the senses. The tantalising delights from the kitchen, the luscious scent of perfumes mingling in the air and the soft notes of music filling up every corner, it seemed as if we had stepped into a dreamland created by The Bard himself.

BMW renewed their vow to back the bold and ambitious, while Don Julio showered the 40 Under 40 class of 2023 with custom-crafted bottles of exquisite 1942 tequila, making our shared mission to highlight Hong Kong’s wealth of talent shine brighter than ever.

As custom prescribed, this year’s list of esteemed honorands was unveiled by our publisher Oceana Ou to great applause and exuberant cheering. We erupted with glee as this year’s honouree Lezlie Chan performed a musical number in celebration, and the Moët Chandon champagne and Mortlach whiskey flowed in abundance. Genevieve Chew and Celine Kwan welcomed Melinda Zeman and Derek Cheng and Rickyy Wong into the esteemed 40 Under 40 circle respectively, and so did others, as we beheld, with bated breath, how our community of artists, entrepreneurs, designers, activists and athletes grew stronger. 

The stars mostly come out at night, and our wishes for this year’s 40 Under 40 celebration have been granted with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Here’s to another grand chapter of excellence; It shall be extraordinary, for that is the Prestige promise.

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A post shared by Prestige Hong Kong (@prestigehk)

The post What You Missed at the Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 Party appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


The soft haze of late summer still lingered in the air, promising a few days of respite before Super Typhoon Saola put our beloved city to the test once again. As this would be the last time of peace before the tempest, Prestige gave homage to the 40 young innovators, change-makers and leaders and, you guessed it, all under the age of 40.

The months leading up to the grand reveal had been long and arduous, but the moment of celebration had arrived. “I am but merry wanderer in the night,” our invitation proclaimed, and as the doors of SEVVA’s luxurious halls opened, it was evident that we were indeed about to embark on an adventure beyond imagination. Guests spread throughout the glimmering gala, with each corner offering a feast for the senses. The tantalising delights from the kitchen, the luscious scent of perfumes mingling in the air and the soft notes of music filling up every corner, it seemed as if we had stepped into a dreamland created by The Bard himself.

BMW renewed their vow to back the bold and ambitious, while Don Julio showered the 40 Under 40 class of 2023 with custom-crafted bottles of exquisite 1942 tequila, making our shared mission to highlight Hong Kong’s wealth of talent shine brighter than ever.

As custom prescribed, this year’s list of esteemed honorands was unveiled by our publisher Oceana Ou to great applause and exuberant cheering. We erupted with glee as this year’s honouree Lezlie Chan performed a musical number in celebration, and the Moët Chandon champagne and Mortlach whiskey flowed in abundance. Genevieve Chew and Celine Kwan welcomed Melinda Zeman and Derek Cheng and Rickyy Wong into the esteemed 40 Under 40 circle respectively, and so did others, as we beheld, with bated breath, how our community of artists, entrepreneurs, designers, activists and athletes grew stronger. 

The stars mostly come out at night, and our wishes for this year’s 40 Under 40 celebration have been granted with the brilliance of a thousand suns. Here’s to another grand chapter of excellence; It shall be extraordinary, for that is the Prestige promise.

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A post shared by Prestige Hong Kong (@prestigehk)

The post What You Missed at the Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 Party appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Meet the Laureates of Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 Wed, 30 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0000 Prestige 40 Under 40 2023

This is the ninth consecutive year in which Prestige has drawn up its 40 Under 40 rollcall, young individuals whose vigour, determination, optimism, foresight and entrepreneurial spirit have done so much to transform our lives. It’s also three years since we re-vamped our roster of youthful excellence – and with Hong Kong now fully open, I know I can speak for the entire team by saying how energised we are about this project, which has always been dear to our hearts.

During the past three years, we’ve welcomed to the 40 Under 40 community an even more diverse cross-section of talents from all walks of life – and that variety proves just how multi-faceted Hong Kong is. Although some people may have moved on to new horizons in the last few years, we’ve never lost sight of our mission to recognise the dynamic individuals who, in addition to pursuing and realising their own dreams, have put their faith just as strongly in their home city. That we had no difficulty this year in identifying 40 such people to join our ever-growing family of inventiveness and enterprise is more than simply inspiring; it also fills us with hope for the future. At risk of repeating myself, we’re energised by their energy.

Equally gratifying is hearing from all our honourees how much they value not merely our recognition of their accomplishments, but also that of their peers – and the past 12 months alone have seen some remarkable achievements. Take, for example, Anson Lo and Edan Lui, whose solo activities beyond the band Mirror have included major concerts, debut singles and films. Artist Chan Wai Lap, whose life-sized swimming pool installation at the Hong Kong Museum of Art has drawn awestruck passers-by to step into his fantasy world. Or there’s climate activist Natalie Chung, who was selected to join an international expedition to the Antarctic alongside marine biologists, researchers and policymakers. Equally inspiring is swimmer Camille Cheng, who as well as training for the forthcoming Asian and Olympic games has long-term ambitions in the treatment of mental health.

In the field of hospitality, we’ve been blown away by Steve Lee of Hansik Goo, whose efforts and creativity in the kitchen not only helped win the Korean restaurant a Michelin star for the second year running, but also snagged him a Young Chef Award. And as for bartender Ajit Gurung, he not only played a key part in ensuring that COA has just been voted Asia’s best bar for the third year running, but he’s now branched out to co-helm a ground-breaking new establishment in Central, The Savory Project. 

Those, of course, represent just a handful of the 40 impactful individuals whose life journeys you’ll be reading about in these pages, every one of whom we’re sure is bound for even greater things. We’ll be following their progress avidly, just as we’re looking forward to honouring the efforts of yet more remarkable young talents in the years to come. Our congratulations to them all!

The post Meet the Laureates of Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Prestige 40 Under 40 2023

This is the ninth consecutive year in which Prestige has drawn up its 40 Under 40 rollcall, young individuals whose vigour, determination, optimism, foresight and entrepreneurial spirit have done so much to transform our lives. It’s also three years since we re-vamped our roster of youthful excellence – and with Hong Kong now fully open, I know I can speak for the entire team by saying how energised we are about this project, which has always been dear to our hearts.

During the past three years, we’ve welcomed to the 40 Under 40 community an even more diverse cross-section of talents from all walks of life – and that variety proves just how multi-faceted Hong Kong is. Although some people may have moved on to new horizons in the last few years, we’ve never lost sight of our mission to recognise the dynamic individuals who, in addition to pursuing and realising their own dreams, have put their faith just as strongly in their home city. That we had no difficulty this year in identifying 40 such people to join our ever-growing family of inventiveness and enterprise is more than simply inspiring; it also fills us with hope for the future. At risk of repeating myself, we’re energised by their energy.

Equally gratifying is hearing from all our honourees how much they value not merely our recognition of their accomplishments, but also that of their peers – and the past 12 months alone have seen some remarkable achievements. Take, for example, Anson Lo and Edan Lui, whose solo activities beyond the band Mirror have included major concerts, debut singles and films. Artist Chan Wai Lap, whose life-sized swimming pool installation at the Hong Kong Museum of Art has drawn awestruck passers-by to step into his fantasy world. Or there’s climate activist Natalie Chung, who was selected to join an international expedition to the Antarctic alongside marine biologists, researchers and policymakers. Equally inspiring is swimmer Camille Cheng, who as well as training for the forthcoming Asian and Olympic games has long-term ambitions in the treatment of mental health.

In the field of hospitality, we’ve been blown away by Steve Lee of Hansik Goo, whose efforts and creativity in the kitchen not only helped win the Korean restaurant a Michelin star for the second year running, but also snagged him a Young Chef Award. And as for bartender Ajit Gurung, he not only played a key part in ensuring that COA has just been voted Asia’s best bar for the third year running, but he’s now branched out to co-helm a ground-breaking new establishment in Central, The Savory Project. 

Those, of course, represent just a handful of the 40 impactful individuals whose life journeys you’ll be reading about in these pages, every one of whom we’re sure is bound for even greater things. We’ll be following their progress avidly, just as we’re looking forward to honouring the efforts of yet more remarkable young talents in the years to come. Our congratulations to them all!

The post Meet the Laureates of Prestige 40 Under 40 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

15 of the Most Extravagant and Expensive Weddings in the World Tue, 08 Aug 2023 06:00:30 +0000

What are weddings if not the most expensive occasion in a couple’s life? As an opening act to married life, weddings have transformed into an event where no fantasy is wild enough to execute, especially if the budget is non-existent. For the rich and famous, “I do’s” are embellished with private island destinations, endless rounds of the best champagne, and couture outfits handmade by the best designers the world has to offer. From royalty to entertainment personalities, we take a look at the 15 most expensive weddings in the world. For centuries, weddings have been a socially-accepted expenditure, with the affluent going to great lengths to impress their guests. Industrialists, celebrities, and members of royalty have emerged as the top players in this segment— with several nuptials running into millions for their lavish, one-of-a-kind features. While some grooms opt for the classic helicopter arrival, others have gone the extra mile by creating specialised locations to accommodate their illustrious attendees. Arranging for an exclusive performance by Beyonce, or flying in Italy’s best florist for your decor are add-ons that might not come cheap but for the world’s 1%, it’s just spare change.

Why are weddings becoming more expensive?

Whether you’re someone who’s had wedding lust their entire life or prefer smaller, more intimate ceremonies, there’s no denying that they’re becoming pricier than ever. A study published in The Asean Post indicates that wedding costs in Southeast Asia are witnessing a sharp rise. Looking at Hong Kong more exclusively, the average cost of getting married in the city rose by 10 percent in 2022 to HKD 360,577 (approximately USD 45,982), according to online lifestyle media and e-business company ESDlife. Spending on each wedding item witnessed double-digit growth after two years of post-pandemic lag –from pre-wedding photography, and engagement rings to honeymoon packages. Rising inflation rates as well as exposure to social media trends can also be attributed as reasons for the rising cost of tying the knot in today’s day and age. To understand why couples are choosing to spend the extra dough we must look at the consumption environment in the post-pandemic world. While products and services for any event can become expensive, especially with grander versions, wedding expenses stand out for being disproportionately high. According to WeddingWire’s 2018 report on the modern matrimonial experience, some traditions (such as sharing a first dance) have stood the test of time, while new trends are emerging simultaneously. Couples are getting more creative when it comes to making their special day feel undoubtedly “them.” The study outlines a few of the main avenues of spending:

  • 40 percent have unique musical choices during the ceremony (e.g. bagpipes).
  • 21 percent add local elements based on the city where the couple met or grew up (e.g. food or decor).
  • 18 percent include ceremonial customs related to their ethnicity/religion (e.g. jumping the broom).
  • 17 percent hire special or out-of-the-box entertainment for guests (e.g. fortune tellers, caricature artists).

How do expensive celebrity weddings influence trends?

When it comes to the most expensive weddings in the world, pioneering trends are often born as a result of them. Take Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, and Sonam Kapoor. When the three actresses decided to swap the traditional red palette for a more timeless shade of white, Indian brides-to-be followed suit. “White is already the go-to bridal colour in several Indian states like Kerala, Assam, and Gujarat. But there is a considerable change in the mainstream colour palette too now. More brides are opting for white, ivory, and off-white to match their contemporary vision for their big day,” explained designer Ridhi Mehra to Mint Lounge, adding that her white lehengas were particularly popular for day-time weddings. So, which of the world’s wealthiest people feature on the list of the most expensive weddings? We take a look.

The most expensive weddings in the world

1. Priya Sachdev to Vikram Chatwal – USD 20 million

most expensive weddings in the world
Vikram Chatwal with Priya Sachdev during their 2006 wedding. (Image: Amit Bhargava for The New York Times)

Spread over 10 days and three cities with 600 guests flown in privately from 26 countries  — globe-trotting hotelier Vikram Chatwal, and former investment banker-turned-model Priya Sachdev’s wedding was far from a simple affair. Chartered flights were the only mode of transport for this multimillion-dollar nuptial. “So we started in Bombay, which is called the gateway to India, and then we moved to Udaipur and then on to Delhi,” Mr. Chatwal told New York Times in the months after his 2006 wedding. “A lot of my friends had never been there so I really wanted to show them the country,” he added. Apart from the influential attendees, American heavyweights like Bill Clinton, model Patricia Velasquez, and Naomi Campbell, a coterie of Indian dignitaries like India’s then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, the HRH Prince Nikolaos of Greece, and industrialist Lakshmi Mittal, were just some of the few starry names on the guest list. This multi-city extravaganza was estimated to cost a whopping USD 20 million and saw a traditional Sikh ceremony, a Mughal-court-inspired white party, a pool party set against the landscape of a 1760 fort as well as Chatwal leading the customary half-mile procession atop a white horse. “It’s the biggest wedding I’ve ever done,” said New Delhi–based wedding planner Vandana Mohan to New York Mag. Her duties included overseeing 14 special hospitality desks set up at each hotel and a fleet of 70 private cars for the three-city caravan. Fifty thousand kilos of flowers were shipped in from Holland, Bangkok, and Calcutta; a total of 3,000 candles were burned, and the crew went through 65,000 metres of fabric for the decor. Despite executing one of the most expensive weddings in the world, the couple parted ways just five years later in 2011.

2. Prince Felipe of Spain and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano – Between USD 28-54 million

Marrying into royalty is one dream we’re all guilty of harbouring but it was Spanish-born Letizia Ortiz who turned it into a reality in 2004. Elevating her status from anchorwoman to nobility, Ortiz married Spain’s then-heir, Prince Felipe in a lavish wedding that kept 25 million viewers enraptured in its dreamy commoner-to-queen fantasy. Nothing about their union was run of the mill. Had the television journalist not been sent to cover a 2002 story of a major oil tank disaster, which her prince presided over, the couple would’ve never crossed paths. Naturally, Prince Felipe proposed with a one-of-a-kind ring featuring 16 diamonds and crafted by Suárez Jewellery, a Spanish brand established in 1943. The Express reported it’s worth USD 25, 495. Swapping her flashier diamond engagement ring for a minimal gold band, Felipe and Ortiz’s wedding was nothing short of spectacular. After all, it was the first royal nuptials the country had seen in close to a century. More than 1,200 guests attended the grand function, which included princely elites like Prince Albert of Monaco, Charles, Prince of Wales, the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, and other representatives from 36 royal houses and heads of state. Culminating at Madrid’s Almeduna Cathedral, the wedding saw the would-be-queen arriving at the location in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce Phantom IV while flaunting her sublime USD 8 million dress designed by Manuel Pertegaz.

most expensive weddings in the world
Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano after their nuptials in Madrid. (Image: Ramon Espinosa/ AP)

Although Ortiz’s lineage might’ve been more ordinary, her bridal outfit reflected her impending elevation with heirloom pieces picked out from ancestral wardrobes. The spotlight accessory took the form of the historical Prussian tiara, crafted by the German court jeweler, Koch, in 1913. A loan from her mother-in-law, Queen Sofia of Spain, who inherited it from her mother, Queen Friederike of the Hellenes, this exquisite sparkler featured a pear-shaped double diamond cluster pendant in the centre. Apart from the bridal tapestry, delectable fare the likes of breaded scallops, croquettes, and chocolate serpentine cake flowed in abundance as the world’s royal elite welcomed their newest member. It was later revealed that the joint forces of the government at the time and the Royal House dished out somewhere between USD 28 to 54 million for the celebrations.

3. Huang Xiaoming and Angela Yeung Wing – USD 31 million


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What do you get when an influencer decides she’s ready to get hitched? One of the most expensive weddings in the world, obviously! Actress, singer, and model Angela Yeung — better known as “Angelababy” — tied the knot with actor Huang Xiaoming in October 2015, in a flashy ceremony that inevitably incited jealousy. The cavernous Shanghai Conventional Centre was the venue selected for the affair, with its screen-lined interiors displaying the couple’s Parisian pre-wedding film— Angelababy flaunting her Elie Saab gowns for the extended screentime.

most expensive weddings in the world
Angelbaby’s diamond ring by Chaumet was one of the highlights of her nuptials, which was among the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: Angela Yeung Wing via Instagram)

If the ambience wasn’t elaborate enough, chances are you’re going to need to sit down when you see the ring. Crafted by Parisian designer Chaumet, the USD 1.5 million accessory featured a five-carat pear-shaped diamond with another half-carat of diamonds embellishing it. For the ceremony, Angelababy wore a custom Christian Dior gown. which according to Forbes, took five months to create. Additional details revealed the couture ensemble featured “115 feet of ivory satin organza and 165 feet of tulle…a 10-foot-long train and nearly 100 hand-cut rose bouquets made of Chantilly lace.” A total of 2,000 guests, including Hong Kong’s biggest celebrities, made their appearances at this live-streamed event as a 10-foot-tall wedding cake kept them company. Even the carousel-shaped dessert wasn’t a simple decision considering the chefs took a month to create it. Architectural installations like a holographic castle, stained-glass window lights, and a giant wall of flowers adorned the location as guests were treated to elaborate gift bags containing cell phones and other “essentials”. Despite their success in hand-crafting a viral wedding, the couple eventually parted ways in 2022.

4. Kate Middleton to Prince William – USD 33 million

most expensive weddings in the world
most expensive weddings in the world
most expensive weddings in the world

In the months leading up to April 2011, all the world could fixate on was the upcoming British royal wedding. Kate Middleton, “commoner” by origin, was all set to join the imperial machinery after saying yes to her university boyfriend of nine years, Prince William of England. As close to 1,900 hand-picked guests made their way to the three-event ceremony – the wedding, out of which, was held at the landmark Westminster Abbey – over 160 million viewers from 188 countries watched alongside. Not only did Britain observe a national holiday for the monarchial matrimony, but celebratory events were also held in Canada and other Commonwealth nations. Despite the USD 800,000 price tag on the flowers or the USD 434,000 Sarah Burton-designed Alexander McQueen gown, the most significant expenditure in Kate and William’s wedding was security – accounting for USD 32 million of the total cost. If the logistics were an expensive affair, the couple ensured their guests were treated with nothing but the best. The reception menu boasted of fresh crabs sourced from Lyme Bay, Hebridean langoustines, North Highland organic lamb from Prince Charles‘s organic farm and a heavenly eight-tier fruit cake created by Fiona Cairns. Singer Ellie Goulding was asked to perform for William’s intimate dinner party. Even the decor at Westminster Abbey was reminiscent of a fairytale – six English Field Maple trees and two Hornbeam trees, all of which were 20 feet high, were incorporated into the church’s architecture as a long red carpet ran the length of the aisle from double the doors to the altar. With 72 million streams worldwide, the wedding was featured in the 2012 Guinness Book of World Records for the “Most Live Streams for a Single Event”, beating Michael Jackson’s memorial service in 2009.

5. Madelaine Brockway and Jacob Lagrone – USD 59 million

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Emerging from the depths of the internet, Madelaine and Jacob’s USD 59 million nuptials left TikTok users in a state of awe. Netizens combined their detective skills to uncover Madelaine’s background — only to discover she’s the heiress of car dealership tycoon, Robert “Bob” Brockway, who serves as the Chairman and CEO of Bill Ussery Motors. The extravagant Parisian wedding had to be the only way to celebrate the couple’s big day.

Madelaine Brockway and Jacob Lagrone‘s choice of location — Chateau de Villette astonished onlookers and social media users with its unprecedented decor. Madelaine, resplendent in a custom Dior haute couture gown adorned with Lily of the Valley – her favoured bloom, glided down the aisle, framed by the Chateau’s symmetry. The aisle led to a floating platform in the fountain where vows were exchanged, creating an epic tableau with the most Instagrammable backdrop.

Two meticulously constructed greenhouses, symmetrical to the Chateau, flanked the aisle. Dinner, hosted in a bespoke white greenhouse by Lecoperture, mirrored the couple’s commitment to a light aesthetic, with Lily of the Valley delicately embroidered on every table accessory — from napkins to the menus. The greenhouse was transformed into a vibrant nightclub for the after-party, featuring a sunken marble dance floor where the couple shared a first dance to Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved.” Of course, it was a live performance with Adam Levine in attendance!

Collaborating seamlessly with the couple, the wedding unfolded as a detailed and breathtaking spectacle, embracing Madelaine’s affection for the intricately designed staircases at Opera de Paris. Tablescapes, adorned with carefully chosen pastels and hand-painted porcelain by Marie Daâge, paid homage to centuries-old French artistry.

While TikTok labelled it the “wedding of the century”, the intense social media glare proved to be counterproductive as the news of Jacob being convicted of criminal charges began to circulate. In March, LaGrone was indicted for firing a gun at police officers, reported The Washington Post. If convicted, he could face between fewer than five years in prison to a life sentence. Since the news broke, Madelaine has made her social media accounts private.

6. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – USD 63 million

Perhaps the beginning of the end, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s 2018 wedding can easily be considered the turning point for modern British politics. An American actress by profession, Meghan’s biracial outsider status promised a departure from imperial traditions and the birth of a new mixed bloodline unseen within British royalty. The world watched with renewed hope as the couple made their way to St George’s Chapel in Windsor alongside a hand-selected roster of 600 guests. Two thousand others waited for them in the royal gardens with millions more tuning in globally for the historic event. Politicians, members of royalty, and Hollywood stars like George and Amal Clooney, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, James Corden, Sir Elton John, and countless others showed up. Some figures even estimated that the wedding generated USD 1.27 billion for the British economy, including an additional USD 382 million brought in by foreign tourists and USD 63.74 million spent on merchandise and souvenirs. To mark her last televised appearance as Miss Markle, Meghan chose a pristine silk organza gown designed by Clare Waight Keller under the aegis of the fashion house Givenchy. Cartier took care of the accessories department, dressing the would-be bride in their white gold and diamond earrings and bracelet while Dior’s make-up artist Daniel Martin did Markle’s look for the occasion. Apart from the bridal costs, orders for the cake, the florist, and the catering had been estimated by the BBC to cost £50,000, £110,000, and £286,000 respectively, all of which would be footed by the British royal family. ( USD 63,740, USD 140230, and USD 364,590 approximately) Two choirs, one orchestra, the chapel organ played by Luke Bond, and fanfare trumpeters were hired and provided the much-needed music for the event.

7. Vanisha Mittal to Amit Bhattia – USD 65 million

Apart from inheriting a USD 16.6 billion fortune, Vanisha knew her last name carried the weight of her industrialist lineage. After all, being the only daughter of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal translates to some perks like featuring on the list of the world’s most expensive weddings. Apart from turning a number of France’s iconic locations like the Palace of Versailles, Vaux-le-Vicomte, and Jardin de Tuileries into Indian dreamscapes, the six-day event in 2004 saw the popstar Kylie Minogue fill in the role of wedding performer. Her USD 254,600 fees was just one of the many bills settled by Mittal for the wedding – an event which saw 1,000 guests flown in from all over the world. Upon accepting the 20-page silver-plated invitation, invitees received flight tickets and 5-star accommodations at the Intercontinental Paris – Le Grand in exchange for their precious time. Father Mittal even rented out 12 Boeing jets to ferry his globetrotting guests, as well as the 35 Mumbai-based craftsmen responsible for erecting a massive mandap in the estate’s sprawling gardens. To execute the quintessential big fat Indian wedding, Bollywood forms an integral ingredient. Since with money comes power and with power comes influential friends, superstars like Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, Akshay Kumar, Rani Mukherji, Juhi Chawla and Saif Ali Khan were obvious features on the glitzy guest list. Fireworks at the Eiffel Tower, over 100 dishes prepared by top Indian chefs and a wine bill reaching up to USD 2 million only go onto testify the massive wealth Mittal had amassed in his 28 year career. Indian couture designers Tarun Tahiliani, Suneet Varma and the duo Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla were helmed the outfit department as guests feasted on 100+ delicacies perfected by chef, Munna Maharaj. While the festivities earned Vanisha and Amit the title of “most expensive wedding” in the Guiness Book of World Records, the Mittal-Bhatia marriage ended in divorce in 2014.

8. Rajeev Reddy and Brahmani Janardhana Reddy – USD 74 million

As common folk queued outside ATMs in the wake of the BJP-backed decision to demonitise certain Indian currencies, the swanky wedding of Brahmani Reddy – daughter of mining baron G. Janardhan Reddy – attracted widespread criticism. Held at Bangalore’s Palace Grounds with a monumental guest list of 50,000 attendees, the Reddy nuptials saw several of the country’s aristocrats, politicians and celebrities flock to the venue. If the timing of the wedding appeared tone-deaf to netizens, it was the flashy LCD-screen invites that had created a storm earlier. Giant helium balloons with pictures of the family bobbed overhead at the venue while majestic replicas of Hampi’s Purandara temple, Lotus Mahal, Mahanavami Dibba and the Vijaya Vittala Temple welcomed the guests. At the ceremony itself, Brahmani took her pheras in a red and gold Kanjeevaram sari worth around USD 2.3 million. Her enviable jewellery pieces amounting for another USD 12 million. A task force of 3,000 security men and 500 bouncers in black suits surveilled the place. Almost every luxury hotel within a five-km radius of the venue was booked for guests. 500 dancers were also hand-picked from troupes in Chennai and Hyderabad. Even the two mechanical elephants flanking the entrance of the venue came with a rental cost of USD 850 per day, reported NDTV. 

9. Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal –USD 100 million

Born with a last name that needs no introduction, Isha Ambani’s multi-city, multi-event union with industrialist Anand Piramal in 2018 altered the existing landscape of celebrity weddings. The modern-day heiress with the very profitable Relaince Industries chalked into her inheritance began her bridal journey with a roka ceremony at her family’s multimillion-dollar Mumbai home, Antilia. “The wedding went off beautifully. Like any other bride, I had my share of bridal jitters but getting married at home made it very special and I had the time of my life celebrating my most memorable moments with all the people I love,” Isha revealed to Vogue India at the time. The real party began in Italy’s Lake Como a couple of weeks, where the couple celebrated their engagement with a luxurious daytime event. Out came Isha’s Dolce & Gabbana gown as performances by Indian favourites Shaan and Pritam, as well as award-winning singer-songwriter John Legend, entertained the celebrity guests. Perhaps the most indulgent expense from the pre-wedding ceremonies came in the form of a private performance by Beyoncé — the first of its kind for the musical legend. High-profile attendees like Hillary Clinton, Arianna Huffington, Nick Jonas, and Priyanka Chopra as a bevy of Bollywood big whigs like Shah Rukh Khan, members of the Kapoor clan, and other A-listers arrived in their best wedding wear. The date for the holy matrimony was finalised for December 12, 2018– giving production crews a generous seven months to pull of one of the world’s most expensive weddings.  Gold-encrusted invitations amounting to nearly USD 4,000 were sent out to the guests. On the day of the wedding, not only was the Ambani residence was decked with fresh blooms, even the street leading up to the venue was dotted with yellow and orange marigolds. Isha put designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla in-charge of her finale outfit – a 16-panel lehenga-choli, which reportedly came with a price tag of USD 12 million.

10. Lady Diana Spencer to Prince Charles – USD 115 million

Held at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral, Lady Diana and Prince Charles‘ July wedding in 1981 was widely billed as a “fairytale”. At a time when the world was still two decades away from the internet, this British royal wedding amassed a staggering broadcast viewership of 750 million people worldwide. A total of 3,500 guests were invited to the stately affair, as two more million spectators lined the route of Diana’s procession. Three choirs and three orchestras played their tunes as the newest royal member walked the aisle in a USD 46,785-worth ivory silk taffeta dress, decorated with lace, hand embroidery, sequins, and 10,000 pearls. The designers credited for the exquisite design were British duo, Elizabeth and David Emanuel. Governors-generals of the Commonwealth nations, as well as many of the reigning European monarchs at the time, made their way to the English capital. Fireworks displays above Hyde Park and 100 beacons were lit up across the country to commemorate the royal wedding. Interestingly, the event saw a grand total of 27 cakes being presented to the couple. The cost of the wedding was later estimated to be USD 48 million in total (between USD 70 million and USD 110 million when adjusted for inflation), with USD 600,000 being spent on security alone.

11. Chandni Toor to Seemanto Roy and Richa Roy to Sushanto Roy – USD 123 million

most expensive weddings in the world
The Roy family pictured with star-studded guests at the event, one of the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: AFP)

Before it all went downhill for the Sahara head honcho, Subroto Roy enjoyed the status of pulling off the world’s most expensive wedding for his two sons, Seemanto and Sushanto. Dishing out a whopping USD 75 million in 2004, the double nuptials descended to Lucknow’s Sahara India township with an 11,000-strong guestlist. Naturally, the entire town underwent a major revamp to reflect the family’s love for contemporary aesthetics. The six-day extravaganza saw no stone left unturned– gold napkins welcoming guests upon arrival, a fleet of 200 Mercedes cars for inter-city transport, and chartering 27 of his company jets. For entertainment, there was live music by the British Symphony Orchestra while famous Indian choreographer Shiamak Davar took centre stage with a band of world-class dancers. A scrumptious array of over 100 different cuisines were prepared by the chefs at Taj Group of Hotels. While designers Rohit Bal and Sabyasachi designed for the families, Bollywood icons Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai mingled with the guests. In addition to the elaborate celebrations, Roy’s philanthropic offerings were extended to 150,000 homeless people. The family reportedly sponsored the marriages of 101 underprivileged girls as part of the festivities.

12. Sheikha Hind Bint bin Maktoum to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – USD 137 million

Taking the crown for the most expensive wedding in the world is Emirati royal Bin Rashid who married his first cousin, Princess Sheikha. Costing an eye-watering sum of USD 45 million in 1979, this week-long extravaganza was accompanied by a five-day nationwide holiday. When the prince first decided to wed, not many locations in Dubai could hold a gathering of over 20,000 guests. Unfazed, the family built the venue from the ground up and adorned it with traditional musicians, and dancers. A fleet of 20 camels embellished with jewels were utilised for delivering gifts to the bride. To arrange for similar fanfare today, the estimated cost would be close to USD 137 million.

The royal wedding was the first occasion in which Dubai’s Police Air Wing performed a public flying display. Five Macchi Jet Fighters flew in formation over Zabeel Palace whilst performing aerobatics. As the Grand Finale act, one of the fighter jets encircled the Dubai Trade Centre Building above as horseback riders trotted into formation below. The official inside photos of this upscale wedding were never released to the public.

Other honourable mentions

Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta (2019) – undisclosed

most expensive weddings in the world
Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta during their wedding ceremony. (Image: Viral Bhayani)

In only a few months after his younger sister, Isha’s wedding, the eldest Ambani son decided it was his turn to tie the knot. While there has been considerable debate about the cost of this Mumbai-St.Moritz-hopping spectacle, there is unanimity in the view that several millions of dollars were spent. Features included a 300-strong pre-wedding bash in the Swiss Alps with musical performances by Coldplay’s Chris Martin and The Chainsmokers, private jets to ferry the prolific guests, 5-star accommodation, and an ostentatious display of couture ensembles– all culminating to a Mumbai-based ceremony that saw global leaders like former British PM Tony Blair, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and almost every other Bollywood star in attendance.

Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto (2013) – USD 10 million

most expensive weddings in the world
Michael Jordan with his wife Yvette Prieto during their 2013 nuptials, which ranks among the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: Michael Jordan/Instagram)

The basketball legend’s second wedding to model Yvette Prieto in April 2013 reportedly cost USD 10 million dollars – barely a dent when you consider Jordan’s massive USD 2 billion net worth. The 300-guest event, held at Bear’s Club in Florida, was the hotspot for the night for celebs like Tiger Woods, Spike Lee, and live performances from Usher, K’Jon, and Robin Thicke. The model chose a custom J’Aton Couture wedding dress, decked out in Swarovski crystals for her big night.

Lolita Osmanova and Gaspar Avdolyan- USD 10 million


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Bringing that big Russian energy to LA, Lolita Osmanova — the 22-year-old daughter of energy oligarch Eldar Osmanav, married 29-year-old Gaspar Avdolyan, son of telecoms millionaire Albert Avdolyan, at the Dolby Theatre in 2017. Yes, the venue that hosts the Oscars! As violinists and performers serenaded guests, the capacious venue was transformed into a contemporary art installation complete with ornate floral decorations and a gold aisle. For the headlining acts, Jason Derulo and Lady Gaga lent their vocal talents to the newlyweds, which reportedly cost USD 2 million alone. (Main and featured image: Getty Images, Isha Ambani via Instagram)

The post 15 of the Most Extravagant and Expensive Weddings in the World appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


What are weddings if not the most expensive occasion in a couple’s life? As an opening act to married life, weddings have transformed into an event where no fantasy is wild enough to execute, especially if the budget is non-existent. For the rich and famous, “I do’s” are embellished with private island destinations, endless rounds of the best champagne, and couture outfits handmade by the best designers the world has to offer. From royalty to entertainment personalities, we take a look at the 15 most expensive weddings in the world. For centuries, weddings have been a socially-accepted expenditure, with the affluent going to great lengths to impress their guests. Industrialists, celebrities, and members of royalty have emerged as the top players in this segment— with several nuptials running into millions for their lavish, one-of-a-kind features. While some grooms opt for the classic helicopter arrival, others have gone the extra mile by creating specialised locations to accommodate their illustrious attendees. Arranging for an exclusive performance by Beyonce, or flying in Italy’s best florist for your decor are add-ons that might not come cheap but for the world’s 1%, it’s just spare change.

Why are weddings becoming more expensive?

Whether you’re someone who’s had wedding lust their entire life or prefer smaller, more intimate ceremonies, there’s no denying that they’re becoming pricier than ever. A study published in The Asean Post indicates that wedding costs in Southeast Asia are witnessing a sharp rise. Looking at Hong Kong more exclusively, the average cost of getting married in the city rose by 10 percent in 2022 to HKD 360,577 (approximately USD 45,982), according to online lifestyle media and e-business company ESDlife. Spending on each wedding item witnessed double-digit growth after two years of post-pandemic lag –from pre-wedding photography, and engagement rings to honeymoon packages. Rising inflation rates as well as exposure to social media trends can also be attributed as reasons for the rising cost of tying the knot in today’s day and age. To understand why couples are choosing to spend the extra dough we must look at the consumption environment in the post-pandemic world. While products and services for any event can become expensive, especially with grander versions, wedding expenses stand out for being disproportionately high. According to WeddingWire’s 2018 report on the modern matrimonial experience, some traditions (such as sharing a first dance) have stood the test of time, while new trends are emerging simultaneously. Couples are getting more creative when it comes to making their special day feel undoubtedly “them.” The study outlines a few of the main avenues of spending:

  • 40 percent have unique musical choices during the ceremony (e.g. bagpipes).
  • 21 percent add local elements based on the city where the couple met or grew up (e.g. food or decor).
  • 18 percent include ceremonial customs related to their ethnicity/religion (e.g. jumping the broom).
  • 17 percent hire special or out-of-the-box entertainment for guests (e.g. fortune tellers, caricature artists).

How do expensive celebrity weddings influence trends?

When it comes to the most expensive weddings in the world, pioneering trends are often born as a result of them. Take Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone, and Sonam Kapoor. When the three actresses decided to swap the traditional red palette for a more timeless shade of white, Indian brides-to-be followed suit. “White is already the go-to bridal colour in several Indian states like Kerala, Assam, and Gujarat. But there is a considerable change in the mainstream colour palette too now. More brides are opting for white, ivory, and off-white to match their contemporary vision for their big day,” explained designer Ridhi Mehra to Mint Lounge, adding that her white lehengas were particularly popular for day-time weddings. So, which of the world’s wealthiest people feature on the list of the most expensive weddings? We take a look.

The most expensive weddings in the world

1. Priya Sachdev to Vikram Chatwal – USD 20 million

most expensive weddings in the world
Vikram Chatwal with Priya Sachdev during their 2006 wedding. (Image: Amit Bhargava for The New York Times)

Spread over 10 days and three cities with 600 guests flown in privately from 26 countries  — globe-trotting hotelier Vikram Chatwal, and former investment banker-turned-model Priya Sachdev’s wedding was far from a simple affair. Chartered flights were the only mode of transport for this multimillion-dollar nuptial. “So we started in Bombay, which is called the gateway to India, and then we moved to Udaipur and then on to Delhi,” Mr. Chatwal told New York Times in the months after his 2006 wedding. “A lot of my friends had never been there so I really wanted to show them the country,” he added. Apart from the influential attendees, American heavyweights like Bill Clinton, model Patricia Velasquez, and Naomi Campbell, a coterie of Indian dignitaries like India’s then-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, the HRH Prince Nikolaos of Greece, and industrialist Lakshmi Mittal, were just some of the few starry names on the guest list. This multi-city extravaganza was estimated to cost a whopping USD 20 million and saw a traditional Sikh ceremony, a Mughal-court-inspired white party, a pool party set against the landscape of a 1760 fort as well as Chatwal leading the customary half-mile procession atop a white horse. “It’s the biggest wedding I’ve ever done,” said New Delhi–based wedding planner Vandana Mohan to New York Mag. Her duties included overseeing 14 special hospitality desks set up at each hotel and a fleet of 70 private cars for the three-city caravan. Fifty thousand kilos of flowers were shipped in from Holland, Bangkok, and Calcutta; a total of 3,000 candles were burned, and the crew went through 65,000 metres of fabric for the decor. Despite executing one of the most expensive weddings in the world, the couple parted ways just five years later in 2011.

2. Prince Felipe of Spain and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano – Between USD 28-54 million

Marrying into royalty is one dream we’re all guilty of harbouring but it was Spanish-born Letizia Ortiz who turned it into a reality in 2004. Elevating her status from anchorwoman to nobility, Ortiz married Spain’s then-heir, Prince Felipe in a lavish wedding that kept 25 million viewers enraptured in its dreamy commoner-to-queen fantasy. Nothing about their union was run of the mill. Had the television journalist not been sent to cover a 2002 story of a major oil tank disaster, which her prince presided over, the couple would’ve never crossed paths. Naturally, Prince Felipe proposed with a one-of-a-kind ring featuring 16 diamonds and crafted by Suárez Jewellery, a Spanish brand established in 1943. The Express reported it’s worth USD 25, 495. Swapping her flashier diamond engagement ring for a minimal gold band, Felipe and Ortiz’s wedding was nothing short of spectacular. After all, it was the first royal nuptials the country had seen in close to a century. More than 1,200 guests attended the grand function, which included princely elites like Prince Albert of Monaco, Charles, Prince of Wales, the Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, and other representatives from 36 royal houses and heads of state. Culminating at Madrid’s Almeduna Cathedral, the wedding saw the would-be-queen arriving at the location in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce Phantom IV while flaunting her sublime USD 8 million dress designed by Manuel Pertegaz.

most expensive weddings in the world
Prince Felipe and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano after their nuptials in Madrid. (Image: Ramon Espinosa/ AP)

Although Ortiz’s lineage might’ve been more ordinary, her bridal outfit reflected her impending elevation with heirloom pieces picked out from ancestral wardrobes. The spotlight accessory took the form of the historical Prussian tiara, crafted by the German court jeweler, Koch, in 1913. A loan from her mother-in-law, Queen Sofia of Spain, who inherited it from her mother, Queen Friederike of the Hellenes, this exquisite sparkler featured a pear-shaped double diamond cluster pendant in the centre. Apart from the bridal tapestry, delectable fare the likes of breaded scallops, croquettes, and chocolate serpentine cake flowed in abundance as the world’s royal elite welcomed their newest member. It was later revealed that the joint forces of the government at the time and the Royal House dished out somewhere between USD 28 to 54 million for the celebrations.

3. Huang Xiaoming and Angela Yeung Wing – USD 31 million

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What do you get when an influencer decides she’s ready to get hitched? One of the most expensive weddings in the world, obviously! Actress, singer, and model Angela Yeung — better known as “Angelababy” — tied the knot with actor Huang Xiaoming in October 2015, in a flashy ceremony that inevitably incited jealousy. The cavernous Shanghai Conventional Centre was the venue selected for the affair, with its screen-lined interiors displaying the couple’s Parisian pre-wedding film— Angelababy flaunting her Elie Saab gowns for the extended screentime.

most expensive weddings in the world
Angelbaby’s diamond ring by Chaumet was one of the highlights of her nuptials, which was among the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: Angela Yeung Wing via Instagram)

If the ambience wasn’t elaborate enough, chances are you’re going to need to sit down when you see the ring. Crafted by Parisian designer Chaumet, the USD 1.5 million accessory featured a five-carat pear-shaped diamond with another half-carat of diamonds embellishing it. For the ceremony, Angelababy wore a custom Christian Dior gown. which according to Forbes, took five months to create. Additional details revealed the couture ensemble featured “115 feet of ivory satin organza and 165 feet of tulle…a 10-foot-long train and nearly 100 hand-cut rose bouquets made of Chantilly lace.” A total of 2,000 guests, including Hong Kong’s biggest celebrities, made their appearances at this live-streamed event as a 10-foot-tall wedding cake kept them company. Even the carousel-shaped dessert wasn’t a simple decision considering the chefs took a month to create it. Architectural installations like a holographic castle, stained-glass window lights, and a giant wall of flowers adorned the location as guests were treated to elaborate gift bags containing cell phones and other “essentials”. Despite their success in hand-crafting a viral wedding, the couple eventually parted ways in 2022.

4. Kate Middleton to Prince William – USD 33 million

most expensive weddings in the world most expensive weddings in the world most expensive weddings in the world

In the months leading up to April 2011, all the world could fixate on was the upcoming British royal wedding. Kate Middleton, “commoner” by origin, was all set to join the imperial machinery after saying yes to her university boyfriend of nine years, Prince William of England. As close to 1,900 hand-picked guests made their way to the three-event ceremony – the wedding, out of which, was held at the landmark Westminster Abbey – over 160 million viewers from 188 countries watched alongside. Not only did Britain observe a national holiday for the monarchial matrimony, but celebratory events were also held in Canada and other Commonwealth nations. Despite the USD 800,000 price tag on the flowers or the USD 434,000 Sarah Burton-designed Alexander McQueen gown, the most significant expenditure in Kate and William’s wedding was security – accounting for USD 32 million of the total cost. If the logistics were an expensive affair, the couple ensured their guests were treated with nothing but the best. The reception menu boasted of fresh crabs sourced from Lyme Bay, Hebridean langoustines, North Highland organic lamb from Prince Charles‘s organic farm and a heavenly eight-tier fruit cake created by Fiona Cairns. Singer Ellie Goulding was asked to perform for William’s intimate dinner party. Even the decor at Westminster Abbey was reminiscent of a fairytale – six English Field Maple trees and two Hornbeam trees, all of which were 20 feet high, were incorporated into the church’s architecture as a long red carpet ran the length of the aisle from double the doors to the altar. With 72 million streams worldwide, the wedding was featured in the 2012 Guinness Book of World Records for the “Most Live Streams for a Single Event”, beating Michael Jackson’s memorial service in 2009.

5. Madelaine Brockway and Jacob Lagrone – USD 59 million

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Emerging from the depths of the internet, Madelaine and Jacob’s USD 59 million nuptials left TikTok users in a state of awe. Netizens combined their detective skills to uncover Madelaine’s background — only to discover she’s the heiress of car dealership tycoon, Robert “Bob” Brockway, who serves as the Chairman and CEO of Bill Ussery Motors. The extravagant Parisian wedding had to be the only way to celebrate the couple’s big day.

Madelaine Brockway and Jacob Lagrone‘s choice of location — Chateau de Villette astonished onlookers and social media users with its unprecedented decor. Madelaine, resplendent in a custom Dior haute couture gown adorned with Lily of the Valley – her favoured bloom, glided down the aisle, framed by the Chateau’s symmetry. The aisle led to a floating platform in the fountain where vows were exchanged, creating an epic tableau with the most Instagrammable backdrop.

Two meticulously constructed greenhouses, symmetrical to the Chateau, flanked the aisle. Dinner, hosted in a bespoke white greenhouse by Lecoperture, mirrored the couple’s commitment to a light aesthetic, with Lily of the Valley delicately embroidered on every table accessory — from napkins to the menus. The greenhouse was transformed into a vibrant nightclub for the after-party, featuring a sunken marble dance floor where the couple shared a first dance to Maroon 5’s “She Will Be Loved.” Of course, it was a live performance with Adam Levine in attendance!

Collaborating seamlessly with the couple, the wedding unfolded as a detailed and breathtaking spectacle, embracing Madelaine’s affection for the intricately designed staircases at Opera de Paris. Tablescapes, adorned with carefully chosen pastels and hand-painted porcelain by Marie Daâge, paid homage to centuries-old French artistry.

While TikTok labelled it the “wedding of the century”, the intense social media glare proved to be counterproductive as the news of Jacob being convicted of criminal charges began to circulate. In March, LaGrone was indicted for firing a gun at police officers, reported The Washington Post. If convicted, he could face between fewer than five years in prison to a life sentence. Since the news broke, Madelaine has made her social media accounts private.

6. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – USD 63 million

Perhaps the beginning of the end, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s 2018 wedding can easily be considered the turning point for modern British politics. An American actress by profession, Meghan’s biracial outsider status promised a departure from imperial traditions and the birth of a new mixed bloodline unseen within British royalty. The world watched with renewed hope as the couple made their way to St George’s Chapel in Windsor alongside a hand-selected roster of 600 guests. Two thousand others waited for them in the royal gardens with millions more tuning in globally for the historic event. Politicians, members of royalty, and Hollywood stars like George and Amal Clooney, Idris Elba, Tom Hardy, James Corden, Sir Elton John, and countless others showed up. Some figures even estimated that the wedding generated USD 1.27 billion for the British economy, including an additional USD 382 million brought in by foreign tourists and USD 63.74 million spent on merchandise and souvenirs. To mark her last televised appearance as Miss Markle, Meghan chose a pristine silk organza gown designed by Clare Waight Keller under the aegis of the fashion house Givenchy. Cartier took care of the accessories department, dressing the would-be bride in their white gold and diamond earrings and bracelet while Dior’s make-up artist Daniel Martin did Markle’s look for the occasion. Apart from the bridal costs, orders for the cake, the florist, and the catering had been estimated by the BBC to cost £50,000, £110,000, and £286,000 respectively, all of which would be footed by the British royal family. ( USD 63,740, USD 140230, and USD 364,590 approximately) Two choirs, one orchestra, the chapel organ played by Luke Bond, and fanfare trumpeters were hired and provided the much-needed music for the event.

7. Vanisha Mittal to Amit Bhattia – USD 65 million

Apart from inheriting a USD 16.6 billion fortune, Vanisha knew her last name carried the weight of her industrialist lineage. After all, being the only daughter of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal translates to some perks like featuring on the list of the world’s most expensive weddings. Apart from turning a number of France’s iconic locations like the Palace of Versailles, Vaux-le-Vicomte, and Jardin de Tuileries into Indian dreamscapes, the six-day event in 2004 saw the popstar Kylie Minogue fill in the role of wedding performer. Her USD 254,600 fees was just one of the many bills settled by Mittal for the wedding – an event which saw 1,000 guests flown in from all over the world. Upon accepting the 20-page silver-plated invitation, invitees received flight tickets and 5-star accommodations at the Intercontinental Paris – Le Grand in exchange for their precious time. Father Mittal even rented out 12 Boeing jets to ferry his globetrotting guests, as well as the 35 Mumbai-based craftsmen responsible for erecting a massive mandap in the estate’s sprawling gardens. To execute the quintessential big fat Indian wedding, Bollywood forms an integral ingredient. Since with money comes power and with power comes influential friends, superstars like Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, Akshay Kumar, Rani Mukherji, Juhi Chawla and Saif Ali Khan were obvious features on the glitzy guest list. Fireworks at the Eiffel Tower, over 100 dishes prepared by top Indian chefs and a wine bill reaching up to USD 2 million only go onto testify the massive wealth Mittal had amassed in his 28 year career. Indian couture designers Tarun Tahiliani, Suneet Varma and the duo Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla were helmed the outfit department as guests feasted on 100+ delicacies perfected by chef, Munna Maharaj. While the festivities earned Vanisha and Amit the title of “most expensive wedding” in the Guiness Book of World Records, the Mittal-Bhatia marriage ended in divorce in 2014.

8. Rajeev Reddy and Brahmani Janardhana Reddy – USD 74 million

As common folk queued outside ATMs in the wake of the BJP-backed decision to demonitise certain Indian currencies, the swanky wedding of Brahmani Reddy – daughter of mining baron G. Janardhan Reddy – attracted widespread criticism. Held at Bangalore’s Palace Grounds with a monumental guest list of 50,000 attendees, the Reddy nuptials saw several of the country’s aristocrats, politicians and celebrities flock to the venue. If the timing of the wedding appeared tone-deaf to netizens, it was the flashy LCD-screen invites that had created a storm earlier. Giant helium balloons with pictures of the family bobbed overhead at the venue while majestic replicas of Hampi’s Purandara temple, Lotus Mahal, Mahanavami Dibba and the Vijaya Vittala Temple welcomed the guests. At the ceremony itself, Brahmani took her pheras in a red and gold Kanjeevaram sari worth around USD 2.3 million. Her enviable jewellery pieces amounting for another USD 12 million. A task force of 3,000 security men and 500 bouncers in black suits surveilled the place. Almost every luxury hotel within a five-km radius of the venue was booked for guests. 500 dancers were also hand-picked from troupes in Chennai and Hyderabad. Even the two mechanical elephants flanking the entrance of the venue came with a rental cost of USD 850 per day, reported NDTV. 

9. Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal –USD 100 million

Born with a last name that needs no introduction, Isha Ambani’s multi-city, multi-event union with industrialist Anand Piramal in 2018 altered the existing landscape of celebrity weddings. The modern-day heiress with the very profitable Relaince Industries chalked into her inheritance began her bridal journey with a roka ceremony at her family’s multimillion-dollar Mumbai home, Antilia. “The wedding went off beautifully. Like any other bride, I had my share of bridal jitters but getting married at home made it very special and I had the time of my life celebrating my most memorable moments with all the people I love,” Isha revealed to Vogue India at the time. The real party began in Italy’s Lake Como a couple of weeks, where the couple celebrated their engagement with a luxurious daytime event. Out came Isha’s Dolce & Gabbana gown as performances by Indian favourites Shaan and Pritam, as well as award-winning singer-songwriter John Legend, entertained the celebrity guests. Perhaps the most indulgent expense from the pre-wedding ceremonies came in the form of a private performance by Beyoncé — the first of its kind for the musical legend. High-profile attendees like Hillary Clinton, Arianna Huffington, Nick Jonas, and Priyanka Chopra as a bevy of Bollywood big whigs like Shah Rukh Khan, members of the Kapoor clan, and other A-listers arrived in their best wedding wear. The date for the holy matrimony was finalised for December 12, 2018– giving production crews a generous seven months to pull of one of the world’s most expensive weddings.  Gold-encrusted invitations amounting to nearly USD 4,000 were sent out to the guests. On the day of the wedding, not only was the Ambani residence was decked with fresh blooms, even the street leading up to the venue was dotted with yellow and orange marigolds. Isha put designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla in-charge of her finale outfit – a 16-panel lehenga-choli, which reportedly came with a price tag of USD 12 million.

10. Lady Diana Spencer to Prince Charles – USD 115 million

Held at London’s St Paul’s Cathedral, Lady Diana and Prince Charles‘ July wedding in 1981 was widely billed as a “fairytale”. At a time when the world was still two decades away from the internet, this British royal wedding amassed a staggering broadcast viewership of 750 million people worldwide. A total of 3,500 guests were invited to the stately affair, as two more million spectators lined the route of Diana’s procession. Three choirs and three orchestras played their tunes as the newest royal member walked the aisle in a USD 46,785-worth ivory silk taffeta dress, decorated with lace, hand embroidery, sequins, and 10,000 pearls. The designers credited for the exquisite design were British duo, Elizabeth and David Emanuel. Governors-generals of the Commonwealth nations, as well as many of the reigning European monarchs at the time, made their way to the English capital. Fireworks displays above Hyde Park and 100 beacons were lit up across the country to commemorate the royal wedding. Interestingly, the event saw a grand total of 27 cakes being presented to the couple. The cost of the wedding was later estimated to be USD 48 million in total (between USD 70 million and USD 110 million when adjusted for inflation), with USD 600,000 being spent on security alone.

11. Chandni Toor to Seemanto Roy and Richa Roy to Sushanto Roy – USD 123 million

most expensive weddings in the world
The Roy family pictured with star-studded guests at the event, one of the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: AFP)

Before it all went downhill for the Sahara head honcho, Subroto Roy enjoyed the status of pulling off the world’s most expensive wedding for his two sons, Seemanto and Sushanto. Dishing out a whopping USD 75 million in 2004, the double nuptials descended to Lucknow’s Sahara India township with an 11,000-strong guestlist. Naturally, the entire town underwent a major revamp to reflect the family’s love for contemporary aesthetics. The six-day extravaganza saw no stone left unturned– gold napkins welcoming guests upon arrival, a fleet of 200 Mercedes cars for inter-city transport, and chartering 27 of his company jets. For entertainment, there was live music by the British Symphony Orchestra while famous Indian choreographer Shiamak Davar took centre stage with a band of world-class dancers. A scrumptious array of over 100 different cuisines were prepared by the chefs at Taj Group of Hotels. While designers Rohit Bal and Sabyasachi designed for the families, Bollywood icons Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai mingled with the guests. In addition to the elaborate celebrations, Roy’s philanthropic offerings were extended to 150,000 homeless people. The family reportedly sponsored the marriages of 101 underprivileged girls as part of the festivities.

12. Sheikha Hind Bint bin Maktoum to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum – USD 137 million

Taking the crown for the most expensive wedding in the world is Emirati royal Bin Rashid who married his first cousin, Princess Sheikha. Costing an eye-watering sum of USD 45 million in 1979, this week-long extravaganza was accompanied by a five-day nationwide holiday. When the prince first decided to wed, not many locations in Dubai could hold a gathering of over 20,000 guests. Unfazed, the family built the venue from the ground up and adorned it with traditional musicians, and dancers. A fleet of 20 camels embellished with jewels were utilised for delivering gifts to the bride. To arrange for similar fanfare today, the estimated cost would be close to USD 137 million.

The royal wedding was the first occasion in which Dubai’s Police Air Wing performed a public flying display. Five Macchi Jet Fighters flew in formation over Zabeel Palace whilst performing aerobatics. As the Grand Finale act, one of the fighter jets encircled the Dubai Trade Centre Building above as horseback riders trotted into formation below. The official inside photos of this upscale wedding were never released to the public.

Other honourable mentions

Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta (2019) – undisclosed

most expensive weddings in the world
Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta during their wedding ceremony. (Image: Viral Bhayani)

In only a few months after his younger sister, Isha’s wedding, the eldest Ambani son decided it was his turn to tie the knot. While there has been considerable debate about the cost of this Mumbai-St.Moritz-hopping spectacle, there is unanimity in the view that several millions of dollars were spent. Features included a 300-strong pre-wedding bash in the Swiss Alps with musical performances by Coldplay’s Chris Martin and The Chainsmokers, private jets to ferry the prolific guests, 5-star accommodation, and an ostentatious display of couture ensembles– all culminating to a Mumbai-based ceremony that saw global leaders like former British PM Tony Blair, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and almost every other Bollywood star in attendance.

Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto (2013) – USD 10 million

most expensive weddings in the world
Michael Jordan with his wife Yvette Prieto during their 2013 nuptials, which ranks among the most expensive weddings in the world. (Image: Michael Jordan/Instagram)

The basketball legend’s second wedding to model Yvette Prieto in April 2013 reportedly cost USD 10 million dollars – barely a dent when you consider Jordan’s massive USD 2 billion net worth. The 300-guest event, held at Bear’s Club in Florida, was the hotspot for the night for celebs like Tiger Woods, Spike Lee, and live performances from Usher, K’Jon, and Robin Thicke. The model chose a custom J’Aton Couture wedding dress, decked out in Swarovski crystals for her big night.

Lolita Osmanova and Gaspar Avdolyan- USD 10 million

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Bringing that big Russian energy to LA, Lolita Osmanova — the 22-year-old daughter of energy oligarch Eldar Osmanav, married 29-year-old Gaspar Avdolyan, son of telecoms millionaire Albert Avdolyan, at the Dolby Theatre in 2017. Yes, the venue that hosts the Oscars! As violinists and performers serenaded guests, the capacious venue was transformed into a contemporary art installation complete with ornate floral decorations and a gold aisle. For the headlining acts, Jason Derulo and Lady Gaga lent their vocal talents to the newlyweds, which reportedly cost USD 2 million alone. (Main and featured image: Getty Images, Isha Ambani via Instagram)

The post 15 of the Most Extravagant and Expensive Weddings in the World appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Coco Lee’s Funeral: Guests And Livestream Details Mon, 31 Jul 2023 06:16:29 +0000 Coco Lee's funeral

The late Coco Lee’s funeral will take place today and tomorrow, 31 July and 1 August, and fans have been invited to join in paying their late respects at the ceremony, which will also be livestreamed.

The Hong Kong-born singer died at the age of 48 on 5 July 2023. Best known for voicing Mulan in the Mandarin version of the 1998 Disney film as well as A Love Before Time from the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon soundtrack — Lee had an illustrious singing career in Asia throughout the ’90s and 2000s. She was born in Hong Kong in 1975 and was brought up in San Francisco from the age of nine. Lee returned to Hong Kong in 1993, and from there she began her career at 18 by securing second place in TVB’s New Talent Singing Awards.

Earlier this month, Lee’s sisters Carol and Nancy took to social media to release a statement on her passing. They wrote, “With great sadness, we are here to break the most devastating news: CoCo had been suffering from depression for a few years but her condition deteriorated drastically over the last few months. Although CoCo sought professional help and did her best to fight depression, sadly that demon inside her took the better of her.”

Details about Coco Lee’s funeral

Coco Lee’s funeral will be held at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Funeral Home today and tomorrow. The funeral service today is open to the public, and they can pay their final respects from 6 to 10 pm HKT.

For fans outside Hong Kong, Coco Lee’s funeral will be live-streamed from 4 pm to 7 pm today (31 July) and 9.30 am to 10.30 am tomorrow (1 August) on Lee’s sister Nancy’s YouTube channel. Nancy mentioned in a short message on her channel and shared, “I know that Coco’s fans are from all over the world, and there are many of them who are unable to attend her memorial service. So on July 31 at 4 pm, I will be doing a live stream here”.

An obituary on Friday (28 July) was released by Lee’s family sharing the details of the vigil. They wrote, “Coco’s passing has left a hole in the hearts of her fans and loved ones, but her legacy will live on through her music and the countless lives she touched during her time on this earth”. The family has also requested her fans to donate to the Community Care Fund (CCF) or the Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust (QMHCT).

Coco Lee’s album cover Illuminate

A list of eight names of pallbearers for the funeral has been released. These include Coco’s brother-in-law Billy Ho and Hong Kong-based singer Jenny Tseng, alongside the co-president of Warner Music Asia. Lee’s high school classmate and a loyal fan were also on the list. Her former husband Bruce Rockowitz, a Canadian businessman, was noticeably excluded from the line-up. Rockowitz recently released a statement threatening legal action in response to swirling rumours and tabloid reports alleging he had been living off Lee’s assets and would attempt to contest her will.

A private funeral service for Lee will be held tomorrow at 9 am. The sisters also revealed Coco Lee’s funeral portrait, which is the cover photograph of the singer’s 2013 album ‘Illuminate’.

(Main and featured image: Getty Images)

The post Coco Lee’s Funeral: Guests And Livestream Details appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Coco Lee's funeral

The late Coco Lee’s funeral will take place today and tomorrow, 31 July and 1 August, and fans have been invited to join in paying their late respects at the ceremony, which will also be livestreamed.

The Hong Kong-born singer died at the age of 48 on 5 July 2023. Best known for voicing Mulan in the Mandarin version of the 1998 Disney film as well as A Love Before Time from the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon soundtrack — Lee had an illustrious singing career in Asia throughout the ’90s and 2000s. She was born in Hong Kong in 1975 and was brought up in San Francisco from the age of nine. Lee returned to Hong Kong in 1993, and from there she began her career at 18 by securing second place in TVB’s New Talent Singing Awards.

Earlier this month, Lee’s sisters Carol and Nancy took to social media to release a statement on her passing. They wrote, “With great sadness, we are here to break the most devastating news: CoCo had been suffering from depression for a few years but her condition deteriorated drastically over the last few months. Although CoCo sought professional help and did her best to fight depression, sadly that demon inside her took the better of her.”

Details about Coco Lee’s funeral

Coco Lee’s funeral will be held at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Funeral Home today and tomorrow. The funeral service today is open to the public, and they can pay their final respects from 6 to 10 pm HKT.

For fans outside Hong Kong, Coco Lee’s funeral will be live-streamed from 4 pm to 7 pm today (31 July) and 9.30 am to 10.30 am tomorrow (1 August) on Lee’s sister Nancy’s YouTube channel. Nancy mentioned in a short message on her channel and shared, “I know that Coco’s fans are from all over the world, and there are many of them who are unable to attend her memorial service. So on July 31 at 4 pm, I will be doing a live stream here”.

An obituary on Friday (28 July) was released by Lee’s family sharing the details of the vigil. They wrote, “Coco’s passing has left a hole in the hearts of her fans and loved ones, but her legacy will live on through her music and the countless lives she touched during her time on this earth”. The family has also requested her fans to donate to the Community Care Fund (CCF) or the Queen Mary Hospital Charitable Trust (QMHCT).

Coco Lee’s album cover Illuminate

A list of eight names of pallbearers for the funeral has been released. These include Coco’s brother-in-law Billy Ho and Hong Kong-based singer Jenny Tseng, alongside the co-president of Warner Music Asia. Lee’s high school classmate and a loyal fan were also on the list. Her former husband Bruce Rockowitz, a Canadian businessman, was noticeably excluded from the line-up. Rockowitz recently released a statement threatening legal action in response to swirling rumours and tabloid reports alleging he had been living off Lee’s assets and would attempt to contest her will.

A private funeral service for Lee will be held tomorrow at 9 am. The sisters also revealed Coco Lee’s funeral portrait, which is the cover photograph of the singer’s 2013 album ‘Illuminate’.

(Main and featured image: Getty Images)

The post Coco Lee’s Funeral: Guests And Livestream Details appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Paris Olympics 2024: LVMH Becomes Premium Sponsor Of Mega Sporting Event Tue, 25 Jul 2023 03:29:24 +0000 LVMH Paris Olympics 2024

LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, or simply LVMH, has become a premium partner of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympic Games. The sponsorship agreement was announced on 24 July in Paris in the presence of LVMH chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault.

Among the five other premium partners, or top-tier sponsors, of the mega sporting tournament are grocer Carrefour SA, and telecom carrier Orange SA, pharmaceuticals company Sanofi, electricity provider EDF, and banking group BPCE.

LVMH is the first European company with a market value of over USD 500 billion and the world’s biggest luxury group. Its Paris Olympics 2024 deal is the first of its kind by the conglomerate, wherein the entire group is involved instead of individual deals that are usually signed by any of the 75 brands under it.

Everything about the LVMH and 2024 Paris Olympics deal

How LVMH brands are involved in the tournament

Chaumet jewellery
A Wheat Chaumet High Jewellery set in 10.25-carat diamond. Chaumet will design the medals for the tournament. (Image credit: Chaumet/@Chaumet/Twitter)

Several of LVMH brands will be involved in different aspects of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympic Games.

Jewellery house Chaumet will design the tournaments’ medals. Moët Hennessy wines and spirits Maisons will be involved in the hospitality programmes during the Games. Sephora will be a partner for the Olympic Torch Relay.

In the next few months leading up to the tournament, luxury fashion giants Louis Vuitton, Dior and Berluti will be revealing their involvement with the Games. Reports suggest that one of the many brands under LVMH might design the official Olympic uniform of the French team.

LVMH will also directly sponsor athletes. In the official announcement on Monday, the conglomerate said that the first name they have picked is 21-year-old French swimmer Léon Marchand. One of the biggest medal hopes for the French Olympic team, Marchand has won three world champion titles and is the world record-holder of the 400 metre individual medley.

Value of the deal not disclosed

The announcement of the deal comes exactly a year before the start of the games, which is to be held from 26 July to 11 August 2024 in Paris.

The deal with LVMH helped the organisers reach their sponsorship target of EUR 1.24 billion (USD 1.37 billion/ HKD 10.73 billion).

Financial Times reported that though the value of the deal was not disclosed, a source said that it was worth around EUR 150 million (USD 166.12 million/ HKD 1.3 billion).

Antoine Arnault makes announcement

The deal was announced at Grand Palais Éphémère by Antoine Arnault, one of Bernard Arnault’s children and heirs.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, France’s sports minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Paris 2024 chief organiser Tony Estanguet, and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo were also present for the announcement, where the Eiffel Tower formed the backdrop.

“I have the honor of officially announcing that we are now committed to being a premium partner for the 2024 Paris Olympics,” Antoine Arnault, who reportedly negotiated the deal, said. “The Games are an opportunity to make France shine.”

In a statement, Bernard Arnault, one of the world’s richest persons, said, “Sports is a tremendous source of inspiration for our Maisons, which will unite creative excellence and athletic performance by contributing their savoir-faire and bold innovation to this extraordinary celebration.”

(Hero and Featured images: Philippe Servent via LVMH/@LVMH/Twitter)

The post Paris Olympics 2024: LVMH Becomes Premium Sponsor Of Mega Sporting Event appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

LVMH Paris Olympics 2024

LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, or simply LVMH, has become a premium partner of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympic Games. The sponsorship agreement was announced on 24 July in Paris in the presence of LVMH chairman and CEO Bernard Arnault.

Among the five other premium partners, or top-tier sponsors, of the mega sporting tournament are grocer Carrefour SA, and telecom carrier Orange SA, pharmaceuticals company Sanofi, electricity provider EDF, and banking group BPCE.

LVMH is the first European company with a market value of over USD 500 billion and the world’s biggest luxury group. Its Paris Olympics 2024 deal is the first of its kind by the conglomerate, wherein the entire group is involved instead of individual deals that are usually signed by any of the 75 brands under it.

Everything about the LVMH and 2024 Paris Olympics deal

How LVMH brands are involved in the tournament

Chaumet jewellery
A Wheat Chaumet High Jewellery set in 10.25-carat diamond. Chaumet will design the medals for the tournament. (Image credit: Chaumet/@Chaumet/Twitter)

Several of LVMH brands will be involved in different aspects of the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympic Games.

Jewellery house Chaumet will design the tournaments’ medals. Moët Hennessy wines and spirits Maisons will be involved in the hospitality programmes during the Games. Sephora will be a partner for the Olympic Torch Relay.

In the next few months leading up to the tournament, luxury fashion giants Louis Vuitton, Dior and Berluti will be revealing their involvement with the Games. Reports suggest that one of the many brands under LVMH might design the official Olympic uniform of the French team.

LVMH will also directly sponsor athletes. In the official announcement on Monday, the conglomerate said that the first name they have picked is 21-year-old French swimmer Léon Marchand. One of the biggest medal hopes for the French Olympic team, Marchand has won three world champion titles and is the world record-holder of the 400 metre individual medley.

Value of the deal not disclosed

The announcement of the deal comes exactly a year before the start of the games, which is to be held from 26 July to 11 August 2024 in Paris.

The deal with LVMH helped the organisers reach their sponsorship target of EUR 1.24 billion (USD 1.37 billion/ HKD 10.73 billion).

Financial Times reported that though the value of the deal was not disclosed, a source said that it was worth around EUR 150 million (USD 166.12 million/ HKD 1.3 billion).

Antoine Arnault makes announcement

The deal was announced at Grand Palais Éphémère by Antoine Arnault, one of Bernard Arnault’s children and heirs.

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, France’s sports minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Paris 2024 chief organiser Tony Estanguet, and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo were also present for the announcement, where the Eiffel Tower formed the backdrop.

“I have the honor of officially announcing that we are now committed to being a premium partner for the 2024 Paris Olympics,” Antoine Arnault, who reportedly negotiated the deal, said. “The Games are an opportunity to make France shine.”

In a statement, Bernard Arnault, one of the world’s richest persons, said, “Sports is a tremendous source of inspiration for our Maisons, which will unite creative excellence and athletic performance by contributing their savoir-faire and bold innovation to this extraordinary celebration.”

(Hero and Featured images: Philippe Servent via LVMH/@LVMH/Twitter)

The post Paris Olympics 2024: LVMH Becomes Premium Sponsor Of Mega Sporting Event appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Michelle Yeoh to Be Honoured With Her Own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Wed, 28 Jun 2023 04:57:53 +0000

To describe Perak-born Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh as a groundbreaker would be selling her career in global entertainment short, especially when taking into consideration the success that she has charted not only in Hollywood but as well as in Hong Kong cinema where she first found her start.

In one fell swoop, she has effectively turned all preconceived notions of success for women of her age and race on their heads by bearing the respectable honour of being the very first Malaysian to ever nab a Golden Globe, a SAG Award, and yes, an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Evelyn Wang in the A24 absurdist action-comedy blockbuster, Everything Everywhere All At Once. And she isn’t intent on resting upon her laurels anytime soon.

hollywood walk of fame star
Image credit: michelleyeoh_official/Instagram

If anything, it looks as though success is set to take after the veteran actress well into 2023 as it has just been announced by The Hollywood Walk of Fame that Michelle Yeoh will be honoured with a coveted Star along the famed path!

She is included among some of the most notable names to be included in their upcoming Class of 2024, which also features the late Chadwick Boseman, Chris Pine, Gal Gadot, Gwen Stefani, Toni Braxton, and 25 others.

One of Tinseltown’s most notable key attractions, The Hollywood Walk of Fame spans a total of 2.1 kilometres along 15 blocks leading down the namesake Hollywood Boulevard. To date, it features an incredible host of more than 2,700 stars made out of terrazzo and brass, each bearing prominent honourees from the film, television, and recording industries in honour of their contributions to their respective fields.

History of The Hollywood Walk of Fame

The origins of the Walk of Fame stretch as far back as 1953 to a man known as E.M. Stuart, who at the time took up the role as the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s volunteer president. Hoping to ignite a tradition that would commemorate and maintain ‘the glory of a community whose name means glamour and excitement in the four corners of the world’, the project took four years to go from prototype to its official groundbreaking ceremony in 1960.

Recipients are typically nominated through a submission process to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Walk of Fame selection committee. The process is fairly egalitarian, as anyone (fans included) can nominate any active member within the entertainment industry, so long that the nomination has been approved by the individual and their management.

But that isn’t to say that there aren’t any prerequisite conditions for nominees, either. Those who are nominated are required to first have a minimum of five years of experience in their field and have an active history of philanthropic work to boot. And come every June, the committee will convene to begin their selection process before announcing anywhere between 20 to 24 names. Film director Stanley Kramer was the first person to receive a permanent star on the Walk of Fame.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur

(Main and featured images: michelleyeoh_official/Instagram)

The post Michelle Yeoh to Be Honoured With Her Own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


To describe Perak-born Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh as a groundbreaker would be selling her career in global entertainment short, especially when taking into consideration the success that she has charted not only in Hollywood but as well as in Hong Kong cinema where she first found her start.

In one fell swoop, she has effectively turned all preconceived notions of success for women of her age and race on their heads by bearing the respectable honour of being the very first Malaysian to ever nab a Golden Globe, a SAG Award, and yes, an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Evelyn Wang in the A24 absurdist action-comedy blockbuster, Everything Everywhere All At Once. And she isn’t intent on resting upon her laurels anytime soon.

hollywood walk of fame star
Image credit: michelleyeoh_official/Instagram

If anything, it looks as though success is set to take after the veteran actress well into 2023 as it has just been announced by The Hollywood Walk of Fame that Michelle Yeoh will be honoured with a coveted Star along the famed path!

She is included among some of the most notable names to be included in their upcoming Class of 2024, which also features the late Chadwick Boseman, Chris Pine, Gal Gadot, Gwen Stefani, Toni Braxton, and 25 others.

One of Tinseltown’s most notable key attractions, The Hollywood Walk of Fame spans a total of 2.1 kilometres along 15 blocks leading down the namesake Hollywood Boulevard. To date, it features an incredible host of more than 2,700 stars made out of terrazzo and brass, each bearing prominent honourees from the film, television, and recording industries in honour of their contributions to their respective fields.

History of The Hollywood Walk of Fame

The origins of the Walk of Fame stretch as far back as 1953 to a man known as E.M. Stuart, who at the time took up the role as the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s volunteer president. Hoping to ignite a tradition that would commemorate and maintain ‘the glory of a community whose name means glamour and excitement in the four corners of the world’, the project took four years to go from prototype to its official groundbreaking ceremony in 1960.

Recipients are typically nominated through a submission process to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Walk of Fame selection committee. The process is fairly egalitarian, as anyone (fans included) can nominate any active member within the entertainment industry, so long that the nomination has been approved by the individual and their management.

But that isn’t to say that there aren’t any prerequisite conditions for nominees, either. Those who are nominated are required to first have a minimum of five years of experience in their field and have an active history of philanthropic work to boot. And come every June, the committee will convene to begin their selection process before announcing anywhere between 20 to 24 names. Film director Stanley Kramer was the first person to receive a permanent star on the Walk of Fame.

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur

(Main and featured images: michelleyeoh_official/Instagram)

The post Michelle Yeoh to Be Honoured With Her Own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

All About The Passengers on Board Titan, The Missing Submersible Near The Titanic Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:17:24 +0000

Rescue teams are currently scrambling to find five passengers on Titan, a tourist submersible that went missing near the wreck of the Titanic in the North Atlantic on Sunday (18 June). Among the missing is the tour operator’s boss Stockton Rush, French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet (known as “Mr Titanic”), British aviation tycoon Hamish Harding, and Shahzada and Suleman Dawood — a wealthy Pakistani businessman and his son.

Read on to find about more about each of the passengers currently aboard the Titanic submersible.

What we know about the passengers on board Titan, the missing Titanic submersible

Stockton Rush

titan titanic submersible passengers stockton rush
OceanGate Expeditions CEO and founder Stockton Rush is one of the passengers aboard Titan, the missing  submersible near the wreck of the Titanic. (Image: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

Stockton Rush is the chief executive of OceanGate Expeditions, a company based in Washington state which operates the tourist dives and was founded in 2009.

According to his company website, Rush began his career in 1981 as the youngest jet transport rated pilot in the world, aged 19.

In 1984, Rush became a flight test engineer on the F-15 fighter jet program for the McDonnell Douglas company. But over the last two decades, he threw himself into several ocean-related tech ventures including Seattle’s BlueView Technologies, which makes small, high-frequency sonar systems.

After a long period when trips were postponed after Rush failed to get the proper permits for the project’s support vessel, OceanGate Expeditions started taking paying customers to the Titanic’s wreck in 2021.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

titan titanic submersible passengers Paul-Henri Nargeolet stockton rush
Paul-Henri Nargeolet, director of a deep ocean research project dedicated to the Titanic, poses next to a miniature version of the sunken ship at a 2013 exhibition in Paris. (Image: Joel Saget/ AFP)

Nicknamed “Mr Titanic”, French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet was one of the vessel’s crew.

The 77-year-old, who served in the French navy for 25 years, has dived all over the world and spoken openly about the risks of his exploits in the most inaccessible waters of the world’s oceans.

Connecticut-based Nargeolet had already undertaken more than 30 dives to explore the Titanic and had supervised the recovery of around 5,500 objects, including a fragment weighing 20 tonnes that is displayed in Los Angeles.

His research produced a 2022 book where he questioned the findings of British and American enquiries into the 1912 disaster, arguing that five smaller holes were to blame rather than a 100-metre gash that followed Titanic’s collision with an iceberg.

Hamish Harding

titan titanic submersible passengers hamish harding
Hamish Harding ahead of the 4am start of the RMS Titanic Expedition Mission 5 on the morning of June 18, 2023. (Image: AFP Photo/ Dirty Dozen Production)

Harding, 58, is a British aviation tycoon who holds three Guinness world records and has a history of thrill-seeking adventures.
A year ago, he became a space tourist through Amazon founder Jeff Bezos‘s Blue Origin company.

He founded Action Aviation, a company that buys and sells aircraft with offices in Dubai and London’s Stansted airport, with UK media reporting that the UAE-based businessman is a billionaire.

He was based in the Indian city of Bengaluru for five years, as managing director of a logistics company, before establishing Action Aviation in 2004.

His Guinness records are for longest duration and distance traversed at full ocean depth by a crewed vessel, and the fastest circumnavigation via both Poles by plane.

Shahzada and Suleman Dawood

Image: BBC/ Engo Corporation and DH Group

Prominent Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, is the vice-chairman of Karachi- headquartered conglomerate Engro.
His son Suleman, 19, is a university student, and both hold British citizenship.

A statement by the family-run holding group Dawood Hercules described Shahzada as a “loving father” to two children with a keen interest in “photography, especially wildlife photography, and exploring different natural habitats”.

Engro has an array of investments in energy, agriculture, petrochemicals and telecommunications. At the end of 2022, the firm announced revenue of 350 billion rupees (USD 1.2 billion).

Shahzada’s father Hussain Dawood is regularly listed among Pakistan’s richest men by the domestic press.

Shahzada’s profile on Engro’s website said he also serves as a trustee on the board of The Dawood Foundation — a high-profile family education charity founded in 1960.

He was educated in the United States and Britain, the profile said.

This story was published via AFP News

(Main and featured images: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions, Joel Saget/ AFP, World Economic Forum, AFP Photo/ Dirty Dozen Productions)

The post All About The Passengers on Board Titan, The Missing Submersible Near The Titanic appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Rescue teams are currently scrambling to find five passengers on Titan, a tourist submersible that went missing near the wreck of the Titanic in the North Atlantic on Sunday (18 June). Among the missing is the tour operator’s boss Stockton Rush, French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet (known as “Mr Titanic”), British aviation tycoon Hamish Harding, and Shahzada and Suleman Dawood — a wealthy Pakistani businessman and his son.

Read on to find about more about each of the passengers currently aboard the Titanic submersible.

What we know about the passengers on board Titan, the missing Titanic submersible

Stockton Rush

titan titanic submersible passengers stockton rush
OceanGate Expeditions CEO and founder Stockton Rush is one of the passengers aboard Titan, the missing  submersible near the wreck of the Titanic. (Image: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

Stockton Rush is the chief executive of OceanGate Expeditions, a company based in Washington state which operates the tourist dives and was founded in 2009.

According to his company website, Rush began his career in 1981 as the youngest jet transport rated pilot in the world, aged 19.

In 1984, Rush became a flight test engineer on the F-15 fighter jet program for the McDonnell Douglas company. But over the last two decades, he threw himself into several ocean-related tech ventures including Seattle’s BlueView Technologies, which makes small, high-frequency sonar systems.

After a long period when trips were postponed after Rush failed to get the proper permits for the project’s support vessel, OceanGate Expeditions started taking paying customers to the Titanic’s wreck in 2021.

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

titan titanic submersible passengers Paul-Henri Nargeolet stockton rush
Paul-Henri Nargeolet, director of a deep ocean research project dedicated to the Titanic, poses next to a miniature version of the sunken ship at a 2013 exhibition in Paris. (Image: Joel Saget/ AFP)

Nicknamed “Mr Titanic”, French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet was one of the vessel’s crew.

The 77-year-old, who served in the French navy for 25 years, has dived all over the world and spoken openly about the risks of his exploits in the most inaccessible waters of the world’s oceans.

Connecticut-based Nargeolet had already undertaken more than 30 dives to explore the Titanic and had supervised the recovery of around 5,500 objects, including a fragment weighing 20 tonnes that is displayed in Los Angeles.

His research produced a 2022 book where he questioned the findings of British and American enquiries into the 1912 disaster, arguing that five smaller holes were to blame rather than a 100-metre gash that followed Titanic’s collision with an iceberg.

Hamish Harding

titan titanic submersible passengers hamish harding
Hamish Harding ahead of the 4am start of the RMS Titanic Expedition Mission 5 on the morning of June 18, 2023. (Image: AFP Photo/ Dirty Dozen Production)

Harding, 58, is a British aviation tycoon who holds three Guinness world records and has a history of thrill-seeking adventures.
A year ago, he became a space tourist through Amazon founder Jeff Bezos‘s Blue Origin company.

He founded Action Aviation, a company that buys and sells aircraft with offices in Dubai and London’s Stansted airport, with UK media reporting that the UAE-based businessman is a billionaire.

He was based in the Indian city of Bengaluru for five years, as managing director of a logistics company, before establishing Action Aviation in 2004.

His Guinness records are for longest duration and distance traversed at full ocean depth by a crewed vessel, and the fastest circumnavigation via both Poles by plane.

Shahzada and Suleman Dawood

Image: BBC/ Engo Corporation and DH Group

Prominent Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, is the vice-chairman of Karachi- headquartered conglomerate Engro.
His son Suleman, 19, is a university student, and both hold British citizenship.

A statement by the family-run holding group Dawood Hercules described Shahzada as a “loving father” to two children with a keen interest in “photography, especially wildlife photography, and exploring different natural habitats”.

Engro has an array of investments in energy, agriculture, petrochemicals and telecommunications. At the end of 2022, the firm announced revenue of 350 billion rupees (USD 1.2 billion).

Shahzada’s father Hussain Dawood is regularly listed among Pakistan’s richest men by the domestic press.

Shahzada’s profile on Engro’s website said he also serves as a trustee on the board of The Dawood Foundation — a high-profile family education charity founded in 1960.

He was educated in the United States and Britain, the profile said.

This story was published via AFP News

(Main and featured images: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions, Joel Saget/ AFP, World Economic Forum, AFP Photo/ Dirty Dozen Productions)

The post All About The Passengers on Board Titan, The Missing Submersible Near The Titanic appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

A Submersible En Route to See the Titanic Wreckage Has Gone Missing Thu, 22 Jun 2023 05:39:58 +0000

A massive search and rescue effort for Titan, a missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic entered a critical stage late Wednesday, 21 June, with just one night left before the oxygen supply for the five people on board runs out.

While coast guard officials insisted they remained “hopeful,” with a surge of assets and experts joining the operation and sonar picking up unidentified underwater noises, the challenge of locating and recovering the crew alive appeared increasingly formidable.

“Sometimes you’re in a position where you have to make a tough decision. We’re not there yet,” said US Coast Guard Captain Jamie Frederick, adding that it remained a search-and-rescue mission “100 percent.”

Organisers of the multinational response — which includes US and Canadian military planes, coast guard ships, and teleguided robots — are focusing their efforts in the North Atlantic close to multiple “underwater noises” detected by sonar late Tuesday and Wednesday.

titan titanic submersible
US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain Jamie Frederick speaks to reporters about the search efforts for the Titan submersible that went missing near the wreck of the Titanic, at Coast Guard Base in Boston, Massachusetts. (Image: Joseph Prezioso/ AFP)

The sounds raised hopes that the passengers on the small tourist craft are still alive though experts have not been able to confirm their source.

“We don’t know what they are, to be frank with you,” said Frederick, who added: “We have to remain optimistic and hopeful.”
Titan began its descent at 8:00 am on Sunday and had been due to resurface seven hours later, according to the US Coast Guard.

Rescuers, who have received help from around the world, estimate that passengers may run out of oxygen on Thursday morning, based on the sub’s capacity to hold up to 96 hours of emergency air.

titan titanic submersible
This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible launching from a platform. (Image: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

What happened to Titan, the Titanic submersible, and who’s on board?

The 21-foot (6.5-metre) tourist submersible lost communication with its mothership less than two hours into its trip to see the remains of the Titanic, which sits more than two miles (nearly four kilometres) below the surface of the North Atlantic.

The submersible, named Titan, was carrying British billionaire Hamish Harding and Pakistani tycoon Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, who also have British citizenship.

OceanGate Expeditions charges $250,000 for a seat on the sub. Also on board is the company’s CEO, Stockton Rush, and a French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet, nicknamed “Mr Titanic” for his frequent dives at the site.

titan titanic submersible
(From left to right) On board the Titan are passengers Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, Stockton Rush and Paul-Henri Nargeolet. Dawood’s 19-year-old son Suleman is also on the Titanic submersible. (Image: Hamish Harding/ Instagram; World Economic Forum; AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions; Experiential Media Group)

Ships and planes have scoured 10,000 square miles (around 20,000 square kilometres) of surface water — roughly the size of Massachusetts — for the vessel, which was attempting to dive about 400 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

After the noises were detected by a Canadian P-3 aircraft, rescuers relocated two remotely operated vehicles (ROV) that search under the water and one surface vessel with sonar capability. The ROV searches have not yielded results but data from the Canadian aircraft has been shared with US Navy experts for acoustics analysis.

“There have been multiple reports of noises and every one of those noises is being analysed,” said Carl Hartsfield, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He added that the sounds “have been described as banging noises.”

Frederick said the number of surface vessels in the search would double from five to 10 within 24 to 48 hours.

The Navy has sent a specialised winch system for lifting heavy objects from extreme depths, other equipment and personnel; and the Pentagon has deployed three C-130 aircraft and three C-17s.

A deep-sea underwater robot sent by France’s oceanographic institute was due to arrive early Wednesday afternoon.

Fears of a leak aboard the Titan

Titan’s mission was expected to be the only manned trip to the Titanic this year due to bad weather, Harding wrote in on Instagram beforehand.

Hamish Harding had posted about the Titan’s expedition to the Titanic just a few days ago. (Image: Hamish Harding/ Instagram)

The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in 1912 during its maiden voyage from England to New York with 2,224 passengers and crew on board. More than 1,500 people died.

It was found in 1985 and remains a lure for nautical experts and underwater tourists. The pressure at that depth as measured in atmospheres is 400 times what it is at sea level.

Mike Reiss, an American television writer who visited the Titanic wreck on the same sub last year, told the BBC the experience was disorientating.

titanic titan submersible
Graphic on the Titan tourist submersible used to explore the wreckage of the Titanic in the North Atlantic, which went missing with five people on board. (Image: AFP/ Gal Roma)

Alistair Greig, professor of marine engineering at University College London, has suggested two possible scenarios based on images of the Titan.

He said if it had an electrical or communications problem, it could have surfaced and remained floating, “waiting to be found” — bearing in mind the vessel can reportedly be unlocked from the outside only.

“Another scenario is the pressure hull was compromised — a leak,” he said in a statement. “Then the prognosis is not good.”

In 2018, OceanGate Expeditions’ former director of marine operations David Lochridge alleged in a lawsuit that he had been fired after raising concerns about the company’s “experimental and untested design” of the craft.

This story was published via AFP News

(Main and featured images: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

The post A Submersible En Route to See the Titanic Wreckage Has Gone Missing appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


A massive search and rescue effort for Titan, a missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic entered a critical stage late Wednesday, 21 June, with just one night left before the oxygen supply for the five people on board runs out.

While coast guard officials insisted they remained “hopeful,” with a surge of assets and experts joining the operation and sonar picking up unidentified underwater noises, the challenge of locating and recovering the crew alive appeared increasingly formidable.

“Sometimes you’re in a position where you have to make a tough decision. We’re not there yet,” said US Coast Guard Captain Jamie Frederick, adding that it remained a search-and-rescue mission “100 percent.”

Organisers of the multinational response — which includes US and Canadian military planes, coast guard ships, and teleguided robots — are focusing their efforts in the North Atlantic close to multiple “underwater noises” detected by sonar late Tuesday and Wednesday.

titan titanic submersible
US Coast Guard (USCG) Captain Jamie Frederick speaks to reporters about the search efforts for the Titan submersible that went missing near the wreck of the Titanic, at Coast Guard Base in Boston, Massachusetts. (Image: Joseph Prezioso/ AFP)

The sounds raised hopes that the passengers on the small tourist craft are still alive though experts have not been able to confirm their source.

“We don’t know what they are, to be frank with you,” said Frederick, who added: “We have to remain optimistic and hopeful.”
Titan began its descent at 8:00 am on Sunday and had been due to resurface seven hours later, according to the US Coast Guard.

Rescuers, who have received help from around the world, estimate that passengers may run out of oxygen on Thursday morning, based on the sub’s capacity to hold up to 96 hours of emergency air.

titan titanic submersible
This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible launching from a platform. (Image: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

What happened to Titan, the Titanic submersible, and who’s on board?

The 21-foot (6.5-metre) tourist submersible lost communication with its mothership less than two hours into its trip to see the remains of the Titanic, which sits more than two miles (nearly four kilometres) below the surface of the North Atlantic.

The submersible, named Titan, was carrying British billionaire Hamish Harding and Pakistani tycoon Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, who also have British citizenship.

OceanGate Expeditions charges $250,000 for a seat on the sub. Also on board is the company’s CEO, Stockton Rush, and a French submarine operator Paul-Henri Nargeolet, nicknamed “Mr Titanic” for his frequent dives at the site.

titan titanic submersible
(From left to right) On board the Titan are passengers Hamish Harding, Shahzada Dawood, Stockton Rush and Paul-Henri Nargeolet. Dawood’s 19-year-old son Suleman is also on the Titanic submersible. (Image: Hamish Harding/ Instagram; World Economic Forum; AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions; Experiential Media Group)

Ships and planes have scoured 10,000 square miles (around 20,000 square kilometres) of surface water — roughly the size of Massachusetts — for the vessel, which was attempting to dive about 400 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

After the noises were detected by a Canadian P-3 aircraft, rescuers relocated two remotely operated vehicles (ROV) that search under the water and one surface vessel with sonar capability. The ROV searches have not yielded results but data from the Canadian aircraft has been shared with US Navy experts for acoustics analysis.

“There have been multiple reports of noises and every one of those noises is being analysed,” said Carl Hartsfield, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He added that the sounds “have been described as banging noises.”

Frederick said the number of surface vessels in the search would double from five to 10 within 24 to 48 hours.

The Navy has sent a specialised winch system for lifting heavy objects from extreme depths, other equipment and personnel; and the Pentagon has deployed three C-130 aircraft and three C-17s.

A deep-sea underwater robot sent by France’s oceanographic institute was due to arrive early Wednesday afternoon.

Fears of a leak aboard the Titan

Titan’s mission was expected to be the only manned trip to the Titanic this year due to bad weather, Harding wrote in on Instagram beforehand.

Hamish Harding had posted about the Titan’s expedition to the Titanic just a few days ago. (Image: Hamish Harding/ Instagram)

The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in 1912 during its maiden voyage from England to New York with 2,224 passengers and crew on board. More than 1,500 people died.

It was found in 1985 and remains a lure for nautical experts and underwater tourists. The pressure at that depth as measured in atmospheres is 400 times what it is at sea level.

Mike Reiss, an American television writer who visited the Titanic wreck on the same sub last year, told the BBC the experience was disorientating.

titanic titan submersible
Graphic on the Titan tourist submersible used to explore the wreckage of the Titanic in the North Atlantic, which went missing with five people on board. (Image: AFP/ Gal Roma)

Alistair Greig, professor of marine engineering at University College London, has suggested two possible scenarios based on images of the Titan.

He said if it had an electrical or communications problem, it could have surfaced and remained floating, “waiting to be found” — bearing in mind the vessel can reportedly be unlocked from the outside only.

“Another scenario is the pressure hull was compromised — a leak,” he said in a statement. “Then the prognosis is not good.”

In 2018, OceanGate Expeditions’ former director of marine operations David Lochridge alleged in a lawsuit that he had been fired after raising concerns about the company’s “experimental and untested design” of the craft.

This story was published via AFP News

(Main and featured images: AFP Photo/ OceanGate Expeditions)

The post A Submersible En Route to See the Titanic Wreckage Has Gone Missing appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Prestige Women of Power Summit 2023 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 04:54:29 +0000 Prestige Women of Power Summit

When Prestige launched Women of Power in 2021, we wanted it to be more than a list. We were building a community of inspiring female leaders, and with that mission in mind, we promised to host inspiring talks, discussions, intimate gatherings and such, that could have a roll on effect and inspire the next generation.

In 2023, we bring you our first Women of Power Summit. Our inaugural conference brings together influential female leaders in Hong Kong in thought-provoking and inspiring conversations and discussions on a range of topics highly pertinent to women in leadership positions from all walks of life.

Themed around three major topics: Leadership, Mentorship and Relationship, our Women of Power honourees are set to take to the stage on June 8 to share personal stories and anecdotes, while offering invaluable advice to the audience.

The post Prestige Women of Power Summit 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Prestige Women of Power Summit

When Prestige launched Women of Power in 2021, we wanted it to be more than a list. We were building a community of inspiring female leaders, and with that mission in mind, we promised to host inspiring talks, discussions, intimate gatherings and such, that could have a roll on effect and inspire the next generation.

In 2023, we bring you our first Women of Power Summit. Our inaugural conference brings together influential female leaders in Hong Kong in thought-provoking and inspiring conversations and discussions on a range of topics highly pertinent to women in leadership positions from all walks of life.

Themed around three major topics: Leadership, Mentorship and Relationship, our Women of Power honourees are set to take to the stage on June 8 to share personal stories and anecdotes, while offering invaluable advice to the audience.

The post Prestige Women of Power Summit 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Daniel Caesar, the 1975 and More Added to Good Vibes Festival 2023 Lineup Wed, 24 May 2023 07:23:43 +0000 good vibes festival 2023, music festival, concert

Good Vibes Festival 2023, in collaboration with Samsung Galaxy S23 Series, has announced its full lineup of international and local artists for its three-day music and culture event in July.

The festival promises to offer an unforgettable experience for festival-goers with its captivating art installations and innovative technology powered by the Samsung Galaxy S23 Series. In addition to music performances, attendees can interact with art installations such as the iconic Balloon Chain by artist Robert Bose. Maybelline, AirAsia, and other sponsors have also joined to support the music festival.

Good Vibes Festival 2023 features a diverse range of international and local artists, including Grammy-winning Canadian R&B star Daniel Caesar, South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, English songwriter and producer Elderbrook, and Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian. The festival promises to be a celebration of contemporary culture and community, and will be held at Sepang International Circuit, Malaysia from 21 to 23 July 2023.

Good Vibes Festival 2023 completes its lineup with the addition of Daniel Caesar, Lee Hi, and more


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Good Vibes Festival (@goodvibesfest)

Good Vibes Festival 2023 has announced its complete lineup for its three-day music and culture event in July. The festival will feature a diverse range of international and local artists, including Grammy-winning Canadian R&B star Daniel Caesar, South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, English songwriter and producer Elderbrook, English pop-rock band The 1975 and Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian.

Daniel Caesar, who wowed the crowd at Good Vibes Festival in 2019, is set to perform with his latest album Never Enough which has received widespread acclaim. He is set to capture the hearts of his Malaysians fans once again, they can expect nothing less than an unforgettable experience. Festival-goers can look forward to hearing some of Daniel Caesar’s biggest hits, such as Best Part, Japanese Denim, and Always, among others.

South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, also known as Lee Ha-Yi, will be gracing the Good Vibes Festival stage with her powerful yet soulful tunes. She has been making waves since her debut with chart-topping hits like Breathe, Only, HOLO, and more.

English songwriter and producer Elderbrook’s hit remixes for Clean Bandit and CamelPhat will get the crowds moving. Meanwhile, Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian began releasing works as early as 2009 and later gained support from industry heavyweights such as Australian trio RÜFÜS DU SOL and DJ Diplo.

Jake Scott has established his career while penning songs for music sensations like Jason Mraz, Christina Perri and Carrie Underwood. He has recently taken his musical journey to a new height, recording his latest album “Live 2022” during his live tour to capture the raw energy and emotions. Alexander 23’s single I Wanna Live Forever is widely regarded as his happiest track to date. The talented music creator aims to convey the importance of living in the present while fearlessly loving someone without concerning what the future holds.

Joining the international acts is singer, songwriter and producer Ty Dolla $ign, who has garnered more than 27 million monthly listeners on Spotify. His collaboration with Post Malone on Psycho reached a monumental milestone of a billion views on YouTube, further demonstrating the immense popularity and impact of his music.

Lullaboy, one of the top independent artists in and outside of Singapore, started off with posting YouTube covers to becoming a beacon of inspiration for aspiring pop and R&B musicians across Southeast Asia. Buzzworthy newcomer Mardiana draws inspiration from her life stories to create music that blends her melodic vocals with multiple genres. Rising star LEAISM, known for her soulful vocals infused with a tropical and electric twist, will light up the stage with her presence along with homegrown indie-pop band RESORT whose music advocates honest opinions to form connections among their listeners.

Malaysian indie band Capt’n Trips and The Kid will rock the stage with their psychedelic and alternative rock music. With extensive experience in curating everything from live radio shows to the city’s best club nights, the renowned DJ collective SaturdaySelects is poised to take the crowd on an exhilarating musical journey through an eclectic selection of sounds. AFARO, otherwise known as Azfar Jamili, whose music is influenced by the sounds of Calvin Harris, Marco Lys and Adam Ten, will break everyone out of their comfort zone through his infectious and vibrant beats.

In addition to that, the art installations this year also sees the festival bringing in the iconic Balloon Chain by artist Robert Bose which is sure to leave the attendees in awe and wonder. A familiar sight to festivals around the world including Burning Man and Coachella, the impressive large-scale installation featuring specially made helium-filled balloons will be visible during day or night, even from a distance. Not only that, attendees can interact with the masterpiece and witness the stunning display of colours and movement up close.

Get your Good Vibes Festival 2023 tickets here today!

The story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur

(Main image credit: Good Vibes Festival 2023, Instagram/ @tydollasign, @leehi_hi, @danielcaesar | Feature image credit: Good Vibes Festival 2023) 

The post Daniel Caesar, the 1975 and More Added to Good Vibes Festival 2023 Lineup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

good vibes festival 2023, music festival, concert

Good Vibes Festival 2023, in collaboration with Samsung Galaxy S23 Series, has announced its full lineup of international and local artists for its three-day music and culture event in July.

The festival promises to offer an unforgettable experience for festival-goers with its captivating art installations and innovative technology powered by the Samsung Galaxy S23 Series. In addition to music performances, attendees can interact with art installations such as the iconic Balloon Chain by artist Robert Bose. Maybelline, AirAsia, and other sponsors have also joined to support the music festival.

Good Vibes Festival 2023 features a diverse range of international and local artists, including Grammy-winning Canadian R&B star Daniel Caesar, South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, English songwriter and producer Elderbrook, and Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian. The festival promises to be a celebration of contemporary culture and community, and will be held at Sepang International Circuit, Malaysia from 21 to 23 July 2023.

Good Vibes Festival 2023 completes its lineup with the addition of Daniel Caesar, Lee Hi, and more


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Good Vibes Festival (@goodvibesfest)

Good Vibes Festival 2023 has announced its complete lineup for its three-day music and culture event in July. The festival will feature a diverse range of international and local artists, including Grammy-winning Canadian R&B star Daniel Caesar, South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, English songwriter and producer Elderbrook, English pop-rock band The 1975 and Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian.

Daniel Caesar, who wowed the crowd at Good Vibes Festival in 2019, is set to perform with his latest album Never Enough which has received widespread acclaim. He is set to capture the hearts of his Malaysians fans once again, they can expect nothing less than an unforgettable experience. Festival-goers can look forward to hearing some of Daniel Caesar’s biggest hits, such as Best Part, Japanese Denim, and Always, among others.

South Korean singer and songwriter Lee Hi, also known as Lee Ha-Yi, will be gracing the Good Vibes Festival stage with her powerful yet soulful tunes. She has been making waves since her debut with chart-topping hits like Breathe, Only, HOLO, and more.

English songwriter and producer Elderbrook’s hit remixes for Clean Bandit and CamelPhat will get the crowds moving. Meanwhile, Los Angeles-based Australian DJ Cassian began releasing works as early as 2009 and later gained support from industry heavyweights such as Australian trio RÜFÜS DU SOL and DJ Diplo.

Jake Scott has established his career while penning songs for music sensations like Jason Mraz, Christina Perri and Carrie Underwood. He has recently taken his musical journey to a new height, recording his latest album “Live 2022” during his live tour to capture the raw energy and emotions. Alexander 23’s single I Wanna Live Forever is widely regarded as his happiest track to date. The talented music creator aims to convey the importance of living in the present while fearlessly loving someone without concerning what the future holds.

Joining the international acts is singer, songwriter and producer Ty Dolla $ign, who has garnered more than 27 million monthly listeners on Spotify. His collaboration with Post Malone on Psycho reached a monumental milestone of a billion views on YouTube, further demonstrating the immense popularity and impact of his music.

Lullaboy, one of the top independent artists in and outside of Singapore, started off with posting YouTube covers to becoming a beacon of inspiration for aspiring pop and R&B musicians across Southeast Asia. Buzzworthy newcomer Mardiana draws inspiration from her life stories to create music that blends her melodic vocals with multiple genres. Rising star LEAISM, known for her soulful vocals infused with a tropical and electric twist, will light up the stage with her presence along with homegrown indie-pop band RESORT whose music advocates honest opinions to form connections among their listeners.

Malaysian indie band Capt’n Trips and The Kid will rock the stage with their psychedelic and alternative rock music. With extensive experience in curating everything from live radio shows to the city’s best club nights, the renowned DJ collective SaturdaySelects is poised to take the crowd on an exhilarating musical journey through an eclectic selection of sounds. AFARO, otherwise known as Azfar Jamili, whose music is influenced by the sounds of Calvin Harris, Marco Lys and Adam Ten, will break everyone out of their comfort zone through his infectious and vibrant beats.

In addition to that, the art installations this year also sees the festival bringing in the iconic Balloon Chain by artist Robert Bose which is sure to leave the attendees in awe and wonder. A familiar sight to festivals around the world including Burning Man and Coachella, the impressive large-scale installation featuring specially made helium-filled balloons will be visible during day or night, even from a distance. Not only that, attendees can interact with the masterpiece and witness the stunning display of colours and movement up close.

Get your Good Vibes Festival 2023 tickets here today!

The story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Kuala Lumpur

(Main image credit: Good Vibes Festival 2023, Instagram/ @tydollasign, @leehi_hi, @danielcaesar | Feature image credit: Good Vibes Festival 2023) 

The post Daniel Caesar, the 1975 and More Added to Good Vibes Festival 2023 Lineup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Peek Into the Star-Studded Celine Cannes Dinner Attended by Blackpink’s Lisa and BTS’ V Wed, 24 May 2023 06:59:12 +0000

Spanning a total of 11 days from 16 May to herald a union of film, fashion, and unrivalled French Riviera glamour, it’s safe to say that the 76th Cannes Festival international du film has kicked off into full swing. And true to the occasion, Parisian maison CELINE has furnished this year’s itinerary with one of the most coveted guest lists imaginable, with a lavish private dinner at Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Leading the charge of a sleek coterie at CELINE’s Cannes dinner were some of the most prominent global names from Asian entertainment that included BLACKPINK’s Lisa and BTS’s V. Lisa was attired in a dazzling, sequinned pinstripe suit paired with a sheer New Romantic frilled black blouse underneath, while V was decked out with a black suit accentuated by an asymmetric bowtie detail.

This was followed by 29-year-old actor Park Bo-Gum of Hello Monster fame wearing a resplendent number done in chic, debonair jewel tones, as well as Chinese actress Zhang Jingyi donning a black, off-shoulder dress with sequinned details.

CELINE’s Cannes dinner also marks Joe Alwyn’s first public appearance since his split from Taylor Swift, imbuing James Dean-cool in a powder pink satin shirt worn underneath a relaxed suit combination. Kaia Gerber, model and daughter to Nineties modelling icon Cindy Crawford, graced the event in a slinky, low-cut silver number paired with a white fur bolero.

Naturally, it was the presence and proximity of both BLACKPINK’s Lisa and BTS’s V at the event that has sent K-pop fans into a frenzy, especially in light of the recent swirling rumours that the BTS member may be going steady with Jennie after they were photographed holding hands together in Paris just a week prior.

In any case, their respective agencies have kept mum on whether the speculations can be confirmed in spite of how the pair were seen growing closer since last year, as All Kpop recounts.

Others prominent names to make an appearance that evening included CELINE creative director Hedi Slimane, actors Michael Pitt, Jack Dylan Grazer, Griffin Gluck, Olivia DeJonge, Grace Van Dien, Isabelle Kusman, Myha’la Herrold, rapper Future, and others. 

Feature and hero image credits: CELINE
This story first appeared here
1Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

2Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

3V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

4V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

5Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

6Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

7Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

8Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

9Joe Alwyn at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Joe Alwyn at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

10Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

11Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

12Michael Pitt at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Michael Pitt at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

13Noah Jupe at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Noah Jupe at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

14Olivia DeJonge at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Olivia DeJonge at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

15Future at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Future at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

16Isabelle Kusman at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Isabelle Kusman at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

17Grace Van Dien at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Grace Van Dien at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

18Griffin Gluc, JackK Dylan Grazer, Noah Jupe, at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Griffin Gluc, JackK Dylan Grazer, Noah Jupe, at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

The post Peek Into the Star-Studded Celine Cannes Dinner Attended by Blackpink’s Lisa and BTS’ V appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Spanning a total of 11 days from 16 May to herald a union of film, fashion, and unrivalled French Riviera glamour, it’s safe to say that the 76th Cannes Festival international du film has kicked off into full swing. And true to the occasion, Parisian maison CELINE has furnished this year’s itinerary with one of the most coveted guest lists imaginable, with a lavish private dinner at Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Leading the charge of a sleek coterie at CELINE’s Cannes dinner were some of the most prominent global names from Asian entertainment that included BLACKPINK’s Lisa and BTS’s V. Lisa was attired in a dazzling, sequinned pinstripe suit paired with a sheer New Romantic frilled black blouse underneath, while V was decked out with a black suit accentuated by an asymmetric bowtie detail.

This was followed by 29-year-old actor Park Bo-Gum of Hello Monster fame wearing a resplendent number done in chic, debonair jewel tones, as well as Chinese actress Zhang Jingyi donning a black, off-shoulder dress with sequinned details.

CELINE’s Cannes dinner also marks Joe Alwyn’s first public appearance since his split from Taylor Swift, imbuing James Dean-cool in a powder pink satin shirt worn underneath a relaxed suit combination. Kaia Gerber, model and daughter to Nineties modelling icon Cindy Crawford, graced the event in a slinky, low-cut silver number paired with a white fur bolero.

Naturally, it was the presence and proximity of both BLACKPINK’s Lisa and BTS’s V at the event that has sent K-pop fans into a frenzy, especially in light of the recent swirling rumours that the BTS member may be going steady with Jennie after they were photographed holding hands together in Paris just a week prior.

In any case, their respective agencies have kept mum on whether the speculations can be confirmed in spite of how the pair were seen growing closer since last year, as All Kpop recounts.

Others prominent names to make an appearance that evening included CELINE creative director Hedi Slimane, actors Michael Pitt, Jack Dylan Grazer, Griffin Gluck, Olivia DeJonge, Grace Van Dien, Isabelle Kusman, Myha’la Herrold, rapper Future, and others. 

Feature and hero image credits: CELINE
This story first appeared here
1Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

2Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Lisa at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

3V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

4V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

V at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

5Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

6Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Park Bo-Gum at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

7Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

8Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Zhang Jingyi at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

9Joe Alwyn at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Joe Alwyn at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

10Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

11Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Kaia Gerber at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

12Michael Pitt at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Michael Pitt at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

13Noah Jupe at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Noah Jupe at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

14Olivia DeJonge at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Olivia DeJonge at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

15Future at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Future at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

16Isabelle Kusman at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Isabelle Kusman at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

17Grace Van Dien at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Grace Van Dien at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

18Griffin Gluc, JackK Dylan Grazer, Noah Jupe, at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Griffin Gluc, JackK Dylan Grazer, Noah Jupe, at the CELINE Cannes dinner held in Hotel du Cap-Eden Roc.

Image credit: CELINE

The post Peek Into the Star-Studded Celine Cannes Dinner Attended by Blackpink’s Lisa and BTS’ V appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

10×10 Hong Kong 2023 Raises $650,000 for Mental Health Awareness Mon, 08 May 2023 04:16:29 +0000

10X10 Hong Kong raised 650,000 Hong Kong dollars for three mental health grassroots charities: KELY Support Group, Love21 Foundation and OCD & Anxiety Support HK’s Rainbow of Hope Counselling Clinic during its annual fundraiser

On 20th of April, 10×10 Hong Kong hosted their yearly benefit at the grand halls of Eaton HK. The splendour of Eaton’s own benevolent ambitions and unwavering commitment to the community made this union a match as if from the heavens. The theme for this year’s fundraiser was mental health awareness – a subject that holds great importance in Hong Kong as it mightily rises from its deep post-Covid slumber. Partaking in this endeavour were three proud charitable organizations: KELY Support Group, an institution that provides a range of services to empower youth and build peer support, and focuses on issues including drug and alcohol addition, low self-esteem and negative body issues; Love21 Foundation, one dedicated to giving hope to those struggling with Down syndrome and autism through sports and nutrition therapy; and OCD & Anxiety Support HK’s Rainbow of Hope Counselling Clinic which provides psychotherapy to those who cannot access such services. 

The night climaxed in the grand live auction, lead by the gavel of Sara Mao of Christie’s Education. At its peak, a rare Millennium Dragon necklace by Chantel Shafie sold for an astounding sum of 50,000 Hong Kong Dollars ­– a record price that left the room in awe. As Arthur Bray and Carol Tam took hold of the turntables, Saxon & Jarvis Whittaker and Jingyi Feng of the esteemed Hong Kong Ballet performed masterfully to enliven the evening. Revellers in the city’s high society were charmed and their donations reached a total of 650,000 Hong Kong dollars, making 10×10 Hong Kong’s benefit event a resounding success.

All images courtesy of Tiana Kotti

The post 10×10 Hong Kong 2023 Raises $650,000 for Mental Health Awareness appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


10X10 Hong Kong raised 650,000 Hong Kong dollars for three mental health grassroots charities: KELY Support Group, Love21 Foundation and OCD & Anxiety Support HK’s Rainbow of Hope Counselling Clinic during its annual fundraiser

On 20th of April, 10×10 Hong Kong hosted their yearly benefit at the grand halls of Eaton HK. The splendour of Eaton’s own benevolent ambitions and unwavering commitment to the community made this union a match as if from the heavens. The theme for this year’s fundraiser was mental health awareness – a subject that holds great importance in Hong Kong as it mightily rises from its deep post-Covid slumber. Partaking in this endeavour were three proud charitable organizations: KELY Support Group, an institution that provides a range of services to empower youth and build peer support, and focuses on issues including drug and alcohol addition, low self-esteem and negative body issues; Love21 Foundation, one dedicated to giving hope to those struggling with Down syndrome and autism through sports and nutrition therapy; and OCD & Anxiety Support HK’s Rainbow of Hope Counselling Clinic which provides psychotherapy to those who cannot access such services. 

The night climaxed in the grand live auction, lead by the gavel of Sara Mao of Christie’s Education. At its peak, a rare Millennium Dragon necklace by Chantel Shafie sold for an astounding sum of 50,000 Hong Kong Dollars ­– a record price that left the room in awe. As Arthur Bray and Carol Tam took hold of the turntables, Saxon & Jarvis Whittaker and Jingyi Feng of the esteemed Hong Kong Ballet performed masterfully to enliven the evening. Revellers in the city’s high society were charmed and their donations reached a total of 650,000 Hong Kong dollars, making 10×10 Hong Kong’s benefit event a resounding success.

All images courtesy of Tiana Kotti

The post 10×10 Hong Kong 2023 Raises $650,000 for Mental Health Awareness appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Everything We Know About King Charles III’s Coronation Thu, 04 May 2023 10:00:14 +0000 King Charles coronation

As the coronation of King Charles III draws near, here’s what we know about the event, the guests, and anything else we can expect on the auspicious day.

The entire world has its attention turned towards the United Kingdom as the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will take place at Westminster Abbey on 6 May 2023. As a new chapter in the British Royal family begins and Buckingham Palace welcomes its new head, let us look at all the details leading up to the Coronation Service and the celebrations related to the momentous event.

Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022, King Charles, who was known as the Prince of Wales, has become the oldest to ascend the British throne. And while he has started his duties and services as the new monarch, the religious coronation ceremony will take place to formally place the Imperial State crown on him. From The King’s procession to the monarch travelling in the Royal Diamond Jubilee State Coach and concert at Windsor Castle, there are many events planned in the UK around this time.

Not just the joyous arrangements but other aspects of King Charles’ coronation are also gaining media attention. While Prince Harry is expected to be present, his wife Meghan Markle will give it a miss. Additionally, there have been questions about the monarch’s role and the relevance of the institution in the 21st century.

Hence, the coronation of King Charles III, code-named Operation Golden Orb, comes as a big message for the world about how the British Royal family continues to exercise its stronghold and pave the way for a more modern approach to the age-old tradition.

The coronation service will start at 11 am (6 am ET or 03:30 PM) and will be broadcast across the world by BBC and BBC Radio.

King Charles III’s coronation: All the events and other details

The coronation of a monarch is the most important ceremony for the institution. Traditionally, it is a spiritual and religious event of crowning the head of state, which is coupled with the physical act of placing the crown on the ruler’s head.

In the British connotation, the coronation oath formally announces The King as the head of the Church of England and all titles as well as vests in him all powers.

However, a formal coronation may not always be necessary for the monarch to continue with their duties. King Edward VIII ascended with no coronation and King Charles automatically took the throne right after the death of his mother. He had become the heir apparent after Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1952.

The coronation invitation

King Charles coronation- invitation
The Coronation invitation. Image credit: The Royal UK

Published on 4 April 2023, King Charles’ coronation invitation card is steeped in British symbolisms and is a homage to the country’s nature and folklore. The card is designed by Andrew Jamieson, a heraldic artist and manuscript illuminator, whose works reflect ideas from the chivalric themes of Arthurian legends. He is also a Brother of the Art Workers’ Guild, where The King is an honorary member.

The card is a regal work of art with the original piece featuring hand-painted watercolour and gouache. The design will be printed on recycled cards, with gold-foil detailing and sent to over 2,000 guests.

A detailed design of a Green Man, emblematic of spring and rebirth, is covered with a verdure of oak, ivy and hawthorn leaves. Several native flowers also border the card — a British wildflower meadow theme is created on the sides featuring lily of the valley, cornflowers, wild strawberries, dog roses, bluebells and a sprig of rosemary. The flowers appear in clusters of three, showing King Charles is the third monarch of his name. A bee, a butterfly, a ladybird, a wren and a robin can also be spotted.

The coronation emblem has a lion, a unicorn and a boar which are taken from the coats of arms of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla and appear among the flowers. Her Majesty’s arms are enclosed by the Garter, representing her induction as a Royal Lady of the Order of the Garter in 2023.

The King’s Coronation Procession: Carriage, journey and the route

King Charles coronation- King's procession
The Diamond Jubilee State Coach. Image credit: The Royal UK

The royal event marks a grand show, beginning with Their Majesties’ drive from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, known as the King’s Procession. King Charles and the Queen Consort will travel in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach, which was created in Australia for the late Queen Elizabeth II as a tribute to her 60 years of reign and delivered in 2014. It made its debut at the State Opening of Parliament that year. The modern horse-drawn carriage has luxury silk upholsteries, air conditioners and electric windows.

King Charles coronation- king's procession
King’s procession. Image credit: The Royal UK

The King’s procession will be a shorter route of about 2 km as compared to the 7 km-long journey taken during the late Queen’s coronation. As per BBC, the 1953 event had 16,000 participants, and the procession took 45 minutes to cross any stationary point.

The procession shall depart Buckingham Palace from the Centre Gate and go down the Mall via Admiralty Arch and Whitehall. It will then turn around the east and south sides of Parliament Street and arrive at Westminster Abbey. The King’s procession will be accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry.

King Charles coronation- coronation procession
The coronation procession. Image credit: The Royal UK

The journey back from Westminster Abbey after the service, termed the Coronation Procession, will be an even larger and grander affair. This time, The King and The Queen Consort will travel in the Gold State Coach, which has been a part of every coronation since King William IV in 1831. They will follow the same route and “will include Armed Forces from across the Commonwealth and the British Overseas Territories, and all Services of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, alongside The Sovereign’s Bodyguard and Royal Watermen,” mentions the British Royal website. Other members of the Royal Family will also join the Coronation Procession.

As per the BBC, “More than 6,000 armed forces members will take part, making it the largest military ceremonial operation in 70 years.”

Upon their return, Their Majesties and members of the Royal family will make an appearance at the Buckingham Palace balcony.

The Coronation Service: What happens during the ceremony

King Charles coronation- ceremony
Westminster Abbey. Image credit: The Royal UK

The official ceremony always comes a few months after the new monarch ascends the throne, and Westminster Abbey has remained the sacred site for over 900 years post the Norman conquest in 1066.

The Palace said, “The Coronation is a solemn religious service, as well as an occasion for celebration and pageantry.” It will be conducted by the Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, and in 2023, King Charles III wishes to have a diverse audience representing different cultures, faith and backgrounds at the event.

There are several stages and rituals to the ceremony — beginning with ‘the recognition’. During this, the monarch stands next to the 700-year-old Coronation Chair. The Archbishop presents him to the congregation, who shouts in union “God Save The King.”

This is followed by the oath-taking ceremony where the Sovereign pledges to protect the laws of the land and uphold the Church of England. The words and structure of the oath have undergone modifications in keeping with the changing nature of times and relevance.

After this, the monarch is “anointed, blessed and consecrated” by the Archbishop, while he removes the royal robes and sits on King Edward’s chair (it was made in 1300 and has been used by every ruler since 1626). A gold cloth canopy is held by the four Knights of the Garter to hide The King from view. A Harper’s Bazaar report says, “The Stone of Destiny, an artefact seized from Scotland by King Edward I, will lie under the chair.”

King Charles coronation- anointment oil
The anointment oil is made using a special consecration in Jerusalem. Image credit: The Royal UK

The holy oil for the anointment of King Charles III is specially consecrated in a ceremony at The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, and the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, The Most Reverend Hosam Naoum are involved in preparing the holy oil.

It is made with olives that are harvested in two groves on the Mount of Olives, at the Monastery of Mary Magdalene and the Monastery of the Ascension. The monastery is also the site of the burial of King Charles III’s grandmother Princess Alice of Greece. Essential oils of sesame, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, neroli, benzoin and amber, along with orange blossoms, are used to scent the oil. The same consecration will be used to anoint Queen Camilla (Queen Consorts have typically used Queen before their names after the coronation, mentions CNN) as well.

The anointment is followed by the Investiture, where The King is presented with the Royal Orb, which represents authority; the Sceptre, which denotes power; and the Sovereign’s Sceptre, which is a gold rod with a white enamel dove depicting fair justice and mercy. After these rituals, the monarch will be crowned king as the Archbishop places St. Edward’s crown on his head.

The final stage of the Coronation is the enthronement and homage. King Charles will shift to the throne from the Coronation Chair and all princes, senior members of the family and peers will kneel to show allegiance.

As per a 2022 statement by the Palace, Her Majesty Queen Consort will be crowned alongside His Majesty King Charles III. As a first, she has opted out of a custom-made crown and will be coronated with Queen Mary’s crown.

What will King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla wear to the coronation ceremony?

St. Edward’s Crown (left), Imperial State Crown (right) Image credit: The Royal UK

In most likelihood, King Charles will arrive in his military attire, says The Telegraph, making it a more modern statement as compared to the silk breeches and stockings of earlier kings. His Majesty will enter Westminster Abbey in the Robe of State, also called the Parliament Robe, and then wear a number of royal and sacred garments throughout the ceremony.

He will be crowned with St. Edward’s crown which is made of a solid gold frame studded with rubies, amethysts, garnets and sapphires. It also flaunts four crosses-pattée, four fleurs-de-lis and two arches. The heavy crown is also fitted with a velvet cap with an ermine band. It was originally created for the coronation of King Charles II in 1661 and was worn by Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 as well.

However, King Charles III will leave wearing the Imperial State Crown, which is also an example of fine artistry. Featuring a velvet cap and an ermine band, it also has 2,868 diamonds in silver mounts, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 269 pearls. This headpiece is famous for holding the Cullinan II diamond, also known as the Second Star of Africa. It sparked controversy as a symbol of the Royal family’s loot of colonised countries.

The Imperial State Crown was made for King George VI during his coronation in 1937 and was used in place of the one made for Queen Victoria in 1838.

To avoid further controversies pertaining to Briain’s colonising days, Queen Mary’s crown, which The Queen Consort will be wearing, will not feature the invaluable Koh-i-Noor diamond. The rock is one of the largest single-cut diamonds in the world and formerly colonised nations such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have claimed it. The precious stone will be replaced by the Cullinan III, IV, and V diamonds. However, historians have reportedly said that they are mined from South Africa and are emblems of Britain’s imperialism.

Guests at the Coronation

coronation guests
Royal family at Westminster Abbey. Image credit: The Prince and Princess of Wales/ Instagram

Being a State event, the guest list for the coronation ceremony will be made by the government. Eminent dignitaries include the prime minister, representatives from the Parliament houses, heads of state and other royals from across the globe.

The eight Pages of Honour are chosen to participate in the procession in Westminster Abbey. Of them, the Pages of His Majesty are the King’s grandson His Royal Highness Prince George of Wales, Lord Oliver Cholmondeley, Master Nicholas Barclay and Master Ralph Tollemache. For the Queen Consort, the Pages are her grandsons Master Gus and Master Louis Lopes and Master Freddy Parker Bowles, and Her Majesty’s great-nephew, Master Arthur Elliot.

Prince William and Kate are also very excited about the event and are extremely proud and elated as parents since Prince George is a Page. They will also be present at the ceremony.

Prince Harry has confirmed that he will be attending the event, albeit the Duchess of Sussex will stay back in the US as it is the fourth birthday of their son Prince Archie. It will also be the first time that the Duke of Sussex will be seen with his family in public after publishing his memoir Spark. The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson will also not be attending. Although US President Joe Biden will not be present, First Lady Jill Biden will be going on his behalf.

The 2,000 invitees to the Coronation include 850 community representatives for their charitable endeavours and recipients of the British Empire Medal for their hands-on community service.

Music at the Coronation

In keeping with the gravity of the ceremony, the music for the historic event is chosen by King Charles himself. Besides a Coronation anthem composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, titled “Make a Joyful Noise,” 12 newly commissioned music pieces have been composed for the event, the British Royal website announced on 16 April.

They provide a more contemporary take on traditional music and articulate the best offerings from some of the most noted living names across the classical, sacred, film, television and musical theatre fields. The pieces show a wide range of compositions created for orchestra, solo voice or choir renditions.

King Charles III’s coronation will have songs in Welsh, and Greek Orthodox music will be played by Byzantine Chant Ensemble in memory of Philip.

While acclaimed opera singer Bryn Terfel will be one of the soloists, a gospel choir and choristers from Westminster School will perform as well. A drive to hire bell-ringers has also been launched. The orchestra will be conducted by Antonio Pappano and led by Vasko Vassilev, with arrangements by Trittico.

Coronation Weekend: Concert, Big Lunch and more

coronation weekend
Coronation weekend festivities Image credit: The Royal UK

The Coronation Day comes to an end with Their Majesties appearing on the Buckingham Palace balcony. After this, the weekend is lined with a number of events followed by holidays.

A grand Coronation concert will be held at Windsor Castle on 7 May, which will be telecast live by BBC and BBC Studio. Though a full lineup is yet to be released, the BBC states the star-studded event will be graced by celebrities like Katy Perry, Take That and Lionel Richie. Free tickets were made available to the public via a ballot system.

During the programme, a ‘light up the nation’ event will take place where iconic landmarks will be lit up in honour of The King and The Queen Consort.

On the same day, the UK will host a Coronation Big Lunch, where people will share food and have fun. The Prime Minister will host a big lunch at 10 Downing Street and guests will include community workers.

Typical British street parties will be held and bars and pubs will remain open for extra hours over the weekend. People are also urged to participate in volunteering service at the Big Help Out event from 8 May.

Bank holiday

In celebration of the Coronation, 8 May 2023, is declared to be a bank holiday in the UK.

Hero and feature image: Courtesy The Royal UK

This story originally appeared on Lifestyle Asia India

The post Everything We Know About King Charles III’s Coronation appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

King Charles coronation

As the coronation of King Charles III draws near, here’s what we know about the event, the guests, and anything else we can expect on the auspicious day.

The entire world has its attention turned towards the United Kingdom as the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla will take place at Westminster Abbey on 6 May 2023. As a new chapter in the British Royal family begins and Buckingham Palace welcomes its new head, let us look at all the details leading up to the Coronation Service and the celebrations related to the momentous event.

Since the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022, King Charles, who was known as the Prince of Wales, has become the oldest to ascend the British throne. And while he has started his duties and services as the new monarch, the religious coronation ceremony will take place to formally place the Imperial State crown on him. From The King’s procession to the monarch travelling in the Royal Diamond Jubilee State Coach and concert at Windsor Castle, there are many events planned in the UK around this time.

Not just the joyous arrangements but other aspects of King Charles’ coronation are also gaining media attention. While Prince Harry is expected to be present, his wife Meghan Markle will give it a miss. Additionally, there have been questions about the monarch’s role and the relevance of the institution in the 21st century.

Hence, the coronation of King Charles III, code-named Operation Golden Orb, comes as a big message for the world about how the British Royal family continues to exercise its stronghold and pave the way for a more modern approach to the age-old tradition.

The coronation service will start at 11 am (6 am ET or 03:30 PM) and will be broadcast across the world by BBC and BBC Radio.

King Charles III’s coronation: All the events and other details

The coronation of a monarch is the most important ceremony for the institution. Traditionally, it is a spiritual and religious event of crowning the head of state, which is coupled with the physical act of placing the crown on the ruler’s head.

In the British connotation, the coronation oath formally announces The King as the head of the Church of England and all titles as well as vests in him all powers.

However, a formal coronation may not always be necessary for the monarch to continue with their duties. King Edward VIII ascended with no coronation and King Charles automatically took the throne right after the death of his mother. He had become the heir apparent after Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1952.

The coronation invitation

King Charles coronation- invitation
The Coronation invitation. Image credit: The Royal UK

Published on 4 April 2023, King Charles’ coronation invitation card is steeped in British symbolisms and is a homage to the country’s nature and folklore. The card is designed by Andrew Jamieson, a heraldic artist and manuscript illuminator, whose works reflect ideas from the chivalric themes of Arthurian legends. He is also a Brother of the Art Workers’ Guild, where The King is an honorary member.

The card is a regal work of art with the original piece featuring hand-painted watercolour and gouache. The design will be printed on recycled cards, with gold-foil detailing and sent to over 2,000 guests.

A detailed design of a Green Man, emblematic of spring and rebirth, is covered with a verdure of oak, ivy and hawthorn leaves. Several native flowers also border the card — a British wildflower meadow theme is created on the sides featuring lily of the valley, cornflowers, wild strawberries, dog roses, bluebells and a sprig of rosemary. The flowers appear in clusters of three, showing King Charles is the third monarch of his name. A bee, a butterfly, a ladybird, a wren and a robin can also be spotted.

The coronation emblem has a lion, a unicorn and a boar which are taken from the coats of arms of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla and appear among the flowers. Her Majesty’s arms are enclosed by the Garter, representing her induction as a Royal Lady of the Order of the Garter in 2023.

The King’s Coronation Procession: Carriage, journey and the route

King Charles coronation- King's procession
The Diamond Jubilee State Coach. Image credit: The Royal UK

The royal event marks a grand show, beginning with Their Majesties’ drive from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, known as the King’s Procession. King Charles and the Queen Consort will travel in the Diamond Jubilee State Coach, which was created in Australia for the late Queen Elizabeth II as a tribute to her 60 years of reign and delivered in 2014. It made its debut at the State Opening of Parliament that year. The modern horse-drawn carriage has luxury silk upholsteries, air conditioners and electric windows.

King Charles coronation- king's procession
King’s procession. Image credit: The Royal UK

The King’s procession will be a shorter route of about 2 km as compared to the 7 km-long journey taken during the late Queen’s coronation. As per BBC, the 1953 event had 16,000 participants, and the procession took 45 minutes to cross any stationary point.

The procession shall depart Buckingham Palace from the Centre Gate and go down the Mall via Admiralty Arch and Whitehall. It will then turn around the east and south sides of Parliament Street and arrive at Westminster Abbey. The King’s procession will be accompanied by The Sovereign’s Escort of the Household Cavalry.

King Charles coronation- coronation procession
The coronation procession. Image credit: The Royal UK

The journey back from Westminster Abbey after the service, termed the Coronation Procession, will be an even larger and grander affair. This time, The King and The Queen Consort will travel in the Gold State Coach, which has been a part of every coronation since King William IV in 1831. They will follow the same route and “will include Armed Forces from across the Commonwealth and the British Overseas Territories, and all Services of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, alongside The Sovereign’s Bodyguard and Royal Watermen,” mentions the British Royal website. Other members of the Royal Family will also join the Coronation Procession.

As per the BBC, “More than 6,000 armed forces members will take part, making it the largest military ceremonial operation in 70 years.”

Upon their return, Their Majesties and members of the Royal family will make an appearance at the Buckingham Palace balcony.

The Coronation Service: What happens during the ceremony

King Charles coronation- ceremony
Westminster Abbey. Image credit: The Royal UK

The official ceremony always comes a few months after the new monarch ascends the throne, and Westminster Abbey has remained the sacred site for over 900 years post the Norman conquest in 1066.

The Palace said, “The Coronation is a solemn religious service, as well as an occasion for celebration and pageantry.” It will be conducted by the Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, and in 2023, King Charles III wishes to have a diverse audience representing different cultures, faith and backgrounds at the event.

There are several stages and rituals to the ceremony — beginning with ‘the recognition’. During this, the monarch stands next to the 700-year-old Coronation Chair. The Archbishop presents him to the congregation, who shouts in union “God Save The King.”

This is followed by the oath-taking ceremony where the Sovereign pledges to protect the laws of the land and uphold the Church of England. The words and structure of the oath have undergone modifications in keeping with the changing nature of times and relevance.

After this, the monarch is “anointed, blessed and consecrated” by the Archbishop, while he removes the royal robes and sits on King Edward’s chair (it was made in 1300 and has been used by every ruler since 1626). A gold cloth canopy is held by the four Knights of the Garter to hide The King from view. A Harper’s Bazaar report says, “The Stone of Destiny, an artefact seized from Scotland by King Edward I, will lie under the chair.”

King Charles coronation- anointment oil
The anointment oil is made using a special consecration in Jerusalem. Image credit: The Royal UK

The holy oil for the anointment of King Charles III is specially consecrated in a ceremony at The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, and the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, The Most Reverend Hosam Naoum are involved in preparing the holy oil.

It is made with olives that are harvested in two groves on the Mount of Olives, at the Monastery of Mary Magdalene and the Monastery of the Ascension. The monastery is also the site of the burial of King Charles III’s grandmother Princess Alice of Greece. Essential oils of sesame, rose, jasmine, cinnamon, neroli, benzoin and amber, along with orange blossoms, are used to scent the oil. The same consecration will be used to anoint Queen Camilla (Queen Consorts have typically used Queen before their names after the coronation, mentions CNN) as well.

The anointment is followed by the Investiture, where The King is presented with the Royal Orb, which represents authority; the Sceptre, which denotes power; and the Sovereign’s Sceptre, which is a gold rod with a white enamel dove depicting fair justice and mercy. After these rituals, the monarch will be crowned king as the Archbishop places St. Edward’s crown on his head.

The final stage of the Coronation is the enthronement and homage. King Charles will shift to the throne from the Coronation Chair and all princes, senior members of the family and peers will kneel to show allegiance.

As per a 2022 statement by the Palace, Her Majesty Queen Consort will be crowned alongside His Majesty King Charles III. As a first, she has opted out of a custom-made crown and will be coronated with Queen Mary’s crown.

What will King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla wear to the coronation ceremony?

St. Edward’s Crown (left), Imperial State Crown (right) Image credit: The Royal UK

In most likelihood, King Charles will arrive in his military attire, says The Telegraph, making it a more modern statement as compared to the silk breeches and stockings of earlier kings. His Majesty will enter Westminster Abbey in the Robe of State, also called the Parliament Robe, and then wear a number of royal and sacred garments throughout the ceremony.

He will be crowned with St. Edward’s crown which is made of a solid gold frame studded with rubies, amethysts, garnets and sapphires. It also flaunts four crosses-pattée, four fleurs-de-lis and two arches. The heavy crown is also fitted with a velvet cap with an ermine band. It was originally created for the coronation of King Charles II in 1661 and was worn by Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 as well.

However, King Charles III will leave wearing the Imperial State Crown, which is also an example of fine artistry. Featuring a velvet cap and an ermine band, it also has 2,868 diamonds in silver mounts, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds and 269 pearls. This headpiece is famous for holding the Cullinan II diamond, also known as the Second Star of Africa. It sparked controversy as a symbol of the Royal family’s loot of colonised countries.

The Imperial State Crown was made for King George VI during his coronation in 1937 and was used in place of the one made for Queen Victoria in 1838.

To avoid further controversies pertaining to Briain’s colonising days, Queen Mary’s crown, which The Queen Consort will be wearing, will not feature the invaluable Koh-i-Noor diamond. The rock is one of the largest single-cut diamonds in the world and formerly colonised nations such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have claimed it. The precious stone will be replaced by the Cullinan III, IV, and V diamonds. However, historians have reportedly said that they are mined from South Africa and are emblems of Britain’s imperialism.

Guests at the Coronation

coronation guests
Royal family at Westminster Abbey. Image credit: The Prince and Princess of Wales/ Instagram

Being a State event, the guest list for the coronation ceremony will be made by the government. Eminent dignitaries include the prime minister, representatives from the Parliament houses, heads of state and other royals from across the globe.

The eight Pages of Honour are chosen to participate in the procession in Westminster Abbey. Of them, the Pages of His Majesty are the King’s grandson His Royal Highness Prince George of Wales, Lord Oliver Cholmondeley, Master Nicholas Barclay and Master Ralph Tollemache. For the Queen Consort, the Pages are her grandsons Master Gus and Master Louis Lopes and Master Freddy Parker Bowles, and Her Majesty’s great-nephew, Master Arthur Elliot.

Prince William and Kate are also very excited about the event and are extremely proud and elated as parents since Prince George is a Page. They will also be present at the ceremony.

Prince Harry has confirmed that he will be attending the event, albeit the Duchess of Sussex will stay back in the US as it is the fourth birthday of their son Prince Archie. It will also be the first time that the Duke of Sussex will be seen with his family in public after publishing his memoir Spark. The Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson will also not be attending. Although US President Joe Biden will not be present, First Lady Jill Biden will be going on his behalf.

The 2,000 invitees to the Coronation include 850 community representatives for their charitable endeavours and recipients of the British Empire Medal for their hands-on community service.

Music at the Coronation

In keeping with the gravity of the ceremony, the music for the historic event is chosen by King Charles himself. Besides a Coronation anthem composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, titled “Make a Joyful Noise,” 12 newly commissioned music pieces have been composed for the event, the British Royal website announced on 16 April.

They provide a more contemporary take on traditional music and articulate the best offerings from some of the most noted living names across the classical, sacred, film, television and musical theatre fields. The pieces show a wide range of compositions created for orchestra, solo voice or choir renditions.

King Charles III’s coronation will have songs in Welsh, and Greek Orthodox music will be played by Byzantine Chant Ensemble in memory of Philip.

While acclaimed opera singer Bryn Terfel will be one of the soloists, a gospel choir and choristers from Westminster School will perform as well. A drive to hire bell-ringers has also been launched. The orchestra will be conducted by Antonio Pappano and led by Vasko Vassilev, with arrangements by Trittico.

Coronation Weekend: Concert, Big Lunch and more

coronation weekend
Coronation weekend festivities Image credit: The Royal UK

The Coronation Day comes to an end with Their Majesties appearing on the Buckingham Palace balcony. After this, the weekend is lined with a number of events followed by holidays.

A grand Coronation concert will be held at Windsor Castle on 7 May, which will be telecast live by BBC and BBC Studio. Though a full lineup is yet to be released, the BBC states the star-studded event will be graced by celebrities like Katy Perry, Take That and Lionel Richie. Free tickets were made available to the public via a ballot system.

During the programme, a ‘light up the nation’ event will take place where iconic landmarks will be lit up in honour of The King and The Queen Consort.

On the same day, the UK will host a Coronation Big Lunch, where people will share food and have fun. The Prime Minister will host a big lunch at 10 Downing Street and guests will include community workers.

Typical British street parties will be held and bars and pubs will remain open for extra hours over the weekend. People are also urged to participate in volunteering service at the Big Help Out event from 8 May.

Bank holiday

In celebration of the Coronation, 8 May 2023, is declared to be a bank holiday in the UK.

Hero and feature image: Courtesy The Royal UK

This story originally appeared on Lifestyle Asia India

The post Everything We Know About King Charles III’s Coronation appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Things to Do at The French May Arts Festival Wed, 03 May 2023 06:38:12 +0000

As the French May Arts Festival marks its thirtieth birthday, Hong Kong stands poised to become an elegant wonderland; a paradise where art is sovereign. From the dazzling works of revered and burgeoning visual artists, to the breathtaking dance compositions courtesy of Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels, and the enthralling melody of Asian and European virtuosos, this Festival promises to bewitch even the most discerning of audiences.

Here’s what you should expect from the French May Arts Festival:

Virtually Versailles

Venue: Thematic Galleries 3– 5, Hong Kong Heritage Museum 

Dates: Until July 9th

Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and French May Arts Festival, organised by he Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Palace of Versailles, with the support of Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund, the touring Virtually Versailles exhibition imagines the beacon of enduring French heritage through a digital prism. 

The Palace of Versailles is a majestic monument of beauty and grandeur that unites past and present, heritage and future. Through Virtually Versailles, you can now embark on a virtual journey into the world of its estate with an interactive exhibition. Feel the splendour of the palace emitted from your device and experience the magnificence that the French court has to offer like never before. Be enraptured by its mesmerizing decor, take pleasure in its peaceful gardens and marvel at the wonders within its hallways. Now, you can wander through its illustrious Hall of Mirrors, take in the breathtakingly beautiful gardens, and even observe the chamber where Marie Antoinette slept, all from this interactive exhibition. Verily, it will be a journey to never forget.

Pablo Picasso: Paintings in Glass

Dates: May 18th  – August 27th

The University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong was privileged to join forces with the French May Arts Festival in order to showcase the amazing works of twentieth-century painter, Pablo Picasso. In the midst of the 1950s, Roger Malherbe-Navarre’s studios developed the ideas of Jean Crotti’s light boxes by embedding pieces of glass into colorful interpretations of several of Picasso’s compositions (called gemmail, meaning “enamel gem” in French). 

The gemmistes had skilfully combined and bound together the various pieces of glass, a feat that astounded Picasso. ‘A new art is born!’ he proclaimed in amazement. Carefully crafted and showcased to exemplify and explore the possibilities of their medium, the results were remarkable. An exclusive private collection was loaned for view at UMAG during the French May Arts Festival in 2023 after a secluded preview at the Landmark. These pieces highlighted some of Picasso’s most renowned works, his painterly compositions masterfully embodied.

Niu Niu and Theo Fouchenneret – Harmony of Two Pianos

Venue: Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 

Date: May 12th

Time: 8pm

In honor of three decades past, French May Arts Festival boldly presents Harmony of Two Pianos, a magnificent piano duet concert by world-renowned pianists Niu Niu and Théo Fouchenneret. Delve deep into the spirit of harmony and exploration as you embark on this extraordinary journey. Revel in the exquisite sounds of Tailleferre’s Toccata and Bizet’s Carmen Fantasy, immerse yourself in Rachmaninov’s Suite No. 2, and experience the two-piano version of Yellow River Piano Concerto. This is a rare opportunity to witness the magnificent interlude between east and west through classical music. 

The concert and masterclass were graciously supported by the First Initiative Foundation (FIF). For over a decade, FIF had been devoted to uplifting the Hong Kong community through the arts, music and education, allowing for great benefit to be reaped. The performance would last for approximately 80 minutes of uninterrupted marvel.

Lyrical Encounters

Dates: May 3rd – 31st

Time: 10am – 7pm

In an exclusive curation for French May 2023, Opera Gallery will present 30 works from the most important French and Chinese artists of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Highlights include Chinese artist Zau Wou-Ki, who spent many years living in Paris and is renowned for marrying East and West artistic traditions in his work. As well as Georges Mathieu, a French abstract artist who was influenced by Japanese calligraphy. With a focus on artists who have been influenced by one another’s culture, Lyrical Encounters will explore a cross-cultural dialogue.

The exhibition is free to attend and will also show works from Chu Teh-Chun, Feng Xiao-Min and André Brasilier.

Marc Riboud – From France to China

Venue: f22 foto space (The Peninsula Hong Kong)

Dates: May 18th – July 31st

Time: 11am – 7pm

A unique opportunity to see images by famed French photographer Marc Riboud in Hong Kong. Renowned for chronicling the Vietnam War Protests and the construction of the Eiffel Tower, this exhibition From France to China will explore his time spent in the mainland where he continually returned to since his first visit in 1957.

As one of the first European photographers to go to China, Riboud’s spellbinding images will show developments in the mainland from his perspective as he captures the everyday life of its people. Works from both France and China will be on display charting the cultural journey of the two countries and encouraging dialogue. The exhibition is free to attend.

Chinoiserie – An enduring allure of the Far East – Leo Wong Ceramics Exhibition

Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre

Dates: 5th – 10th July

Time: 10am – 9pm

In this exhibition Chinoiserie – An enduring allure of the Far East Hong Kong based ceramicist Leo Wong will interpret the artistic tradition of Chinoiserie, using ceramics to showcase the historical interchange between France and China.

A trend that was made popular in 18th century Europe through increased trade with China, Chinoiserie is a European interpretation of Chinese artistic traditions seen in art, furniture and architecture. Having already made a name for himself through his captivating ceramics inspired by nature, Wong will present this blending of two cultures through a modern perspective.

The exhibition aims to celebrate the contribution of the French May Arts Festival in Asia and is free for all to attend.

The post Things to Do at The French May Arts Festival appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


As the French May Arts Festival marks its thirtieth birthday, Hong Kong stands poised to become an elegant wonderland; a paradise where art is sovereign. From the dazzling works of revered and burgeoning visual artists, to the breathtaking dance compositions courtesy of Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels, and the enthralling melody of Asian and European virtuosos, this Festival promises to bewitch even the most discerning of audiences.

Here’s what you should expect from the French May Arts Festival:

Virtually Versailles

Venue: Thematic Galleries 3– 5, Hong Kong Heritage Museum 

Dates: Until July 9th

Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and French May Arts Festival, organised by he Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Palace of Versailles, with the support of Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund, the touring Virtually Versailles exhibition imagines the beacon of enduring French heritage through a digital prism. 

The Palace of Versailles is a majestic monument of beauty and grandeur that unites past and present, heritage and future. Through Virtually Versailles, you can now embark on a virtual journey into the world of its estate with an interactive exhibition. Feel the splendour of the palace emitted from your device and experience the magnificence that the French court has to offer like never before. Be enraptured by its mesmerizing decor, take pleasure in its peaceful gardens and marvel at the wonders within its hallways. Now, you can wander through its illustrious Hall of Mirrors, take in the breathtakingly beautiful gardens, and even observe the chamber where Marie Antoinette slept, all from this interactive exhibition. Verily, it will be a journey to never forget.

Pablo Picasso: Paintings in Glass

Dates: May 18th  – August 27th

The University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong was privileged to join forces with the French May Arts Festival in order to showcase the amazing works of twentieth-century painter, Pablo Picasso. In the midst of the 1950s, Roger Malherbe-Navarre’s studios developed the ideas of Jean Crotti’s light boxes by embedding pieces of glass into colorful interpretations of several of Picasso’s compositions (called gemmail, meaning “enamel gem” in French). 

The gemmistes had skilfully combined and bound together the various pieces of glass, a feat that astounded Picasso. ‘A new art is born!’ he proclaimed in amazement. Carefully crafted and showcased to exemplify and explore the possibilities of their medium, the results were remarkable. An exclusive private collection was loaned for view at UMAG during the French May Arts Festival in 2023 after a secluded preview at the Landmark. These pieces highlighted some of Picasso’s most renowned works, his painterly compositions masterfully embodied.

Niu Niu and Theo Fouchenneret – Harmony of Two Pianos

Venue: Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 

Date: May 12th

Time: 8pm

In honor of three decades past, French May Arts Festival boldly presents Harmony of Two Pianos, a magnificent piano duet concert by world-renowned pianists Niu Niu and Théo Fouchenneret. Delve deep into the spirit of harmony and exploration as you embark on this extraordinary journey. Revel in the exquisite sounds of Tailleferre’s Toccata and Bizet’s Carmen Fantasy, immerse yourself in Rachmaninov’s Suite No. 2, and experience the two-piano version of Yellow River Piano Concerto. This is a rare opportunity to witness the magnificent interlude between east and west through classical music. 

The concert and masterclass were graciously supported by the First Initiative Foundation (FIF). For over a decade, FIF had been devoted to uplifting the Hong Kong community through the arts, music and education, allowing for great benefit to be reaped. The performance would last for approximately 80 minutes of uninterrupted marvel.

Lyrical Encounters

Dates: May 3rd – 31st

Time: 10am – 7pm

In an exclusive curation for French May 2023, Opera Gallery will present 30 works from the most important French and Chinese artists of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Highlights include Chinese artist Zau Wou-Ki, who spent many years living in Paris and is renowned for marrying East and West artistic traditions in his work. As well as Georges Mathieu, a French abstract artist who was influenced by Japanese calligraphy. With a focus on artists who have been influenced by one another’s culture, Lyrical Encounters will explore a cross-cultural dialogue.

The exhibition is free to attend and will also show works from Chu Teh-Chun, Feng Xiao-Min and André Brasilier.

Marc Riboud – From France to China

Venue: f22 foto space (The Peninsula Hong Kong)

Dates: May 18th – July 31st

Time: 11am – 7pm

A unique opportunity to see images by famed French photographer Marc Riboud in Hong Kong. Renowned for chronicling the Vietnam War Protests and the construction of the Eiffel Tower, this exhibition From France to China will explore his time spent in the mainland where he continually returned to since his first visit in 1957.

As one of the first European photographers to go to China, Riboud’s spellbinding images will show developments in the mainland from his perspective as he captures the everyday life of its people. Works from both France and China will be on display charting the cultural journey of the two countries and encouraging dialogue. The exhibition is free to attend.

Chinoiserie – An enduring allure of the Far East – Leo Wong Ceramics Exhibition

Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre

Dates: 5th – 10th July

Time: 10am – 9pm

In this exhibition Chinoiserie – An enduring allure of the Far East Hong Kong based ceramicist Leo Wong will interpret the artistic tradition of Chinoiserie, using ceramics to showcase the historical interchange between France and China.

A trend that was made popular in 18th century Europe through increased trade with China, Chinoiserie is a European interpretation of Chinese artistic traditions seen in art, furniture and architecture. Having already made a name for himself through his captivating ceramics inspired by nature, Wong will present this blending of two cultures through a modern perspective.

The exhibition aims to celebrate the contribution of the French May Arts Festival in Asia and is free for all to attend.

The post Things to Do at The French May Arts Festival appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Valentino Partners Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More in Shanghai for Immersive Show Thu, 27 Apr 2023 03:00:00 +0000

Valentino recently held a special showing in Shanghai of its “Unboxing Valentino” Spring/Summer 2023 collection in partnership with Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More.

Revisiting its partnership from September 2021, the two names got together again for an immersive display via The Box presentation — a collection of interactive vignettes, personal encounters and group performances that integrate the brand’s core values into a riveting story.

In attendance for the spectacle were names like Janice Man, Landi Li, Zeng Li, Elva Ni, Chen Duling, and Faye Tsui. Each of the guests were treated to an unforgettable experience across multiple floors inside downtown Shanghai’s McKinnon Hotel. Themes of human desire, curiosity, and togetherness were told across five chapters where the show began and ended at a mysterious glass box at the center of the grand ballroom.

Celebrating freedom of expression and the power of beauty, each of the performers sported the House’s SS23 collection — spanning ultra-saturated sequin coats, feather-adorned separates, floor-length gowns, and formalwear — where attendees were given an up-close-and-personal look at each of the pieces. This creative presentation is just the beginning as more is set to come with the continuation of this ongoing partnership.

(Images: Valentino)

The post Valentino Partners Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More in Shanghai for Immersive Show appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Valentino recently held a special showing in Shanghai of its “Unboxing Valentino” Spring/Summer 2023 collection in partnership with Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More.

Revisiting its partnership from September 2021, the two names got together again for an immersive display via The Box presentation — a collection of interactive vignettes, personal encounters and group performances that integrate the brand’s core values into a riveting story.

In attendance for the spectacle were names like Janice Man, Landi Li, Zeng Li, Elva Ni, Chen Duling, and Faye Tsui. Each of the guests were treated to an unforgettable experience across multiple floors inside downtown Shanghai’s McKinnon Hotel. Themes of human desire, curiosity, and togetherness were told across five chapters where the show began and ended at a mysterious glass box at the center of the grand ballroom.

Celebrating freedom of expression and the power of beauty, each of the performers sported the House’s SS23 collection — spanning ultra-saturated sequin coats, feather-adorned separates, floor-length gowns, and formalwear — where attendees were given an up-close-and-personal look at each of the pieces. This creative presentation is just the beginning as more is set to come with the continuation of this ongoing partnership.

(Images: Valentino)

The post Valentino Partners Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More in Shanghai for Immersive Show appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Elton John and 15 Other Highest-Grossing Concert Tours of All Time Thu, 20 Apr 2023 05:25:51 +0000

The world is swaying to pop sensation Taylor Swift’s beats right now as she garners the loudest cheers and applause with her sold-out The Eras Tour. According to many reports, the 52-stop concert is on its way to becoming one of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time.

The tour, which started in March 2023 and concludes in August this year, is proving to be a major extravaganza. Swifties, as the American singer-songwriter’s fans are nicknamed worldwide, are more than thrilled as The Eras Tour marks her sixth headlining tour and second all-stadium concert after the 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour. As per an April 2023 Forbes report, The Eras Tour is forecast to reach the top tiers of gross collections and earn about USD 620 million of which Swift can pocket about USD 500 million.

Such a gross collection is possible if an average audience ticket price is USD 215. However, if the average ticket price reaches USD 700, Taylor Swift’s net earnings could be as high as USD 1.5 billion. Besides tickets, merchandise sales also account for a major source of tour revenue.

Some highest-grossing figures from 2022

After becoming the most-streamed artist on Spotify in 2022, Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny also became the artist with the highest-grossing concert tour that year. He embarked on the World’s Hottest Tour in August, which concluded in December with back-to-back shows in Mexico. Its gross score was around USD 435.38 million with over 81 stops and even surpassed the figures of Ed Sheeran’s Divide Tour.

Not just him. Days after Pollstar announced that Bad Bunny garnered the highest-grossing tour in North America and the rest of the world, marketplace StubHub revealed that British singer and composer Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour became one of the highly demanded concerts of 2022.

As per Billboard, all of John’s tours, dating back to 1986, together grossed USD 1.863 billion — the highest for any solo artist.

The highest-grossing tours of all time, from the lowest to the highest

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'World Tour with Trisha Yearwood' by Garth Brooks

Gross earnings: around USD 364.3 million

In September 2014, American singer-songwriter Garth Brooks embarked on his three-year world tour with his superstar wife, Trisha Yearwood. The stops were revealed one at a time, arousing the curiosity of fans. It opened with a huge 11-event run in Chicago, where 180,000 rockets were sold in three hours. The couple then went to Atlanta and after three years, concluded the trek — one of the highest-grossing concert tours— in Nashville in 2017.

Though the tour ended after three years, Brooks was in no mood to slow down and released The Anthology Part 1, The First of Five Years, a 200-page book with archival photos and personal stories.

Image credit: Garth Brooks/ Instagram

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'24k Magic World Tour' by Bruno Mars

Gross earnings: around USD 367.7 million

Bruno Mars’ 24k Magic World Tour is one of the highest-grossing concert tours of the late 2010s. Held from March 2017 to October 2018, it was in support of his Grammy Award-winning album 24k Magic. It included some iconic tracks such as “Finesse,” “24K Magic,” “That’s What I Like,” “Versace on the Floor” and “Marry You.”

The tour started in Belgium and had a full European trek, followed by North American dates. The following year, the tour was brought to Asia in April and May and was then hosted in the US and Canada in September and October.

All the shows were also supposed to feature Cardi B, but the rapper pulled out in July 2018, following the birth of her daughter.

Image credit: Bruno Mars/Instagram

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'Vertigo' by U2

Gross earnings: around USD 389 million

One of the highest-grossing tours of U2, the Vertigo concert was conceptualised to boost the Irish group’s 2004 album How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. It reached the No. 1 spot in 30 countries and bagged several Grammy Awards, including Album of The Year, at the 20th edition of the award night.

Divided into four legs between 2005 and 2006, the Vertigo tour had 131 shows across the US, starting in San Diego and concluding in Honolulu; each amassed an average gross of over USD 3 million. The first US leg had guest performances from Kings of Leon, which was followed by the likes of Interpol and Kaiser Chiefs in Europe.

Image credit:

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'The Joshua Tree Tour' by U2

Gross earnings: around USD 390.7 million

U2’s Joshua Tree Tour had two runs — one in 2017 and the other in 2019. The first trek became one of the highest-grossing tours and had successful shows across North America, Europe and South America. Ticket sales grossed over USD 2.4 million and became one of the highest-grossing events of the time.

Celebrating 30 years of the band’s 1987 album, The Joshua Tree, the tour had some pretty hefty figures — in 66 shows, the group garnered an average gross of USD 6 million per show. Some of the featured guests on the 2017 tour include The Lumineers, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Beck and One Republic.

In 2019, U2 went to the other side of the world and performed at sold-out shows in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and India between November and December.

Image credit:

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'Beautiful Trauma World Tour' by P!NK

Gross earnings: over USD 397 million

The Beautiful Trauma World Tour was announced in October 2017 and around the same time, P!NK launched her seventh studio LP (long play) of the same name. From its inception, the tour saw an overwhelming surge in demand and more dates had to be added to the already-planned Australian and North American legs.

Soon after its release, the LP peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, and the subsequent tour became a massive hit. It spanned 156 shows, sold 3,088,647 tickets and the gross earned became the highest in P!NK’s career.

The 2019 UK shows had Vance Joy, KidCutUp and Bang Bang Romeo as guest performers. The tour clocked in as the second highest-grossing tour by a female artist after Madonna, and the “biggest by a woman in a decade,” reports Billboard.

Image credit: P!nk/@pink/Instagram

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'Sticky & Sweet Tour' by Madonna

Gross earnings: around USD 411 million

Madonna hit the roads with this world tour to promote her eighth studio album, Hard Candy. The concert tour was held from 2008 to 2009 and with just 85 shows in 32 countries, she brought in a total of 3.5 million audiences. It had an average gross of USD 3 million per show as well.

Billboard mentions, as part of the tour, the singer created an all-time record for amassing the biggest crowd in Zurich, Switzerland, as 72,000 people dropped in. It also broke her previous record of the highest-grossing concert tour — her Confessions tour in 2006 collected USD 194 million, as per Billboard Boxscore. At the end of the tour, Madonna’s outing stood second to The Rolling Stones’ A Bigger Bang tour.

Madonna may not feature in the top 10 acts, but Sticky & Sweet is the highest-grossing tour by a solo female artist. However, with the current projections, Taylor Swift might soon take over the title with her The Eras Tour.

Image credit: Madonna/ Instagram

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'WorldWired Tour' by Metallica

Gross earnings: over USD 416.9 million

The two-year concert tour was in support of the heavy metal band’s Grammy-nominated studio album, Hardwired…to Self-Destruct (2016). The tour saw James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett and Rob Trujillo belt out popular tracks and take metalheads across the globe on a frenzied ride. With 128 shows, an attendance of 4 million fans and per show grossing about USD 3 million, the tour was an iconic one.

The tour featured a massive crew of 235 heads, a 360-degree stage with three scaffoldings that were erected and dismantled for each show and five gigantic screens to let fans catch all the actions on stage.

Metallica wowed fans with songs like “Hardwired” and “Atlas, Rise!” from their new album as well as played other forever favourites — “Seek and Destroy”, “Creeping Death” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

Reportedly, Hardwired…to Self-Destruct was supposed to have a 2020 leg as well but was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image credit: Metallica/ Instagram

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'Black Ice World Tour' by AC/DC

Gross earnings: over USD 441 million

Acca Dacca, better known as AC/DC, went on one of their highest-grossing tours from 2008 to 2010, in support of their 15th studio album Black Ice. With 169 shows across the US, Canada, Europe and South America over three years, the Australian rock n’ roll act travelled extensively to promote their album.

The concerts garnered an audience of over 5 million fans, and the tour was guitarist Malcolm Young’s last with the band before he quit due to health problems. It remains AC/DC’s biggest trek ever.

Image credit: AC/

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'The Wall Live' by Roger Waters

Gross earnings: nearly USD 460 million

Former frontman of the British rock band Pink Floyd, Roger Waters set out on The Wall Live tour in 2010 and had an immensely successful music trek that concluded in 2013. It marks the first time the iconic 1979 album The Wall was performed live.

One of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time, the 220-show tour spanned six legs and covered North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. The final leg itself made a major highlight by collecting USD 81.3 million in ticket sales from 26 cities in Europe. When it grossed USD 459 million as a solo artist tour, The Wall Live broke the record created by Madonna’s Sticky & Sweet of 2008-2009.

Image credit: Roger Waters/ Instagram

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'A Head Full of Dreams Tour' by Coldplay

Gross earnings: over USD 523 million

The world tour was in support of their 2015 album A Head Full of Dreams. It began in 2016 in Argentina and charted out a full circle when it ended in the same country the following year.

The tour sold nearly 5.3 million tickets and covered 114 shows in 76 cities, including San Diego, Sao Paulo, Glasgow, Amsterdam and London, across 31 countries. When the music trek began, it garnered a footfall of over 5 million and not only became one of the highest-grossing tours of all time but also broke other Coldplay concert records.

The album’s two singles “Adventure of a Lifetime” and “Hymn For The Weekend” even appeared in the US Top 40 on the Hot 100 list. The latter also saw a collaboration with Beyoncé and featured a vibrant India.

Image credit: Coldplay/Instagram

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'No Filter Tour' by The Rolling Stones

Gross earnings: USD 546.5 million

The Rolling Stones’ No Filter Tour continues to be one of the highest-grossing tours in recent times. The band started the classic music trek in September 2017, paused in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resumed in 2021.

The first leg took place in Europe, followed by the next in 2018 across Europe, including the UK and Ireland. The 2019 leg took the rock n roll group to America and by then, they had reportedly grossed USD 415.6 million.

The 2021 chapter also marked their first tour, except for the band’s legendary drummer Charles Watts who passed away at 80 in August 2021. The North American dates in September started with an event in St. Louis, followed by another in Charlotte and then made its way across the USA through Nashville and Detroit. The tour ended in Hollywood.

A long-time associate of Watts, Steve Jordan, filled his place, and the Nashville event stood witness to live renditions of tracks such as “19th Nervous Breakdown,” “Dead Flowers” and “Miss You.”

Image credit: The Rolling Stones/Instagram

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'A Bigger Bang Tour' by The Rolling Stones

Gross earnings: USD 558.2 million

A cult band of the time, The Rolling Stones started their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2005, and the final show was held in 2007. A 2005 Hindustan Times report says the opening concert saw the boys play iconic songs like “Sart Me Up,” “You Got Me Rocking,” “Shattered” and “Tumbling Dice” and introduce a new track from their then about-to-be-released album A Bigger Bang. The 144-event tour sold nearly 4.9 million tickets and became a major milestone for The Rolling Stones.

The main highlight of the tour came on 18 February 2006, when Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts hosted a free-for-all show and performed a series of new songs for a massive crowd of over 1.5 million at Rio De Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach. This show is now remastered and remixed into a DVD collection which features four additional tracks — “Tumbling Dice”, “Oh No, Not You Again”, “This Place Is Empty” and “Sympathy for the Devil.”

Image credit: The Rolling Stones/ Instagram

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'Not in this Lifetime Tour' by Guns N’ Roses

Gross earnings: USD 584.2 million

Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose once said, “Not in this Lifetime,” commenting about collaborating with guitarist Slash. However, as destiny would have it, his own words became the name of the tour which brought together Rose, Slash and bassist Duff McKagan.

In 2019, it was the highest-grossing tour by an American act and currently stands as the fourth highest-grossing concert tour of all time. It officially started on 1 April 2016 at the Troubadour in Hollywood and the curtains were officially drawn on 2 November 2019 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, US. The trek covered six continents, sold over 5.37 million tickets and hosted 158 events.

Image credit: Guns N’ Roses/ Instagram

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'360° Tour' by U2

Gross earnings: USD 730 million

With the three-legged 360° Tour spanning 2009 to 2011, Irish rock band U2 recorded the highest-grossing tour of the time. The record was later broken by Ed Sheeran with his 2017 Divide Tour.

In support of their album No One Line On Horizon, the tour had a budget of nearly USD 750,000 per day. Covering North America, South America, Russia, Europe and Australia, the tour featured a huge video wall, a crew of 300 people and over 7 million audiences placed all around.

In terms of creating records, the band had the biggest stage with a gigantic 200-ton arachnid structure called ‘The Claw’, the loudest speakers ever at a rock ‘n roll concert and the most technologically advanced setting. The tour also featured some eminent guest performers such as the Black Eyed Peas, Jay Z, One Republic and Snow Patrol.

Image credit: U2

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' ÷ Tour' by Ed Sheeran

Gross earnings: USD 775.6 million

Reigning over stadiums from March 2017 to August 2019 with his ÷ Tour, Ed Sheeran held three Guinness World Records — the highest attendance for a music tour, the highest-grossing music tour by a solo artist and the highest-grossing music tour.

The English singer-songwriter embarked on this tour in support of his chart-topping third album ÷ and saw a staggering attendance of over 8.9 million fans. Such a massive footfall earned around USD 3 million per show across 255 events. Hence, Sheeran’s tour remains the highest in terms of record tickets sold on a single trek.

Over the two years, the Divide Tour amassed over USD 600 million globally which catapult him onto the Forbes 2019 list of Celebrity 100 Earnings. The publication says, “Sales from the first show took the tour’s gross to $736.8 million, surpassing the record held by U2 for eight years.” The last show was part of a four-night event and collected USD 12.9 million through 139,984 tickets itself.

The popular tour became the most profitable music trek ever after it racked up USD 736.7 million post its 250th stop at Messegelände Hannover (Hanover Fairground) in Germany on 2 August 2019. What makes this even more special is that Sheeran performs with just a guitar, sans dancers, costume changes and special effects.

Image credit: Ed Sheeran/ @teddysphotos/ Instagram

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'Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour' by Elton John

Gross earnings: USD 817. 9 million

Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour began in 2018. After five years of extensive travelling, playing over 278 sold-out concerts with over 5 million fans, it is the highest-grossing tour worldwide of all time. It is also the first tour in Billboard’s archive to cross the USD 800 million mark.

The concert earned the whopping amount from its eight legs and has sold over 5.3 million tickets, as per a January 2023 Forbes report. Initially, John started the tour with shows in North America, Europe and Oceania before making his way to grand stadiums in the last year of the trek.

Billboard states, “John’s first three North American legs combined to USD 268.2 million over 116 shows. His stadium run from July – Nov. 2022 brought in USD 222.1 million, or 83 per cent of his arena grosses, in just 33 shows.”

Such high figures were also achieved in the other continents, and 51 more dates are lined up between March and September 2023 for the last Europe leg of the tour.

On 24 January 2023, Guinness World Records named Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour the highest-grossing tour of all time.

Image credit: Elton John/ Instagram

The post Elton John and 15 Other Highest-Grossing Concert Tours of All Time appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


The world is swaying to pop sensation Taylor Swift’s beats right now as she garners the loudest cheers and applause with her sold-out The Eras Tour. According to many reports, the 52-stop concert is on its way to becoming one of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time.

The tour, which started in March 2023 and concludes in August this year, is proving to be a major extravaganza. Swifties, as the American singer-songwriter’s fans are nicknamed worldwide, are more than thrilled as The Eras Tour marks her sixth headlining tour and second all-stadium concert after the 2018 Reputation Stadium Tour. As per an April 2023 Forbes report, The Eras Tour is forecast to reach the top tiers of gross collections and earn about USD 620 million of which Swift can pocket about USD 500 million.

Such a gross collection is possible if an average audience ticket price is USD 215. However, if the average ticket price reaches USD 700, Taylor Swift’s net earnings could be as high as USD 1.5 billion. Besides tickets, merchandise sales also account for a major source of tour revenue.

Some highest-grossing figures from 2022

After becoming the most-streamed artist on Spotify in 2022, Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny also became the artist with the highest-grossing concert tour that year. He embarked on the World’s Hottest Tour in August, which concluded in December with back-to-back shows in Mexico. Its gross score was around USD 435.38 million with over 81 stops and even surpassed the figures of Ed Sheeran’s Divide Tour.

Not just him. Days after Pollstar announced that Bad Bunny garnered the highest-grossing tour in North America and the rest of the world, marketplace StubHub revealed that British singer and composer Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour became one of the highly demanded concerts of 2022.

As per Billboard, all of John’s tours, dating back to 1986, together grossed USD 1.863 billion — the highest for any solo artist.

The highest-grossing tours of all time, from the lowest to the highest

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'World Tour with Trisha Yearwood' by Garth Brooks

Gross earnings: around USD 364.3 million

In September 2014, American singer-songwriter Garth Brooks embarked on his three-year world tour with his superstar wife, Trisha Yearwood. The stops were revealed one at a time, arousing the curiosity of fans. It opened with a huge 11-event run in Chicago, where 180,000 rockets were sold in three hours. The couple then went to Atlanta and after three years, concluded the trek — one of the highest-grossing concert tours— in Nashville in 2017.

Though the tour ended after three years, Brooks was in no mood to slow down and released The Anthology Part 1, The First of Five Years, a 200-page book with archival photos and personal stories.

Image credit: Garth Brooks/ Instagram

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'24k Magic World Tour' by Bruno Mars

Gross earnings: around USD 367.7 million

Bruno Mars’ 24k Magic World Tour is one of the highest-grossing concert tours of the late 2010s. Held from March 2017 to October 2018, it was in support of his Grammy Award-winning album 24k Magic. It included some iconic tracks such as “Finesse,” “24K Magic,” “That’s What I Like,” “Versace on the Floor” and “Marry You.”

The tour started in Belgium and had a full European trek, followed by North American dates. The following year, the tour was brought to Asia in April and May and was then hosted in the US and Canada in September and October.

All the shows were also supposed to feature Cardi B, but the rapper pulled out in July 2018, following the birth of her daughter.

Image credit: Bruno Mars/Instagram

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'Vertigo' by U2

Gross earnings: around USD 389 million

One of the highest-grossing tours of U2, the Vertigo concert was conceptualised to boost the Irish group’s 2004 album How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. It reached the No. 1 spot in 30 countries and bagged several Grammy Awards, including Album of The Year, at the 20th edition of the award night.

Divided into four legs between 2005 and 2006, the Vertigo tour had 131 shows across the US, starting in San Diego and concluding in Honolulu; each amassed an average gross of over USD 3 million. The first US leg had guest performances from Kings of Leon, which was followed by the likes of Interpol and Kaiser Chiefs in Europe.

Image credit:

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'The Joshua Tree Tour' by U2

Gross earnings: around USD 390.7 million

U2’s Joshua Tree Tour had two runs — one in 2017 and the other in 2019. The first trek became one of the highest-grossing tours and had successful shows across North America, Europe and South America. Ticket sales grossed over USD 2.4 million and became one of the highest-grossing events of the time.

Celebrating 30 years of the band’s 1987 album, The Joshua Tree, the tour had some pretty hefty figures — in 66 shows, the group garnered an average gross of USD 6 million per show. Some of the featured guests on the 2017 tour include The Lumineers, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Beck and One Republic.

In 2019, U2 went to the other side of the world and performed at sold-out shows in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and India between November and December.

Image credit:

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'Beautiful Trauma World Tour' by P!NK

Gross earnings: over USD 397 million

The Beautiful Trauma World Tour was announced in October 2017 and around the same time, P!NK launched her seventh studio LP (long play) of the same name. From its inception, the tour saw an overwhelming surge in demand and more dates had to be added to the already-planned Australian and North American legs.

Soon after its release, the LP peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, and the subsequent tour became a massive hit. It spanned 156 shows, sold 3,088,647 tickets and the gross earned became the highest in P!NK’s career.

The 2019 UK shows had Vance Joy, KidCutUp and Bang Bang Romeo as guest performers. The tour clocked in as the second highest-grossing tour by a female artist after Madonna, and the “biggest by a woman in a decade,” reports Billboard.

Image credit: P!nk/@pink/Instagram

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'Sticky & Sweet Tour' by Madonna

Gross earnings: around USD 411 million

Madonna hit the roads with this world tour to promote her eighth studio album, Hard Candy. The concert tour was held from 2008 to 2009 and with just 85 shows in 32 countries, she brought in a total of 3.5 million audiences. It had an average gross of USD 3 million per show as well.

Billboard mentions, as part of the tour, the singer created an all-time record for amassing the biggest crowd in Zurich, Switzerland, as 72,000 people dropped in. It also broke her previous record of the highest-grossing concert tour — her Confessions tour in 2006 collected USD 194 million, as per Billboard Boxscore. At the end of the tour, Madonna’s outing stood second to The Rolling Stones’ A Bigger Bang tour.

Madonna may not feature in the top 10 acts, but Sticky & Sweet is the highest-grossing tour by a solo female artist. However, with the current projections, Taylor Swift might soon take over the title with her The Eras Tour.

Image credit: Madonna/ Instagram

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'WorldWired Tour' by Metallica

Gross earnings: over USD 416.9 million

The two-year concert tour was in support of the heavy metal band’s Grammy-nominated studio album, Hardwired…to Self-Destruct (2016). The tour saw James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett and Rob Trujillo belt out popular tracks and take metalheads across the globe on a frenzied ride. With 128 shows, an attendance of 4 million fans and per show grossing about USD 3 million, the tour was an iconic one.

The tour featured a massive crew of 235 heads, a 360-degree stage with three scaffoldings that were erected and dismantled for each show and five gigantic screens to let fans catch all the actions on stage.

Metallica wowed fans with songs like “Hardwired” and “Atlas, Rise!” from their new album as well as played other forever favourites — “Seek and Destroy”, “Creeping Death” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

Reportedly, Hardwired…to Self-Destruct was supposed to have a 2020 leg as well but was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image credit: Metallica/ Instagram

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'Black Ice World Tour' by AC/DC

Gross earnings: over USD 441 million

Acca Dacca, better known as AC/DC, went on one of their highest-grossing tours from 2008 to 2010, in support of their 15th studio album Black Ice. With 169 shows across the US, Canada, Europe and South America over three years, the Australian rock n’ roll act travelled extensively to promote their album.

The concerts garnered an audience of over 5 million fans, and the tour was guitarist Malcolm Young’s last with the band before he quit due to health problems. It remains AC/DC’s biggest trek ever.

Image credit: AC/

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'The Wall Live' by Roger Waters

Gross earnings: nearly USD 460 million

Former frontman of the British rock band Pink Floyd, Roger Waters set out on The Wall Live tour in 2010 and had an immensely successful music trek that concluded in 2013. It marks the first time the iconic 1979 album The Wall was performed live.

One of the highest-grossing concert tours of all time, the 220-show tour spanned six legs and covered North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. The final leg itself made a major highlight by collecting USD 81.3 million in ticket sales from 26 cities in Europe. When it grossed USD 459 million as a solo artist tour, The Wall Live broke the record created by Madonna’s Sticky & Sweet of 2008-2009.

Image credit: Roger Waters/ Instagram

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'A Head Full of Dreams Tour' by Coldplay

Gross earnings: over USD 523 million

The world tour was in support of their 2015 album A Head Full of Dreams. It began in 2016 in Argentina and charted out a full circle when it ended in the same country the following year.

The tour sold nearly 5.3 million tickets and covered 114 shows in 76 cities, including San Diego, Sao Paulo, Glasgow, Amsterdam and London, across 31 countries. When the music trek began, it garnered a footfall of over 5 million and not only became one of the highest-grossing tours of all time but also broke other Coldplay concert records.

The album’s two singles “Adventure of a Lifetime” and “Hymn For The Weekend” even appeared in the US Top 40 on the Hot 100 list. The latter also saw a collaboration with Beyoncé and featured a vibrant India.

Image credit: Coldplay/Instagram

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'No Filter Tour' by The Rolling Stones

Gross earnings: USD 546.5 million

The Rolling Stones’ No Filter Tour continues to be one of the highest-grossing tours in recent times. The band started the classic music trek in September 2017, paused in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resumed in 2021.

The first leg took place in Europe, followed by the next in 2018 across Europe, including the UK and Ireland. The 2019 leg took the rock n roll group to America and by then, they had reportedly grossed USD 415.6 million.

The 2021 chapter also marked their first tour, except for the band’s legendary drummer Charles Watts who passed away at 80 in August 2021. The North American dates in September started with an event in St. Louis, followed by another in Charlotte and then made its way across the USA through Nashville and Detroit. The tour ended in Hollywood.

A long-time associate of Watts, Steve Jordan, filled his place, and the Nashville event stood witness to live renditions of tracks such as “19th Nervous Breakdown,” “Dead Flowers” and “Miss You.”

Image credit: The Rolling Stones/Instagram

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'A Bigger Bang Tour' by The Rolling Stones

Gross earnings: USD 558.2 million

A cult band of the time, The Rolling Stones started their A Bigger Bang Tour in 2005, and the final show was held in 2007. A 2005 Hindustan Times report says the opening concert saw the boys play iconic songs like “Sart Me Up,” “You Got Me Rocking,” “Shattered” and “Tumbling Dice” and introduce a new track from their then about-to-be-released album A Bigger Bang. The 144-event tour sold nearly 4.9 million tickets and became a major milestone for The Rolling Stones.

The main highlight of the tour came on 18 February 2006, when Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts hosted a free-for-all show and performed a series of new songs for a massive crowd of over 1.5 million at Rio De Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach. This show is now remastered and remixed into a DVD collection which features four additional tracks — “Tumbling Dice”, “Oh No, Not You Again”, “This Place Is Empty” and “Sympathy for the Devil.”

Image credit: The Rolling Stones/ Instagram

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'Not in this Lifetime Tour' by Guns N’ Roses

Gross earnings: USD 584.2 million

Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose once said, “Not in this Lifetime,” commenting about collaborating with guitarist Slash. However, as destiny would have it, his own words became the name of the tour which brought together Rose, Slash and bassist Duff McKagan.

In 2019, it was the highest-grossing tour by an American act and currently stands as the fourth highest-grossing concert tour of all time. It officially started on 1 April 2016 at the Troubadour in Hollywood and the curtains were officially drawn on 2 November 2019 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, US. The trek covered six continents, sold over 5.37 million tickets and hosted 158 events.

Image credit: Guns N’ Roses/ Instagram

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'360° Tour' by U2

Gross earnings: USD 730 million

With the three-legged 360° Tour spanning 2009 to 2011, Irish rock band U2 recorded the highest-grossing tour of the time. The record was later broken by Ed Sheeran with his 2017 Divide Tour.

In support of their album No One Line On Horizon, the tour had a budget of nearly USD 750,000 per day. Covering North America, South America, Russia, Europe and Australia, the tour featured a huge video wall, a crew of 300 people and over 7 million audiences placed all around.

In terms of creating records, the band had the biggest stage with a gigantic 200-ton arachnid structure called ‘The Claw’, the loudest speakers ever at a rock ‘n roll concert and the most technologically advanced setting. The tour also featured some eminent guest performers such as the Black Eyed Peas, Jay Z, One Republic and Snow Patrol.

Image credit: U2

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' ÷ Tour' by Ed Sheeran

Gross earnings: USD 775.6 million

Reigning over stadiums from March 2017 to August 2019 with his ÷ Tour, Ed Sheeran held three Guinness World Records — the highest attendance for a music tour, the highest-grossing music tour by a solo artist and the highest-grossing music tour.

The English singer-songwriter embarked on this tour in support of his chart-topping third album ÷ and saw a staggering attendance of over 8.9 million fans. Such a massive footfall earned around USD 3 million per show across 255 events. Hence, Sheeran’s tour remains the highest in terms of record tickets sold on a single trek.

Over the two years, the Divide Tour amassed over USD 600 million globally which catapult him onto the Forbes 2019 list of Celebrity 100 Earnings. The publication says, “Sales from the first show took the tour’s gross to $736.8 million, surpassing the record held by U2 for eight years.” The last show was part of a four-night event and collected USD 12.9 million through 139,984 tickets itself.

The popular tour became the most profitable music trek ever after it racked up USD 736.7 million post its 250th stop at Messegelände Hannover (Hanover Fairground) in Germany on 2 August 2019. What makes this even more special is that Sheeran performs with just a guitar, sans dancers, costume changes and special effects.

Image credit: Ed Sheeran/ @teddysphotos/ Instagram

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'Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour' by Elton John

Gross earnings: USD 817. 9 million

Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour began in 2018. After five years of extensive travelling, playing over 278 sold-out concerts with over 5 million fans, it is the highest-grossing tour worldwide of all time. It is also the first tour in Billboard’s archive to cross the USD 800 million mark.

The concert earned the whopping amount from its eight legs and has sold over 5.3 million tickets, as per a January 2023 Forbes report. Initially, John started the tour with shows in North America, Europe and Oceania before making his way to grand stadiums in the last year of the trek.

Billboard states, “John’s first three North American legs combined to USD 268.2 million over 116 shows. His stadium run from July – Nov. 2022 brought in USD 222.1 million, or 83 per cent of his arena grosses, in just 33 shows.”

Such high figures were also achieved in the other continents, and 51 more dates are lined up between March and September 2023 for the last Europe leg of the tour.

On 24 January 2023, Guinness World Records named Elton John’s Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour the highest-grossing tour of all time.

Image credit: Elton John/ Instagram

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Art Basel Hong Kong Joins MGM for a Celebratory Sector Party Thu, 13 Apr 2023 05:32:55 +0000

“Long Time No See” brought together some of the industry’s most renowned artists and personalities to celebrate the reopening of the city.

On March 22, MGM was joined by Art Basel Hong Kong to celebrate the first edition of one of the most anticipated cultural events of the year since the city has reopened. Hosted by MGM China Holdings Limited’s co-chairperson and executive director Pansy Ho, the “Long Time No See” sector party saw more than 500 local and international guests enjoying the festivities at Forty-Five atop Central’s iconic The Landmark. In attendance were esteemed individuals across the art, fashion, music and movie industries including Pharrell Williams, Li Xiaopeng, Adrian Cheng, Edwin Chuang, Eva Chow and more, with visual and musical performances from Rainbow, El Toro, Kulu, Yeo, Vivian, Johnny Hiller and Alex Nude. Guests also enjoyed a dazzling performance of “The Lion Awakens,” a special performance curated by Surprise Surprise, while savouring a myriad of Canton culinary delights.

“We aim to engage with our global audiences through building an extensive network of arts and culture with Art Basel Hong Kong, which is an integral part of our longstanding commitment to global art and cultural development and our effort to help Macau achieve economic diversification,” said Ho. “Our successful partnership with Art Basel Hong Kong will reinforce the Greater Bay Area’s position in promoting art and cultural exchange between the East and West.”

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“Long Time No See” brought together some of the industry’s most renowned artists and personalities to celebrate the reopening of the city.

On March 22, MGM was joined by Art Basel Hong Kong to celebrate the first edition of one of the most anticipated cultural events of the year since the city has reopened. Hosted by MGM China Holdings Limited’s co-chairperson and executive director Pansy Ho, the “Long Time No See” sector party saw more than 500 local and international guests enjoying the festivities at Forty-Five atop Central’s iconic The Landmark. In attendance were esteemed individuals across the art, fashion, music and movie industries including Pharrell Williams, Li Xiaopeng, Adrian Cheng, Edwin Chuang, Eva Chow and more, with visual and musical performances from Rainbow, El Toro, Kulu, Yeo, Vivian, Johnny Hiller and Alex Nude. Guests also enjoyed a dazzling performance of “The Lion Awakens,” a special performance curated by Surprise Surprise, while savouring a myriad of Canton culinary delights.

“We aim to engage with our global audiences through building an extensive network of arts and culture with Art Basel Hong Kong, which is an integral part of our longstanding commitment to global art and cultural development and our effort to help Macau achieve economic diversification,” said Ho. “Our successful partnership with Art Basel Hong Kong will reinforce the Greater Bay Area’s position in promoting art and cultural exchange between the East and West.”

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Highlights from Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 Tue, 04 Apr 2023 06:41:30 +0000

All the faces, artworks, and happenings you missed during the two days of the VIP preview at Art Basel Hong Kong 2023

This year marked the highly anticipated full return of Art Basel to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Prestige was elated to be chosen as a media partner for this extravaganza of creativity, where we bumped into prominent figures such as André Fu, Victoria Tang-Owen, Women of Power honourees Marisa Yiu, Emily Lam and Catherine Kwai, as well as our March cover star Yusaku Maezawa and revered artist Takashi Murakami.

More than 130 galleries from around the work took part in the fair, showcasing many of today’s brightest artistic talents: under the guidance of Australian curator Alexie Glass-Kantor, the Encounters section presented up-and-coming local artists Jaffa Lam and Trevor Young front and centre, while Discoveries, curated by the founder of Beijing Art Lab, Li Zhenhua, trained a spotlight on groundbreaking works within the motion art field. On the second day of the VIP preview, Prestige senior editor Jon Wall hosted a panel talk with collector Jacobo Garcia-Gil and CURATOR Group founder Vincent Wu about the intricacies of art collecting. We were delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with esteemed friends and familiar faces in the art world and talk to artists and gallerists about their work. In these pages we present a glimpse into the grandeur and, it must be said, the glamour of Art Basel.

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All the faces, artworks, and happenings you missed during the two days of the VIP preview at Art Basel Hong Kong 2023

This year marked the highly anticipated full return of Art Basel to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Prestige was elated to be chosen as a media partner for this extravaganza of creativity, where we bumped into prominent figures such as André Fu, Victoria Tang-Owen, Women of Power honourees Marisa Yiu, Emily Lam and Catherine Kwai, as well as our March cover star Yusaku Maezawa and revered artist Takashi Murakami.

More than 130 galleries from around the work took part in the fair, showcasing many of today’s brightest artistic talents: under the guidance of Australian curator Alexie Glass-Kantor, the Encounters section presented up-and-coming local artists Jaffa Lam and Trevor Young front and centre, while Discoveries, curated by the founder of Beijing Art Lab, Li Zhenhua, trained a spotlight on groundbreaking works within the motion art field. On the second day of the VIP preview, Prestige senior editor Jon Wall hosted a panel talk with collector Jacobo Garcia-Gil and CURATOR Group founder Vincent Wu about the intricacies of art collecting. We were delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with esteemed friends and familiar faces in the art world and talk to artists and gallerists about their work. In these pages we present a glimpse into the grandeur and, it must be said, the glamour of Art Basel.

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Highlights of the Prestige x Carlyle & Co. x Ruinart Private Tour of Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 Thu, 30 Mar 2023 07:11:00 +0000

During Art Basel Hong Kong 2023, Prestige collaborated with Carlyle & Co. and Ruinart to host a private tour, conducted by Jacobo Garcia-Gil and Willem Molesworth

In partnership with Ruinart champagne and private member’s club Carlyle & Co, Prestige marked the opening of Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 with a VIP tour, conducted by collector Jacobo Garcia-Gil and gallerist Willem Molesworth. After brief remarks about the publication’s connection with the art world and a few words about Eva Jospin’s installation inside the Ruinart booth, Carlyle & Co members set out on a journey of artistic discovery.

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During Art Basel Hong Kong 2023, Prestige collaborated with Carlyle & Co. and Ruinart to host a private tour, conducted by Jacobo Garcia-Gil and Willem Molesworth

In partnership with Ruinart champagne and private member’s club Carlyle & Co, Prestige marked the opening of Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 with a VIP tour, conducted by collector Jacobo Garcia-Gil and gallerist Willem Molesworth. After brief remarks about the publication’s connection with the art world and a few words about Eva Jospin’s installation inside the Ruinart booth, Carlyle & Co members set out on a journey of artistic discovery.

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First Look at the Prestige x Artsy Kickstart the Art Party Fri, 24 Mar 2023 10:12:29 +0000

Following the Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 preview on March 21, Prestige and Artsy held an after-show get-together at the luxurious and indulgent Crown Super Deluxe in the heart of the vibrant Lan Kwai Fong district. Inside, the guests were greeted by Richard Orlinski’s gorilla sculpture, courtesy of Hublot, and a feast of exquisite delicacies. Among the international collectors, dealers, artists, gallerists and auctioneers while sipping Ruinart champagne and Macallan whiskey highballs were Women of Power honourees Emily Lam-Ho and Cecilia Yeung, 40 under 40 honourees Charlotte Tsuei-Robinson, Ruby Fung and Tiffany Chan, and socialites Beatrice Ho and Veronica Li.

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Following the Art Basel Hong Kong 2023 preview on March 21, Prestige and Artsy held an after-show get-together at the luxurious and indulgent Crown Super Deluxe in the heart of the vibrant Lan Kwai Fong district. Inside, the guests were greeted by Richard Orlinski’s gorilla sculpture, courtesy of Hublot, and a feast of exquisite delicacies. Among the international collectors, dealers, artists, gallerists and auctioneers while sipping Ruinart champagne and Macallan whiskey highballs were Women of Power honourees Emily Lam-Ho and Cecilia Yeung, 40 under 40 honourees Charlotte Tsuei-Robinson, Ruby Fung and Tiffany Chan, and socialites Beatrice Ho and Veronica Li.

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Design Trust Gala 2023 Raises Almost HK$10 Million in Support of Arts and Design Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:48:20 +0000

The Design Trust Gala held on Saturday, 18 March 2023, was a triumph for the arts and design scene, raising HK$9.9 million in a live and silent auction to benefit the development of design and creative communities across Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

The highly anticipated event on the city’s social calendar brought together some of the region’s most influential creative talents, art and design connoisseurs and leaders in the industry. The gala was co-curated by renowned designer and the brains behind the Regent Hotel’s revamp, Chi-Wing Lo and Marisa Yiu the co-founder, lead curator and executive director of Design Trust. Themed around The Art of Presence, Hong Kong, the gala celebrated the yin and yang of presence and absence, the artistic and material manifestation of humanity and the optimism felt by all in the restoration of community connection and collaboration. These poignant messages were all brought to life in a specially curated, site-specific installations and performances by local creatives including Xiaolin, Stephanie Tang and Henry Chu, and Design Trust designer-mentees and grantees including Batten & Kamp, Niko Leung, Xavier Tsang and Adelaide Tam.

Three luminaries also received honours at the Design Trust Gala 2023 – Victor Lo, Chi-wing Lo and Cao Fei all received prizes in recognition of their massive influence and contribution to the arts. Victor Lo was presented with the Design Trust Legacy Award for his unwavering support of the creative industries and his critical role in shaping the city’s cultural landscape. Chi-wing Loo was presented with the Design Trust Heritage Innovator Award for pushing the limits in his works. Cao Fei received the Design Trust Art Prize as one of China’s most internationally recognised artists who’s been exhibited at some of the world’s foremost galleries and museums.

Apart from the organisers and prize winners, other attendees at the event include Goodwin Gaw, Kenneth Fok, Guo Jing Jing, Adrian Cheng, Alan Lo, Yenn Wong, Yana Peel, Ivan Pun, Pansy Ho, Eva Chow, Elly Lam, Ayla Sham, Vivienne Tam, Princess Alia, Oscar Wang and more.

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The Design Trust Gala held on Saturday, 18 March 2023, was a triumph for the arts and design scene, raising HK$9.9 million in a live and silent auction to benefit the development of design and creative communities across Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.

The highly anticipated event on the city’s social calendar brought together some of the region’s most influential creative talents, art and design connoisseurs and leaders in the industry. The gala was co-curated by renowned designer and the brains behind the Regent Hotel’s revamp, Chi-Wing Lo and Marisa Yiu the co-founder, lead curator and executive director of Design Trust. Themed around The Art of Presence, Hong Kong, the gala celebrated the yin and yang of presence and absence, the artistic and material manifestation of humanity and the optimism felt by all in the restoration of community connection and collaboration. These poignant messages were all brought to life in a specially curated, site-specific installations and performances by local creatives including Xiaolin, Stephanie Tang and Henry Chu, and Design Trust designer-mentees and grantees including Batten & Kamp, Niko Leung, Xavier Tsang and Adelaide Tam.

Three luminaries also received honours at the Design Trust Gala 2023 – Victor Lo, Chi-wing Lo and Cao Fei all received prizes in recognition of their massive influence and contribution to the arts. Victor Lo was presented with the Design Trust Legacy Award for his unwavering support of the creative industries and his critical role in shaping the city’s cultural landscape. Chi-wing Loo was presented with the Design Trust Heritage Innovator Award for pushing the limits in his works. Cao Fei received the Design Trust Art Prize as one of China’s most internationally recognised artists who’s been exhibited at some of the world’s foremost galleries and museums.

Apart from the organisers and prize winners, other attendees at the event include Goodwin Gaw, Kenneth Fok, Guo Jing Jing, Adrian Cheng, Alan Lo, Yenn Wong, Yana Peel, Ivan Pun, Pansy Ho, Eva Chow, Elly Lam, Ayla Sham, Vivienne Tam, Princess Alia, Oscar Wang and more.

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Big Wins at the 16th Asian Film Awards Tue, 14 Mar 2023 07:00:00 +0000 Abe Hiroshi at the 16th Asian Film Awards

It’s never been a more exciting time for Asian cinema. If Michelle Yeoh‘s and Ke Huy Quan’s Oscar wins signified a watershed in the history of motion pictures, then the 16th Asian Film Awards, which preceded the Academy Awards by one night, offered a compelling glimpse into what else we have in store for the world.

Actors, directors and producers from South Korea, Japan and around the region descended upon the Hong Kong Palace Museum on March 12 to collect prizes in recognition for their contribution and success in cinema. Japanese drama film Drive My Car won in three categories including Best Film, Best Editing and Best Original Music, while the award for Best Director went to renowned Kore-eda Hirokazu for the South Korean film Broker. Hong Kong’s own Tony Leung won his second AFA Best Actor prize for Where the Wind Blows and Tang Wei was awarded Best Actress for her performance in Decision to Leave, which co-star Park Hae-il accepted on her behalf. The Asian Film Awards also honoured Sammo Hung as this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Abe Hiroshi was presented with the Excellence in Asian Cinema award, and Ji Chang-wook won the AFA Next Generation Award. As the host city, Hong Kong didn’t do badly either, with five wins in total. In addition to Tony Leung’s Best Actor award, Mak Pui Tung won Best Newcomer for The Sparring Partner, Anita won Best Sound and Best Costume Design, and Warriors of Future won Best Visual Effects. Hollywood, watch out.

Scroll on for the full list of winners at the 16th Asian Film Awards…

Tony Leung picks up his prize for Asian Film Contribution at the 16th Asian Film Awards
Tony Leung picks up his prize for Asian Film Contribution at the 16th Asian Film Awards

Best Film: Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Director: Kore-eda Hirokazu, Broker (South Korea)
Best Actor: Tony Leung, Where the Wind Blows (Hong Kong)
Best Actress: Tang Wei, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Supporting Actor: Miyazawa Hio, Egoist (Japan)
Best Supporting Actress: Kim So-jin, Emergency Declaration (South Korea)
Best New Director: Jigme Trinley, One and Four (Mainland China)
Best Newcomer: Mak Pui Tung, The Sparring Partner (Hong Kong)
Best Screenplay: Chung Seo-kyung, Park Chan-wook, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Editing: Yamazaki Azusa, Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Cinematography: LV Songye, One and Four (Mainland China)
Best Original Music: Ishibashi Eiko, Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Costume Design: Dora Ng, Karen Yip, Anita (Hong Kong)
Best Production Design: Ryu Seong-hie, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Visual Effects: Chas Chau, Leung Wai Kit, Kwok Tai, Law May, Warriors of Future (Hong Kong)
Best Sound: Tu Duu-Chih, Wu Shu-Yao, Anita (Hong Kong)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sammo Hung
Asian Film Contribution Award: Tony Leung
Excellence in Asian Cinema Award: Abe Hiroshi
AFA Next Generation Award: Ji Chang-wook

The post Big Wins at the 16th Asian Film Awards appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Abe Hiroshi at the 16th Asian Film Awards

It’s never been a more exciting time for Asian cinema. If Michelle Yeoh‘s and Ke Huy Quan’s Oscar wins signified a watershed in the history of motion pictures, then the 16th Asian Film Awards, which preceded the Academy Awards by one night, offered a compelling glimpse into what else we have in store for the world.

Actors, directors and producers from South Korea, Japan and around the region descended upon the Hong Kong Palace Museum on March 12 to collect prizes in recognition for their contribution and success in cinema. Japanese drama film Drive My Car won in three categories including Best Film, Best Editing and Best Original Music, while the award for Best Director went to renowned Kore-eda Hirokazu for the South Korean film Broker. Hong Kong’s own Tony Leung won his second AFA Best Actor prize for Where the Wind Blows and Tang Wei was awarded Best Actress for her performance in Decision to Leave, which co-star Park Hae-il accepted on her behalf. The Asian Film Awards also honoured Sammo Hung as this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Abe Hiroshi was presented with the Excellence in Asian Cinema award, and Ji Chang-wook won the AFA Next Generation Award. As the host city, Hong Kong didn’t do badly either, with five wins in total. In addition to Tony Leung’s Best Actor award, Mak Pui Tung won Best Newcomer for The Sparring Partner, Anita won Best Sound and Best Costume Design, and Warriors of Future won Best Visual Effects. Hollywood, watch out.

Scroll on for the full list of winners at the 16th Asian Film Awards…

Tony Leung picks up his prize for Asian Film Contribution at the 16th Asian Film Awards
Tony Leung picks up his prize for Asian Film Contribution at the 16th Asian Film Awards

Best Film: Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Director: Kore-eda Hirokazu, Broker (South Korea)
Best Actor: Tony Leung, Where the Wind Blows (Hong Kong)
Best Actress: Tang Wei, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Supporting Actor: Miyazawa Hio, Egoist (Japan)
Best Supporting Actress: Kim So-jin, Emergency Declaration (South Korea)
Best New Director: Jigme Trinley, One and Four (Mainland China)
Best Newcomer: Mak Pui Tung, The Sparring Partner (Hong Kong)
Best Screenplay: Chung Seo-kyung, Park Chan-wook, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Editing: Yamazaki Azusa, Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Cinematography: LV Songye, One and Four (Mainland China)
Best Original Music: Ishibashi Eiko, Drive My Car (Japan)
Best Costume Design: Dora Ng, Karen Yip, Anita (Hong Kong)
Best Production Design: Ryu Seong-hie, Decision to Leave (South Korea)
Best Visual Effects: Chas Chau, Leung Wai Kit, Kwok Tai, Law May, Warriors of Future (Hong Kong)
Best Sound: Tu Duu-Chih, Wu Shu-Yao, Anita (Hong Kong)
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sammo Hung
Asian Film Contribution Award: Tony Leung
Excellence in Asian Cinema Award: Abe Hiroshi
AFA Next Generation Award: Ji Chang-wook

The post Big Wins at the 16th Asian Film Awards appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Wins Best Picture at Oscars 2023 Mon, 13 Mar 2023 07:11:31 +0000

Everything Everywhere All at Once was the biggest winner at the 95th Academy Awards, or Oscars 2023, on 12 March. The film won seven Oscars including Best Film and Best Director for Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, collectively known as the Daniels, out of its total 11 nominations.

The landmark film has been widely praised for everything — from the story to its casting, which celebrates Asian and Asian-American stars in Hollywood. The film earned three of the unprecedented four nominations for Asian actors in the acting categories at the Oscars 2023.

Oscars 2023: Everything Everywhere All at Once takes centre stage

Michelle Yeoh
Image credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP

Michelle Yeoh won the Best Actress award. Yeoh, the first Asian to win in the category, accepted the trophy with an emotional and inspiring speech.

“This is proof that dream big and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anyone tell you you are past your prime. Never give up,” she said.

Ke Huy Quan, who has been universally hailed for making one of the greatest comebacks in Hollywood, won the Best Supporting Actor award. He is now only the second male Asian actor to take home the statuette in the category in the award’s history. Cambodian American Haing S. Ngor was the first when he won in 1984 for his performance in The Killing Fields.

The other major wins for Everything Everywhere All at Once were Best Supporting Actress (Jamie Lee Curtis), Best Original Screenplay (the Daniels), and Best Film Editing (Paul Rogers).

All the major awards that Everything Everywhere All at Once has won

Ke Huy Quan Oscar
Image credit: Frederic J. Brown/AFP


The film received 10 nominations but could only win one — Paul Rogers in the Best Editing category.

Critics’ Choice Movie Awards

Of the 14 nods the picture received, it won five. The wins came for best picture, best director for Daniels, best supporting actor for Quan, best original screenplay for Daniels and best editing for Rogers.

Golden Globe Awards

Of the six nominations, Everything Everywhere All at Once won two Golden Globe awards. One was for Yeoh in Best Actress – Motion Picture Comedy or Musical and the other was for Quan in Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture.

Screen Actors Guild Awards

Everything Everywhere All at Once had five nominations in four film categories at the SAG awards. Both Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu were nominated in the best supporting actress category.

The film had a clean sweep at the ceremony, winning in all the categories. Curtis won the award in the category she was nominated for. The film also won the Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture award besides wins for Yeoh and Quan in their respective acting categories.

The other major Oscar 2023 winners

All Quiet on the Western Front was the second-biggest winner of the night with four Academy Awards. It became the third German film to win Best International Feature Film. The film also won Best Cinematography (James Friend), Best Production Design (Christian M. Goldbeck and Ernestine Hipper) and Best Original Score (Volker Bertelmann).

The Best Original Score category also had John Williams, the oldest ever Oscar nominee in any category at age 90, in the running for The Fabelmans.

Brendan Fraser won the award for Best Actor for The Whale. It was Fraser’s first Academy Award nomination. The accolades he received for the role cemented his successful comeback in Hollywood.

Ruth Carter won the Oscar for Best Costume Design for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. This is the second Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film to have won an Academy Award. The first was Black Panther (2018), which won three Oscars including one for Carter for costume design.

Sarah Polley won the Best Adapted Screenplay for Women Talking. The first award of the night, Best Animated Feature Film, was won by Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio.

Composer M.M. Keeravani and lyricist Chandrabose made history for India when they won the award for Best Original Song for “Naatu Naatu” from the movie RRR. This is the first win for an Indian film in the category.

On the other hand, Indian filmmakers Kartiki Gonsalves and Guneet Monga won the Best Documentary Short Subject award for Netflix’s The Elephant Whisperers.

The ceremony was held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, where Jimmy Kimmel returned as the host for the third time.

Rihanna sang “Lift Me Up” from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, while Rahul Sipligunj and Kala Bhairava sang “Naatu Naatu” from RRR at the ceremony.

Awards were presented by the likes of Ariana DeBose, Troy Kotsur, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, Jonathan Majors, Melissa McCarthy and Jennifer Connelly, among others.

(Main and Featured images: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP)

This story first appeared here.

The post ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Wins Best Picture at Oscars 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Everything Everywhere All at Once was the biggest winner at the 95th Academy Awards, or Oscars 2023, on 12 March. The film won seven Oscars including Best Film and Best Director for Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, collectively known as the Daniels, out of its total 11 nominations.

The landmark film has been widely praised for everything — from the story to its casting, which celebrates Asian and Asian-American stars in Hollywood. The film earned three of the unprecedented four nominations for Asian actors in the acting categories at the Oscars 2023.

Oscars 2023: Everything Everywhere All at Once takes centre stage

Michelle Yeoh
Image credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP

Michelle Yeoh won the Best Actress award. Yeoh, the first Asian to win in the category, accepted the trophy with an emotional and inspiring speech.

“This is proof that dream big and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anyone tell you you are past your prime. Never give up,” she said.

Ke Huy Quan, who has been universally hailed for making one of the greatest comebacks in Hollywood, won the Best Supporting Actor award. He is now only the second male Asian actor to take home the statuette in the category in the award’s history. Cambodian American Haing S. Ngor was the first when he won in 1984 for his performance in The Killing Fields.

The other major wins for Everything Everywhere All at Once were Best Supporting Actress (Jamie Lee Curtis), Best Original Screenplay (the Daniels), and Best Film Editing (Paul Rogers).

All the major awards that Everything Everywhere All at Once has won

Ke Huy Quan Oscar
Image credit: Frederic J. Brown/AFP


The film received 10 nominations but could only win one — Paul Rogers in the Best Editing category.

Critics’ Choice Movie Awards

Of the 14 nods the picture received, it won five. The wins came for best picture, best director for Daniels, best supporting actor for Quan, best original screenplay for Daniels and best editing for Rogers.

Golden Globe Awards

Of the six nominations, Everything Everywhere All at Once won two Golden Globe awards. One was for Yeoh in Best Actress – Motion Picture Comedy or Musical and the other was for Quan in Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture.

Screen Actors Guild Awards

Everything Everywhere All at Once had five nominations in four film categories at the SAG awards. Both Jamie Lee Curtis and Stephanie Hsu were nominated in the best supporting actress category.

The film had a clean sweep at the ceremony, winning in all the categories. Curtis won the award in the category she was nominated for. The film also won the Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture award besides wins for Yeoh and Quan in their respective acting categories.

The other major Oscar 2023 winners

All Quiet on the Western Front was the second-biggest winner of the night with four Academy Awards. It became the third German film to win Best International Feature Film. The film also won Best Cinematography (James Friend), Best Production Design (Christian M. Goldbeck and Ernestine Hipper) and Best Original Score (Volker Bertelmann).

The Best Original Score category also had John Williams, the oldest ever Oscar nominee in any category at age 90, in the running for The Fabelmans.

Brendan Fraser won the award for Best Actor for The Whale. It was Fraser’s first Academy Award nomination. The accolades he received for the role cemented his successful comeback in Hollywood.

Ruth Carter won the Oscar for Best Costume Design for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. This is the second Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film to have won an Academy Award. The first was Black Panther (2018), which won three Oscars including one for Carter for costume design.

Sarah Polley won the Best Adapted Screenplay for Women Talking. The first award of the night, Best Animated Feature Film, was won by Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio.

Composer M.M. Keeravani and lyricist Chandrabose made history for India when they won the award for Best Original Song for “Naatu Naatu” from the movie RRR. This is the first win for an Indian film in the category.

On the other hand, Indian filmmakers Kartiki Gonsalves and Guneet Monga won the Best Documentary Short Subject award for Netflix’s The Elephant Whisperers.

The ceremony was held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, where Jimmy Kimmel returned as the host for the third time.

Rihanna sang “Lift Me Up” from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, while Rahul Sipligunj and Kala Bhairava sang “Naatu Naatu” from RRR at the ceremony.

Awards were presented by the likes of Ariana DeBose, Troy Kotsur, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, Jonathan Majors, Melissa McCarthy and Jennifer Connelly, among others.

(Main and Featured images: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP)

This story first appeared here.

The post ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Wins Best Picture at Oscars 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Oscars 2023: Michelle Yeoh Becomes First Asian to Win Best Actress Award Mon, 13 Mar 2023 07:07:22 +0000

It was the time for Asian stars to shine the brightest at the 95th Academy Awards or Oscars 2023, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on 12 March. And, indeed, both Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan made history at the Oscars with Everything Everywhere All at Once.

While Yeoh won the Best Actress award, Quan took home the Best Supporting Actor award for their respective roles of Evelyn Wang and Waymond Wang in the film directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. It also won the top honour of Best Film among its seven hauls.

Oscars 2023: More about Michelle Yeoh’s Oscar win

Oscars 2023
Image credit: IMDb

Yeoh’s win is historic for multiple reasons. Not only is she the first Asian actress to win the Academy Award for Best Actress, but her Oscar nomination, too, was her first ever and the first for a Malaysian in any Oscar category.

She became the first Asian to win the best actress award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. Yeoh won the Golden Globe award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy as well.

Yeoh delivered an emotional acceptance speech at the ceremony to resounding applause.

“This is proof that dream big and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anyone tell you you are past your prime. Never give up,” she said.

On the other hand, Quan capped off his incredible run at awards ceremonies through the 2022-23 season with his Oscar win. He had already won over 50 best supporting actor awards, including a Critics’ Choice Award and a Golden Globe, before the Oscar. He is also the first Asian male actor to win the best supporting actor award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Other wins for Everything Everywhere All at Once

Jamie Lee Curtis took home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Curtis was a first-time nominee and is now a winner at the age of 64.

“To all of the people who have supported the genre movies that I have made for all of these years. The thousands and hundreds and thousands of people, we just won an Oscar, together!” Curtis said in her acceptance speech.

Her co-star Stephanie Hsu was also nominated in the same category.

Directors, the Daniels, won the awards for Best Original Screenplay as well as Best Director. Paul Rogers won the award for Best Film Editing.

(Main and Featured image credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP)

This story first appeared here.

The post Oscars 2023: Michelle Yeoh Becomes First Asian to Win Best Actress Award appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


It was the time for Asian stars to shine the brightest at the 95th Academy Awards or Oscars 2023, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on 12 March. And, indeed, both Michelle Yeoh and Ke Huy Quan made history at the Oscars with Everything Everywhere All at Once.

While Yeoh won the Best Actress award, Quan took home the Best Supporting Actor award for their respective roles of Evelyn Wang and Waymond Wang in the film directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. It also won the top honour of Best Film among its seven hauls.

Oscars 2023: More about Michelle Yeoh’s Oscar win

Oscars 2023
Image credit: IMDb

Yeoh’s win is historic for multiple reasons. Not only is she the first Asian actress to win the Academy Award for Best Actress, but her Oscar nomination, too, was her first ever and the first for a Malaysian in any Oscar category.

She became the first Asian to win the best actress award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards. Yeoh won the Golden Globe award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy as well.

Yeoh delivered an emotional acceptance speech at the ceremony to resounding applause.

“This is proof that dream big and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anyone tell you you are past your prime. Never give up,” she said.

On the other hand, Quan capped off his incredible run at awards ceremonies through the 2022-23 season with his Oscar win. He had already won over 50 best supporting actor awards, including a Critics’ Choice Award and a Golden Globe, before the Oscar. He is also the first Asian male actor to win the best supporting actor award at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Other wins for Everything Everywhere All at Once

Jamie Lee Curtis took home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Curtis was a first-time nominee and is now a winner at the age of 64.

“To all of the people who have supported the genre movies that I have made for all of these years. The thousands and hundreds and thousands of people, we just won an Oscar, together!” Curtis said in her acceptance speech.

Her co-star Stephanie Hsu was also nominated in the same category.

Directors, the Daniels, won the awards for Best Original Screenplay as well as Best Director. Paul Rogers won the award for Best Film Editing.

(Main and Featured image credit: Patrick T. Fallon/AFP)

This story first appeared here.

The post Oscars 2023: Michelle Yeoh Becomes First Asian to Win Best Actress Award appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

How Rolex is Pursuing Excellence Through Music Thu, 23 Feb 2023 00:00:39 +0000

Rolex’s unyielding support for music in the last 50 years reaffirms its long-term commitment to fostering artistic excellence and developing global culture.

The perpetual pursuit of excellence underpins every aspect of Rolex’s activities, from watchmaking to its choice of partnerships. This commitment to relentlessly strive to reach the pinnacle of performance is what drives the Swiss manufacture to support individuals and organisations across varied genres encompassing arts and culture, sports and exploration, as well as those who are devising solutions to preserve the planet.

The Vienna Philharmonic performing at the New Year’s Concert sponsored by Rolex

Advocating excellence in the arts for over five decades, Rolex has partnered with some of the world’s most esteemed artistes and leading cultural institutions to help perpetuate artistic heritage – bridging the past, present and future. While the initial focus was on promoting the best in music, Rolex’s cultural embrace now extends to other art forms. This includes architecture, with its support of the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, as well as cinema in its partnership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 2002, the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative mentoring programme was created to assist in the transmission of artistic knowledge to new generations. Since then, dozens of promising artistes have flourished under the guidance of eminent mentors in architecture, dance, film, literature, theatre, visual arts and music.

Soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, the first Rolex Testimonee in music since 1976

Embracing the Arts

Long-standing partnerships with Rolex Testimonees – hailing from the entire musical spectrum from opera and classical, to jazz and world music – have been fostered, supporting ventures that buoy rising young artistes such as singers, conductors and instrumentalists.

In 1976, world-renowned soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa from New Zealand became the first musical artiste to represent Rolex as a Testimonee. Among the celebrated artistes who have joined her over the years are Italian mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli, German tenor Jonas Kaufmann, English-Italian conductor Sir Antonio Pappano, Welsh bass-baritone Sir Bryn Terfel, classical pianist Yuja Wang from China, Canadian singer and Grammy Award-winner Michael Bublé, sitarist Anoushka Shankar, and more.

Rolex Testimonee, tenor Rolando Villazón from Mexico

So devout is Rolex’s commitment to artistic development and encouraging exceptional performance that it launched an ambitious initiative to support musicians and singers at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Not only did the project enable artistes to continue with their art, it was also testament to Rolex’s tireless dedication to ensure that music continues to endure as an integral part of everyday life.

From August 2020 and continuing through to early September that year, three Rolex Perpetual Music concerts took place in Italy, Germany and France. One of three Rolex Testimonees who supported the project from the start – Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez, Mexican tenor Rolando Villazón, as well as Bulgarian soprano Sonya Yoncheva  – each hosted a concert, prepared the repertoire with singers and musicians, and performed solo or in various ensembles. Also joining the proceedings in Paris was French violinist Renaud Capuçon, who was involved in organising the initiative.

Pianist and Rolex Testimonee Yuja Wang

The concerts involved no less than 100 artistes, whose work and lives had been adversely affected by the global health crisis. The incredible programme reached hundreds of thousands of music lovers across 180 countries through a free streaming service that was available on the platform until the end of October that year.

Explained Arnaud Boetsch, Rolex’s director of Communication and Image: “By broadcasting the concerts via, a Rolex partner for over a decade, the artistes supported in this project will benefit from worldwide visibility. Significantly, this gift of time and exposure is in keeping with the company’s pursuit of excellence and its long-term commitment to foster the work of those who aim to reach the pinnacle of their profession. Last but not least, within the context of these unprecedented circumstances, this project is also a way for us to help keep music as an essential element in our daily lives.”

The impressive interior of London’s Royal Opera House

Beyond championing individual talent, Rolex also partners with orchestras, concerts, as well as many of the foremost cultural institutions from around the world. These include Italy’s leading operatic house Teatro alla Scala in Milan; the magnificent Royal Opera House in London; one of the oldest of its kind in the world, the Opéra National de Paris; New York’s Metropolitan Opera, the largest classical music organisation in North America; and the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing.

Music Highlights in 2023

The Royal Opera House’s
magnificent facade

Additionally, Rolex has been linked with the incomparable Vienna Philharmonic, a beacon of classical music that’s acclaimed for its New Year’s Concert and the open-air Summer Night Concert, where up to 100,000 people gather at Vienna’s Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn every May or June. Rolex has been the Exclusive Partner of the renowned orchestra since 2008, while serving as the Exclusive Sponsor of the New Year’s Concert since 2009.

This year, Rolex once again sponsored the annual Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert. Taking place on the morning of Jan 1 in the Golden Hall of the famous Musikverein in Vienna, the performance was live-streamed and broadcast in over 90 countries, allowing millions of television viewers access to it.

The grand facade of Opéra National de Paris

The event was presented under the baton of Maestro Franz Welser-Möst. Following 2011 and 2013, it was the third time that the Austrian conductor has taken the podium for this prestigious concert. And in keeping with long-standing Philharmonic tradition, the 83rd edition of the New Year’s Concert offered a programme featuring music from the vast repertoire of Johann Strauss, his family and contemporaries.

Following the unforgettable New Year’s performance will be a series of Rolex-sponsored concerts throughout the year, which began with a Mahler programme conducted by Latvian conductor Andris Nelsons on Jan 21 at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. In addition to the Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert in June, there will be concerts in Prague in September and Japan in November.

This story first appeared in the Feb 2023 issue of Prestige Singapore.

The post How Rolex is Pursuing Excellence Through Music appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Rolex’s unyielding support for music in the last 50 years reaffirms its long-term commitment to fostering artistic excellence and developing global culture.

The perpetual pursuit of excellence underpins every aspect of Rolex’s activities, from watchmaking to its choice of partnerships. This commitment to relentlessly strive to reach the pinnacle of performance is what drives the Swiss manufacture to support individuals and organisations across varied genres encompassing arts and culture, sports and exploration, as well as those who are devising solutions to preserve the planet.

The Vienna Philharmonic performing at the New Year’s Concert sponsored by Rolex

Advocating excellence in the arts for over five decades, Rolex has partnered with some of the world’s most esteemed artistes and leading cultural institutions to help perpetuate artistic heritage – bridging the past, present and future. While the initial focus was on promoting the best in music, Rolex’s cultural embrace now extends to other art forms. This includes architecture, with its support of the International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, as well as cinema in its partnership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. In 2002, the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative mentoring programme was created to assist in the transmission of artistic knowledge to new generations. Since then, dozens of promising artistes have flourished under the guidance of eminent mentors in architecture, dance, film, literature, theatre, visual arts and music.

Soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, the first Rolex Testimonee in music since 1976

Embracing the Arts

Long-standing partnerships with Rolex Testimonees – hailing from the entire musical spectrum from opera and classical, to jazz and world music – have been fostered, supporting ventures that buoy rising young artistes such as singers, conductors and instrumentalists.

In 1976, world-renowned soprano Dame Kiri Te Kanawa from New Zealand became the first musical artiste to represent Rolex as a Testimonee. Among the celebrated artistes who have joined her over the years are Italian mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli, German tenor Jonas Kaufmann, English-Italian conductor Sir Antonio Pappano, Welsh bass-baritone Sir Bryn Terfel, classical pianist Yuja Wang from China, Canadian singer and Grammy Award-winner Michael Bublé, sitarist Anoushka Shankar, and more.

Rolex Testimonee, tenor Rolando Villazón from Mexico

So devout is Rolex’s commitment to artistic development and encouraging exceptional performance that it launched an ambitious initiative to support musicians and singers at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Not only did the project enable artistes to continue with their art, it was also testament to Rolex’s tireless dedication to ensure that music continues to endure as an integral part of everyday life.

From August 2020 and continuing through to early September that year, three Rolex Perpetual Music concerts took place in Italy, Germany and France. One of three Rolex Testimonees who supported the project from the start – Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez, Mexican tenor Rolando Villazón, as well as Bulgarian soprano Sonya Yoncheva  – each hosted a concert, prepared the repertoire with singers and musicians, and performed solo or in various ensembles. Also joining the proceedings in Paris was French violinist Renaud Capuçon, who was involved in organising the initiative.

Pianist and Rolex Testimonee Yuja Wang

The concerts involved no less than 100 artistes, whose work and lives had been adversely affected by the global health crisis. The incredible programme reached hundreds of thousands of music lovers across 180 countries through a free streaming service that was available on the platform until the end of October that year.

Explained Arnaud Boetsch, Rolex’s director of Communication and Image: “By broadcasting the concerts via, a Rolex partner for over a decade, the artistes supported in this project will benefit from worldwide visibility. Significantly, this gift of time and exposure is in keeping with the company’s pursuit of excellence and its long-term commitment to foster the work of those who aim to reach the pinnacle of their profession. Last but not least, within the context of these unprecedented circumstances, this project is also a way for us to help keep music as an essential element in our daily lives.”

The impressive interior of London’s Royal Opera House

Beyond championing individual talent, Rolex also partners with orchestras, concerts, as well as many of the foremost cultural institutions from around the world. These include Italy’s leading operatic house Teatro alla Scala in Milan; the magnificent Royal Opera House in London; one of the oldest of its kind in the world, the Opéra National de Paris; New York’s Metropolitan Opera, the largest classical music organisation in North America; and the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing.

Music Highlights in 2023

The Royal Opera House’s
magnificent facade

Additionally, Rolex has been linked with the incomparable Vienna Philharmonic, a beacon of classical music that’s acclaimed for its New Year’s Concert and the open-air Summer Night Concert, where up to 100,000 people gather at Vienna’s Palace and Gardens of Schönbrunn every May or June. Rolex has been the Exclusive Partner of the renowned orchestra since 2008, while serving as the Exclusive Sponsor of the New Year’s Concert since 2009.

This year, Rolex once again sponsored the annual Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert. Taking place on the morning of Jan 1 in the Golden Hall of the famous Musikverein in Vienna, the performance was live-streamed and broadcast in over 90 countries, allowing millions of television viewers access to it.

The grand facade of Opéra National de Paris

The event was presented under the baton of Maestro Franz Welser-Möst. Following 2011 and 2013, it was the third time that the Austrian conductor has taken the podium for this prestigious concert. And in keeping with long-standing Philharmonic tradition, the 83rd edition of the New Year’s Concert offered a programme featuring music from the vast repertoire of Johann Strauss, his family and contemporaries.

Following the unforgettable New Year’s performance will be a series of Rolex-sponsored concerts throughout the year, which began with a Mahler programme conducted by Latvian conductor Andris Nelsons on Jan 21 at the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. In addition to the Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert in June, there will be concerts in Prague in September and Japan in November.

This story first appeared in the Feb 2023 issue of Prestige Singapore.

The post How Rolex is Pursuing Excellence Through Music appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Tickets For the Hong Kong Sevens 2023 Are Now on Sale Wed, 15 Feb 2023 10:42:30 +0000

Sports fans, rejoice! Hong Kong Sevens, the city’s premier rugby tournament, is slated for March 31 to April 2 at the Hong Kong Stadium. The general sales of tickets kicked off on February 9 and almost half of the 38,000 seats are already taken up by local fans. Around 20,000 tickets are still up for grabs.

After a three-year hiatus, the event returned in November last year to the joy of many fans. For this year’s edition, 11,000 more people are expected to attend compared to 27,000 daily audience in 2022. This comes after the government scrapped the social distancing caps as well as food and beverage restrictions.

Hong Kong Sevens ticket prices remain the same

Prices for next month’s tournament are HKD 1,950 for adults and HKD 950 for children aged twelve and under. Fans can purchase the tickets via Klook. The single-day entrance ticket for March 31 costs HKD 790 while tickets for April 1 and 2 are priced at HKD 1,180.

The three-day event will have 26 teams competing, 10 more than last year’s lineup. Spectators can expect more than 70 matches in total. Participating in the men’s teams are Argentina, Australia, Canada, Fiji, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, Samoa, Spain, South Africa, the United States, and Uruguay.

Meanwhile, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Fiji, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, and the United States are in the women’s tournament.


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Hong Kong Sevens is back, bigger than ever

In addition to the unfettered access to food and drinks inside the stadium, Hong Kong Rugby Union chief executive Robbie McRobbie also mentioned that there will be “many bands and performances” over the three-day tournament.

The Hong Kong Sevens is one of the biggest events in the city, drawing 40,000 fans pre-pandemic. The first tournament started in 1976 with twelve teams playing among an audience of 3,000 viewers.

Last year’s edition had an 85 percent stadium capacity limit, with social distancing and masking regulations enforced. With the recent pandemic curbs, organisers hope that the event will have more international fans in attendance.

Get your tickets before they’re sold out!

(Hero and featured images credit: HongKong7s/Facebook)

This story first appeared here

The post Tickets For the Hong Kong Sevens 2023 Are Now on Sale appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Sports fans, rejoice! Hong Kong Sevens, the city’s premier rugby tournament, is slated for March 31 to April 2 at the Hong Kong Stadium. The general sales of tickets kicked off on February 9 and almost half of the 38,000 seats are already taken up by local fans. Around 20,000 tickets are still up for grabs.

After a three-year hiatus, the event returned in November last year to the joy of many fans. For this year’s edition, 11,000 more people are expected to attend compared to 27,000 daily audience in 2022. This comes after the government scrapped the social distancing caps as well as food and beverage restrictions.

Hong Kong Sevens ticket prices remain the same

Prices for next month’s tournament are HKD 1,950 for adults and HKD 950 for children aged twelve and under. Fans can purchase the tickets via Klook. The single-day entrance ticket for March 31 costs HKD 790 while tickets for April 1 and 2 are priced at HKD 1,180.

The three-day event will have 26 teams competing, 10 more than last year’s lineup. Spectators can expect more than 70 matches in total. Participating in the men’s teams are Argentina, Australia, Canada, Fiji, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, Samoa, Spain, South Africa, the United States, and Uruguay.

Meanwhile, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Fiji, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, and the United States are in the women’s tournament.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Hong Kong Rugby Sevens (@hksevens)

Hong Kong Sevens is back, bigger than ever

In addition to the unfettered access to food and drinks inside the stadium, Hong Kong Rugby Union chief executive Robbie McRobbie also mentioned that there will be “many bands and performances” over the three-day tournament.

The Hong Kong Sevens is one of the biggest events in the city, drawing 40,000 fans pre-pandemic. The first tournament started in 1976 with twelve teams playing among an audience of 3,000 viewers.

Last year’s edition had an 85 percent stadium capacity limit, with social distancing and masking regulations enforced. With the recent pandemic curbs, organisers hope that the event will have more international fans in attendance.

Get your tickets before they’re sold out!

(Hero and featured images credit: HongKong7s/Facebook)

This story first appeared here

The post Tickets For the Hong Kong Sevens 2023 Are Now on Sale appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Creamfields is Returning to Hong Kong with an Exciting Lineup Wed, 15 Feb 2023 10:34:22 +0000

Big music gigs in Hong Kong are coming alive after going silent for over two years (no thanks to the pandemic). After Clockenflap, it is time for the iconic electronic dance music festival, Creamfields, to return to Hong Kong. Creamfields has announced an exciting lineup with Calvin Harris, The Chainsmokers and Tiësto headlining the 2023 edition.

Running over two days on April 1 and April 2, it will be an epic party at the Central Harbourfront Event Space, with sets from some of the coolest names in electronic music.

Groove to house anthems, stadium techno and more

The most prolific music festival in Hong Kong, this two-day event sees DJs mix it up with cooler underground spin-masters. Expect a relentless mix of radio-friendly house anthems, stadium techno and fist-pumping trance. 

Look forward to an exceptional performance by MK. In addition, host electronic music trio Above & Beyond and John Summit will also make an appearance at Creamfields this year. The bombastic two-day affair also features EDM favourites Baauer, Morten, Slushii, Pink Panda, and Blasterjaxx.


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A post shared by creamfieldshk (@creamfieldshk)

Early bird tickets are up for grabs

With the promise of evenings of beat-filled bliss, tickets for the event are rapidly becoming the hottest thing in town. Get the early bird tickets via EventBrite. While the one-day ticket comes for HKD 1,088, the two-day ticket costs HKD 1,588. However, with the crazy demand, the prices can shoot up to HKD 1,388 and HKD 1,888, respectively. For a more personalised experience, get your hands on the VIP tickets for HKD 3,000.

The UK festival has organised previous Asia editions in mainland China and Taiwan. It made its Southeast Asian debut in Thailand and Vietnam last year. Follow Creamfields on Instagram and Facebook for more updates leading to the event.


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Lineup for Creamfields Hong Kong 2023

April 1

  • Above & Beyond
  • Baauer
  • Beauz
  • Calvin Harris
  • John Summit
  • Junior
  • Kastra
  • Lee Foss
  • MK
  • Tyson O Brien
  • Miss K8
  • Shugz
  • SoundRush
  • The Prophet
  • Virtual Riot

April 2

  • Blasterjaxx
  • Chace
  • Crankdat
  • Deorro
  • Karlie
  • Morten
  • Pink Panda
  • Slushii
  • The Chainsmokers
  • Tiesto
  • Aly & Fila
  • Billy Gillies
  • Ciaran McAuley
  • Dan Stone
  • John O’ Callaghan
  • Luminn

So, get your glow sticks ready and pump yourself full of energy drinks – you’ll need it.

(Hero and feature image credits: creamfieldshk/Instagram)

This story first appeared here

The post Creamfields is Returning to Hong Kong with an Exciting Lineup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Big music gigs in Hong Kong are coming alive after going silent for over two years (no thanks to the pandemic). After Clockenflap, it is time for the iconic electronic dance music festival, Creamfields, to return to Hong Kong. Creamfields has announced an exciting lineup with Calvin Harris, The Chainsmokers and Tiësto headlining the 2023 edition.

Running over two days on April 1 and April 2, it will be an epic party at the Central Harbourfront Event Space, with sets from some of the coolest names in electronic music.

Groove to house anthems, stadium techno and more

The most prolific music festival in Hong Kong, this two-day event sees DJs mix it up with cooler underground spin-masters. Expect a relentless mix of radio-friendly house anthems, stadium techno and fist-pumping trance. 

Look forward to an exceptional performance by MK. In addition, host electronic music trio Above & Beyond and John Summit will also make an appearance at Creamfields this year. The bombastic two-day affair also features EDM favourites Baauer, Morten, Slushii, Pink Panda, and Blasterjaxx.


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A post shared by creamfieldshk (@creamfieldshk)

Early bird tickets are up for grabs

With the promise of evenings of beat-filled bliss, tickets for the event are rapidly becoming the hottest thing in town. Get the early bird tickets via EventBrite. While the one-day ticket comes for HKD 1,088, the two-day ticket costs HKD 1,588. However, with the crazy demand, the prices can shoot up to HKD 1,388 and HKD 1,888, respectively. For a more personalised experience, get your hands on the VIP tickets for HKD 3,000.

The UK festival has organised previous Asia editions in mainland China and Taiwan. It made its Southeast Asian debut in Thailand and Vietnam last year. Follow Creamfields on Instagram and Facebook for more updates leading to the event.


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A post shared by creamfieldshk (@creamfieldshk)

Lineup for Creamfields Hong Kong 2023

April 1

  • Above & Beyond
  • Baauer
  • Beauz
  • Calvin Harris
  • John Summit
  • Junior
  • Kastra
  • Lee Foss
  • MK
  • Tyson O Brien
  • Miss K8
  • Shugz
  • SoundRush
  • The Prophet
  • Virtual Riot

April 2

  • Blasterjaxx
  • Chace
  • Crankdat
  • Deorro
  • Karlie
  • Morten
  • Pink Panda
  • Slushii
  • The Chainsmokers
  • Tiesto
  • Aly & Fila
  • Billy Gillies
  • Ciaran McAuley
  • Dan Stone
  • John O’ Callaghan
  • Luminn

So, get your glow sticks ready and pump yourself full of energy drinks – you’ll need it.

(Hero and feature image credits: creamfieldshk/Instagram)

This story first appeared here

The post Creamfields is Returning to Hong Kong with an Exciting Lineup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

All The Confirmed Live Concerts And Shows in KL to Plan for in 2023 Wed, 15 Feb 2023 03:59:56 +0000

Need a reason to visit Malaysia? We got you. In 2022 we saw a surge of live concerts and shows return to Malaysian shores, and now, we look into what 2023 might have in store for us for concerts in Malaysia. Read on to discover concerts set to show in KL in 2023. 

As we bid a (hopefully) permanent farewell to virtual events, more and more concerts, comedy shows and other events find their way back to our shores. 
This includes K-pop girl band Blackpink. The announcement made back in August 2022 by the ultra-famous group marked the return of live events and concerts in KL, as more and more huge acts were announced for 2023. However, they are not the only ones set to rock the stages in Malaysia, as plenty more will be flocking their way to KL to entertain Malaysians.

Here’s a guide to all the concerts and other events in Malaysia confirmed for 2023:

Honne May 2023 Asia Tour – 21 May 2023

This May, alt pop duo Honne will be making their way to Asia, with six stops including Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, and in a final flourish, Malaysia. Where are they going to perform? None other than the newly-unveiled ZEPP KL. After four long years, we bet local fans are more than excited to see members Andy Clutterbuck and James Hatcher in person again.

Ticket prices range from RM208 to RM1008 (HKD 366 to HKD 1772). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Louis Tomlinson Faith in the Future World Tour – 26 April 2023

concerts in Malaysia, concerts in kl, louis tomlinson in Malaysia

If you’re a former One Direction fan, then this is an unmissable experience. For the first time ever, Louis Tomlinson will be making his way to Malaysia to croon at fans. For this maiden concert in Malaysia, he’s going to be rocking on the stage at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur. The tour will see this 31-year-old belting out his second studio album, Faith in the Future, an album which has been his all-time best so far, debuting at No. 1 in the UK. 

Ticket prices range from RM298 to RM598 (HKD 524 to HKD 1051). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Sting ‘My Songs’ tour with Special Guest Joe Sumner – 20 March 2023

The legend arrives. Image credit: Sting/Instagram

The former frontman, songwriter, and bassist for acclaimed new wave rock band The Police, Sting and son Joe Sumner will be heading towards Malaysia to bring his 14th studio album come to life at the Plenary Hall, KLCC. Peppered with fifteen reworked versions of his most recognised songs from across his career, you will get to sing along to tracks like “Desert Rose”, “Brand New Day”, “Every Breath You Take”, and more.  

Ticket prices range from RM398 to RM1,288 (HKD 700 to HKD 2264). Fan Club Presale starts 26 October 2022, Live Nation Member Presale starts 27 October 2022, and general sale starts on 28 October 2022, 10 am onwards. 

Sheila Majid Big Band Live in Kuala Lumpur – 18 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

Marking the legendary Malaysian singer’s first solo concert after 2017, you have a chance to catch Sheila Majid live on stage for this one-night-only concert at Dewan Merdeka At the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL). This won’t be just a regular concert; accompanying this musical powerhouse are 23 talented musicians, invigorating Sheila’s performance with their jazz instruments.

Ticket prices range from RM288 to RM1288 (HKD 506 to HKD 2264). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

Dayang Nurfaizah & MPO Belagu – 11 March 2023

The undisputed Malaysian R&B royalty that is Dayang Nurfaizah is returning to the grand stage to delight the audience this year. This time around, she’s set to hold a one-night show at Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Expect classic hits from her award-winning album Belagu and even the soon-to-be-released album, Belagu II

Ticket prices range from RM255 to RM650 (HKD 448 to HKD 1142). At the moment, tickets are sold out.

Bryan Adams So Happy It Hurts Tour 2023 – 11 March 2023

Grammy Award-winning, platinum-selling musician Bryan Adams is returning to Malaysia for his Asia tour. Widely regarded as one of the most iconic rock musicians in the world, Adams has earned numerous accolades, including three Academy Award nominations, five Golden Globe nominations, and a Grammy Award.

As one of the most thrilling live musicians in the world, he is sure to captivate audiences with his energetic performance, effortless stage presence, and remarkable vocals at the Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting. 

Ticket prices range from RM298 to RM798 (HKD 524 to HKD 1403). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

Simple Plan The Harder Than It Looks Tour – 8 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

When news broke that Canadian rock band Simple Plan is making its way to Malaysian shores, fans erupted in excitement. Doubly so because the showcase is taking place at Kuala Lumpur’s latest entertainment gem: ZEPP KL. This will be their first concert in Malaysia after eight long years, and Kuala Lumpur is the second stop of the band’s Asian leg of the tour. 

At the moment, tickets are sold out.

Shila AMzah Journey to the Future Live Tour – 4 March 2023

The highly anticipated tour will kick off at Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur, before making stops in Penang, Sabah, Singapore, and Indonesia.

This marks a new milestone in the career of Asia’s Sweetheart, as it will be her first tour since becoming a mother in 2019. The tour will feature award-winning producer Lee Nai Kong as its music director, overseeing the arrangements and overall direction. Fans can look forward to a world-class visual and audio experience, as Shila performs her chart-topping hits and internationally beloved songs with the support of a full band and string performers.

Ticket prices range from RM238 to RM638 (HKD 418 to HKD 1121). Tickets are available for purchase right now, 

Blackpink confirmed ‘Born Pink’ concert in Malaysia for 2023 – 4 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

Fans of the global sensation K-pop group are in for a treat: Blackpink is set to hold a concert in Malaysia on 4 March 2023. This gig is part of Blackpink‘s “largest world tour in the history of K-pop girl groups,” and fans in Malaysia are getting a taste of what the show is going to offer. Set to take the stage at the National Stadium Bukit Jalil, concert-goers will be experiencing this show in a newly-refurbished stadium, as the site is scheduled to undergo repair and refurbishment work before the concert.

At the moment, tickets are sold out.

OneRepublic to croon hits on 1 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

It’s official: Grammy-nominated American pop-rock band OneRepublic is coming to Malaysia in 2023 as part of the Asian leg of the ‘OneRepublic: Live in Concert’ tour. For one night only, the band will be rocking the stage at KL Convention Centre on 1 March 2023. The concert will not be focusing on any particular album, but instead will feature many of their single hits from recent drops such as “West Coast” and “I Ain’t Worried”, a song that played in the hit film, Top Gun: Maverick. Alongside those songs, sing along to familiar tunes like “All The Right Moves”, “Secrets”, “Apologize”, and more.

Tickets are available for purchase right now.

DFP Presents: Stacy – 25 February 2023

After 15 long years in the entertainment industry, local Dancing Queen, Stacy (AKA Stacy Anam) is finally getting her big solo moment—and it’s at none other than Malaysia’s prestigious stage,  the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Here’s the icing on the cake: Joining her on that evening will be Akim. The two will make the night a memorable one with their epic duets, on top of Stacy’s array of chart-topping hits. 

Ticket prices range from RM169 to RM369 (HKD 297 to HKD 649). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Westlife the ‘Wild Dreams’ Tour – 23 and 24 February 2023

westlife concert in Malyasia 2023
Image credit: Westlifers Malaysia/Twitter

Similar to OneRepublic’s show, Westlife will put on a show comprising of their best all-time hits. Set to take the stage of Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur, tickets go on presale at 11 am, 10 October 2022 at Main Atrium, Lalaport, Bukit Bintang City Centre. Tickets will be made available online the following day at the same time here.

Ticket prices range from RM294 to RM884 (HKD 517 to HKD 1554). 

Russell Peters: Act Your Age World Tour – 20 February 2023

concerts in Malaysia 2023
Image credit: Russell Peters/Instagram

Make your Monday and book an appointment with the Canadian comedic master Russell Peters. Having voiced multiple characters in iconic animated shows like Bob’s BurgersBoJack Horseman, and Family Guy, you can count on his humour to have you laughing all night long. He is set to play at KLCC’s Plenary Hall at 8.30 pm.

Ticket price ranges from RM258 to RM888 (HKD 454 to HKD 1561). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

All the currency conversions are done at the time of writing

Featured image credit: Bunga Cinta Lestari; Hero image credit: Blackpink

The post All The Confirmed Live Concerts And Shows in KL to Plan for in 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Need a reason to visit Malaysia? We got you. In 2022 we saw a surge of live concerts and shows return to Malaysian shores, and now, we look into what 2023 might have in store for us for concerts in Malaysia. Read on to discover concerts set to show in KL in 2023. 

As we bid a (hopefully) permanent farewell to virtual events, more and more concerts, comedy shows and other events find their way back to our shores. 
This includes K-pop girl band Blackpink. The announcement made back in August 2022 by the ultra-famous group marked the return of live events and concerts in KL, as more and more huge acts were announced for 2023. However, they are not the only ones set to rock the stages in Malaysia, as plenty more will be flocking their way to KL to entertain Malaysians.

Here’s a guide to all the concerts and other events in Malaysia confirmed for 2023:

Honne May 2023 Asia Tour – 21 May 2023

This May, alt pop duo Honne will be making their way to Asia, with six stops including Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, and in a final flourish, Malaysia. Where are they going to perform? None other than the newly-unveiled ZEPP KL. After four long years, we bet local fans are more than excited to see members Andy Clutterbuck and James Hatcher in person again.

Ticket prices range from RM208 to RM1008 (HKD 366 to HKD 1772). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Louis Tomlinson Faith in the Future World Tour – 26 April 2023

concerts in Malaysia, concerts in kl, louis tomlinson in Malaysia

If you’re a former One Direction fan, then this is an unmissable experience. For the first time ever, Louis Tomlinson will be making his way to Malaysia to croon at fans. For this maiden concert in Malaysia, he’s going to be rocking on the stage at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur. The tour will see this 31-year-old belting out his second studio album, Faith in the Future, an album which has been his all-time best so far, debuting at No. 1 in the UK. 

Ticket prices range from RM298 to RM598 (HKD 524 to HKD 1051). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Sting ‘My Songs’ tour with Special Guest Joe Sumner – 20 March 2023

The legend arrives. Image credit: Sting/Instagram

The former frontman, songwriter, and bassist for acclaimed new wave rock band The Police, Sting and son Joe Sumner will be heading towards Malaysia to bring his 14th studio album come to life at the Plenary Hall, KLCC. Peppered with fifteen reworked versions of his most recognised songs from across his career, you will get to sing along to tracks like “Desert Rose”, “Brand New Day”, “Every Breath You Take”, and more.  

Ticket prices range from RM398 to RM1,288 (HKD 700 to HKD 2264). Fan Club Presale starts 26 October 2022, Live Nation Member Presale starts 27 October 2022, and general sale starts on 28 October 2022, 10 am onwards. 

Sheila Majid Big Band Live in Kuala Lumpur – 18 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

Marking the legendary Malaysian singer’s first solo concert after 2017, you have a chance to catch Sheila Majid live on stage for this one-night-only concert at Dewan Merdeka At the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur (WTCKL). This won’t be just a regular concert; accompanying this musical powerhouse are 23 talented musicians, invigorating Sheila’s performance with their jazz instruments.

Ticket prices range from RM288 to RM1288 (HKD 506 to HKD 2264). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

Dayang Nurfaizah & MPO Belagu – 11 March 2023

The undisputed Malaysian R&B royalty that is Dayang Nurfaizah is returning to the grand stage to delight the audience this year. This time around, she’s set to hold a one-night show at Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Expect classic hits from her award-winning album Belagu and even the soon-to-be-released album, Belagu II

Ticket prices range from RM255 to RM650 (HKD 448 to HKD 1142). At the moment, tickets are sold out.

Bryan Adams So Happy It Hurts Tour 2023 – 11 March 2023

Grammy Award-winning, platinum-selling musician Bryan Adams is returning to Malaysia for his Asia tour. Widely regarded as one of the most iconic rock musicians in the world, Adams has earned numerous accolades, including three Academy Award nominations, five Golden Globe nominations, and a Grammy Award.

As one of the most thrilling live musicians in the world, he is sure to captivate audiences with his energetic performance, effortless stage presence, and remarkable vocals at the Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting. 

Ticket prices range from RM298 to RM798 (HKD 524 to HKD 1403). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

Simple Plan The Harder Than It Looks Tour – 8 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

When news broke that Canadian rock band Simple Plan is making its way to Malaysian shores, fans erupted in excitement. Doubly so because the showcase is taking place at Kuala Lumpur’s latest entertainment gem: ZEPP KL. This will be their first concert in Malaysia after eight long years, and Kuala Lumpur is the second stop of the band’s Asian leg of the tour. 

At the moment, tickets are sold out.

Shila AMzah Journey to the Future Live Tour – 4 March 2023

The highly anticipated tour will kick off at Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur, before making stops in Penang, Sabah, Singapore, and Indonesia.

This marks a new milestone in the career of Asia’s Sweetheart, as it will be her first tour since becoming a mother in 2019. The tour will feature award-winning producer Lee Nai Kong as its music director, overseeing the arrangements and overall direction. Fans can look forward to a world-class visual and audio experience, as Shila performs her chart-topping hits and internationally beloved songs with the support of a full band and string performers.

Ticket prices range from RM238 to RM638 (HKD 418 to HKD 1121). Tickets are available for purchase right now, 

Blackpink confirmed ‘Born Pink’ concert in Malaysia for 2023 – 4 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

Fans of the global sensation K-pop group are in for a treat: Blackpink is set to hold a concert in Malaysia on 4 March 2023. This gig is part of Blackpink‘s “largest world tour in the history of K-pop girl groups,” and fans in Malaysia are getting a taste of what the show is going to offer. Set to take the stage at the National Stadium Bukit Jalil, concert-goers will be experiencing this show in a newly-refurbished stadium, as the site is scheduled to undergo repair and refurbishment work before the concert.

At the moment, tickets are sold out.

OneRepublic to croon hits on 1 March 2023

concert in Malaysia

It’s official: Grammy-nominated American pop-rock band OneRepublic is coming to Malaysia in 2023 as part of the Asian leg of the ‘OneRepublic: Live in Concert’ tour. For one night only, the band will be rocking the stage at KL Convention Centre on 1 March 2023. The concert will not be focusing on any particular album, but instead will feature many of their single hits from recent drops such as “West Coast” and “I Ain’t Worried”, a song that played in the hit film, Top Gun: Maverick. Alongside those songs, sing along to familiar tunes like “All The Right Moves”, “Secrets”, “Apologize”, and more.

Tickets are available for purchase right now.

DFP Presents: Stacy – 25 February 2023

After 15 long years in the entertainment industry, local Dancing Queen, Stacy (AKA Stacy Anam) is finally getting her big solo moment—and it’s at none other than Malaysia’s prestigious stage,  the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Here’s the icing on the cake: Joining her on that evening will be Akim. The two will make the night a memorable one with their epic duets, on top of Stacy’s array of chart-topping hits. 

Ticket prices range from RM169 to RM369 (HKD 297 to HKD 649). Tickets are available for purchase right now. 

Westlife the ‘Wild Dreams’ Tour – 23 and 24 February 2023

westlife concert in Malyasia 2023
Image credit: Westlifers Malaysia/Twitter

Similar to OneRepublic’s show, Westlife will put on a show comprising of their best all-time hits. Set to take the stage of Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur, tickets go on presale at 11 am, 10 October 2022 at Main Atrium, Lalaport, Bukit Bintang City Centre. Tickets will be made available online the following day at the same time here.

Ticket prices range from RM294 to RM884 (HKD 517 to HKD 1554). 

Russell Peters: Act Your Age World Tour – 20 February 2023

concerts in Malaysia 2023
Image credit: Russell Peters/Instagram

Make your Monday and book an appointment with the Canadian comedic master Russell Peters. Having voiced multiple characters in iconic animated shows like Bob’s BurgersBoJack Horseman, and Family Guy, you can count on his humour to have you laughing all night long. He is set to play at KLCC’s Plenary Hall at 8.30 pm.

Ticket price ranges from RM258 to RM888 (HKD 454 to HKD 1561). Tickets are available for purchase right now.

All the currency conversions are done at the time of writing

Featured image credit: Bunga Cinta Lestari; Hero image credit: Blackpink

The post All The Confirmed Live Concerts And Shows in KL to Plan for in 2023 appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

Why Kylian Mbappé May Be the Future of Football Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:27:27 +0000

Likened to stars such as Pelé and Lionel Messi, French footballer Kylian Mbappé is fast establishing himself as the next big superstar, both on and off the pitch. More so now, after he scored a spectacular hat trick at the FIFA World Cup 2022 against Argentina at the finals, easily making the game the most thrilling one of the year.



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A post shared by Hublot (@hublot)

Kylian Mbappé is in the prime of his life. Considered one of the world’s best footballers, the young Frenchman is a living embodiment of passion, success and the power of dreams.

Only 23 years old, the French professional footballer has already amassed five Ligue 1 titles and a FIFA World Cup under his belt. He was also, quite rightfully, short-listed in this year’s prestigious Ballon d’Or.

Currently plying his trade in League One club Paris Saint-Germain, Mbappé boasts a clinical approach to the game. Blessed with lightning pace, impressive dribbling skills and a killer finish, he is considered by many as one of the best in the field. In fact, many have likened his performance to the likes of the great Pelé and Thierry Henry.

Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

Time on his side

Despite his young age, Kylian Mbappé has already achieved what many of his peers dream to accomplish. He is already a multi-league winner and a world champion with numerous football accolades in his trophy case.

But above all else, he also displays a level of maturity and sporting intelligence on his approach to the beautiful game. Adding to that his spirit, dedication, hard work and skill, it solidifies Mbappé as a true icon in the world of football.

It’s these credentials that put Mbappé on the radar of Swiss watchmaker Hublot. A haute horlogerie brand with a visionary future, Hublot’s association with the world of football is well documented.

An official timekeeper of the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Champions League and UEFA EURO, Hublot is also the official watch of prestigious clubs such as Juventus, Chelsea, AFC Ajax, Benfica.

Kylian Mbappé hublot
Pelé and Kylian Mbappé

The brand also boasts some of the world’s famous personalities from the sport such as Pelé and José Mourinho, in which Mbappé now finds himself in the same company having become a Hublot ambassador in 2018. “Kylian is the first current footballer to represent the brand,” commented Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO Hublot on his signing.

“He follows on from Usain Bolt, with whom he shares many values. In becoming a Hublot ambassador, Kylian joins the legends of football, and King Pelé in particular,” adds Guadalupe. “He is an individual universally respected for his excellence on the pitch and his humility off it.”

On his appointment, Mbappé admitted that it’s a great source of pride to find himself with the Hublot family. “For me, Hublot is a real favourite. I’ve been a fan of their watches and their philosophy for a long time.

The encounter with Jean-Claude Biver and Ricardo Guadalupe, who run this company, was a decisive one. I need to be able to identify both with the values of the brand with which I partner and the people behind it.”

Kylian Mbappé hublot
Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

Destined for greatness

There’s little doubt that if Mbappé’s career trajectory continues the way it has the young Frenchman will be spoken of in the same context as the other legends of the game. But his approach to the game is by no means a fluke.

Trained to be a professional footballer by his father, Mbappé’s foray into the world of football began at French club AS Bondy when he was just six years old.

His talents at Bondy did not go unnoticed, eventually paving the way for him to join elite football academy Clairefontaine.

It was there where Mbappé honed his craft, leading to clubs such as Real Madrid, Manchester City and Bayern Munich eager to sign his services. Eventually though, he settled for Monaco, which he joined in 2015.

Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

He immediately tasted success, helping the club to a Ligue 1 title in 2016. Just two years following his signing, Mbappé signed for Paris Saint-Germain on a permanent transfer worth €180 million, making him the second-most expensive player and most expensive teenage player.

He duly repaid the investment, helping the club to four Ligue 1 titles and three Coupes de France. He also helped PSG each their first UEFA Champions League Final in 2020, Mbappé also owns the distinction of being the club’s second highest goal scorer of all-time.

Club aspirations aside, this year, the young Frenchman will also lead the charge for the Les Bleus for their campaign in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. Anticipation is high on this year’s tournament and for Mbappé it begs the question if he will add to his tally a second World Cup victory for France.

Going beyond competitive football, the player is already proverbially getting the ball rolling by fronting the Hublot Loves Football campaign, which is counting down to the world’s greatest tournament, set to kick off at the end of this month.

The story first appeared on Augustman Singapore.

The post Why Kylian Mbappé May Be the Future of Football appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Likened to stars such as Pelé and Lionel Messi, French footballer Kylian Mbappé is fast establishing himself as the next big superstar, both on and off the pitch. More so now, after he scored a spectacular hat trick at the FIFA World Cup 2022 against Argentina at the finals, easily making the game the most thrilling one of the year.



View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Hublot (@hublot)

Kylian Mbappé is in the prime of his life. Considered one of the world’s best footballers, the young Frenchman is a living embodiment of passion, success and the power of dreams.

Only 23 years old, the French professional footballer has already amassed five Ligue 1 titles and a FIFA World Cup under his belt. He was also, quite rightfully, short-listed in this year’s prestigious Ballon d’Or.

Currently plying his trade in League One club Paris Saint-Germain, Mbappé boasts a clinical approach to the game. Blessed with lightning pace, impressive dribbling skills and a killer finish, he is considered by many as one of the best in the field. In fact, many have likened his performance to the likes of the great Pelé and Thierry Henry.

Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

Time on his side

Despite his young age, Kylian Mbappé has already achieved what many of his peers dream to accomplish. He is already a multi-league winner and a world champion with numerous football accolades in his trophy case.

But above all else, he also displays a level of maturity and sporting intelligence on his approach to the beautiful game. Adding to that his spirit, dedication, hard work and skill, it solidifies Mbappé as a true icon in the world of football.

It’s these credentials that put Mbappé on the radar of Swiss watchmaker Hublot. A haute horlogerie brand with a visionary future, Hublot’s association with the world of football is well documented.

An official timekeeper of the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Champions League and UEFA EURO, Hublot is also the official watch of prestigious clubs such as Juventus, Chelsea, AFC Ajax, Benfica.

Kylian Mbappé hublot
Pelé and Kylian Mbappé

The brand also boasts some of the world’s famous personalities from the sport such as Pelé and José Mourinho, in which Mbappé now finds himself in the same company having become a Hublot ambassador in 2018. “Kylian is the first current footballer to represent the brand,” commented Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO Hublot on his signing.

“He follows on from Usain Bolt, with whom he shares many values. In becoming a Hublot ambassador, Kylian joins the legends of football, and King Pelé in particular,” adds Guadalupe. “He is an individual universally respected for his excellence on the pitch and his humility off it.”

On his appointment, Mbappé admitted that it’s a great source of pride to find himself with the Hublot family. “For me, Hublot is a real favourite. I’ve been a fan of their watches and their philosophy for a long time.

The encounter with Jean-Claude Biver and Ricardo Guadalupe, who run this company, was a decisive one. I need to be able to identify both with the values of the brand with which I partner and the people behind it.”

Kylian Mbappé hublot
Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

Destined for greatness

There’s little doubt that if Mbappé’s career trajectory continues the way it has the young Frenchman will be spoken of in the same context as the other legends of the game. But his approach to the game is by no means a fluke.

Trained to be a professional footballer by his father, Mbappé’s foray into the world of football began at French club AS Bondy when he was just six years old.

His talents at Bondy did not go unnoticed, eventually paving the way for him to join elite football academy Clairefontaine.

It was there where Mbappé honed his craft, leading to clubs such as Real Madrid, Manchester City and Bayern Munich eager to sign his services. Eventually though, he settled for Monaco, which he joined in 2015.

Kylian Mbappé, photographed by Ezra Petronio

He immediately tasted success, helping the club to a Ligue 1 title in 2016. Just two years following his signing, Mbappé signed for Paris Saint-Germain on a permanent transfer worth €180 million, making him the second-most expensive player and most expensive teenage player.

He duly repaid the investment, helping the club to four Ligue 1 titles and three Coupes de France. He also helped PSG each their first UEFA Champions League Final in 2020, Mbappé also owns the distinction of being the club’s second highest goal scorer of all-time.

Club aspirations aside, this year, the young Frenchman will also lead the charge for the Les Bleus for their campaign in Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. Anticipation is high on this year’s tournament and for Mbappé it begs the question if he will add to his tally a second World Cup victory for France.

Going beyond competitive football, the player is already proverbially getting the ball rolling by fronting the Hublot Loves Football campaign, which is counting down to the world’s greatest tournament, set to kick off at the end of this month.

The story first appeared on Augustman Singapore.

The post Why Kylian Mbappé May Be the Future of Football appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.

The Most Hilarious Memes that Perfectly Summed Up the 2022 FIFA World Cup Mon, 19 Dec 2022 11:22:59 +0000

Well, it’s finally done and dusted. The 2022 FIFA World Cup is in the history books after Argentina defeated France to lift the trophy. The final, like the rest of the world cup, was truly one for the ages and was nothing less than a thrilling roller coaster ride that so way too many twists and turns. In the end, when all was said and done, it were Messi’s men who came out on top thanks to Emiliano Martínez making some incredible saves during the penalty shoot-outs.

As the World Cup was one of the most unpredictable and eventful in history, the memes were absolutely hilarious as well. And so, without further ado, here’s a round-up of our favourite 2022 FIFA World Cup memes that made us all laugh out loud ranging from Emi Martínez’s meme-worthy celebration to Germany and Spain’s premature exits. Which ones were your favourite?

The best and funniest 2022 FIFA World Cup memes

1. Emiliano Martínez’s Celebration which became a meme itself 

Argentina’s goal keeper Emiliano Martínez found himself in the middle of a controversy as people found his celebration verging on the side of vulgar and offensive. However, Martinez also had many supporters who were pointing out how this is his signature way of celebrating.

2. This brilliant summation of Kylian Mbappé’s performance in the finale 

3. Or an even better summation of Lionel Messi’s world cup-winning performance

Thanos would approve.

4. No for real, we hope the actual PSG training session isn’t too awkward….

5. We couldn’t agree more 

Morocco’s dream run till the semi-finals was one of the best stories of the tournament so far.

6. The unpredictable group stages summed up in one meme 

7. Okay, perhaps we can sum them up in two memes 

8. Argentina Vs Saudi Arabia at the 2022 FIFA World Cup (out of context) 

9. Japan winning matches like it’s nobody’s business 

10. Unless it’s against Costa Rica

11. As they say, Karma is a …..

12. Wasn’t the first time it happened though

13. And I Oop!

Well, at least he’s still the GOAT? No?

14. Morocco knocking out teams like it’s child’s play 


16. The airline didn’t have to come for Germany and Belgium like that yikes! 

17. Maybe they should have benched Ronaldo for the quarter-final too  

We said what we said.

18. We still love you Harry Kane

19. Give It The Oscar 

20. Now this is the sequel we’d love to see

21. And finally, what we all feel right now 

(main image credits: IMDb, FIFA)
(feature image credits: FIFA)

This story first appeared here.

The post The Most Hilarious Memes that Perfectly Summed Up the 2022 FIFA World Cup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.


Well, it’s finally done and dusted. The 2022 FIFA World Cup is in the history books after Argentina defeated France to lift the trophy. The final, like the rest of the world cup, was truly one for the ages and was nothing less than a thrilling roller coaster ride that so way too many twists and turns. In the end, when all was said and done, it were Messi’s men who came out on top thanks to Emiliano Martínez making some incredible saves during the penalty shoot-outs.

As the World Cup was one of the most unpredictable and eventful in history, the memes were absolutely hilarious as well. And so, without further ado, here’s a round-up of our favourite 2022 FIFA World Cup memes that made us all laugh out loud ranging from Emi Martínez’s meme-worthy celebration to Germany and Spain’s premature exits. Which ones were your favourite?

The best and funniest 2022 FIFA World Cup memes

1. Emiliano Martínez’s Celebration which became a meme itself 

Argentina’s goal keeper Emiliano Martínez found himself in the middle of a controversy as people found his celebration verging on the side of vulgar and offensive. However, Martinez also had many supporters who were pointing out how this is his signature way of celebrating.

2. This brilliant summation of Kylian Mbappé’s performance in the finale 

3. Or an even better summation of Lionel Messi’s world cup-winning performance

Thanos would approve.

4. No for real, we hope the actual PSG training session isn’t too awkward….

5. We couldn’t agree more 

Morocco’s dream run till the semi-finals was one of the best stories of the tournament so far.

6. The unpredictable group stages summed up in one meme 

7. Okay, perhaps we can sum them up in two memes 

8. Argentina Vs Saudi Arabia at the 2022 FIFA World Cup (out of context) 

9. Japan winning matches like it’s nobody’s business 

10. Unless it’s against Costa Rica

11. As they say, Karma is a …..

12. Wasn’t the first time it happened though

13. And I Oop!

Well, at least he’s still the GOAT? No?

14. Morocco knocking out teams like it’s child’s play 


16. The airline didn’t have to come for Germany and Belgium like that yikes! 

17. Maybe they should have benched Ronaldo for the quarter-final too  

We said what we said.

18. We still love you Harry Kane

19. Give It The Oscar 

20. Now this is the sequel we’d love to see

21. And finally, what we all feel right now 

(main image credits: IMDb, FIFA)
(feature image credits: FIFA)

This story first appeared here.

The post The Most Hilarious Memes that Perfectly Summed Up the 2022 FIFA World Cup appeared first on Prestige Online - HongKong.
